
Nathan Rees IS NOT NSW ALP problem!

Nathan Rees IS NOT NSW ALP problem!

Today's news reports that Premier Nathan Rees' job is on the line.

Since Morris Iemma was deposed in July/August last year, Rees took the job, supported by the leftwing Unions, in-part in a bid to stop Iemma's rightwing privatization of the NSW electricity energy supply industry. (But perhaps the ALP did their own poll and found that Iemma WAS NOT Australia's “sexiest man” as per the Sydney newspaper poll a few years ago? If Sydney's or NSW's women really thought Iemma was/is the sexiest, do we want their vote or voice in the leadership tussle?)

Surely, this threat to replace him, is but yet another attempt by NSW Labor to retain government, leading-up to the next state election, and their proposition to put a female in the chair is a cynical go to appeal to the female vote, and goes to those who are fooled to think that they are forward-thinking and in time with the trends?

Is the reported deposition of Rees going to do anything to making New South Wales a better state?

I don't think so.

My detractors will say I am mysoginist. Perhaps I am? And perhaps I have good reason to be?

But first and foremost is my concern that not only NSW, but Australia and indeed most of the western world's political arena, male and female, are actually doing what must be done - the instituting of Good DEMOCRATIC Government, “by the People, for the People”.

Gender played NO part in such as my lobbying for the now President Barack Obama in the USA, as opposed to the very Capable and Intelligent Hillary Clinton (or Sarah Palin), in the year or more prior to Obama's election.

Without going into the “gender debate” too much, let me say that in today's social and political worlds, much is awry, in the extreme, and women are as awry as men. Those who say that the global economic and cultural woes are caused by men need to take-a-break and reassess their facts.

As I said, both genders are someway off-track today, and playing the “gender-card” in politics is nothing more than a cynical attempt by the powers-that-be, to fool the masses into believing they are “progressive”.

I put my thoughts toward Obama's election for a few reasons: 1, was that I knew many-many women wanted a woman in the President's chair NOT because they thought a woman could do a better job, but because they held their own resentment towards men generally. Yes, too often they have very good reason to either distrust or hate men.

But 2, as it is a brutal world “out there” and I believe it is not right to have a woman in that bull-ring, with all it's masculine complexities, fighting often much more ruthless males, be they across the party-room table, across the political divide which this errant “western” or “Westminster” system has set-up, across political “borders” as false as they are, or across the diffuse global, racial, cultural and perhaps religious realms. As males have been the dominant gender for eons, if-not-since “the beginning”, their networks today extend right through all our worlds, and can without a second thought, and without delay, call-up any brand of masculine brute force to do their bashing or subverting.

In regard to that chimera of “Good Government”, for years I have accepted such as the Aborigine, and other pre-western cultural lines of order being maintained by “Matriarchies” rather than by Patriarchy. But today, we are far from a Reasoned climate for that to be reinstated.

And besides, NOBODY believes the NSW ALP right have ANY want to make NSW a Matriarchy!

While the dominant gender in politics is male, we must work with, and “on” males to correct their own perhaps mysogynist attitudes. Placing a Woman, Qualified or not, in the chair of a male-dominated state is as likely to do more to upset the men than quell their general antipathy to government.

Gender is not an easy subject today, and I do not assert that men are any better at playing the game, or are more Intelligent, etc. Changing the gender of the Premier in a rough-edged state like NSW, is only a distraction from the REALPolitik issues, EVERYONE needs-must confront. And, as far as I'm concerned, these ARE NOT “Gender” issues.

Today's REALPolitik Issues rest in our Souls, and sit way above that physical division. Today's REALPolitik Issues call us all male-and-female, to take that “Road Less Traveled” into our own Soul, where we are Devoted to dispel all the erroneous beliefs we have had pumped into it, not about male-v-female, but about how we ALL relate, both with other Human Beings, and with THE COUNTRY - THE LAND we are all born on.


As the NSW Labor “right” faction is very much the power-base in this state, and, as I assert in a previous blog-post, right across Australia, and while Nathan Rees appeared to have the support of the NSW left-wing Unions when he was selected into the chair, it is clear that neither he nor the left-wing Unions hold the reins in Macquarie Street, or across the very masculine state regions.

In this recent report about the NSW ALP, we are led to focus on the ALP, and that perhaps they are losing the support of NSW? But, who is to say that the NSW Liberals/Nationals are any better, or are any less corrupt? For corruption is the Issue, as far as I'm concerned. And that, lies in how we treat the Land. Look at who is a senior power-broker in the Victorian Liberals, but the Bailleau fellow, child of one of the wealthiest land-grabber family/dynasties in the nation!

Clearly, Rees is NOT the problem in NSW Labor. In fact, I regard him, little that I know about him, as a better candidate than most.

Today, our Unions seem to me to have gone a bit, a bit, soft of the last ten-to-20 years. As cannot be otherwise expected, with material and personal “progress” (a word Henry George might well have an issue with, were he with us today) making us all more hedonistic, selfish, “right-wing” if-you-like, and where yer-av'rage-punter/trades-person/employee doesn't NEED (or so they are led to think) the Strength of the Collective.

It's well worth contemplating just how much this shift to “the right” society is taking, is led and fueled by our mainstream “cults” of Christianity, for there's NO DOUBT that the most right-wing politicians and lawyers and influential “professionals” in general had their brains turned into selfish bastards at the church schools, colleges and universities they were indoctrinated in.

