
Down with 'double jeopardy'!

If Justice prevailed, and evidence is found of a person already acquitted, enough to convict them (we're all guilty of something!), Justice needs/must be done - Social Balance is maintained.

If evidence exists of all the crimes committed by us, the seriousness of the offence must take priority over the lesser.

The larger the crime the greater damage done to the Community, thus the greatest damage done to the Quality-of-Life of the citizens, of the individuals therein.

As the biggest crimes committed over the past two hundred and seventeen (217) years, in Australia have been committed by the biggest powerbrokers, the wealthy land owners, graziers, pasturalists, mining companies etc., mates of the Anglophile 'establishment' government(s), and the best Queen's Counsellors, here and in London, it becomes clear that they and their High Court etc., buddies have absolutely NO INTEREST in "Correcting" the wealth-biased scurge of a now anachronistic and pro-corruption law of 'double jeopardy'.

To deny this, it seems to me-me-me, is do be actively propping-up an irreparable legal tragedy called "the australian legal system".

Impartial, that-is, Just....., and Proper Inquiries will bring to light that Australia's 'mainstream' current and future socio-economic, psychological and psychic troubles, are, in the Light of Truth, desperately in need of FULL Attention from ALL OF US, NOW.

I assert that our rather horrendous-while-brief history (of 'white' australia) was born of the struggle of ill-equipped settlers in an hostile land, yet exaccerbated-to-the-extremes-of-today by the injustices allowed to pass and become 'foundational laws' through the paralyticly drunk courts of early Sydney, thence right across New South Wales, probably South and Western Australia, and later assumed into the laws of Victoria and Queensland.

As best as I can establish, Orders of some sort accompanied Arthur Phillip on the first fleet, from the Crown, for the establishment of an agrarian society spreading itself across the arable Land.

But gold rushes and other disruptions to agricultural employment, economic and socio-cultural advancements intervened and brought about, aide-and-abetted by corrupt military and other forces, a very different sociological, economic and personal, psychological path of development.

John Macarthur, Sergeant of the "Rum Corp", (the 'New South Wales Corps', a rabble of the poorest, most corrupted British officers), in the 1790s, responsible for the false arrest of Captain William Bligh in the mal-recorded "Rum Rebellion" of 1808, is, post-humously, just one of a swathe of military officers, legal appointees, judges, 'free-citizens' and too-many bedevilled beggars below them, overdue for a retrial.

"Double Jeopardy" has been the means by which the Anglophile 'establishment', (who in Australia come from the earliest squatters and ruthless, often genocidal Land-grabbers-thieves-owners), have kept "under-the-carpet" the major crimes, from which the ramifications are palpable today, in every family and I'd hazard-a-guess and say in every person's head born in Australia.

Massive Social and psychological Corrections must be considered, asap in this nation, before the earlier-refered-to maladies compound to a dangerously inhospitable degree, nationwide.

For they are also the worst "model" for the future maturation of Australia's still nubile national-cultural psyche.

If we ignore the fundamentals of body, mind, and Soul, Australians will remain the 'convicts' of the Planet, and probably their sold-off-shore Land, a prison for Aborigines and Natives, while the global stinking-rich trip-in-and-out, at their spoiled-rotten leisure.

Double Jeopardy will "GO" in a Revolutionary Australian Government Agenda, along with an enormous number of other corruptions to the laws which have arisen since the first days of the young Warrior-nation, Australia.

Laws, bad for heart, mind, body and Soul of individual and Planet alike.

Therefore.......... Laws that are bad for everything in-between too!

I implore that this be Genuinely addressed by academia, for with the serious flaws in college, school, and university policies toward teaching and topics - ESPECIALLY ECONOMICS AND LAND RENT - rah-rah-rah! the first to go to the gallows may well, rightly be our college professors and their corporate industrial chums 'on the board'.

AND, I implore that this be Genuinely addressed by academia, what-with the serious flaws in college, school, and university policies toward teaching and topics - ESPECIALLY ECONOMICS AND LAND RENT - rah-rah-rah! before the erroneous social, economic, trade and thus military attitudes, events and their ramifications consume any pleasant or relatively Peaceful Communities and Lifestyles, and any chance of anyone, again Attaining to that High.

YOU are responsible for the Intellectual Quality of your, our country, and I will hold you all personally responsible (and your descendents too), in twenty years if necessary, for the failures which your current 'agenda' within your learning institutes, will undoubtedly bring.

That you cannot see the dangers, makes you all unfit for a chair or dean-ship anywhere, considering you leave your kin 'shame' for your disgusting misinterpretations and "ever-so-correctly-way-you-say-so"-pontificating from the lecturn.

Using "double jeopardy" to prop-up the worst-that-is-'most dangerous' culture on the Planet, today, along with the worst crimes of Land theft, and Land speculation (DON'T SELL YOUR MOTHER, EARTH!) only adds fuel to the Revolutionary Fire burning Brighter-than-ever in the bellies and hearts of Working-Class Australians.

Keep averting your eyes from these massive crimes of history, keep mis-and-mal-informing government and the public on the need to do away with 800 year old, pre-democratic laws, and you bring a woe down on your Society and world from the reactions festering, fermenting in the Souls of Aussies who are suffering in one way or other seriously high levels of personal, 1, rebelliousness, 2, fatalism, 3, 'wizardry', 4, ANGER, 5, resentment, 6, bitterness etc, etc, many of them wanting SOME JUSTICE, and more daily wanting to take to the streets and barricades.

You, most of you, should be counting your blessings that someone has shown some sign of giving the Battlers a voice, and Globally, so-as to prevent such a meltdown.

A sign of your appreciation would be to FACE THE ISSUES and dismantle the fortresses of self-interest upholding BAD LAND LAWS and 'double jeopardy', security clauses.

Out-of-date security clauses.


Max No Difference
Nimbin Australia

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