
Global troubles, Local Issues - Land Reform

I haven't looked for a few weeks, but I had a google alert for “global land reform” active for some months. Most alerts came from the third world, several from southern Africa, Zimbabwe of course, scored a few mentions.

Israel, and other smaller regions.

Israel of course, was I think making note of the ongoing right-wing Israeli land-grab into the West Bank, so contained little of that land reform I advocate.

It is a strange blindness which keeps “tame” let's say, even the reporters, journos and other media staff who investigate the “bigger pictures” coming across their desks, pictures of an overall imminent collapse of the world as we know it.

What can they do? Of course, other than keep-on reporting and estimating the future?

I have for decades wondered what extent the global collapse will have to reach before Intelligence comes-to-the-fore species-wide, globally, before the majority kick-up against what is clearly causing the whole stuff-up that the smartest scientists, naturalists, children, beaching whales and honey bees can see?

Corruption is the root problem, if we are to consider remedies, or in the least, a less disastrous future.

But who, in Australia, or, more specifically, which “Mob” in the Best Sense of the word, that-is which Organized, Balanced, Fearless and Intelligence-based Collective of who, Australians, New South Welsh, Aborigine, coppers, military, ferals, Nimbinites, is either across the complexities of steering anyone through the impending global catastrophe enough to get us there, say through the next 100 years, so that we might have begun to nurture the intellectual seeds in the progeny so they or those after them, may also survive ad infinitum, by living True, or, which Mob is tough enough to overcome the threats and dangers?

Threats and dangers which, from my own inquiries, come from US. Humans.

To live how I've managed in another region or nation of the world seems to be impossible, yet this nation's dichotomy is that so many can live here in Australia unassailed by bent coppers, bent people and bad dudes upholding corruption, to the point of not even knowing about it.

Yet right here amongst us - US - are a multitude of utterly 'bent' which may rightly be read as “insane” locals who, even amidst pub and workplace banter about the miserable prospects for the future, cannot advance their minds and Souls away from the bent lives they and their ancestors have lived, in New South Wales, for 201 years at least.

The extent of the insane nature of the societies and townships and villages we live in and near, is easily assessed with a mere watchful eye.

People jog in and out of local stores, supermarkets, take-aways, petrol stations etc, with a giggle, a smile, a laugh or a general devil-may-care attitude, with little or no contemplation on what they are doing, in terms of living an Honorable life. Living a Life which Honors Everything around us.

If I was raised in NSW, I'm sure I would be the same as most are here, and resign myself and the hard truths, to the apparent fact that corruption has totally overcome the state and the nation, and by the reports, the planet, so one may as well just carry-on being whatever we like, which is usually how we have been raised.

Since the first insurrection in 1808, NSW has basicly run the nation, in how corruption runs affairs.

Voting in-or-out one particular “political party” is but farse here, and always has been Australia-wide.

Well before the levels of communications our youngsters are used to, the country was set-upon by those who sought only to get a patch for themselves.

As the genocide of the Aborigine People progressed, so did the bitterness and viciousness of the perpetrators. Always the traps, the coppers had to deal with the on-the-ground issues, which gave them power.

Sadly an easily overwhelmed few of them were decent men, and the desperation of the era in this “different” new territory, with their murderous war against Aborigine constant in the bush, even uptil the early 20th century, with food always relatively scarce, no basic laws and civility non-existent, further degeneration of the brute was also imminent.

Today, in NSW, there lives a network of corrupt-drunk people who have known nothing else but brutality, taking the piss, and corruption.

Even while we all shudder deep inside when we think of what our OUR culture has done to the earth, to the whole planet, there are those of us who will not get off the roundabout of same-old-same-old corruption, and who STILL make it their business to interfere, distract, divert, defraud, subvert and, as still go on here almost daily, when a brave Soul stands-up to voice objections to the self-destructive and pathetic legal and social structures which sustain corruption-thus-our-inability to Collectivize and successfully confront the moguls of either corruption or the national-cum-global economy, these ignorant “old blood” bent coppers, bent catholics, and/or their devilishly bent wives, set the wheels in motion to eliminate the “felon”.

I wandered up a forest hill yesterday, to see what's further up the track.

As the dry-weather road touched the side of the mountain where there was a half-acre flat-spot or so, with by no coincidence a magnificent view across the range, there had been logging. As-if just enough to say “MINE” to whomever may happen passed.

Clearly, this is state forest, but everyone knows the government has been rotten since 1808, so what else should we expect, but than the locals, typically the bighouse ones, organizing logging in nice locations? “Planning ahead”, they would retort.

It's the way it has always been, say what?

One day, if things were to go as they are, this would be a bitumen road with gutters and concrete driveways, and a constant coming and going of fancy automobiles.

This I speculate on the premise that even these locals, descendants of the rough-house blokes who slaughtered perhaps hundreds of thousands of Aborigine to grab the land, are doing their maths, and see the future in similar ways as I do.

That-is, that the world is rooted, and that before long, law and order will breakdown near-as completely, so we better grab the best spots we can now!

And these choice spots would not be merely to dazzle the whores with the view, but also to see any movements back toward the coast, or wherever they decide the threats - the humans - will come from.

“Green” living will be forgotten before they leave the pub, so the environmental carnage will continue, as-if sealing the fate of the planet, with our own brand of evil...

Land reform is not big on any agenda, in country NSW, and I put it that this, land reform - the most effective “shift” humanity needs to undertake, if we are to minimize overall collapse - is being prevented not by multinational corporations and their global agenda, but at least as much by LOCALS who deservedly want a secure future, and are so damaged, so mentally defective, that they have dug a slippery hole of localized corruption toooo deep for them to climb out of.

