

2nd Winter Full Moon.
Postfall 89.
Postflash 04.
2109CE estimation.

Life? What was it? Whatever it was known as, 100 years ago, it is now, not.

I call it “exiss”.

Don't ask how I manage to put these thoughts on record.

Time has evaporated, as have all signs of living Humans.

Technology however, remains, in the wrecks of office buildings, department stores and warehouses, in the cities I dare to enter.

Cities, along all coast lines I have traversed, are under water, thus uninhabited and uninhabitable.

Thankfully, the megatonnes of cement used in their construction over the couple of centuries prior to “the fall”, gave the otherwise acidifying oceans a mega-dose of alkalides as the sea levels rose globally.

For the sake of the Mutha Eartha, I am thankful, and so are the aquatic creatures, because it saved them from being boiled alive in oceans of acid.

Mutant fish are seen fairly often, as I sit on whichever coastline I choose.

“Loneliness” is a thing I long ago, even before the global wipe-up, decided was merely a state of mind, as indeed all the mind's processes are, so, while not having had Human company for some one hundred years, I am not lonely.

Here and there though, I weep, when it hits me AGAIN, that this whole episode of postfall trauma has had to be so tragic.

I still get upset, mad, angry, and still holler from the cliffs, forests, deserts or mountaintops, mainly at the extinct species I am cursed to be the last survivor from, of. But that is more a matter of Duty, Dissent, and keeping the heart, vocal cords and mouth active. I catch myself speaking to myself here and there, but usually it's just me voicing thoughts I have going, to the animals I cohabit the planet with.

But, with the forests of marijuana I've cultivated, I'm usually calm, at Peace with my own being, my own Human Being, and my own dissenting existence.

I was outlawed in the prefall, around 1980, when I realized the stupidity of the people around, around me, and around the world. Choosing Wisdom and Inner Strength soon after that, when Rome's demon church of Babylon sought to exile me, I have been a dissident since. For over 120 years.

Indeed, that, Dissent, is the only way I have lived passed the usual age of death.

As it is, I see no death of my own. It, I found, like everything the others clung so fearfully to, is an illusion. So the earlier one let's go of the fear of death, and the fear of everything else, the Happier one will be, and the longer one will live. The rest of the species thought they had conquered death, but they fooled themselves. They thought they were capable of leaving the physical body and living-on in the fourth dimension, but they failed to foresee the power of they, he, who Attained the Supreme, the Supreme of the Seventh Dimension.

They realized in their last petrifying breath that the 4th dimension was not heaven,and was not a place where all power was theirs, theirs to abuse as their deranged minds had led them to believe. Minds deranged by the very clever little arseholes of the golden calf tribe, otherwise known (to me) as the “black hole gang”.

Funny how the rest of the living Universe knew well of the bhg, yet respect of it's perilous 4D tendencies escaped the whiteskins of Eartha? Funny indeed, as they arrogantly regarded acquisition of it's powers as “an evolution” for their clever little branch of the Human species, such that they “evolved” themselves out of existence with it.

But this is my next edition of my REPORTS TO THE PAST, so the above is but a brief of my own condition, and in regard to the Cosmos, the Actual Life, these brief tales are next-to irrelevant.

Folly followed folly prefall. The idiots, Humans, refused to wake their Souls from the tauper of obesity, obesity in all they had invented, manufactured, cunningly devised and consumed. So the planet, Mutha, wiped them out.

With a little help from Her friend. Me.

By 2020, fish were almost non-existent in the river systems, as were their food-chain fellows, animal and vegetable, because of the toxicity of the lives Humans insisted upon persisting with.

Humans fished the oceans dry, which began a cycle of marine life decline, expanding exponentially over a period of fifteen to twenty years, from about 2020.

Even uptil the fall, fishermen and those carnivores who were psychotic about eating marine mammals and reptiles, marched on parliaments and in city streets protesting for their rights to work and earn money raping the oceans and killing aquatic beings as fishermen, and to enjoy them as food.

Macabre is one word for it - watching mobs of ponsey, upemselves, upclub softcoks with rough-edged seafarers taking to the streets protesting against their own insanity, in effect fighting for their right to be fucking idiots, even if it meant the end of their habitat. The end of the only planet their species managed to occupy.

Lots felt the same way as I did. Fortunately lots of them were already like myself - Outlaws, and so were not averse to the HARD TRUTH that lots of these dicksuckers deserved to be slaughtered. Many were the jokes about sweeping them up in giant buckets and nets then dumping them coldly into steel tanks to be sorted into different groups, for the mincer and cannery.

The chaos these narrowminded, self-interested myopes brought upon themselves was, even to me, the CMO of the Global Outlaw Movement, alarming, because it exposed the paucity of intelligence in most all of us - them.

