
Aborigine Remote Communities - Where They Gone Wrong?

Aborigine Remote Communities - Where They Gone Wrong?
by Omaxa bin Eartha.

As winner of the Nobel Prize for Economic's, Professor Paul Klugman is quoted as saying on ABC Radio National a year or two ago, “Housing is one of the great failures of history”.

We have no doubt he was refering to our “western” nuclear family versions.

I came across a news article on the net the other day about a remote Aborigine Community north-east of Alice Springs, whose residents have staged an indefinite "Sit-Out" if-I-may, of not using the houses they have had built for them by some idiot and uncaring passed government.

I flipped into "oogle maps" and found the wee-village "Ampilatwatja", and zoomed-in until I could see the housing.

A bit of a joke, if the Aborigine don't mind me saying-so? But I only say-so inline with my longtime thinking about yer typical white suburban residential layouts, which that uncaring idiot government of the past deemed was the appropriate model to slap on the heads and hearts of Our Aborigine, even way-out in remote desert Australia!

At Ampilatwatja there are about forty houses, laid-out in a couple of loops, typical of your average Australian quarter-acre suburban estate. From the few thousand feet up, they looked fairly usual types of dwellings whitey occupies. Probably akin to those houses I stayed-in in around 2000 when I was invited by the Aborigine to get to know them, in the Alice Springs town-camps.

“Double”, perhaps “triple-fronted” brick houses, with three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and the rest.

In the town camps in Alice, the houses were under utilized, and thus had longtime fallen into pretty dishevled conditions.

On the other hand, they were over-utilized, because Aborigine has a very different "model" of "family" to what we dumbwhiteys stubbornly stick-to. Or perhaps the truth about our housing models is that we don't so-much stubbornly stick to, but are FORCED to adhere to “living-in” Klugmans “great failures of history”.

Forced by no-less than the tyrannical banking system we have. An evil system managed by the most materialistic and brainless people on Earth - the Brit-Eurapean elites.

So, on “nuclear family housing”, again I plug my view on this construct, and assert that the one- dad-one-mum-and-2-point-2-kids “family” model, inline with Professor Klugman's statement, is the biggest fraud upon us all.

A fraud because it, or it's concept and eventual design has nothing to do with giving each adult or adult couple, their own little castle, their own “space and peace”, where they can pursue their own desires, wants, hobbies, preferences et al.

That, to-be-sure, is a part of it, but that is more, in fact, the major attraction for the irrationally desirous, in the elite's game of keeping us diffused, distracted and thus divided.

The HARD REALPolitik facts are that our “traditional” nuclear family house, and the minimalist unit family therein have been reduced to their current average size (ma, da, 2.2 kids) because that is the smallest size, the smallest number of people the authorities can get away with, while still calling a group of relo's “a family”. Any less a number, whatever that could or might be, and the peasants would revolt. And governments would not be able to use the “family” word in their rhetoric.

Of course my detractors will blurt “BUT CHINA, CHY-YNA, has a ONE CHILD PER FAMILY POLICY!?!?!” So NYHA to you!”

I'd like to do a computer model of what a nation of 1.3 or so billion people would become were it run by free market capitalists who like my detractors, advocate lots of kids, like a bloody catholic family, in such a large country like China? We'd soon see a total collapse of the nation, and, if applied worldwide, as the fecking catholics have been trying to do for centuries, we'd see a much faster collapse of the whole planet, it's biosphere and it's inhabitants.

Indeed, I put it that our current global everything meltdown, or “gem”, has it's genesis right there in our erroneous, disastrous and deadly “nuclear family model”!

Our disgusting nuclear family model is racked with flaws, too many to go into here, but sticking with my first assertion against them, there is no doubt they, or their concepts, are a construct of the elite's economists, so-as to extract the most from the savings and earnings of the masses they slot into the nuclear houses.

Since the explosion of mass-production in goods and products, the makers have depended upon people buying them. Logical and fair enough. However, quickly the makers realised that quality had to be reduced, so that their products would not last forever, LIKE THEY SHOULD, (China?) and so the consumer would have to go and buy ANOTHA WUN!

Similarly, the small MD2.2 family, slotted into separate little dwellings, necessitates that each family “unit” go out and buy, from the elite's corporations, their own products like - a fridge, a washingmachine, a tele, a music system, dvd player, kitchen utensils, loungeroom facilities, a lawn mower, one or more cars, and, of course, all the building materials which go into the dwelling, and it's ancilliary garage, shed, garden, etc.

Intelligence, practicality and even kiddie-logic says that this is very UNECONOMIC, for the family, for it forces at least one of the adults into the slave-like “work-force” to afford all the stuff-soon-becoming-JUNK, but most important, to afford and keep the roof over their heads.

