
Queensland Corruption?

Queensland corruption?
by Omaxa bin Eartha
On the border!

Listening to the recent furor about just how corrupt Queensland is, sparked by Tony Fitzgerald, the author of the groundbreaking report into Queensland corruption of 20 years ago, which sent a swathe of Qld politicians and police to prison, one finds oneself a little bemused.
Is Qld the ONLY corrupt state in Australia?
Hohoho.., and ahohoho! AND a bottle of rum!
Oh no, it is NOT.
So why is the sunshine state copping so much flack, all-of-a-sudden?

EVERYONE in Australia, well, apart from the heads of the Catholic and Anglican churches here, KNOWS that the whole fecking nation has been running supercharged on corruption since, well..., at least since the 26th January 1808, the auspicious date of the infamous “Rum Rebellion”, which as-it-happens, occurred in Sydney, which was then the only city or significant settlement on the continent, and which became the capital of the wholey, er, holey rotten state of New South Wales.

Queensland separated from NSW in the when? 1860s or so, as had Victoria, in an attempt to make a cleaner start to the landowning elite's business of running down the Aborigine and thus claiming their land for the British.

NSW was from 1808, a basket case, with mostly utterly debauched ex-convicts running amock across the terrain, which then included what are now the territories of Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory, and with a bunch of not-much-better “authorities” running what should not be called the “government” from the burgeoning township of Sydney.

Attempts were honorably made, once John Macarthur, leader of the Rum Rebellion, had been dispatched back to face trial in England, to clean-up the convict state, and the records show that Governor Macquarie and co, did a fine job of it, such that the colony of NSW roared ahead in the decades thereafter.

But that's what the records show.

If one has the fortune, the misfortune really, of growing-up under the pawl of a closed-minded protectorate, where one learns nothing of the REAL state of things in the society they live in, and nothing of the abject mindsets working behind closed doors and with colluding media moguls in the REAL 'parliament' which controlled the state's rapacious development etc, it comes as a bit of a shock to have the scales torn from one's eyes on their first confrontation with such as police brutality at a protest march, or with the releasing of such as Tony Fitzgerald's Inquiry into corruption in Queensland from the 1980s, or, released reports of police or citizen brutality against Aborigines, or of Aborigine deaths in custody etc.

As a few pretty sordid “scams” have been quietly closed down recently in NSW, one, where a 30 year-old, large-scale European rich-kids illegal immigration network legitimized by the last Liberal federal government as “skilled immigration”, was exposed to a more righteous Labor federal government authority, and others which shall remain unspoken-of here, and as many-many deaths go unreported in NSW, covered up by a seriously corrupt and very powerful body of goons..., I didn't say rugby-players....! it is not unreasonable, though for the writer of such accusations yet another dangerous game to tamper-with, it is not unreasonable to suggest that Queensland is being slammed as falling back to the apartied days of Joe Bjelke-Peterson with corruption rising to boiling point, by non-other than those who want the heat taken off their own little cabals of utterly filthy, stinking, terminally rotten putrid and irreparable NEW SOUTH WALES state parliamentarians and their 201 year corrupt underling departments and officials.

Not unreasonable to suggest this....?

Well!..., I won't suggest it.

Besides, what difference does it make now, now that the whole continent has perhaps fifty-forty-thirty-ten years of life left in it, due to the horrendous CORRUPTION which has plagued the landscape to biospheric destruction since white man's first arrival? Well..., since the 1788 arrivals from Britain?

Having grown up in naivity in the town of Melbourne, Victoria, as I wrote above, sheltered from the facts of life by an agenda-ridden catholic mother, even after, while traveling alone through Vic., S.A., NSW., Queensland and the N.T., in my twenties and on, it wasn't until I ran away to northern NSW at the melting age of 43 that I learnt of the utter terror which assaulted lots of children growing-up in South Australia, which, it seemed, was the capital of child abuse to the point of endemic elitist perversion, with senior members of parliament and the “establishment” in the judiciary et al, engaged in child-sex rings, not infrequent child disappearances and other really, nasty, shit!

I seem to recall that something, but a small part, of that filth was exposed some years ago, but, as usual, fell off the headlines before long, and has not been heard of since.

