
Can a recessively depressed British Democracy afford to keep the Monarchy?

Can a recessively depressed British Democracy afford to keep the Monarchy?
by Omaxa bin Eartha
Friday 13th February 2009

If Britain is in the beginnings of an economic recession, how long will it be able to afford to maintain the upkeep on the English monarchy's BIGHOUSE Buck-Palace Mob?

All predictions say unequivocally that the Brit's are heading for a DEpression. As usual the question must arise, as I'm sure it did in the 1930s, “Can the Monarchy, in these strained times, be sustained by the Public's Purse?”

Far from the insane crowds surrounding the palace, aware of the likely tremendous amount of income, (that-is UNEARNED income) that the Royal family makes from all it's investments, particularly those bringing-in huge returns from the rent they cream from tenants upon the thousands of acres of Land that the Monarch owns the Titles to (both in Britain AND overseas in places like ummm..., OH! Australia and as likely elsewhere in the likes of Zimbabwe!), one cannot help but ask how sustainable such an anachronistic and inneffective 'regal' institution can be?

These rental or “housing” points, are themselves bemusing, while 100s of thousands, if not millions of Britons are homeless already, being added-to daily by the numbers of the population made homeless because of this economic, ie., mortgage and housing crisis, one has to wonder whether there is any Clarity OR Honor in the hearts-and-minds of the nation's governments, parliamentary members and in the hearts-and-minds of the Voters, enough to bring the People up-to-date, that-is into the 21st century, on this now exposed, yet still not fully exposed “rort”, which now presses-down on the heads of the lot of them?

Everyone knows the current “Britain-centric” economic structures are centuries old. A recent blog of mine suggests, but only suggests, that they may have “begun” in 1475, with the first English Land Enclosure Act.

As best as I recall, from the tutorials on this very subject, of “Land Distribution”, which I attended in the 1980s and early 1990s, the call for this dramatic change to the economic and social fabric of English culture and social life came about because the monarch, then an absolute ruler, was engaged in fighting wars with Eurapean kingdoms/nations, and was running out of funds to train, clothe, arm, feed and transport the military's forces, so a new way of taxing the People was decided-upon.

This came in the form of fencing off land which had been forever occupied by the Peoples, the Indigenous English, and her neighbouring Peoples around and within villages and towns. It was a ruthless act against the stability of the population, and even in the 15th century created a new class of People – Homeless People.

It must be said that, according to the tute's, “times-were-a-changing” in Britain, or England, and Eurape, and it was recognized by the nation's leadership that there was a need for the people to change out of the old, and debatably “uncultured” feudal ways of tending and using the Lands.

Apparently, the culture was stagnant, out there in the rural villages and townships etc., and was very unproductive in terms of contributing to the “economy”. But then, I think there was little or no real, organized “economy” as we might know it today.

On the introduction of the Land Enclosure Act, Ancestral Land was taken from the peasants by the local Barons and Lords, and generally was rented out to wealthier tenants who were “onside” with the general attitudes of the upper-class, leaving the Local Folk to stagger-off and fend for themselves.

The biggest single beneficiary of this Act was the church, then all Catholic.

It broke-up families, most then “extended families”, and sent thousands off to seek work, food, a roof and a new way of life in the larger cities, where some security and employment might be found.

This was important in the centuries to come, in that it provided a “pool” of needy workers for the various industries in the city-and-urban centres.

The horrors of such a scheme are still with us in today's rampant crime, homelessness or better – LANDLESSNESS, and the aberrant folly most of the western world's People are now daily forced to engage in, to earn enough for.... OH! ACCOMMODATION! The “mortgage”! (“Mortgage: French for 'death pledge' The estate pledged, becomes 'dead' or entirely lost by failure to pay” from Annandale's Dictionary)

The “Industrial Revolution” was, in 1475, still some three to four hundred years into the future. As technology advanced, productivity increased and “”factories” came into existence, eventually employing thousands in slavery, well, for a pittance of an income, totally at the behest of the wealthy aristocratic owners of the means of production. There were of course, no unions or organisations looking after the welfare of the worker/slaves, and the wealthy manufacturers could do with the workers as they wished, which was usually to leave them starving and begging once their usefulness was passed. As often passed because of extremely hard and long working conditions and hours, no support from the manager/owners, terrible diets and from the ongoing struggle the poor experienced in trying to keep a roof over their and their families' heads.

During these centuries, from 1475-on, there was no protection for the masses, who were exploited terribly by the upper class, who were becoming the owners of the mills and factories. It was the Industrial Revolution that forced People to organize themselves into what we know today as Unions.

All through, there was near-to no concern for the poor, homeless and workers, by the ruling, wealthy class. Aside from the aid the church gave here-and-there, the masses were forced into penury, extreme poverty, and thus into crime while, of course, the toffs lauded it wherever and whenever they liked. In Humanitarian terms, it's clear WHO the criminals really were.

Sounds pretty familiar, say what?

