
Euthanasia, and knowing the time.

Euthanasia, and knowing the time.
by Omaxa bin Eartha
16th August 2009

Comment on article at http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2009/s2656901.htm
"WA man wins right to die"

“Congratulations!” seem right going to Christian Rossiter for doing the legal stuff and putting some wind back in the sails of Euthanasia medical experts like Dr Philip Nitschke.

In my speciality of “All Things Considered” GLOBAL Solutions, to what the planet has coming in the next decades and centuries, euthanasia sits patiently in the backroom of mind, waiting for Humanity to arrest our dependence upon ruthless medico and drug corporations etc.

Perhaps unrecognised by most, the western, or Christian determination that Human life is Sacred and must be preserved at all costs (?), which is the culture, or policy that stupidly objects to euthanasia, may in fact be one of the most dangerous social policies around.

There can be little doubt, when appraising the ultimate intentions of the medical professions-collective, that they are fascinated with one or other aspect of their trade, be-it the exploring, the disecting, the repairing, the enormous income, or another facet of keeping people alive for as long as possible.

It has never been the job of a doctor or surgeon or pediatrition or other medical professional, to do the maths about the culture they uphold, and about whether doing the right thing by old Mrs Warvet and keeping her “alive” in an old person's home or geriatric facility was in fact adding to the danger on the global scale of - tooo many people!

I keep as far from our “medical professionals” as I can, but know that Wisdom is not their province, especially in the under 90s batches.

Most of them are, well..., like council workers (who're often a lot Wiser!). They see the errors, or most of them, see the hurdles in the way of changing the superstructure, and with the first threat from a pharmaceutical corporation that they'll be out of a surgery in months if they do not prescribe THEIR drug, after a few bottles of yer finest whiskey, resignation has them back at the surgery dispensing out-of-date ideological rubbish and the accompanying pills and MORE TESTS before you know it.

Factually..., (huh?) the first world manages our lives, and when we die, which should not be the case. Medical professionals as I said, are not educated to sit in judgement on issues which relate directly to keeping the species, and our Habitat - Mutha Eartha - alive and functioning ad infinitum to the future.

Yet, through ridiculous laws, all of which are put-up for introduction into legislation in the 1st instance by those who speculate on profiting most from that law, mere medicos are at the forefront of killing the planet, by going crazy keeping people who, often enough, know themselves well-enough, after sixty-seventy-one-hundred-and-twenty years, to know when to say, “Enough is enough! I've had a good innings, done a lot of things, raised a family, etc-etc-and-on, it's time I slipped off the twig”.

Surely today in post-Bush-USA, post-Christian delusion, a plenitude of Humans are aware enough of the “big picture” of life as we know it, and that an whole 'nother existence awaits us beyond death?

Indeed, refering to the Ancients, mainly of the East, or of the Orient, life goes on, and it is for us to embrace it, when the time is right, without fear. Hinduism and Buddhism suggest that we must be fully awakened to progress beyond this world of life-death cycles, upto that mystical “Eternal Life”.

Christianity surely addresses these post-life scenarios, and I'm sure I could find a line from Jeshua ben Joseph which goes directly to the “afterlife” situation, and even a few which tell is to not be concerned about THIS life, but to rather concern ourselves with what awaits us in..... O Yeah? Heaven or Hell is it?

So something has gone terribly awry in this so-called “saved” cult, for the whole Christian golden calf tribe profession of medicine to slap a law suit on anyone who knows it's time they passed-over, and who wants to die with dignity.

Alluding to my penchant - how to wipe out white fella - err...., how to minimize the expected global carnage - this exact issue, of legal euthanasia, of old people talking straight, with clear minds, and a Will to move-on, a Will to do what they can to reduce the carnage for their kids, grandkids, great-grandkids and-on, stands high on the ladder of “How To's?”

Any reporter could accumulate the data telling us how much medical help for over 60s, say, for over-80s say, costs the whole Community - meaning I guess the whole planet, including the biosphere.