Just recently, we heard about the appalling death of an Aborigine Man in the back of a security vehicle as it was transporting him across the hot West Australian countryside. That in itself says nothing directly about the generally low ethic of Western Australia, nor specifically in regard to Aborigine, but it is not a newsbreaker today to bring-up the rather endemic racist goings-on over there. Need we be reminded that “racism”, or racial and/or cultural superiority, are themselves nothing more than forms of corruption? That however, draws us into a far more Philosophical discussion, calling us to “break-down” the stereotypes we pretty-much ALL take for granted as being proper and “normal”. Whatever normal is?

Who, apart from this Outlaw investigative political journalist, is able to speak or write about the few things in WA which suit the disgustingly racist white South Africans to-a-tee, as they trot around the planet looking for somewhere similarly bigoted as the old apartied regime of PW Botha and his antecedents in South Africaans to resume their white supremacy? Is it a secret that plenty of white, pro-apartied South Africans have emigrated to Western Australia?

Not to meeeee!

Tasmania? I haven't been there since I was a school kid, so know nothing more than a few stories and a few rumors about Taswegia's two-headedness.

Surely, the 1996 Port Arthur tourist massacres by Martin Bryant count as something? Perhaps not, as it was, as far as I'm concerned, another part of the big, nasty conspiracy by the rightwing, federal-nay-international pro-Howard fascists to remove the People's last line of defense against the invading oligopolies of OH! Eurape. (Cleverly disguised as OHNO Americans!) Remember..., the Port Arthur, Martin Bryant shootings sparked the federal Liberal government's “gun-buy-back” campaign, which played upon yer average Aussie's honesty, if-not their Honor, to surrender the weapons which had until then, been aplenty throughout Australian homes and cupboards and sheds. What better way to make the citizen defenceless against an inhumane, warminded and egomaniacal oppressive regime?

I won't mention the 'rumors' I have heard before and since about volatile rural Aussies burying whole fucking container-loads of firearms and ammo in the Aussie outback!

Back then, I think it was about “race” and the Aussie Aborigine was in serious danger! But so, I suspect was the Australian Labor Party. Fortunately, I think, even the most shorthaired whiteskin Aussies are better-minded in that regard, and are more inclined to Stand next to the Bleck Fella, even next to Moslems, rather than want to shoot them. For the last ten to twenty years have taught us all a lot about “WHO” the enemy actually is. I Hope.

As I writ above, I grew-up in a semi-cloistered home, and heard a few stories about things like...., the local police sergeant from the Richmond police station, in inner eastern Melbourne in the 1960s, pouring the beers in the “Royal Hotel” I think it might have been, on any Sunday, when Sunday's were definitely NOT the day one was legally allowed to drink in a Victorian pub. If I pondered my remembrances, I could probably pull-out a few more naughty stories about the not-so-holy state of Victoria.

So SURE! Queensland is ROTTEN with corruption!
But so are the rest of the states.
Indeedy, the A.C.T. was built in NSW for a reason duckies! So the dogs of Sydney's AND Melbourne's, elitist, pro-foreign landgrabbers could keep the limiters, the brakes, oh.., the GOVERNORS of foreign control over TRUE AUSTRALIAN PROGRESS on the national parliament, without having to travel across the desert to where our National Capital SHOULD BE, Alice Springs!

No, I'm not serious about the Alice, but Canberra is NOT whistling clean, is it? Neither has it ever been.

Especially with it's being the hothouse of FOREIGN embassies and their spoiled rotten offsprings flitting around it day-and-night, ensuring their supplies of ecstacy, marijuana, amphetamines, and every other illegal substance and multinational landgrab remain topped-up and secure.

Perhaps that's why just the other night, I flung a text message off to the head office of the ALP in Canberra, and their sycophants-in-slime at the ABC, THEIR ABC, not YOURS darlings, calling them all softcoks and indeed, traitors..............

