
Thoughts on proposed new Aboriginal Council.

Thoughts on proposed new Aboriginal Council.

As Aborigine has been subject to the horrors of white invasive attitudes for the passed 221 years, or more correctly for the passed 201 years, since any chance of a Good relationship between Bleck and white was ruined by the insurrection of the 26 January 1808 “Rum Rebellion”, NO-ONE has the right to criticize how Aborigine have run their affairs since.

All of the failures, as those attributed to ATSIC, I suggest, have arisen, or “fallen”, because the general condition of the governing and cultural bodies incoming from Britain chiefly, have, when compared to the stability which Aborigine themselves established into their LAW, Lores over the thousands of years prior to 1788, been horribly awry, distorted and corrupt.

The 1808 decimation of any Sound English Laws of Good Relationship, which did exist in the original edicts from the Crown, brought here by Arthur Phillip, ensured that Aborigine was to have but one choice - endure and accept and adopt the invader's corrupt ways, religion and laws, or become extinct.

Every attempt was made over the last 201 years to so debilitate the Indigenous Land Owners, with 'racism', alcohol, theft of “Country”, displacement, separation from Families and Clans/Nations, mental, physical and sexual abuse, destruction of their Religion, by the incoming cults, and thus a continent-wide stealing of their Bliss, that any errant behavior by our latest Aborigine generations could not be avoided.

Indeed, our white superiorist 'authorities' sought that very outcome.

It is a Good Thing that the Aborigine is given “Self-Determination” and indeed “Sovereignty” in their own Land, and the latest proposals from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma must be regarded as such, by all of us - Bleck and white.

As the last decades have seen white Australians express their support for the Aborigine, then a retreat away from being seen to Stand-up for them, because of the errant tyrannical attitudes from the last federal government, today, we all are much-the-Wiser in these issues, and in knowing where most all racist attitudes arise.

I put-it this, “racism”, has always come from the, ANY invader's desire for the Land and Her resources.

It's surely about time WE ALL GREW-UP, and took “race” and “color” and notions of “superiority” right out of all debates.

'Superiority' in whitey, it seems to me, arose over time, because they have been at war with themselves for so long, in the 'north', that 'technology' and the need for constant improvements, was beaten-out of the raw metals of over-population and under-supply in places like Britain and Eurape.

War has been their driver. That they achieved such yes, Brilliant advances in technology, doesn't necessarily mean they/we are “superior” in all other areas. Surely that these “advances” beyond the stone-axe” contribute so much to the destruction of the global habitat, must have us question any pretensions to being superior?

A psychosis without doubt, albeit understandable.

Today, with the “intervention” (which I suggest I may have inspired in my blog and emails of the year or so prior to Howard and co's twisting of my thoughts to suit their superiorist agenda [search my weblog postings from about 2004]) being both hailed and derided, and lingering in our thoughts and fears of failure, we have retreated to a place where whitey feels they cannot speak-out and stand-up for the Aborigine, that Aborigine Issues are theirs alone to sort out.

I disagree.

We are passed the era of racism, in REALPolitik terms. While it does still exist, the majority of people here and abroad know full-well it is a belief of passed times, and belongs in the ideological rubbish-bin, with the many old-money, old-power cult and political theories that have evolved out of the dark, dark Christian ages.

But getting beyond the residue of errant thinking (Oh! white man!?) is blocked by hurdles of, again, the new world's apparent NEED for ever more resources-read-LAND, so we are constantly battling against that staid western (corporate) theory of “Happiness” and where to find it.

When I wuz a kid, mummy found Yoga and began teaching it to her local white society. Then, in the 1960s, the common joke-question was “do you have to stand on your head to do Yoga?”

When I wuz a kid, Chinese Martial Arts were derided as..., well, “foreign”, etc, and thus were often the target of, in-essence “racism”.

When I wuz a kid, “Acupuncture” was “hocus-pokus” to our oh-so-fecking-wise (NOT!) western medicos.

But ALAS! What have we today, but a much improved acceptance of these “alien” practices, where most all of us whiteys recognize and respect these long-honed and Supreme Arts and daily rituals/practices.

Granted, many of today's white-tailed practitioners, are even more egomaniacal since adopting those systems of health and self-defence and control into their lives. But of the many, as with most things in this lowest world, there are those who employ these “exotic” and thus once trendy, Arts and break-through the western egomania, to imbibe and quaff the Bliss those Arts, and others can bring us.

These examples, but three, seem to be the province of personal, Self-Fulfillment. Jolly bloody Good, Cobba!

But, getting back to Aborigine, slowly-slowly are we whiteys coming to comprehend our own erring political and religious beliefs, and that, in our generally appalling disregard of what the Aborigine may have to offer us, we have been persuaded to totally ignore that THEY DID have a Sound, Honorable form of governmentation. ACROSS 520 different Clans/Groups/Nations!