Before the fall, I divorced myself from the species, recognizing they were terminally mentally ill, and that few, if any were upto speed with my own Divinations, as to the disastrous outcomes from further delay to CHANGE the whole race needed.

The planet's whole population had awakened their third eye, their occult powers, and thus were self-confidently deceived into thinking that they could IMAGINE a better future into existence. So they just kept on living as unsustainably as they had been, for at least 1600 years, since the long passed Roman take-over of what was once a Credible and Wise belief system, known uptil the fall as Judaism.

However, to expand on that, Judaism was ahead of it's time, as it was far ahead of it's own tribes.

Frugal and Devoted living held-up well, at least until their first Great Leader, Moses, was usurped at the post by the golden calf tribe (gct) while he was up the mountain, away from the throng, quietly Meditating in the Supremacy of the Silent Mind.

Several centuries later, another Great Leader, “Abraham” found the Father of Mindfulness, but fell foul of the throng when he tried to impart the Divine to the Earthly. Again, the gct won the day, or the era, and slipped cunningly in and stole the Souls of the Mob.

Over and again the Most Honorable attempts were made to Resurrect the Wisdom of the Ancients, but as usual, soon enough the cry went up again from the Prophets and Masters of the Tents and the Temples “O Lord, how long must I be with these dickheads???”

Within 3 or 4 hundred years of the Wisdom winning a place and Temple in Rome, all was pretty-much, lost, and it was all downhill from there.

One Fella, Mohomed, A Crack Intellect of the sixth century CE, saw the failings and the deceits inserted by the gct, by then of Rome and it's determination to maintain centrist control of the expansionist empire for it's elite psychoes.

Lucky for him and the Mob, he'd sent a few Putinesque spies to Constantinople, who knew when a fast one was being pulled over the minds of the mobs of verbose Francs, Greeks and Romans, the western and southern Eurapeans who thought they could justify everything with heavy doses of long-winded “philosophistry” and magic.

Lucky for him, and his mates, he had a tribe of Intelligent Souls around him, so his Divinations and observations about what was going on over in Eurape were understood.

The superspies reported back to Mohomed and his Mob that the “evil eye” was active amongst the Eurapeans, so Mohomed closed the gates and divorced His Crowd from the whiteskinned throng.

Thence-forth the planet endured about 1400 years of carnage. Carnage, more of the Purity of the Holy Soul, by the spellbinders of Eurape, centred in Rome, who decided the whole planet was theirs to conquer, so took-off a-plundering and perverting every Holy Tribe they could massacre and steal the gold from.

Periods of Light and darkness followed each other, as the bhg undermined the dullifying bliss of the peacelovers, and the peacelovers were rescued by the brutal heathens who just did not cope well with the bullshit which the lot of them came to employ in the fight to win more lambs for the slaughter. Lambs, or cannon fodder.

With the kabbala magic of the old Hebrews, Rome managed to turn the good Earth up and the gold became uranium, which was as-quick-as-lightening used to further their psychotic aims of making everything the property of Jesus Real Estate, Rome, Incorporated.

As things went, as things usually go wherever one travels in the universe, with a limited amount of terrain to plunder and squabble over, and with a limited amount of resources like FOOD any sphere can provide, and with the insatiability rampant in the lost tribes which inevitably grow from subterfuge and random promiscuity, it all came to a head in the most popular linear time date of 2020CE, marked by less dominant cultures as year 6500 or so, and others, marked merely as a counter for the records.

2010CE, 99 years ago now, and the decades after, saw an increase in acting-out by schoolkids, utterly illogical, unreasonable and outright insane behavior by so-called adults, mostly adulterated by errant school curricula and religious beliefs, and thus dramatic upsurges of social collapse, and inappropriate physical and mental behavior.

It was known uptil the flash, that the kids who in classrooms, “acted-out”, those with so-called behavioral disorders, made the Best Warriors.

“WHAT!? NO MORE CRITICAL-TO-THE-PLANET FISH TO SKOFF?!” Your classic fish-and-chip shop windows in Britain and other whiteskin nations became favorite targets for warrior children with bricks.

As did real estate agent windows, when the “NO BULLSHIT” kids realized the realtors were in essence, selling the Great Mutha Eartha purely for their own greedy pockets, stuffed with an insane mind.

What remained of butcher shops were still identifiable 20 years later, for the aroma of tonnes of scorched red meat, from the days when the warrior kids, began torching them for their horrible habit of selling meat to insane carnivorous Humans. Like bottleshops, selling alcohol to the mentally ill society?

Indeed, postfall saw plenty of nomadic yobo tribes taking to a serious and devoted ritual eating of humans.

They were mainly youngsters, left without families or any adults to help raise them, and who rightly determined that the fall was the result of spoiled industrialized, Catholo-Christian humans, and especially of hypnotized humans who ignorantly devoured animals merely to satisfy their tastebuds and lust for blood.