I can never expect an apology for the terrorism I've been on the receiving end of, from any of the scum, whether in shirts with collars on backwards, or in nice, pressed outfits to suit the leather in the Houses of Reps and Senate, or in the hypnotic blue of our contstabulary, with their badges on upsidedown, like their brains, and have given-up expecting an unassailed drive from any A-to-B, to the shops, or even a peaceful night in my own bed asleep. This, because YES, THE WHOLE FECKING NATION IS FASCINATED WITH CORRUPTION, and, as I wrote, to several authorities, here and overseas, last July, as the MASSIVELY CORRUPT Catholic Pope was arriving in Australia to annoint the messiah, the whole nation's corruption, when Properly analysed, amounts to our population being seriously, and terminally MENTALLY ILL!

If you knew Queenslanders, New South Welshers and the rest, like a Wise Aborigine, or like any other True Fella knows them, you would know that slamming Queensland as sliding back into passed eras of corruption, is yet another distraction, by another branch of the terminally corrupt mobs elsewhere.

Elsewhere where the heat of overexposure is starting to burn their precious little g-spots.

You would also know that “corruption” is but the tip of the psychological iceberg of.... endemic CULTURAL insanity. An insanity which has been running rampant across the planet for oh..., about 201 years NO! Umm..., for about 1600 years.... Since that MASSIVE ACT OF CULTURAL CORRUPTION, the “Councils of Nicea”, orchestrated by the ancestors of today's elitist Eurape, the Club of Rome and their occultist advisers, the Catholic-Osirists in the Vatican.

But...., why stop there...?

Corruption seeeeems to prosper, because most of us, especially here in the unbelievably wise nation of Wrongwaylia, KNOW that corruption is the natural state of affairs for us down here in...., what do the old Hebrews call it....?

“Malkuth”! I think that translates to...., “Hell”?

(Read lately other “meanings” which may dilute my flinging-off the line that “Malkuth” is “Earth”,or, as the inference goes, that “Earth” is in fact Hell. Other philosophies say the same thing, as much, in such as the Buddhist “...All life (on Earth) is suffering...”)

Maybe THAT'S why I rode a few miles as a naïve young motorbiker with some Honorable blokes..., ER...! Blokes..., who'd been members of..... the Hell's Angels, and once or twice, with others, possibly of same in recent media attention?

Adding a tad more to this articulation of a few days ago, today, Sunday 2nd August, the SYDNEY newspaper, of such fine and respected proportions, the “Sunday Telegraph” published a “survey” (hohoho) of Queenslanders, which said that some 65% of them believed that the ALP Anna Bligh Queensland government WAS in fact becoming more like the “old” days, that it WAS sliding back into a more corrupt state.

Their ABC radio news, based also in oh Sydney, had this as an item, which they supported with proferings from an old ALP Premier Goss, who agreed.

I shuddered at this news item, for it seemed clear to MEMEME that indeed their ABC was also sliding backwards to the dark ages of biased and bigoted reportarge.

Reporting any-such 'survey' done by another rightwing, that-is anti-ALP, pro-Jo Bjelke Petersen-type news media outlet, the Sunday Telegraph, on the ABC, and leaving it at that, is not good news reporting, in my opinion, especially when it is very clear, to any seasoned listener, that a rag like the Sunday Tele IS NOT going to do a balanced survey, indeed, being based in totally corrupt (read “mentally ill”) Sydney (read “London”) it is utterly impossible for it to be balanced at all, and is only going to ask and report “calculated” questions, which limit the subject and answer to only being biased against whomever they want. In this case the government. No surprise it being an ALP government.

As with an absolutely foul “survey” done by either the same or similar maggoted and biased, that-is utterly corrupt newspaper a few years ago, which told us all that the, to my beautiful nose UGLY ex-Premier Morris Iemma was “voted as the sexiest man in Australia”, or similar distortions, this is another example of how much the headquarters of corruption in Australia-er-Wrongwaylia - Sydney - is worried about the heat increasing around it's two century-long corruption.

Being “on the border” these forested days, I had a thought of getting out of this decomposing state of NSW and tripping over the line into Queensland, even of braving the psychic heat upto Brisbane for a bit of “political asylum”, where-upon I might offer my services to darlingk Anna and cohorts, to release the heat valve for them.

