
Tourorrism in Australia?

Does anyone in Australia compare what we in Aust pay for: Land, motorcars, a can of coke and other daily outgoings, to what our busloads and hire-cars full of relatively wealthy British, European, and American tourorrists pay when they're at home?

I bet our coke-a-drink is cheaper, our cars are dearer by-far, LAND!? Well....... "GUESS??!"

Yep! You are RIGHT, Nachiketas! Land IS cheaper in Australia, cheaper by about the same proportion as Australian middle-to-upper-class wages are a proportion of those of Anglo-European and American middle-to-upper-class wages.

Hey Ozzie! Do you realise their "buying-power" is about five to ten times our own?

I'll hazard a guess and say that the general/average 'cost-of-living' in Australia is about one-half that of those invader nations of our white, western, christian 'relations'.

We Australians are the worst "savers" in the developed world.

Thus we struggle into huge national debt (which is always by far the greater share owed by PRIVATE importers, businesses and individuals, never majority-OWED by the government, by the Administrative apparatus of the Community, yet they are always blamed when it goes sour. SKULLDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY I TELL YOU!) because of the stupidity of the Australian user of credit, but also because getting into debt via a bank loan is too easy for stupid, bad, careless and fraudulent private money managers.

Obviously with enormous bankruptcy rates across Australian businesses, there exists an instilled attitude of "never use your own money". I.e., borrow on some other poor desperate bastards savings (all bank-loans rely on bank-customer's safety deposits to maintain the bank's liquidity. Liquidity, it might be said, firstly to prop-up the 'establishment' cronies' exhorbitant incomes and shares-profiting, etc.

If the business goes belly-up, which many have planned for from the beginning - declare bankruptcy and walk-away with next-to-no obligations, never-mind the longer-term ramifications of stock-market crashes etc., or the smaller bank-customers losing, in the inevitable cycles of 'boom-and-bust' thus-arising, life-savings, mortgages-thus-their-homes, and all "Peace of Mind".

These most basic essentials lost, generally to devious, short-sighted and bad-attitude creditors, debt-collectors, lawyers and mortgage managers (banks, building societies and the credit industry).

Most working Australians might be in debt, might be living on an ever-tighter budget, might be under more pressure from the larger corporations which invariably rule their economic (employment) and thus their social, familial security and thus leisure and Quality of Life, might have 200 years PLUS of inherited ancestral psychological trauma to expunge from their Souls, might be going more and more insane, but these phenominally serious psycho-social and personal problems seem-not-to-register on the general and personal Australian 'radar'?


SPACE!!! Acreage! Proper-tee! Land - Land - and MORE LAND!

Yippee, aye?

It may be put thus: Australians have room, in kilo-hectares, to escape the 'things' which trouble us. In high-populations, issues aren't so easily avoided, escaped-from.

So! What is the BIG plan of our federal, state and local governments, for ALL AUSTRALIANS?

SELL! SELL! SELL! (See your local real estate agent NOW!)

Especially to selfish, spoiled Soul-less bodies who've as likely never done an Honest Days Work, who inherited their squillions from the huge proportion of the population(!) of Anglo-and-European dynastic ancestors, mostly unscrupulous business operators of highly unethical business/industries [name an Environmentally or Ideologically Sound large industry in-or-to-have-come-out-of Europe, Britain, or America?), who flit around the planet as if it all belongs to them, have a 'superiority complex' enough to titillate Hitler back-to-life, and with a few hundred "G's" (daddy's "Euros" of course!), drop-in to the real estate bargain basement bonanza of the Millennium (Australia), pick-up a 'choice-piece-of-dirt' on a tropical coast, for one-tenth of what they'd pay ANYWHERE in Europe with a 'similar' location (Oh! Look! 'location" means "Land Site"), in the friendliest ways, make a few very friendly, similarly rich-read-'spoiled-selfish-dawg' contacts here, go to as many 'doofs' as they can, commune with their 'new friends' on eckies or such up-market 'pharma'-type drugs, talk semi, pseudo-intellectual and cosmic shit to hide the facts about what they're really doing here - in cafes, on beaches, in all the best places to be seen - BUYRON! (BUY! BUY! BUY!) West Endt, Bondi, Manly, or, if they've just blown four hundred bucks on another bee-yoo-ti-fool platted-head-of-dreadlocks, they'll HAVE TO drop-in and have a sniff around Nimbin, wont they?

