
2004 Australian federal election veracity?

Since the occasion, 9th October 2004, I've pondered but let-go the question about the veracity of the last federal election and/or the process of identifying voters at the polling booth, before they pencil in their vote and deposit the papers in a box.

When I voted, I happened to be broken-down (in vehicle) in Shute Harbour, twelve kilometres or so from Airlie Beach Queensland, so went to the Airlie Beach sports club and police youth centre thingee, where adsentee voters from other electorates had to go to vote.

I waited with the line of voters, and was directed, as one would be, to a particular desk. Now, three-and-a-bit months later, all but my asking "Why don't I have to show any identification?" is a bit hazy. By this I mean I cannot remember if I gave my name and name of my PAGE electorate, whence the woman (I remember a woman, but not her face) looked, found and checked-"my name" -off a list, or not.

Regardless....., I cannot remember the reason why we, or I, didn't have to show identification, but I know I asked her.

I feel impelled to add, that this occured in north Queensland, not lately the Socialist Centre of Australian politics, shall-we-say.

"I fish, AND I VOTE!" was a popular bumper sticker in the region.

A region which depends far more than is nearly environmentally sustainably managed (or manageable) along the lines of todays abuse, on what is becoming clear as a curse on tomorrow's beaches, shorelines, Local and regional Cultures (what there is of Good Culture in Oz generally, but specifically in Queensland's north, Aborigines aside) - tourism.

Something I'm coming to label "tourorrism".

Tourorrism affords the careless local money-maker easy wealth, as-long-as they cater to the demands of usually British, European and other western traveller's culture's 'delicacies' or desires. This might be a balance between one's own 'culture', developing or established, and the kind of facilities, commerce, art, music and other components the visitors basically demand. If they are not provided, the touro's often will not come.

No doubt, there must be a reasonable percentage of tourorrists who are not tourorrists, but come wanting something meaningful from the location, and would give back, even by taking the better Australian Attitudes back home, than the possible fifty percent of tourorrists who are quite uncaring of the Local Cultures other than what it can give their eager-to-absorb-if-not-take-take-take egos. How many of them are quite deliberately subversive toward defence and propogation of their own culture is unknown, but they do tend to stand out. Especially the young. Also, I reckon fifty-percent of tourorrists are "checkin'-out-the-real-estate", just quietly........... ("They don' jus' want a taste of our Culture, they want our LAND!?")


Since my first political foray into Queensland in 2002, I've climbed a steep learning curve about how poor the Q-L-D-ers are educated politically.

There's a sense of Community, but of a Community founded upon either tragic crimes against the Aborigines, rapacious BAD AGRI-PRACTICES, huge hidden speculative real-estate agenda, and the never-to-be-known crimes committed by Queensland early settlers, decendents, officials, clergy and politician-alike. Practices which are hard to break in the upper echelons (Wizard's spells!), and therefore clung-to by the rest, for fear of upsetting the banker/tyrants and higher-up powerbrokers, some, unjust 'inheritors' of chunks, some massive, of Queensland's regional real estate.

So, while there may be Australian Communities which ARE fair-and-balanced in various matters of national importance, there's an undeniable 'corruption', or 'will to corrupt' running fairly rife throughout Australia, from the inculcation/indoctrination children receive in pre-school, through ALL our educational institutions, business, Local government, church and home.

Most of it comes from the tragedy of a desperate and self-centred population, led blind (by the church) into a pit of capitalist exhaustion over centuries. So today, when the issues of "careless destruction of the tropical aqua-marine ecology beneath the roaring motors of the innumerable tourrorist launches", "the plundering of the seabed for the tourorrist's dinner-table", "coastal rainforest depletion for tourrorist roads and 'resorts' etc., are raised, Queenslanders throw a Jo(-Bjelke-Peteresen)-type joke, laugh and go back to talking about - fishing.

So, as this is a very sad case of 'ignoring the Facts', Facts explaining that their ways of living are BAD CULTURE for themselves, for their children and for their nation, and that they are the kind to be devious to protect it, again, somewhat rudely, if-not-selfishly, I suggest that inquiries into the so-called 'fair-and-even' Australian electoral system be made.

I suggest this also, because as we KNOW the American 2004 Presidential election, as with the 2000 USA Presidential election, were quite deliberate corruptions of the otherwise fine American electoral process, and that as our PM John Howard is "sycophant-up-GW Bush", the US leader accountable for his administrations deceits and outright fraud, it is NOT outragious to suggest that Howard would resort to the same perversions of the course of Justice for a hidden US global agenda. Why he'd only have to make a call to the White House for some CIA assistance. But of course, it was their idea!

The sad political-intelligence levels of Queenslanders, a generalisation I admit, is as much a part of the 'slow art' of stealing Australia's Land, Aboriginal and Native, Convict, and Free Settler's, as Pine Gap in Central Australia is a part of such same longer-term global agenda.