By postfall 70, a date around 2090 in the old time scale, or 19 years ago now, as noted in my last Report, descendants of the “hippies” had evolved to be dedicated human meat eaters, with rituals of luring idiots to their death and roasting, by invites to smoking parties, where the hippy-chips laid-on massive amounts of top-grade marijuana and hashish for the invitees to imbibe. After hours of semi-wild trance-inducing drum dances, the tucker would be so stoned and entranced they happily climbed into the cauldron to be boiled, then roasted on spits. Occasionally even a hippy-chip would succumb and offer themselves as holy tucker.

Good smokin' shit!

However! Having isolated myself from all of it 11 years before the fall, and having watched it from the 4th dimension and shadows for 85 years, it became obvious to me and my Fellow Seventh Dimension Spirits that nothing any number of Warriors and Outlaw Tribes could do would slow the desecration of the Divine Mutha Eartha and Her other living beings, by these spellbound, crazed mainstream “christianated” humans.

We Meditated upon the notion, and returned from the Inner Galaxy with the hard reality that a global human extermination was the only option.

The Souls of the Devoted and Righteous were to be transported to higher-evolved planets in near-by constellations, and the Souls of the fallen sent straight into Sol, into the Sun, for a prolonged and excruciating roasting, until she expired, some billions of earth years hence.

There, then, they, their Soul, would expire. Forever.

I chose to remain on Eartha, content with my solitude, and with the company of the planet's other beings.

Beings, mammals, reptiles, insects, et al, which I had found fifth dimensional communication with.

The flash came, and the errant species “human” went. Occasional echoes of humans and their behavior float across the atmosphere reflected by the cosmic memory.

Sometimes I weep, but at least I sleep deep and peacefully, waking each day refreshed.

Using whichever medium I feel like suits the day, I make records, and telepath them to the listeners elsewhere in the cosmos. Today, it's a computer.

Occasionally, I sit on a seaside cliff, wave and emit praise to the passing stingrays, dolphins, sharks, whales and others, who return the gestures.

Birds, large ones, circle high around, and give cries of salutation, and small ones flock around chirping and singing to flutter and lift and entertain my Soul.

Often, I fly up with them and enjoy their transcendence, and their Grace.

Often also, when I pause on a mountain, by a river, by a tranquil ocean, way out in a desert, I return from a trance of a few days or more, to find a Wise Fella, a crow, a hawk, a rosella, a lizard, a cockroach, a spider, an ant, a snake, a possum, a koala, a panda, a grizzly, a leopard, a lion, sitting right next to me, wherever I might be, lost in the same etheric space, communing in the same view.

Wise Fella Spirits in ev'ry one o' them! No lie!

Wise Fella Spirits from the Human world crossed-over to the animal realm when the flash came. Some of them accompany me wherever I travel.

Many are old postfall or postflash friends I meet when traveling some highway or forest track again, back along a favored route.

Some I meet for the first time, are hostile until they recognize who I was before the fall. It's nothing now, or then, of course, because fate has a role for all of us. It was just my lot to get the role I was given. Global Outlaw. C.M.O. Or Global Resistance Commanding Military Officer.

While I felt it was right to speak in the affirmative for my fellow Warriors, my Fellow Seventh Dimension Spirits of the Seventh Council resisted my preferences and dispatched them off to their destinies. Most all of those I identified with, made it across the threshold and now live up the tree, on nicer planets in other solar systems and constellations. We meet occasionally, telepathically, and enjoy the moments.

I stay on Eartha, in exiss, passing time with anything I choose to do. Gardening and weapons-making, are my favorites, when not riding a motorbike. I got passed the folly of drooling over my endlessly increasing collection of iron horses, acquired and added-to whenever I went to a town or city with shops and warehouses. Being the prig I am, I treat them nice and polish them here and there. But riding them is what it's all about.

So fucking nice without any other idiots AND THEREFORE WITHOUT ANY COPPERS on the roads. YES! The Last Idiot!!

Very Pleasant, also, if-not most of all, knowing no bighouse slob or tourrorist is about to trample in and take photos...........

What was the “flash”?

“It wasn't dusk. It wasn't dawn.

It just wuz Just, you were GAWN!”

Like the author in “the Matrix” said, “the programming for this universe was flawed”, and if it was left or allowed to remain alive, it would've threatened the deeper-wider-higher cosmic equation, as well as most of the higher evolved Spiritual worlds.

So you, Humans, were DELETED!

But so were “the machinerators”!

I know they lo-ved sunbaking.....

Hello Humants,
from 2109CE.,
thru Time-Gate Minus 100 -
TO: 2009CE.
2nd Regenera,
Outlaw Eartha Warlord.
Omaxa bin Eartha
C.M.O. Global.

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