But let's not look just at the old and infirm. Besides, there's squillions of them still full of vigour and want and ability to contribute to the society yet, who, often the case, in age are happier living a low-tech, or low-energy, low-consumption lifestyle.

And even those who are in “advanced conditions”, frail and woesome, totally dependent upon an army of workers, yet for one strange reason or another do not want to die yet?

That's fair enough. Always, it is their psychological condition and level of Intelligence, the Gateway to Wisdom, which has them decide.

Without Wisdom, they are bound in the shell that has been fitted to their Soul, and so also do not see that most-all of what the church has inculcated in them about life, and about death, is distorted, even perverted.

It's not the place to go into WHY? the religion of the people becomes distorted and perverted, making them afraid to step-lightly-and-Gracefully-off-the-twig, but it's usually brutal economic corruption. Brutal economic corruption which is directed from on-high in the private-school chaplin's office, in the city's offices of the archbishop, in the boardrooms stacked with private-school graduates making squillions from a seat on the executive of large, brutal profit-oriented drug, medical supply, surgeons' robes corporations. Corporations which sponsor private schools to keep the fodder coming just as it has been....

Corporations which spend squillions selling furphys to the telewatching masses, to keep the telewatching masses, ignorant about how to get-off the merrygoround, thus keeping the corporations filthy rich and IN CONTROL of in the end YOUR mind, heart and what's left of a Soul.

And pundits all-over the USA are chanting warcries against President Obama for his trying to wake the people up from this tauper, from this current rip-off of a private health system?

In the modern world, all manner of perversions have arisen to take the masses by the throats and make them cling to or fear something beyond what is reasonable or Wise.

So, very much, is our fear of death. As is our fear of not living enough.

To the Wise, to the considerate, to the contemplative person, it is folly, albeit frightening folly to be afraid of death. As it is to them folly to cling too much to anything in this world.

It must be time for our “leaders” (Ah? You left the light on....?!) to make this “euthanasia issue” one included in the hard yes VERY HARD discussion of what Humanity MUST do in the next decade, to minimize the expected food shortages, medical shortages, energy shortages which threaten to destroy most if not all of us.

Then there are the less-aged? What should a Proper Community do if a child is born with severe disabilities? Again, the outcome depends enormously upon what we have been taught to accept as Proper Custom. That-is, Custom which fits with the larger picture of life beyond our own miniscule egobubble lives. Which fits with how any Good, Wise and Honorable God would have it.

Obviously the protests against killing babies is full of emotions, usually from badly-raised mothers and catholics. But, obviously they must be forgiven for they are all hypnotized into the baptismal, so know NOT what they get all fluffy about.

With Respect to those who are or have parented deformed kids, I must do my thing and take issue with the specialists who do such abominable things as decide to try separating conjoined babies, when, all things considered, the persons those kids may grow up to be, will not have a life to speak of. Conjoined babes is just one example of the extremes those superclones ov ze kirk will go to, to find-out if this or that “works”.

I can foresee objections to these comments from the slopbrained Christian establishment and their employees downstairs, but I bet that in even twenty years if this type of reform to allow euthanasia so that intelligent people can decide when and how to pass-over, is not enabled, an evil, far more gruesome method of IMF-type, Cecil Rhodes-type global tyranny incorporated, will actually be freighting the overburden of humanity off to remote death-clinics and death-camps, in ruthless attempts to reduce human destruction of the food, air, water and life supplies on Earth.

If euthanasia were allowed, the statisticians must be able to do their maths, and determine how much air, water, food, energy, land and overall mental and physical health would be saved, enabling the whole species and whole planet to breathe a bit easier, so we then may accelerate our “NUMBER ONE 21st century task” of preventing species and habitat annihilation.

All pre-western cultures - ALAS! THE WISE! - had clear and intelligent lore, laws and rules about life. It did not take them building massive universities and laboratories and experimental hospitals to establish beyond failure their Lore, their Laws, Customs, Rituals and Ceremonies.