And..., it's very UNECONOMIC for the community because it has us inordinately “spread-out” on what we are all slowly becoming aware is a limited and increasingly precious resource - LAND.

Such spreads demand MORE travel for each “family” member, to work, to school, to fight and to play.

Such spreads also demand more travel thus as with the family members, more consumption of energy, for everyone therein, including the governmental and utility bodies such as councils, electricity supply cabling, sewerage, drainage, water supply, and of course that most damaging to everything - ROADS.

What reason would a tyranny have to reduce family to this size?

Money, honey! The nuclear family is the antithesis of the method the elite tyrannies (otherwise known as “corporations” and “corporate governance”) employ to do-over the masses. That method of the elites, is the same which ensures maximized efficiency, and thus, in corporate terms, ensures maximized “profits”, and is the wonderfully scientific, Economic, Logical and even Beautiful “Economies of Scale”.

When families, pre-corporate government tyranny, as-in Australia's pre-invasion Aborigine, and very-much as-in pre-industrial revolution, or in fact further back to 15th century England, were allowed to be families, they were much-much larger than the M,D,2.2 of today.

MUCH larger! But, in Aborigine, not “much larger”, wherein one couple had lots more progeny. Larger in terms of havings same-age cousins around them, making for a mini-Community in each grouping. The Anglo word for these types of groupings is typically “tribe”, but I suspect the Aborigine word(s) would mean “family”.

In this type, kids were amongst known and trusted “friends”, and adults were also, where personal dilemmas could be safely discussed and sorted-out, for there were not only youngies and kids, but the Elders were always hanging around nearby. In this Family model, Knowledge, Important Knowledge was shared, Traditions were able to be established, which where known to Endure, and not become flawed or BAD policy decades or generations down the track, as is pretty-much ALWAYS the case in the western, modern versions of family and community.

Probably like the Perfected Aborigine family model, pre-Brit-Eurapean-expansion "Family" covered hundreds of kin, all knowing of each other, each other's parents, brothers, sisters, couzins etc.

As those of Our Aborigine who survive in Extended Family models have not been slotted into the horrendous slave-trade concept of working "9-to-5", they have not had to be assured of a quiet 8 hours sleep each night, so the head slave of each house, at least, and the school-kids, can be awake enough to tread-off to the mill or indoctrination centre 5-days-a-week, all awake and ready to commit genocide in their workforce or school room.

But, back to the remote Aborigine Community in the N.T., it cannot be let pass that SOME passed idiot, either in government or in the likes of Boral building materials corp., or an “A.V.Jennings”-type housing corporation has ordained, via it's financial and employment blackmailing of government, that the Ab should be thrown this model, so-as to break-apart their Magnificent Extended Families, so that the Aborigine would soon fall extinct, or be melded into white entropic degradation we call “civilization”. I will avoid here going into the pernicious plans of the white Australia policy types of passed governments and IMF corporations, to shatter the Supreme Bond the Aborigine has in Family, so-as to drive them off the Land.


For you are taking perhaps the Most Noble Stand against evil by refusing to “live” (HA!) in those reductionist, family-breaker nuclear houses dumped on YOUR COUNTRY by the ignorant white arses of either Darwin or Canberra.

May your “Objectionist Fever” spread across the globe, and quick, aye!?

This of course, brings us to the question of what we replace the houses with?

That, is up to the Aborigine.

There is a fair argument that some form of dwelling, which would come under the label of “house” or “family dwelling” or such, be attempted by and for Our Aborigine. Because whitey is here to stay, and, so some sort of orientation around the dominant worldwide culture of western society is proper, I think.

I think so, because there has to be a “point” where, as-it-goes, “east-meets-west”, or where “Ab-meets-idiots”, in-the-main so that there is enough familiarity in all of us, to be able to travel to other cultures and Lands, and to be able to cohabit, co-exist and if desired, settle, without having to deal with totally unfamiliar living and social scenarios.

But this, in light of such as Professor Klugman's comment, has to go both ways, for the nuclear family housing models which are decimating the environment and families globally, cannot be sustained, and therefore MUST NOT BE SUSTAINED, if we, as one Human Species, are to minimize the otherwise impending carnage we will inflict on the Great Mutha.

So if our shiny WHITE... - BLONDE WHITE..., BLONDE WHITE BLUE-EYED Prime Minister is serious about his seemingly profound “Apology” to the Australian Aborigine in February last year, he and his collegues, NOT JUST on the government side of the “House”, have every Duty to address the much-avoided issue of “nuclear family housing”.

Firstly, for Our Aborigine, but also, for the Environment, and for the mass of slaves who spend most of their hard-earned cheese-crackers on - A NUCLEAR FAMILY HOUSE!!!!