But that idea stalled before I started the motor, in realising that the whole affair, about her ALP government sliding back into corrupt behaviour, was as likely a stage-managed affair, which knew no borders, like the IMF and it's global drug-running enterprises, or it's general global plan to destroy the world so that the aliens from Orion and Eurape could walk-in and grab the real estate, with no Humans left to have to massacre or fight.

I say that, somewhat sci-fied, and somewhat exaggerated, but nevertheless with sincerity, because it cannot be denied, yet IS, especially in parliamentary corridors of NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, Eurape USA, Canada, Mexico, Myanmar, Nippon, Fiji, Taswegia and the rest of the known world, accentuated by nearly every major news media outlet on the planet, that the whole fecking sheebang, every major political system, parliament, member, and party is/are drowning in their own effluent-otherwise-known-as-CORRUPTION!

(What was that about “CORRUPTION” being a “mental illness”?)

So what is going-on ELSEWHERE in Australia, that the dogs in Rupert Murdoch's newspaper editor's office IN SYDKNEE..., and their IMF cohorts in their ABC, have to slam dear old 'Liz'bethland as in danger of WHAH!?!?! FALLING BACK into corrupt carryings-on????

If, by chance any remaining True Believers are in want of a laugh, may I suggest you/we/they stay tuned to THEIR ABC, and pad the floor as they, in their abc, paddle their bullshit around the REALPolitik ISShooos of corruption in Australia. Because it IS NOTED, that of very recent date, their abc has shifted the gear and is avoiding such matters with gusto.

I cannot help but wonder if my exposure of a large-scale illegal short-cut richkids Eurape-to-Austraylia immigration network, and included accusations that the Aunty Their ABC cavalle-er-cabal were in-on-the-traitorous-swindle has slowed their confidence and readiness to appear to be tackling the REALPolitik isshooos?

How so, I can't clarify, but there are other reasons to be a bit susspissshush?

It's as if.., they have decided the messiah isn't gonna come, so they can't be as brave as they thought they should be, could be or would be, if they knew he wuz gunna save 'em?

Sounds pretty typical of Christians, say what. “Cowards” is another apt word for their miserable lot.

And, for the books......, it's pretty clear that they at their abc, and our politicians are all softcoks..... AND traitors.

Like their bumbuddies in ASIO and other IMF, or theoretical sophistry..., orgasmizations.....

Omaxa bin Sick-O'-Th'-Lot-Of-Ya!

I wrote 99% of the above on the 31/7/09, as the media criticism of Queensland was fl-airing. The first chance to note observations and opinions drops thus on 08/08/09:

Not long, a few days, after I penned the above, the issue seemed to die?

(Are they monitoring my 'unpublished' mind?)

I might have tuned-out from news for those days, but it isn't around now.

This means corruption is a no-go-zone, across the Aust-politics media, which can only mean the bigboysandgirlies are so big their ABC bighouse mob are shitting themselves that the global mobsters-like-BAD-mobsters might well have gained an, the..., upper hand, and “WILL NOT TOLERATE FURTHER DISCUSSION ABOUT CORRUPTION!!!”

No wonder Nero fiddled while Rome burned!

If ex-Premier Peter Beattie was to return to Oz to smooth the bluff-and-distract, he'd get fecking good marks if he rode in on a black horse and started flinging mud, like REALMud right over the socio-politic of the era - CORRUPTION - ruled. KO!

In Queensland, but in the rest of the Country.

Alas! In the dominant “northern” paradigm of Britain and Eurape?

He'd have to..., whoever were to take-on the declining culture, at this fast-evolving or devolving period, have all his/their cases well sorted, backed with Pure Facts, Mathematics, and Economic Science, and a choir of HONORABLE Lawyers right-up-'is....,

Absolutely necessary would be a “Pusch” from the WHOLE “political class” as it might be determined today, featuring all branches and sides in and out of power, co-ordinated to Mount a Challenge to the “law class”, by any messiah-like-Beattie figure, who acts merely as the “Cataliyst”. A Great Ideal, but guaranteed stolen already by the black hole gang. Uhp! Murdoch's calling a meeting!

Purpose and Honor and Joy and Those Other Groovy Experiences, would be His-Her and their Armour, and Strength. Corruption melts.

Stick with the Truth.

And Enjoy the Rightful Reward.

Other wise, what the Hell?

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