
Aunty Fraudaldine?

This littly was flung-off on Monday 12th January, due to my being in a very dark mood with my assistants in the media-centre at the ABC.

Geraldine, I slung this off last night to 5 or so ABC emails.

Take it as my frustration from an extreme history of criminal cult deceit.

Obviously..., the Truth is BLASPHEMY to well-to-do 'bighouse' Catholics, especially the Dublin-&-Romephiles within the ABC!

Never let the Truth get in the way of 30 pieces of silver, aye Doogue?

Happy new year to you too!

In the end, you all will regret surrendering to St Joey's & Archbishop Mannix's unbelieveably insane Catholic/Oxford 100 year-plus long plan-read-PERNICIOUS DELUSION of mass deception - building a false messiah by murder, adultery & global blackmail - a crime which would bankrupt, close & irredeemably expose as evil any operation in a different sector of society, or place on Earth (except wherever whitey has stamped his boot!?), of our lost cults of baptismally senile flockers in dire need of a Leader to tell them what fukwits they are!

But, in utterly rotten Astraylia, the dog church, itself utterly corrupt for 1700 years at least , if not since Moses came down from Mt Sinai, with bags-full of silver the priests stole from the Public Purse via our RENT, the oh-so-squeaky-clean St Joey nuns can get away with hiding the SLAUGHTER of my Great-Grandparents & their Tribe & Nation, the Kurnai of Walhalla, Gippsland, of putting together a false family forced to deny Aboriginality, genocide, & stolen children, to serve a macabre, twisted, antisocial & societally evil plan, devised purely so the dog catholics could shout "WE WERE RIGHT!" &, thereafter wage 'holy' wars against the majority of Humanity who know that a 'christ' is a REALLY STUPID delusion made by megalomaniacs to keep & ever-increase their power & occult prestige!

I tell ya'..., you're one more reason to totally ignore & indeed detest white, western, christian-indoctrinated women!

Death to the church of the devilchrist!

Death to the church of the devilchrist!

Death to the church of the devilchrist!

And NEVER let a white woman be a priest!!!

O and thanks Doogue, for actively keeping me homeless & totally exiled in my own country for 10-plus years!

I O U 1!


Omaxa bin Eartha.
aka Max Earth
aka Max No Difference
aka Max Nichols Cook-Meredith-O'brien
Outlaw for Global Land, Cult & Drug Law Reform.

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