I, who belongs to the families of birds and wallabies and lizards and 'roos and other Australian Critters of the Bush, I who am exiled from and who rejects Human society, am not placed to suggest what type of housing will suit the Gods of Ampilatwatja, but I heard recently an Aborigine Elder of some national repute, from the N.T., I think, say on radio that these accepted nuclear family housing models have to be replaced with something the Aborigine designs, thus prefers.

In a dig at the past regimes who forced their ignorance upon the Aborigine, I have seen that the usual plan was to “tell” the Ab they would get houses. Then a bunch of building contractors - WHITE, usually church-schooled builders would invade with all their fancy stuff, slap down a cement slab, whack-up the brick dwellings, fit them out with all the bits, throw-in a 2foot high cyclone wire fence for the “front yard” and sometimes a paling fence around the back of the house, and leave it to the Fellas to occupy.

All of the product used came from afar, made by multinational corporations. The designs took absolutely NO account of the occupiers daily or longterm needs, and maintenance had to be imported, because A, the Ab had no training in how to maintain the stuff, and B, neither did/do they care about the stuff.

Why? Because (in my halfway opinion) they knew where their priorities lay, which is in Relationships, not in stuff which only satisfied the short-term errant and deluded wants and desires of those who had been seduced (read-hypnotized) to think these things and house-styles are what makes a MAN, or a WOMAN.

Makes a “Man” or “Woman” in the eyes of the masters of rip-off - the richest and rudest and filthiest elites of the first, WHITE SUPREMACIST Christian western world. Making them “mEN” and “wOMEN” so-as to rip-them-off ever more in consumer-psychosis garbage lifestyles.

Isn't it funny that the world is in it's death-throws around the same time the world attains “saturation-point” in materialism, production and consumption of JUNK POLICIES and products???

If our shiny PM IS serious, he would invoke an inquiry into WHO, in passed governments, designed the disgusting plans for housing and communities for Our Aborigine, and WHO ordained that such pathetic housing models should be thrown at Them, and bring them to account?

They should be brought to answer questions in front of a PUBLIC Review Board Committee, and in one way or the other, be made to pay for their ignorant decisions. Otherwise, the same old egomaniacal policies will continue to be thrown over the People and the Environment, and NO reduction to the carnage will occur.

I suggest this, because, it is clear that with each government, flawed policies are far too often set into legislation without ANY Intelligence applied, only to create MASSIVE problems further down the track. The instigators, having been voted out, or retired on a “nice-little-earner”, escape what should be their responsibility for BAD GOVERNMENT, and the debt has to be carried by both the successive brand of government, but mostly by the poor sods, ie., the People who have to endure under the error-laden policies of passed political egomaniacs.

However, I suspect our shiny PM Rudd is NOT that Righteous or Brave.

To redress the devastating errors across all of Australia's housing crises is an HUGE ask, yes, but to NOT even attempt it, will be yet another major crime against the People, and not just against the Regal Aborigine, and against the great Mutha Eartha.

Perhaps, for Remote Aborigine, and perhaps even for those who have become suburban, the only Righteous thing a government could do, is to release them from the evil grip the private banking and real estate sectors have on them, which demands that the True Owners of Australia must pay the invaders to be able live on THEIR OWN COUNTRY.

Then, perhaps the Aborigine would be inspired to meet the idiots halfway and get-into designing and building THEIR versions of housing, just so the whidiots stop accusing them of being “primitives”.

But, the facts are, that NO private bank, mortgage retailer, land-owner, urban developer/speculator or realtor has ANY right to demand anything from ANY People, to live on the Earth.

I'm not oblivious of what I'm asking here. It's clear that excessive consumption of Eartha's resources is the major problem our species has to address, next to rampant and frivilous over-population, and, that the larger part of over-consumption rests in our lifestyles. And, our lifestyles are, erroneously, bound to the enforced belief that consumption of material products or resources in this very field of housing and the accompanying goods and products we are conned to fill the houses with, is where we will find “Happiness”, and any “real” (hoho) Quality of Life.

But also, in regard to over-population, the same applies, where dumbed-down, Spiritually deprived wannabe-mummies think that having “A BABEE!” will bring them Maturity, Contentment, Womanliness and Happiness. This begs the question which only REALPolitiks can ask: “Do adults have children for the children's sake, for the Species' sake or for their own selfish genital desires?”

Even the last Liberal government's Amanda Vanstone (I think), said publicly that “materialism is not what makes us Happy.” (paraphrased)


Surely, it is about time some of our White Mobs, Families, Tribes, took the Noble Aborigine's lead, and also began their own Protests against this dangerously overconsumptive and clearly not-Happiness-making “nuclear” family housing model.

A product of the era, of the “industrial revolution” era, the nuclear family housing model borrows the word “nuclear” from the deadly weapons we have in our desperate stupidity developed.

Perhaps the only key difference between nuclear weapons and nuclear family houses, is that the former destroys all life a lot faster.


What say you, O Shiny One?


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