
The Ultimate Threat!

Of the last weeks, I've been reviewing the global situation, in regards to the environment, the economy, the "Ethos", and the "unknown unknowns" (to myself) of possible alien invasion for-to plunder all earth's useful resources, perhaps like uranium, oil, gold, I dunno, but whatever, and worst-case-scenario, to massacre Humanity on the way.

Big issues, me thinks.....

Prior to the latest blast of information on such as the global drugs blackmarket and its ramifications, the threatened "pole shift" in six years maybeeee..., its ramifications being the END of all Human life, bar a few unlucky survivors, possibly forever......, and the apparent fascism which hubristically exherts it's brute power of belief over the majority of Humanity, occultism at it's most dangerous, perhaps, Christianity and Judaism aside, I wuz defining, perhaps as-in a dream, perhaps Idealistically, perhaps Scientifically..., the bare-essentials Humanity must have to survive perpetually, indefinitely, perrennially, on Earth, forward from here, 2006CE.

Deciding who was Credible as a global power to "side with" has been nye-on impossible, bloody hard at least, for getting the facts has been my hardest task these last two decades or so, on the above mentioned "crimes-and-crises".

It seems I have "sympathies" on all sides of the political football, and many want me to join them. So long as I become "the" advocate for their political agenda.....

Obviously I'm in a peculiar situation myself, what with being blind in my third eye, so I am not privy to some important and critical information, facts, truths, whatever.

The FACTS are that BOTH or ALL sides of the political, religio-ideological divide are as erring and as dangerous as each other. Neither are near being the "other-side" of the political debate, between "Community first" and "Individual first" (aside perhaps from a few Aborigine Organisations), yet both sides have Good, Sound belief-structures to their credit.

Both, to me however, are short-sighted in their contemplations of the "Ideal" per se "Political Society", neither having deconstructed all or any of the crucial, local, parochial, personal myths perpetuated by their own fantacism, if not by deliberate elitist perversion/subversion of the two most vital ingredients to a Sound Secure and perpetual-leaning Life - Self-Knowledge and Land Rent.)

I'm not refering to the Aborigine Mobs there.

Indeed, the Aborigine seem to me to have the Way, for Humanity to survive the coming days, and the longer the rest of us, mainly the dumb-flockers clinging to the shitty-city-gritty lifestyles, stay clinging to the city-read-death-cult, the harder and worse it is going to be, for everyone, once the environmental and thus economic walls are washed down.

The latest news broadcasts say that "global warming is accelerating!" etc?


Made by Mankind!

Some men are more powerful than others.....

Many people have their occult powers, or third eye open today. This introduces a "power" to effect the wind, the rain, and the heat of the day. A powerful enough person can effect major weather changes to climate.

Some people, and other "conscious" beings, can apply "psychic heat" to large areas, as large as the polar regions, such that the ice caps melt.

This is as it is today.

Some of these people are tyrants, bitter and twisted by a bitter and twisted Human world they have had to inhabit. Their aim in the abuse of these powers is to destroy life-on-earth, as a twisted revenge to the horrendously spiritually corrupt culture Human Beings tend usually to follow and make manifest.

Some would Work for the Greater Good. So would some of the tyrants, had they enough Faith that doing so was Genuinely Good.

Of the Good, or of the wannabe Goodies, some see that Human Beings are a "proud" and stubborn mob often, especially when there is bad magic at play, as it is across the capitalist, individualised "west" - the Judeo-Christian west".

The combination of pride, and any of the other so-called "sins", with the application of bad magic is deadly, and is what has been running the Judeo-Christian west for centuries. The ego, and the occult, don't mix!

Of the Good, many Philosophise about how Hard Governance might have to be, on a global scale, if there is to be any order in the years to come.

Some, even Genuine Fabianists, if there is such a model, wax-that no matter what transpires, millions, even billons will perish.

May be so.....

Were Humanity to Employ this strange beast we have been afflicted with - Intellect - to it's Fullest Potential, massive transmigrations would begin very soon, which I've referred to in recent emails and blogs, from the more energy-consumptive climate-zones, to warmer, or cooler regions. This idea too, might concur with finding argrarianable Land to redistribute the masses upon.

As far as climate change is concerned, there are those, who genuinely believe they are on the side of the Ultimate Good, and, blessed or cursed with strong occult powers, employ them to what they can Best perceive is for the Greater Good.

The north pole is melting precisely because this has been done by Human powers.