The church have done an amazing thing there (Qld), what with their dumbing-down the Laity to levels below-Jo's, precisely so electoral fraud and general socio-political-cultural corruption passes without challenge, and is accepted as 'de riguer' across the polity.

In balance, Queensland is not alone in Australia. Our Collective history is very, very sad. I'd gazard-a-hess and say that there's not a family which hasn't "been-through-the-mill" in Oz, in some grim psychological if-not-grevious physical way. I can fairly safely include most recent refugees, asylum-seekers and free immigrants, I reckon toooooo.

A distraught culture, came with the first invaders of Old England in the late 18th century, setting-out to construct a nation or who-knew-what would develop in an alien Land.

Desperation is the cause, as far as I can see, of corruption. If successful, easiest when you're first-on-the-block, the fruits are hard to "let go of", combined with the practical sense of building-up equity, be-it in grain-silos or tracts of Land. In flash motor-cars, or illegal business practices.

But worst of all is that the larger businesses are just-about-all founded upon what would today be labelled and charged with environmental and capital crimes.

Naturally, the lower "Socio-Economic", the Workers, follow suit, in their affordable, acheivable ways. So too, oft' involuntarily, were the Workers co-opted into genocide and crimes against Humanity.

Understandably therefore, there remains a huge collective denial of the, THE Issues of today, while living in (otherwise) quite paradisical country, with 'easy-money' from such as tourorrism and spin-off industries making it easy to turn a blind-eye to what must be, in Essence, Collectively Addressed.

Unfortunately, experience tells me that hidden issues, often making for huge guilt and shame complexes, have to be faced, and dissolved, both individually and collectively, before we can address, or in time with our addressing the real cause of the common evident decline into global monocultural totalitarianism.

Hidden issues which are raising their heads in parallel with the global homelessness problems or situations, and will strike at Local Communities-nay-Families to the degree that they may well lose the Precious and Subtle "Art" of keeping a Community and it's Families Balanced, Functioning, Peaceful and Happ-Happ-Happeee.

But as I put years ago in "Uncomfortable Opinions" bad decisions made as long ago as hmmmm?- let's say 800 years ("Double Jeopardy" is that old) can have horrendous effects upon a much larger percentage of the population of today.

Decisions made in desperate times, say 197 years ago (as at the "Rum Rebellion" of 1808), upto recent decades, if addressed in light of revisiting those cases with the-now-extant evidence, we could bring a very different, AND JUST result, having a very different effect on Australia's Cultural development, closer to what the original Dictates from the English Crown intended.

These failings are, I put-it, perhaps by no coincidence, the root-cause of today's generally corrupt-rotten Australian Society.

Now, I'm not laying any blame, on Queenslander, tourorrist or politician alike.

It's a "phenomenon". Phenomena. "Situations", none of which CANNOT be Peaceably "Smoothed-out", Solved. Dispelled.

With reference to the above-mentioned crimes in Australian history, a major prevention to processing those 'New Light" charges is the archaic "Double Jeopardy" law.

"Double Jeopardy" I put-it, remains to protect those dynastic lineages etc, whose direct ancestors of major powerbrokers of today committed some of the worst crimes against Humanity, in their expansion of the Crown, and private interests, involving the innumerable land-grabs, genocide of Indigenies, and general crude, rude and quite uncalled-for atrocities to Aborigine and "Convict'- 'invader' alike.

This is basically why John Howard and coven will not say "SORRY" to our Aborigine Peoples, still outcast by Howee's white-supremacist delusions.

Were the "Double Jeopardy" law(s) recinded, cancelled, taken out of the law books, many laws made since Australia's earlier colonialisation would fall into disuse, for the correction made possible would release all of us from the woe of collective and familial denials, etc., so often the root-cause of other, endemic, even-'cultural' crimes of our age.

Let alone 'attitude' problems..........

This may be hard for some to address, especially those who now drive around in an expensive sportie vehicle, live very-nicely-thank-you "on-the-Land", all bought or inherited out of the profits of great-grand-daddy's slaughtering Abo's for their Land.

(For one of my slants on "Double Jeopardy" click-on: http://www.maxamovie.blogspot.com/
and scroll to "Down with Double Jeopardy", blogged earlier this month.)


"Education" is surprise-surprise, the "Intellectual Equipment" (Ummm?) Queenslanders and Humanity needs, in this "Factual Period" if we are into save ourselves from building now, sandy foundations of next century's (the twenty-SECOND century) bound-to-crumble State and Planet, as would arise if Genuine Legal Challenges to the deeply-flawed Australian, USA, and probably Anglo-European electoral systems are not made.

In-a-word, Humanity, particularly the 'free west', needs a kick-up-the-fatcells to address the several "Situations" which are more Common to most-all localities than most-all realise. Again, Education is the Tool, but is worth nothing if there is not the Will in the Collective, beyond self-interest.

Obviously, Australia has a lo-ong way to go..........

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