It is not “like a dog” to kill a child if the child is known to be a burden to the group in it's future.

It is, actually, and this shouldn't form as it is, for it is far toooo generalising, Wise in some cases, to end the life of a baby while the human in there is still unconscious of the situation.

My mother used to force “YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE!” down my throat.

Possibly because she discussed aborting me before birth to avoid the disgrace of her, HER having had a bastard.

For years I've pondered such lines from her type, and always wondered what the aborted or the newborn babe comprehends about being taken off life-support or such?

It's as plain as day that kids and adults react according to how we've been taught to react. It may stand to reason therefore that a child, given the right environment, for their mind and Soul as well as for their feable body, in their early minutes, days, weeks or even months, would not be possessed of the fear we learn as we grow and are bombarded with frightening garbage ex-Hollywood, ex-the pulpit, ex-television news etc, so, for them, being put to sleep would be as if they had just popped off the bus for a 2-minute smoke in the middle of their life-journey.

Those of us in the inbetween bracket, between babes and geri's, are usually so full of shit and fear that our opinions on such personal-yet-at-once-global affairs are worthless. LESS than worthless, because they most often just GET IN THE WAY, and perpetuate the decline of the species and of the planet.

In the months since Barack Obama and what'shisname Rudd were pumped into government, my Hope in them and the forces behind their rises has diminished. Rudd scurrying-off for a special consultation with the Rat of Rome recently, superficially at least about making a woman alone in a destitute land who found security in numbers of homeless women a saint, did not help my faith, for his aura proclaims he is quite happy thangyouverymuch being a churchboy.

And besides, could he ever trust his doctor if he threw off the yoke and legalized euthanasia?

As we speak pharmaceutical and medical machinery corporate board meetings are being called to ward-off any potential threat to Squillions de Physicians Incorporated from an enlightened population, who are, by-the-second, expanding their consciousnesses enough to see that, the real and present danger to CO2 levels is in, old farts - NO! - is in-part in these utterly ridiculous “Traditions”, customs, practises and in the long-term BADBADREALBAD accepted dogma and 'norms' about “preserving life, AT NO MATTER WHAT COST!”

“Traditions”, customs, practises and in the long-term BADBADREALBAD accepted dogma and 'norms' fabricated by those who are perhaps the least qualified to assess what's relevent, Important, Wise...., on the “macro” scale of life.

Our really really, REALLY stupid, totally hypnotized medical professions and their dollar-hungary ancilliary industries. And political softcokrubbers.

So, “Good on Yer, Christian Rossiter!” whether you choose to live or live or not, because you have opened a topic which some, are coming to see as fairly important, indeed perhaps crucial, to the future of all life on Earth.

As well, one is obliged to pass the same “Good on Yer!” onto the Judge who ruled in Christian's favor. Perhaps he is the first of a fearless breed of snobs who are, for being fearless of retribution from idiots incorporated and their local catholic college, weighing the evidence with clearer minds than those who were either bought-off or frightened into outlawing euthanasia and abortion and for legalizing other unsustainable and unintelligent practices and laws.

For it is definitely time the whole lot of us, all Humans rid their heads of the bullshit about keeping poor uncomfortable lonely and pissed-off people alive when they do not want to stay alive.

If an elderly person has dementia, and is therefore classed as being unable to determine their own fate, in terms of end-of-life scenarios, yet who wants to die, what Wisdom is there in forcing them to keep breathing, sleeping, eating, breathing, sleeping, eating, breathing, sleeping, eating?

Indeed, what practical, economic, psychological asset is there in it for them?

As well, what is a life, well lived...., but that in which one knows, when to die?


Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Nichols Cook-Meredith-O'Brien
aka Max Nichols Cook
aka Max No Difference

Outlaw, for
Global Land, Tax, Cult, Drug & Work Law Reform.

Reforests of Godolonia,



"...IF YOU DARE...!?"

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