Not to underestimate the dangers of our "collective" abuse, by crude magic of polluting mechanical equipment etc., and that this collective ignorance as to "How to Live on a Natural Planet!", ie., Naturally! is having us pollute and desecrate Mother Earth to death, and the more news we hear on the effects of our excessive consumption, the more the rightwing politicians trumpet the importance of the consumer marketplace and to consume more, but there are those with so much occult power that they, on assessing the "ATTITUDE" generally running the Human Species, and the apparent reticence to voluntarily change, who deem it, Asserting their Hard Won Authority, necessary to force Humanity to Correct it's Attitude to Mother Earth, and to all the rest of the Magnificent Life upon Her.

To this end, it may well be expected, and this statement goes out to the whole of the Human Species, and to other Life Forms also, that the Earthly and Extra-Terrestrial Powers, who have the Greatest Power, probably deriving from an Higher Spiritual Attainment or Authority, deem it necessary that the increasing disruptions to the global weather patterns will persist and increase further still, by their projection, until Humanity, AS ONE, desist FORTHWITH from their current, seriously threatening lifestyles, western lifestyles, definitions of which you will be able to divine from my earlier weblogs.

Close down all new motor-vehicle industries. (80% of air pollution)

Re-employ and Redistribute People to suburban and/or rural Collective Farms. Local Self-Sufficiency.

Legalise Marijuana. Make multiple industries from Hemp, amongst mixed-crop food production. Localise government, under federal cross-information feeder.

Organic Lifestyles is THE Call.

Land Rent.

Army occupy and train, Uplift, broken Communities, white or black. The kids feel like they have to be like Warriors, like Soldiers, to survive the warzone of the streets, etc? So, let the army train them for a Greater Force of Justice, but with equal emphasis on Indigenous Ways, Culture etc., both in the "Arts" of War and in Family.

Same-same with the Australian Army in East Timor, the Solomons, Fiji.

Respect for the Local Traditions, with Education on the new world order, and on how they may Best Integrate.

Land Redistribution. Land Redistribution. Land Redistribution.

Legalise ALL Drugs. Prohibition kills.

This is the Ultimate Threat to Humanity!

Osama bin Laden, eat your heart out!

Omaxa bin Alladin, would be with YOU, if you were aware of the dangers of NOT being with Omaxa, and of the Potential, He, offers Humanity.

Positive, Enlightened Action by all Middle-Eastern governments and leaderships, toward bringing-down, "Berlin Wall-style" all so-called 'national borders' within and dividing your Peoples, Moslem, Zarathustrian, Christian and Jew alike, will be smiled-upon by the Greatest God, I'm sure.

But to be clear, the Work we must now begin is long-term, and may well have to become a very part of us, of our lifestyles, and of our Souls, if those who threaten us with weather wars are to be listened to, their words Meditated upon, and if we are to allow them to Guide Humanity AS ONE, through a highly testing era - 21C.

Mr President, George W Bush, I do believe the Great One wants all troops not employed in Remediation in the Middle East, redistributed to regions most in need of stabilising. "Out of Iraq" seems the Call, Good Sir......

As far as "Alien" or "Extra-Terrestrial" Life is concerned, in regard to being threatened by them, I can only, in my blindness, put it that there may well be a superior alien force in our spacial region, watching how we progress in terms of weaponry, in terms specifically of nuclear weapons, and possibly in terms of plundering our planet of it's resources.

I suggest that those or most of those Aliens "watching" may wander-on, if they can rest assured that Humanity has harnessed for ever it's tendencies to abuse it's powers, be they occult, or nuclear.

Thus, I have no doubt, that the larger percentage of visiting aliens are also "Green" in terms of how Intelligent Life relates to the Natural Universe, and are Fully Cognisant of the Imperative of Living Totally in Harmony with the Natural Environment. This would call for NO NUKES, as well, I reckon....

Therefore, if the likes of the U.S. Administration, as I've heard one conspiracy theory suggests, are frightened of "Aliens building their strength behind the Moon, on the dark side ("Spooookeeee"), readying for an invasion of Earth", thus is the REAL reason why the yanks are so military mad (and the Jews, I suggest), my Inner Sense seems to divine that those up there, might be NICE to us down here, if we fuck-off the nuclear party-family-weaponry, etcetera..., ETCETERA, as well as turn 100% GREEN, GEORGE, 100% GREEN, TONY, 100%GREEN JOHN!

And Hu, Jintao, Vlad, and............. ETCETERA, ETCETERA, ETCETERA!

I assume Henry Keswick and Cartel are Listening.

May the Only Existence be your Inspiration

Max Nichols Meredith
aka Max Nichols Cook
aka Max No Difference

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