And where are the headquarters of those deeply anti-Socialist cults, but in Oh! Eurape, Britain and, as much as it behoves me to say so, in the very capitalist, that-is right-wing USA.

So when NSW votes in the next election, who are we/they voting for? Whether it's Labor or Liberal/National, the vote goes straight offshore to the “northern hemisphere” to those who aberrantly “run” the planet, who are also, as it by-no-coincidence-happens, are running the world down the cosmic, religious and ecological sewer!

So, Labor's mooting of a new ALP Leader/Premier, and a Female, does NOTHING for either Labor, for the downtrodden and/or wealthy New South Welsh-person, or for that chimera of Good Government.

Rather, it just keeps the People distracted, and, I bet ya', more divided, when it comes to “going-to” the REALPolitik Issues every Australian needs to address.

Summing-up, what I am asserting here, is that no-ONE, in our current political system, male, female, left or right, will do WHAT HAS TO BE DONE, and begin to restructure our deeply awry political system/parliament/socio-politic CORRUPTIONS.

Were it up to mememe, I'd say Nathan Rees should remain where he is, but, along with his fellow NSW MP Michael Costa, and I'm sure there are a plenitude of others, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE HOUSE, he/they MUST call for a total re-appraisal of the Westminster parliamentary system as it is NOT working in Australia, and as it is NOT WORKING anywhere on Earth.

Perhaps it was Churchill's “best of the worst possible alternatives/systems” (paraphrased), but there can BE NO DOUBT, the Wetminister parliamentary system has passed it's use-by date.

EXACTLY as has our present “three-tier” system in Australia.

Perhaps we DO need a violent Revolution?

But perhaps...., there are enough in Australia today, People of the Mainstreet and of the Backstreets, and of the Bush Tracks, and of the Aborigine Camps, who are “Savvy” enough to Summons their own Wisdom and Peaceably, Righteously and COLLECTIVELY Voice their dissatisfaction with the way our Country, OUR Country, with All Respect to OUR Regal Aborigine, (for it remains first-and Always THEIR COUNTRY, at least until They Formally “Invite the rest of us in”, to Share Their Realm), is and should be managed.

Having contemplated most all of the “Issues” which make-up Good Government, here and globally, for a few decades, Properly Managed, Australia would have a very different, near-unrecognizable political system and society and culture, to what we all suffer under today.

In regard to NSW Labor, and Nathan Rees, he is not the problem, but he may well be the better candidate, with, as I wrote above, the likes of Michael Costa MP, to take NSW and thus Australia forward, via doing that Labor-right-forbidden of calling ALL our political structures and their less-than-Noble political speculators to account.

A tall-ask, yes. A Tall Order? Ask any person on Mainstreet, Backstreet, or in the Bush.

Just DO NOT ASK the “Daily Telegraph” to do the survey/poll!

Finally, while “Sydney's” “1808 Rum corps” style of politrix rules the roost, and forces continuance of centralized power-read-centralized-CORRUPTION, in NSW and across the nation, “politics” goes nowhere worth going. But that said, there ARE politicians and public in and from the old whore of Sydney, who are very aware of the REAL state of the city and of the state and of the nation, and who, with that “Grunt” which is so-o Sydney, of fearlessly scrapping with the dog-rotten coppers etc, or of Rebelling when things are too awry, who would agree with an all-parties Revolution or Re-appraisal of the way things are, and should/could be.

I deeply suspect that they are rather more “Working Class” than they of the upper-read-church-indoctrinated classes.

And, as I've been led to believe over my life, left-wing politics is FOR the Whole Society, not just for the uptop, upclub, upemselves collegiate.

I was going to end this rabbit there, but, my recent thoughts for supporting Australia's Greens popped-in. I can meld this with the above rant, by asserting that the Greens, have their Priorities Correct, far closer to how we should all live, than either of the mainstream political parties/bodies/lobby groups.

Were I Wise, I would suggest that Greens should be given the Light here, and be placed above the staid warring sides of Labor-v-Liberal/National. It's almost commonplace now for the selfish unethical right-wing corporate lobby groups to employ the old scare-tactics against the newly popular Greens as being OHNO!? Communist.

Well, that surely is more of the same “old politrix” a la the deeply errant Joe McCarthy anti-Communist purges of 1950s USA.

My opinion, which may upset plenty of Good, Wise and thus Genuine Greens, is that Communism, in it's Purest Sense, extends far beyond the 19th and 20th century notions of centralized economic power, up to the Reality of Recognizing the Importance of making certain the Habitat, the Land we all depend upon, the Environment which feeds and clothes and houses us all, and which provides all the resources, be-it food or nuclear fuel we need to live healthy and prosperous and long lives, must come well-before any personal, “self-interest”.

It is Logic which determines that without an Habitat, we cannot have a personal life, rich, frugal, right-wing, left-wing, anarchistic, or Communal.

If we sort THAT out, and I vote for the Greens to lift us there, (even while aware that many-if-not-most of them come from the wealthy-classes), and if we base all our political and economic activities upon that most Solid Foundation, corruption-read-Australian-read-Westminster politics will become Righteous, and the 30% or so who “vote informal”, or place a “donkey-vote”, would be Encouraged to participate in the voting process, and criminals might get a fairer-go, and actually want to do Right my their neighbors and by the nation. Etc.

Then we might be able to Live Righteously in Society, and at-once save our future from annihilation?


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