
Taliban Win In Pakistan.

Taliban win in Pakistan.
(1st 8 paragraphs scribed on February 18th '09., a few days before the announcement of the Taliban win in northern Pakistan)
by Omaxa bin Eartha.
Friday 6th March '09.

What evidence is there, that, All Things Considered (ATC), the dominant global (through complex globalizing agenda) empirist, colonialist “Christian” culture, thus it's Laws, keep the Balance, in the Group, Tribe, Nation (or suburb, Patch, Turf) in “developed” nations, in comparison to Islamic Culture and Laws?

Perhaps the general “western” or Judeo-Christian culture's biggest failing is assuming OUR culture is the only one for ALL Humanity.

Typical Christian hubris, as-in most wars since the holy crusades.

Remember, The Prophet Mohamed, Created Islam because many of the Abrahamic Family saw the rot which “Old Jerusalem” and the “holy Roman empire” had introduced and exaserbated in the Faith.

Therefore we must Honor Islam's View, step-down from the Brit-Euro-centric, pulpit, insanely abused with language, of the Christian might-is-right way, and give the Taliban the Opportunity to Institute Their People's Security, through “Sovereignty of Laws”.

Laws which, given the Respect from outside, can again find less-”extremist” enactment and enforcement, thus more Moderate, Fully Intelligent Expression.

Not mere “lost sheep”-types, cungering religious myth and fiction, ultimately, for a pernicious, selfish, superiorist cult agenda!

In “The GLOBAL Dream”..., (if-I-may...?) Arabians, Islamist, Africans and Clans, once more, Elevate Their Souls upon those not-so-mythical “Magic Carpets” of Cultural, Cosmological and Deilogical Balance.

Friday 6th March '09

As the Swiss bank-type tax havens are cracked and levered-open, the International Criminal Court, (ICC) indicts President Omar al-Beshir of the Sudan.


President Mugabe of Zimbabwe faces similar warrants as issued against Beshir by the Brit-Eurapean-centric ICC, United Nations, resource-hungery “north”.

Palestine is, underneath all the riveting video of the carnage, oppressed because, they as well, are regarded as “lesser beings” than the white, north. Noticed the “blondes” in Israel?

The same applies to Aborigine Peoples in Australia, especially from the most recent Eurapean incursion of “immigrants”. I have no doubt that the Eurapeans have had this in mind for centuries, and, as things are on a knife-edge economically, ecologically, culturally, religiously, legally et al et al, GLOBALLY, the rats are deserting the sinking Euroship with all they could cunger out of daddy's inheritance, buying-up the best real estate wherever the jumbo-and-a-4X4 will posit their pampered pussies.

Such warped, pressures arise because Eurape, is too populated, as it may have been for about five hundred years.

Hunkering-down for the upcoming globaleverythingmeltdown (“gem”), means all of us getting over our “proud traditions”, Respecting the unknown, especially the one's whose Roots are like a software update, bringing all the factors in tune with the shifting sands of the day's threats, virii, political realities etc.

Utterly ridiculous is the global tourrorism “jetsetter” industry, most enjoyed by whole generations of very wealthy Britons and Eurapeans, whose ancestors were set-upon wiping-out the Ancestors of today's Aborigine (WHEREVER they tourrotravel), whom the tourrorist Briton and Eurapean richbrats come to oggle at, buy the art of, knowing the Artist gets bugger-all, while the “Gallery” darlingkkk, makes 1000% profit! ETCETERAAAA!

Of course, we the white, christian educated indoctrinated “NATIVES” of Australia, support all this in blind, blithe apathy, leeching-off the richie-rich eurotouro.

But is it not the same, all over?

So, please..., is it time...., to ask the northern Christian moguls of modus operandi and ways of thinking... NOT CUNGERING, to rein-in their closedminded, unattainable, secret agenda in regard to “Other” Cultures, Colors, Classes and real estate, let The African Way be Found without ICC-type, farcical, protectionist, “anti-other-interventions”, subversions etc, let Natives wherever we be, want to Welcome the Eurorats, but on the Wisest, Level Playing Field, by now, pledging to Fight for Global Land Reform, that in our Lives we will share the Land and the Wealth Equally, with Just Hearts.

Is it now, that we must ask the culturally dangerous north, who uphold the erring ICC etc (USB? Lloyds? HSBC? Bank of America? Citigroup? RBScotland? Meryl? Fannie? Freddie? and George Dubelyer etceteraetceteraetceteraetcet
eraetceteraetceterRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.........., to “Look Within!” and inspect your inner drug laws, relax your rude Opium, Cannabis and other drug laws, and begin afresh to Treat the Islamic Afghanistan, Pakistan, Middle East, Northern and Southern Africa et al, People, Laws, Land and Culture, with the Respect Brothers of One True Family would...... ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.... give their Honorable Parents?


A last word on President Beshir's warrants.....

Who is capable of reminding the ICC, ie., the white north, that THEIR ancestors invaded Africa centuries ago, and everyminute since, and are ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for the current unbalances as we witness across that Continent.

So, tied with the current “globaleverythingmeltdown”, with Brit-Eurape at the centre of allegations and charges of being responsible, their unbelievable twisting of history, religion and politics ALWAYS TO THEIR favor, with "whiteman's tongue" or "christian rationalization", has come to an end.

What I may be seeing in Africa, is a culpably subverted continent trying to get-it-together in ways the Socialist, Agrarianist, Green, Leaders of Latin and South America have been doing recently.

With the gem knocking on Eurapean bankers' doors, Ably Led by the NORTH AMERICAN, US Authorities, they can no longer, aside from a Jewish “Mutually Assured Destruction” psychotic episode, presume superiority to and over the Proper Definitions of Law, of GLOBAL Law.

The International Criminal Court is totally corrupt (so, do we "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do..."?), should be put in indefinite recess, while a GLOBAL Criminal Court weighs the Evidence as to ongoing colonialist crimes which now bring cancer and aids etc., to the Beautiful Peoples and Beautiful Cultures of Africa, Arrente, America and Asia, attributable to the last 500 years of British and Eurapean mentally ill expansionism.

Just One Planet.

Just One Law.

3.00pm Friday
Omaxa bin Eartha
The Outdoor Outlaw of...,

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