
Oil Crisis - Is it so?

The "oil crisis" seems, to some seers, to be a "furphy".
Innummerable quite credible Alternatives are known and often readily available, but clearly there is powerful resistance to the development of the more-if-not-most Sustainable sources of energy.
As with local-to-global escalations of civic breakdown, so often in developing nations contrived and stirred by western capitalist subversives, to subvert any growing local political-economic Progressive Movements seen to rise, which usually leads to civil war, creates international involvement whence the global cop, the US military-commercial government and buddies can enter and cement it's McCrap culture etc., so, I feel that with the drive by the middle-class, financial and concerned thinkers, as Grass Roots as any, and those deep Alternative Pro-active inventors to research, develop and popularise what would ideally steer the trillions of dollars blindly spent on oil away to the phenomenal Green and Just Options available, the US military-corporate oil authority - Chaney, Rumsfeld and Bush, and partner-corps-in-cahoots with all energy-industry mega-corps, have reacted by seriously "notching-up social disquiet by the media and rising prices of one of our most "essential services" - the supplier of our "darkest" energy - OIL!?
(I suspect that sentence is the longest one I've ever wrote!?)
This is clearly a case of plunder by the powerful energy corporations, and when we cut through the utterly false "middlemen" spin (advertising and marketing agencies and, to-date, politicians), it becomes even more obvious that it is the Soul if-I-may, of the Grass Roots roots, Natural Local Cultures of Self-Sustainability, that the global-cop-corporate marketplace most plunders.
That this is the juggernaut's targeted enemy seems clearly to mean "free enterprise" in supplies of essential resources, and as we are so fucking consumptive of our energy resources, "free enterprise" in the supply of oil is the enemy of Local, Humane, Democratic cult-free and Perennial Cultures.

The oil-crisis has arisen since the masses of Human Beings once more found their voices, speaking out against the injustices of western capitalism and it's rorting of the Principle Laws of the Land.

The oil crisis, along with the "war on terror" and "on drugs", etc.

I'm a Rogue-Red-Ragger, if ever there was one, but the Land Rent Principles of Henry George that I Advocate, are as close to any Fabled "Middle Kingdom" as I could ever hope to find.

This e-ssayblog is an honest shot at capitalism, but not to condemn it entirely.

All things in moderation, aye?

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