It is clear that “Progress” as we know it today was given a real shot-in-the-arm by the 1475 Act and the ensuing cultural and industrial changes, and there's no doubt that we would not have the sophistication and technological marvels of today, were it not for these rearrangements through the passed 6oo years, allegedly beginning in England.

But all along, the People have had to bear-the-brunt of the load, so that the wealthy could afford to buy and play with whichever new toy or gizmo was invented and manufactured.

This demand for new stuff was as much the driver behind English colonialism, through the need for resources to feed the mills and factories, and for the delightful products such as “spices” etc., which the intrepid explorers found around the world. As the wealthy grew in numbers, so grew the level of “disposable income”. But where to spend it?

Acquisition of property or of Land, has always been a popular notion for Human Beings. Especially when they are growing in population in a restricted area. Same-same for most beings, I guess?

But today, the same fundamentals underlie the extreme divisions between rich and poor, and between first and third world nations. The current Global Financial Crisis or GFC has it's roots and results in these same dated approaches to occupation of most western nation's Land.

Therefore, I must ask, “Are today's world's leaders (in this case, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain), totally blind to the carnage any furtherance of this out-of-date economic system must bring, and that if the Human species is to keep “MOVING FORWARD!” as they say, can they not bring themselves and their economic advisers to rattle the cage of anachronistic and seriously debilitating aloofnesses, such as a fabulously wealthy, monopolistic Land owning heirarchy, with a few simple arithmetic FACTS (DO YA' F---ING MATH!) of the LAND RENT FOR GOVERNMENT REVENUE kind, as the Best and only way to restabilize the ailing and seriously strained British economy AND her sooffering Peoples?

Anything less, it would appear, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, is Treason against the Nations, the Peoples, and the Mutha Eartha!

Come-on Gordon, this is THE time, to get your Lordies off their landocratic fatcells and drive through legislation of the Truly Just and Enduring kind.

Land Reform ol' son!

This, returning to the inspiration for this drivvle, (HRH and Her overconsumptive consortia), is well known by Her, and by Hims, Princes Phil and Charlie, as imperative for a Sustainable Economic system. Naturally, it rather demands that they “MOVE FORWARD!” with the times as well, and update their intellectual software on what it takes for personal, monarchical and Commoner Stability and Happiness.

Therefore it should go without having to be said, that they have NO OPTION but to stand with you on the changes necessary to your once Wooondoorfool ooppercluss lifestyles, made entirely so by the current, dated, 600 year old system of Land Tenure, and that they must, Whole-of-Heart Agree with the dissolution of their ridiculous and expensive regal pomposities, by Calling on HRH to Gently abdicate and thus enable the Reforms Humanity, the BIG MUMMA Eartha, and Her Environment need.

Surely Mr Brown, this is the Better option to a violent downfall of that aged anachronistic phenomenon called the Monarchy.

Annandales dictionary says “Monarchy” means “a sole ruler”? “One who is superior to others of the same kind.”

Hmmm...., Does anyone today, still believe that, now that there are next to no secrets about their Regal Beingnesses, and that they are NOT Gods of any superior kind to the Right Royal Rest of Us.

Besides, monarchy, like a “messiah” runs in complete contradiction to the far more Balanced government of the Demos BY THE DEMOS.

Exhuberant excesses are passed their use-by date, as the Environmental Science now shows us. This means for Humanity to survive, we have to reduce our consumption of superficial practices and beliefs.

President Barack Obama is well aware of this, and we must to some degree pity him for the task he and the US Administration have ahead of them.

President Hu Jintao, “The Other Prez”, knows also.

Our Australian PM, Kevin Rudd, and his aids know too.

So What you gunna do, Mr Brown?

What are your Principle interests as Prime Minister?

More agenda-ridden profiteering for the Bunk of England, the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank, the IMF, World Bank et al, et al?

Or for the Enduring Well-Being of the People of England Scotland Wales and Ireland, thus for the whole of the Human Race?

Please keep in mind that Britain's population is but a small percentage of Humanity, that you and the British DO NOT own Australia or any other ex-colony of the quite dead British Empire, and that probably about 9-tenths of the Human population suffer because of your out-of-date economic, monopolist principles.

Indeed, please remember that quite possibly 100% of the world's population are threatened with extinction if you do not invoke the Just Reforms to the monopolist economic Land tenure structures currently in place.

What's that old Biblical saying?

“Make Straight the Road!”

If you don't do it now, you or any of your successors will not have a second chance.

Lastly, coming from Uluruba, that is in “northern-speak” the Great Southern Land of Australia, it would be “interesting” to find out how much Australia sends England to aid in the upkeep of the Her Palace-People of Buckingham, Windsor, Balmoral, etc and on?

For the Mutha of Us All,

Omaxa bin Eartha
Outlaw, for Global Land, Tax, Cult and Drug Law Reform
Forests of Godolonia
Uluruba (Australia)

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