
Politics for Children and Youth

Tuesday 17th August 2004.

Past attitudes of "not in front of the children" has been Wise though regretable.

Predominant politics 'til today has rested upon some High and Noble Ideas, Ideals and Ideologies, but existed amidst some utterly rude and heathen realities "on-the-ground".

Much of these hard realities, of Indigenous genocide, "dissappearances" of brave whistleblowers, and all manner of horrific torture and death meted-out to dissenters speaking against establishment-manipulated police, Land and financial corruption, etc, as often the REALPOLITIK Stalwarts and even Prophets, while events were beyond any two or two thousand parents to stop - the delicate Soul of the child, it was rightly for the time decided, as Best protected from the crude shattering realities of adult political life.

Today, the facts are "out-there" and few children, perhaps of west-and-east are ignorant of the mean-ness of the world, that it has been so forever, BUT! - now more than ever they too have been given the "Keys of Knowledge" to their own Full Potential, AND the Universal, permanent link between politics and Economics.

But now, the Primacy of the Economics of the relationship between People and the Land.

Also, politics has been kept from kids for fear of their yet-to-be "harnessed", yet-to-be repressed "verve" when they are aroused on issues which strike at their innate, Natural sense of Justice and fairness, as we have always seen in student political expressions and revolts.

This Brilliant energy, when combined with revealed facts about political injustice, which is basically "any rorting of the Root Laws of the Land" by a minority against the majority (but can be a majority against a vilified minority) with the Passion of a fairly Virtuous (if not naive) "sense of Love" for all things and People, has often been the catalist for major revolutions and reforms in all corners of the world.

This is why the 'establishment', corrupt by it's very nature, has structured this "adults-only" world of politics, diplomacy and totally hypocritical policies, making it appear too complex for children to understand.

However, this isn't an e-ssay about giving youth the vote. Not too early anyway.

For politics has become (quite deliberately) very complex, and demands usually, a wealth of experience to manage without the last resort to violence or war.

Experience here is the key, although Wisdom is critical when it comes to deciding the welfare or future of a group of people, whether the family or the whole nation, and Wisdom it is often said, comes from experience. (So it would seem the Ideal for all voters to seek Wise Counsel on matters pertaining to the Well-Being of the Group.)

I'd say yes and no to "Wisdom comes from experience". But that's an whole 'nother topic, which ranges into questions of "what is thinking?" and "Who is thinking?" and "whence comes thought?" and thus, "Whence comes Good Guidance, Right choice, Truth, etc?" "What is Wisdom?" et al.
Or, is the western belief system and system of inquiry correct about where we look for answers to important social-thus-personal questions, what with the "scientific approach" of outward observation, experience and deduction, while ignoring the "INNER" propensities, remains dominant?

Certainly, an education system unfettered by those past needs to keep the hard truth from the tender minds of youth, would give accurate versions of history, and accurate versions of such enormous distortions to Human Progress as the wave of American Universities set-up by tyrannical Land-owning railroad tycoons of the 19th Century, purely to deceive the nation of the United States of America of the important, inseparable relationship between the People, ALL People, and the Land the tycoons so unjustly stole, from the American Indians as much as from the settler-migrants of the new and growing nation.

An education system unfettered by private interests riddled with sleazy hidden agenda, would NOT pump the childs mind with completely untrue and seriously perverting information about "How to Be Happy", about the untenable nature and design of material wealth, of consumerism, of looking for happiness in being greedy, in spending money on superficial products, most of which submerge the Soul in a tragedy of material addictions, fanaticisms and excesses, all of which the Wise Elders of any Self-Centred Community would strongly warn against.

In a True Democracy, as was before the psychopathic spread of our ancient Celtic ancestors quite vibrant in Indigenous nations everywhere, Justice was Natural, where basic Laws, Laws which upheld and underpinned all other laws, were Known and Respected, and not hidden from the children.

In the west, these fundamental laws have been hidden from children because most-all of our ancestors have seriously broken the Primary Law of the Land, to the point where the whole socio-economy runs on centuries of deceit and forced silence. To speak out against that sad fact, meant instant vilification and exile, if-not a sad and horrible premature death.

My parents Knew about Henry George I think, but Dad would go "ballistic" whenever I spoke of him, suggesting that he was rightly-enough shit-scarred of word getting to the establishment that we were talking about these Primary, VERY sensitive issues.

It seems to me, quite stupid to keep the usually most astute minds and hearts of children from developing their political accumen from an early age, and being hit at voting-age with a barrage of meaningless platitudes and language, from adults that most kids can see are mere 'clones', puppets of a larger, sinister juggernaut of global corporate oppression.

A juggernaut which thrives on all the "nasties" of life - war, deceit, pollution, corruption of the political process - and finally, the invasion of one's own ability to think clearly about which system is Best for them and their family et al!

I don't think children should have the vote too early.

Maturity on sorting all the issues of political-social lifestyles is essential to a Right-minded Polity, and it is unfair that adults should prematurely burdon kids minds and hearts with too much of this.

It is also a crime of the worst order when adults use the political process, and their ability to misguide kids politically to their own devious advantage, and argue that kids should be kept out of politics, when it is clear they are acting with NO concern for the future of the larger family of the region, nation or whole Human population.

"Don't you worry about 'asylum-seekers' son....., that's 'men's' business."

However, kids have a right to be Honestly informed about those issues, too big to grasp-but very influential in forming the life and mind of all of us, especially children and youth.

I think it's close to true that typically, an individual's political/Philosophical "Maturity" is not awakened in them until their mid-thirties.

I also think this is typical of the "western" individual, they being the greatest victims of Mammonic advertising and marketing predators, thus slowing their intellectual development seriously, and often permanently.

The very reason why the west today is in such chaos, is that the so-called 'elders' of western politics and society have upheld a most toxic deceit to the People, young and old about Economics and it's Root - Land and Labor.

Kids deserve to know who their boss is going to be when they join the workforce, how much he/she is going to fleece and oppress them, and how much he/she is going to try to corrupt them into supporting the same rotten game.

Give the kids the FACTS on these whole-of-Society issues, and they can nought but choose Wisely when they come of voting age.

There you have it! This is why the conservatives ("conservers-of-root-corruptions") don't want kids to get-the-facts on politics.

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