As I suggest above, the last 201 years have been a debacle and in essence, an act of genocide, at least an act of “culture-cide”, most all of it just plain WRONG!

It's way-passed time we whitey faced the HARD FACTS about our mistakes, and came around to admit that the Aborigine DO Know how to Govern themselves. AND! That they may have QUITE A LOT to offer US, in terms of Good Government!

Indeed, when the “Founding Fathers” of the United States of America were putting together their Constitution, they found and borrowed much from the Indigenous “Indians”, who advised them on “Democracy”, and how best it worked! But they had colorful outfits and sexy attire! (?) And they weren't so BLA-ACK!

Yes, there are for our Aborigine, at this point, many “troubles” they have to overcome, most, imported. But it is clear that they still have very much Alive in their own Kind, many many who are ready, fit, willing and able to Lift themselves out of the morass we have put them in.

We must Celebrate WITH THEM, their Endurance, and that they have managed to come out the other side of the valley we cast them down into.

But having masses of white-bottoms waddle across Sydney Harbor bridge, and the many others Aus-wide, in our attempts to “celebrate” and further “reconciliation”, rightly mocked by Aborigine, where they called for “Conciliation”, has done little to give back the Bleck Fella their Deserved Dignity.

I whinge to myself that JUSTICE must come before any preferences toward “blood” or “creed”.

So, if that's correct, then it is time white-bum stepped out of the judge's throne, and allowed Aborigine LAW to be recognized.

Such a suggestion incites troubled “two Laws” scenarios into our imaginations.

I have not the qualification to proffer any more than to say that it is clear that western laws are failing, that western religion is failing, that western methods of government are failing, and that western concepts of economics are failing, so is it therefore not time we rested our assertive (IMF-corporate) legal egos, and sought reinstatement of the laws which the “Wisdom of the Ancients” held as what we are all underneath, of?

However..., again this may do the worst possible thing and breed further division between Bleck and white. But perhaps only while Justice White-Behind and his cohorts refuse to acquiesce to.... Law.

Who said “In Nature, there are an ocean of unchanging Laws, to which our human, manmade laws, are but as streams....” (paraphrased... by an aging memory)?

No matter....

In the 18th century, the esteemed English philosopher and social reformer, Jeremy Bentham, a lawyer of no small qualification and repute, spoke of how corrupt the English legal system and it's “laws” had become.

It has not gotten any better, these 200 or so years since!

As per the first quote, Aborigine Law has been for thousands of years, closer to the unchanging and Purest Laws of Nature than those laws we have forced upon us by our courts, legislators, politicians and police.

Any prognostications by or from our politicians and judges are today meaningless, while they assert that Aborigine Law has no place in Australia.

From this, it would seem right that giving Aborigine the things and laws our legislators deem as worthwhile, is worthless.

From this it would therefore seem right, that, if any of us, would make right our society and our world, the laws we have are worthless.

However..., Aborigine law cannot be restored without restitution of their Rights to THEIR Land.

That, of course, calls for something of a REVOLUTION in how Australians...... THINK.

That, in reality, should not be too hard for them, as they have also failed miserably in that Mental Art for quite a while too. Therefore it may be said that the ones in greatest need for/of a “rethink”, our leaders, politicians, lawmakers , lawyers, archbishops and corporate advertizing executives, have the advantage of starting with an Intellectual “tabula rasa”? A “blank slate”, where no Intellect ever existed!

“They”, in reality, are those who set and profit most from the dog-rotten corrupt laws we have. (Apologies to all Dogs!)

Perhaps, the Common Person in such as New South Wales, has been Wiser, more Intelligent and further ahead of the game than their upclub, upemselves uptops, for being as cynical as the Common Persons here are, and for thus ignoring and breaking the upclub laws?

Yes, it is time for a New Day, for a CHANGE, for a Popular, DEMOCRATIC, Righteous Revolution.

Proper Divination of the Law, supports that, and indeed DEMANDS that our Policing and Military Forces abide by such a statement.

Of course, as Australia is nowadays part of the Global Village, such a Revolution cannot occur, not at least without the same Corrections and Conciliations occuring simultaneously, everywhere else on Mother Eartha.

But one doubts that the likes of Switzerlandenenen and Deutchenlandenenen and the Land of Angles will readily jump on the Train of Global Righteousness, at least not without jumping up-and-down, huffing-and-puffing and declaring WAR! against everyone else, for that's how they do things up there in “the north”.

Aborigine may as well try and turn the planet upside-down.

Hmmmm....? not a bad idea!

How do you say “Eurape” in Aborigine? “You rape” I suppose?

Sorry for turning a serious issue into a laugh.

But we all know that that's how them uptop upclub upemselves mobs in Canberra and Westminster react to the concept of Talking True on Aborigine Issues.......

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