So, a few more beers and a bitch, and the same-old-same-old BULLSHIT prevails, dragging the whole fecking species and several others down with them.

The trouble with endemic corruption, is that those with a bit of seniority in the game, assume the right to be right, and find quick that they have to be able to keep it up once they have started So, by the end of a meeting, be-it business or social, the mouth has to stay in gear and be ready with every and any line to shut-the-upstart-up, diminish the others argument, win the boys back on side, and/or extend the accepted dogma more and more with..... MORE BULLSHIT!

You'll see it in any beer-barn, social group, fraternity, or tennis club.

Everyone knows to not upset the mouth, or they'll use their connections to make you pay.., for insulting them with facts, or, with the truth.

Yet everyone knows they are the ones due to profit most from claiming the forests for private ownership, letting a mine go in here or there, developing environmentally sensitive coastlines, etc.

Over the past 20 years, I've been suaded to protest against the multinational corporations for their nasty behavior, and surely they have a lot to answer for, and the protest must continue, it seems.

But what happens when a local group calls a meeting to try and dig deep into what is stopping us from changing our ways?

Someone, you used to be able to be sure, on the call from the local police sergeant, the local priest, the local bighouse landowner or such, would find their way into the group, and, before you know it, there's a fight, or a slower form of division is planted, and little or no effective meeting takes place.

Over and over and over again!

So..., as corruption has such a fatalistic hold on LOCALS everywhere, perhaps our mighty Green Groups and anti-corporate stirrers, many of whom come from the corporate class itself, and for some reason or another choose to be an activist....., LOCAL rednecks, kids and loiterers..., need to band together to undermine the intentions of those who have been undermining local CHANGE?

It seems that corporations can only get what they want, usually in some way territorial, because they can rely on LOCALS to do the dirty work of puttying-up any with an Ethical Voice or such.

That I go so far as to ASSERT:

Doesn't mean others should also go that far.

But that no-one “goes-to” the..., THE ISSUES on that fundamental LOCAL level, doesn't mean the ISSUES are toooo big, but that they live in a group of utter fucking idiots, usually old, retired coppers with filthy wives who want the best of EVERYTHING DAMN YOU!

New South Wales is going to go through a seemingly dramatic few years from now, as corruption bursts it's bank vaults with whistleblowers blowing what can no longer be kept under the floorboards.

As Mark Latham put it, making “opportunity out of adversity”, these pointers should signal everyone in NSW who would go for a real change in how corruption can so brutally prosper, to get-up and tackle local corruption at that level, whether it's one or a few blokes going and talking to the local sergeant, or the local publican, when not the same bloke, or if they is the same bloke, about doing what is Intelligent, and allowing the things typically shredded to occur. Like, for example, calling those who pull the strings in the town to adopt a different perspective.

A small band of kids going to whomever they determine has influence in one affair or another, armed with their own research on what's right and wrong about a development or mining or other decision, not plying the sympathy songs, but by being Intelligent, Tough, as Country kids are, and giving the “bigger picture” to the recipient, it might be possible to effect change to the places where it's needed most - LOCALLY.

It is a fight that President Obama is now in, that “government” does have a place, and an Honorable one to boot.

He faces severe opposition from bigboys in insurance and allied industries who want to keep health care in their utterly corrupt and totally insensitive hands.

Government in the USA has been so corrupt for so long, that it is natural for Americans to shy away from giving what is called “government” any more influence or power over their lives.

It's gonna be a rude awakening when Americans realize fully that they have been done-over bigtime for centuries by the private enterprise mobsters, and that if they leave it to them much more, they'se gonna be in it REALDeep.

Americans, like Australians have quick to realize that government has a place, which does not pander to or cater for profit-first private enterprises, but which must be allowed fully to manage the society. That's all.

People only baulk at the mention of government because they have never known one which has not been run by corrupt parties, cartels, cabals, et al.

Government has been centralized of the last two or three hundred years as if experimentally, but has always got it's way because of corruption at the grassroots levels.

If councilors, coppers, doctors, teachers et al were paid not by multinationals, but by LOCALS, then with a properly organized people, across local regions, unhealthy changes to the local village, suburb, valley council could not occur.

So, now that the messiah has been exposed as a fake, and that without LAND REFORMS Humanity is dead being THE FACT OF THE DAY, I say it is for the LOCALS EVERYWHERE to save the world, or to at least reduce the stupidity..........

In regard to NSW, while it is the most corrupt-thus-bad for the environment, it may also have the best opportunity, for a motivated Green Party to do a bit of driving, but with some clear, distinct facts and figures and POLICIES.

Policies which go the full monty and call for national land reform.

Naturally, it vies for top issue spot against education, health, jobsjobsjobs and a raise for politicians, but if I can get my head around the simplicities and resolutions inherant in land reform, then the Ian Cohens, the Lee Riannons, the Bob Browns and the plenitude of other Ethical Voices here and afar, can also.

In fact, even Bikers can unnerstand this shit!

Therefore, there are less and less reasons why New South Wales cannot vote-in a GREEN GOVERNMENT in the next state election, and I advocate that all with a bit of spunk still in their bones, begin the Greens for New South Wales Government Campaign RIGHT NOW.

Just watch those ever-so-honest old coppers and catholic wives.......!


And everyone must begin telling the coppers to start wearing their badges right-way-UP!

Maybe then the retired coppers will start SMOKING the marijuana they've been growing....... the way it is made to be smoked.....?

So Gooood for your Soul!

Let me remind you, I also Advocate Reforms in Tax, Cult, Drug and Work laws too.

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