Some of the best Land ON EARTH here, aye, Archibald!? Aye, Wilcox!?

Better sell it quick before someone "King-Hits" your Conscience with that "realtor's nightmare": - "Community Ethics"?

And the foriegn tourorrists are drowning in unearned and, if from the first world probably-nay-undoubtedly unethical income.

What do they, or "das Farters" (Dads) care about $100,000 here-or-there?

So the next time a "Teucsher-Tongue" smiles and says "Hi! Ah? Exkuse me, can you tell me the-way-how-to do up my shoe-laces?"...... laugh and point it to Nimbin Real Estate.

Tell 'em to see "Smilin' John" or "Rip-off Robin" for the best (foriegn) Land deal in the Solar System! They'll take any denomination!

But DON'T talk Equitable Land Distribution, Land Rent for Government Revenue, OR Land Tax, to 'em, or before you can drink the vinegar, they'll turn you into very sauerkrauts.

But, proud (some of) these latest invaders are, so, confident-as-hell, if they DON' GET WOT THEY WANT! they'll discreetly blast the agents with 'blitzkreege' magic, and call farter in a huff DEMANDING sanctions be put on Australia for being SO RUDE to spoiled, two-faced, selfish, anti-intellectual and juvenile neo-nazis.


And the same to the 'real estate' and 'tourorrist' industries for their utterly stupid, selfish and totally-blind attitude to the Homeland(s) of their own People.

But, ree-ally, who is to blame for Australians being kept in the dark about how little we earn, about how much too-much-beyond-our-means we Aussies pay for most things (Ugh! 'Balance-of-payments! darlink') especially from the 1st world, and for the Fact that our whole Land-mass, OUR WHOLE COUNTRY, is being sold-out from under us?

Hello Smilin' John? Robin?

John Howard?

Kim 'Christian' Beazley?

RIGHTO! Here comes the DISCLAIMER! .....of sorts.........

I recognise that there are probably at-least as many tourorrists coming to our Fine Land, with the Right-Headedness John Howard so-lacks - er- with the Right-Headedness Deserving of Our Cultural Elders, as They have done between each other for thousands of years.

This is a Basic Respect which should be foremost in all visitors' hearts, minds and bank-balances.

Although, the western culture has degraded Societies so much, that now we do not have Good, Sound Traditions, Customs of "Visiting" or "Welcoming" (or NOT!) each other.

The best most can do now is feign personal interest (in a begging Aborigine's 'life' or such), smiling-all-the-way passed Her/Him on the way to the realtors.

In my opinion, the 'smile' is a sign of a fraud, on introduction. But I'll be left begging when I'm exposed 'performing' the self-same fraud, I bet.

However I don't want to bother "Deconstructing" 'smiles' right now.

Australia IS a Special Land, for it's Age, it's People, and for it's being the last virtually unpopulated mass-of-hectares on the Big-Ball.

Humanity is at an appropriate or propitious "Turning Point" (NOT MORE Millennialism?), in regard to this slow "infrastructuralisation" of the Great Continent Australia.

We are at the forefront, whether we like it or not, of the Next Great Shift in Governmentation.

How this still developing nation manages it's inevitably increasing population, on a reducing scale of Land tenancy availability, will be crucial to how the rest of the world, oppressed and denied their True Land Rights (Italians are Indigenes, Britains also, as are Tamil Sri Lankans, Aceh Sumaterans, Siberian Russkiis, etcetera) either settle themselves down in their Collective Psyche or Social-Soul, and learn (QUICK!) to ride the train of Equitable Everything, if you want It, by PROTESTING THE GOVERNMENT for LAND RENT FOR GOVERNMENT REVENUE, or, fall further into the abyss of the FIRST CRIME of 'inequitable land distribution'.

The worst-case scenario for Australia I reckon, aside from buddie GW dropping a missile in Sydney Harbour, is for all our Land to go to foriegn owners, who do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for Australia, aside from greasing a few palms upstairs on their way-in.

In general, I say "Welcome" "G'day!" and "There's the real estate agency!" to foriegn visitors, but, "GET SOME FUCKING RESPECT DUDES, before you come goose-stepping onto our Land with your egomaniacal intentions.

Tourism - Tourorrism is Australia's biggest industry.

Does anyone here realise how dangerous this is?

Corr-flummoxme?! Time for a noice-little-bit-o'-Herbal-medication.............

Somehow I reckon the real estate industry is a close-second in monolithic proportions?