
A Note to Britain's "UNITED" Union

Monday 2nd March '09.


I'm an Outlaw for GLOBAL Land, Tax, Cult & Drug Law Reform. Been "out-in-the-cold" for over 14 years, living in my vehicle, dissenting from most of the hoopla of national & global politrix.

I watched your Union Boss (name?) today on BBC, and Salute him & The Cause.
In 2009, Unionism has no choice but to GO GLOBAL.
I am at war, as-it-happens, with your UK/Eurapean colonialism.


Clearly, the rightwing "west" is trashing the planet, so we cannot waste time.

You MUST totally reassess your objectives, in terms of employment, & the "perceived" need for a free marketplace.

We all do have a right to earn an Honest quid, but our rights are totally abused while we pay private landlords for a place to live etc.

THE Issue, (as-ever) is Land Reform - GLOBALLY - for one nation alone cannot hope to win Equity amongst the Workers.

You, the Unions now have the USA Admin on-side, while they do face huge hurdles.
Every government on Earth and most Workers now Know the fundamental need, for rebalancing local & global society.

While many are still under the pawl of catholic centralization in commerce and land ownership, we are, through "Knowledge", breaking that grip.

Yo! Philosophy & Education!

Now, in the GEM, "Global Everything Meltdown", their/our only way to succeed is to UNITE GLOBALLY.

I have Australia's Unions & governments, AND even our rightwing parties onside, though, as most Union Leaders are catholic, they wait (in vein) for their Great Chief, so will not take it to the streets themselves.

Obviously, the global banking sector, al a HSBC, the Bank of England, and the Swiss UBS types, are reluctant to get real.

Obama's Investigators are on the case now, with their calls for exposure of UBS, and as I see it, are "on the money" in breaking the filthy-rotten Brit-Eurapean cartels.

Most know my vicious antipathy to "the north", for it's ruthless colonialism of the last 500 years, but that's not at the Workers. Mainly, I shoot my firey arrows at the elite, like those above.

The GEM is being managed as best the elites can, since we woke them up with a few "events" these last few years.

They, the Keswicks, Bonds, et al, realize the errings, and I estimate they want to make-up for it.

CHANGE has to occur, globally, or we're all doomed.

BIG CHANGE Comrades.

The BIGGEST CHANGES ever, on Earth, today, can only succeed with a Concerted, Globally UNITED Effort.

Fear NOTHING Comrades.

Do your Maths, like Henry George of the USA did in the 19th century.

Break the yokes the landlords have had on you, Britain, & on us, the Rest of Humanity, since Adam's day.

Economics IS A SCIENCE, with Solid Answers, not a mishmash of elitist hyperbolic distraction!

REACH OUT UNITED, across the Channel, across the planet, & watch The Faithful, True Believers Stand-Up with You, & Success can only be all of OURS.

Stop the machine of "Babylon", by organizing a global strike, even just for one day, and watch Humanity Salute the once "Great" Britain (sheit that's hard for me to say! I'm part Aborigine!), and the Great USA, the Great Russia, & the Greatest Cause of Human Unity, in making, wherever we live, "Our Soils Our Own".

Don't let Britain & Eurape become insular and protectionist rightwing.

Just refocus on "Glocal" Sustainability.


That is all profit for the uncaring, spellbound elite.

The Angels of Heaven and Earth will support & protect you, I guarantee it.

All Praise a United Earth!

One Planet!
One People!
One Issue!


Omaxa bin Eartha
for Global Land, Tax, Cult & Drug Law Reform.

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