
The Middle Power Gas-Axes OPEC!

The Middle Power Gas-Axes OPEC!
June 23rd, '08

Right out of far-left-field, lookin' at the call my diesel ute agrees with, for cheaper (-via-upping-OPECs output of) fuel-oil, the Deeep Green in me has to say "WOHW!?!" Or "woe!"

Mutha Earth cannot tolerate that option.

Thus, outaleftfield.., if.., those expensively-rich Yemenii's, Dubai-ans, Emirates, Et Al Et Al, but especially Saudi Arabians, as this Phantom Osama bin Laden Reputes from that once Fine and Honourable Mob, would, in this late global meltdown hour, Employ Their Honour, by realising the time is here, when Humans must change, away from many cultural flaws, one biggey being A: fossil-fuels pollution, from go-to-wo in prod and use, subsiduary industries and cultural, health and psychological after-effects.

B, the illogic of what the capitalists are doing to Humanity and our ONE Mutha Earth?

Rudely over centuries, they have forced their methods of control over those rather-more Balanced Cultures, with "energy" AND THE OVERUSE OF.

The 'undercover' method they employed, has been division between People, and the Land they need, to form Safe, self-sustaino-productive LOCAL Communities.

Thus we need evermore fuel for the evermore growing and forceably, unsustainably spread-out global population everfurther from supplies, because the Principle crime is inefficiently partitioning the USE and distribution of Land amongst and between The People.

Balanced Cultures DO NOT have the population's Primary resources, needs and the production there-of, in the unchecked control of 3 or even 10% of the group!

Yet this 3% are our Australian farmers!

Yes, we import (food) too, but Mr De Eepgreen here boms that as unsustainable also.

Again, because of that MASSIVE whirlpool in the Pacific Ocean 1000s-of-metres across with trash thrown overboard by seaunfarers, but mainly for the guzzling of squillions of tons of fuel-oil, mostly so little-missy-fat-bitch can add another fluffy doll to her empty bednest-read-ANOTHER-western-psychosis, or for daddy, another slab of Italian marble to keep the Maserati company!

Can ANY Member of OPEC honestly say this is sustainable or in the LEAST - sane?

No! You cannot.

So, if you are still Human, Weigh your Souls Arabia, Persia, and ALL of Islam.

We Down-Under, want cheaper fuel yes, but as our PM Kevin Rudd has called Australia's global pidgeon-hole "A Middle Power", cleary an assertive, rather radical move (?), it suits well a Key Role in unrecognised High Demand now, of being Able to Put Forward the Alternative Policies that previous "global players" would or could not countenance nor entertain, as it were.

Well, by this hour, I'd guess our MP Martin Ferguson has said his piece.

A Capable Mind, he has. It is needed to put essentially Pro-NOT-WESTERN Alternatives, as Ambassador to the Middle Power of "We Who Put (in another age, outgunned) Options on The (Global REALPolitik) Table".

HOW'var! Rather than put Martin Ferguson, our Newcomer to His Honourable Role at OPEC, in the firing-line 1st time out, what with our PM's spear about the "blow torch to OPEC" I'll throw the REALPOLITIK Flaming-Arrow into OPEC, by Asserting that the corrupt western financial, consumption era is over, if Humanity, You, my Mob and the Biosphere of Earth are to Survive.

"Rightwing" ideological hyperbola is basicly toxic aural fluff!

Developed to "...maintain the plunder!"

Of Your and My Country and resources toward an intoxicated global environmental end!

I'm sorry if you're christian, but a cult of 1.2 billion lost sheep is not a Good mob to rely-on, in making Intelligent, Wise Decisions.

So, now they are appearing to see these flaws not so much in the systems they "offer" for the usual dishonourable price, rather in the lo-ongtime psychological, but "psychic" flaws, maladies, entrapments within their owwwn bwains..., and with that,may be just starting to "Do The Right Thing", out of that good (?) old catholic 'guilt' thing, but more because they've seen the errors, and that now a Bottomline Issue has been uncovered, have Realized their True Sense of Purpose is to make Right "How Humanity, as Individuals, May Live Honourably on Everyone's Mutha Eartha", OPEC Masters may Rightly Divine Now is "The Time", to Think, Speak and Act Honourably, and, no reason to not talk with the western and Jewish Masters, rather than increase production of fuel-oil, instead increase the availability to ALL of Your Arabic, Persian, Islamic, Jewish and Zoro Other Peoples, to Their (Arable) Ancient "Lands".

Thus reducing their need for the nasty fuels to inefficiently, environmentally unsoundly travel to-and-fro 'work'? When they should, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, be within a walk, bicycle, mule, pony or tramcar ride.

This, I'm sure you're aware, this current awriness and abandonment of any Inherant Wisdom in and of the Community, is most profitably embraced by our western paracytical supermarket cartels as much by our global real estate speculators.

Some 100's of the naughtiest, recently arrested in the U.S.A., by their F.B.I.

We'll see how many get it in the neck?

That wave of arrests in the Big Smoke of New York, again, A.T.C., but a Ripple now, may be read by a Right-Minded Consortia of "Energy Lords", across the seas in OPECLand, as a Golden Opportunity to Get-out and Dust-down Your Robes of Honour, and, as worn by Your Noble Traditional Ancestors, Stand again in the Light of That Honour, by Working WITH the Honourable Investigators in WHERE!?!

Yeah! The United States of America!

.... to Make Right, at least as Best we can, the New Collective Human Journey into the Future.


Global Land Reforms.

Now Martin-the-Ferg might 'ave said it Better, but he just hasn't got the Readership. Yet?

Max Earth.
Outlaw for Global Land & Drug Law Reform.

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