

I swear (a lot!), you & the rest of the internet/computer/modern-day fandango world are intent, aware of it or not ("forgive 'em Lord, for they're all hypnotized by their own fortune!") on sending the inexpert computer/'net user insane.
Certain standards have to be agreed upon (today, worldwide) by the producers of "product" whether its websearch engines, or facility access et al.

Humans, for good reason, are creatures of habit.

I, an exiled Ludite, with some capacity to learn, but limited patience & time, find it a constant frustration when new software or such is presented, either as an update, or as necessary to employ the Internet & computer facilities for the SERIOUS purposes I employ them chiefly for.

Admittedly, being a social exile (for Catholic "evil" causes [what was Google's motto in the beginning 'don't be evil!'?]), makes life shiiiite, and totally without any support or "gossip" to assist in this newish world of the 'net, these kind of 'distractions' add more than a Koala can bear!
But, as with points I attempted to make in a recent blog article (www.maxearth.blogspot.com) I foresee problems down the track while there are innumerable "Geeks" (I reckon Geeks are great, for the advances made in elecommunications etc) are employed to inventinventinvent and deploy their concepts without any real standards across the globe for the public to maintain their mental "grounding" on.
IF....., you know what I mean?
I suspect that while inventinventinvent HAS brought humanity out of the deaf-and-dark ages, the somewhat gigglebrained richkids who are replete with creativity will send the larger Group (humanity) off the rails, especially because they are "living in their own world" either in virtual-space or in the small world of technology-centred communities?
It is a HARD FACT, that all of us have something to contribute to "life-on-earth" and it's general upliftment, but that if we, or "free enterprise" is left free to add one thing here, and add one thing there, and add one thing somewhere else, the basic needs which underpin ALL successful societies/communities, will be lost or will crumble, like the fabled "tower of Babylon".
I've lost four hours updating adobe (which failed!) and realplayer this morning, as well because I made the mistake of updating to Google Chrome!
It is this kind of ungoverned interfacing overcoming most users, with the options which constantly appear, which destroys Communities, Nations, Cultures.
And, with the "speed" of "life" today, this is accelerated add-infinitum.
Google is to be applauded for the "old" clean and simple search engine and screen, and I understand that YOU have to keep "moving forward" (a dubious couple of words relied upon by the last US administration of, quote "f---ing psychoes" unquote Colin Powell, who used that MOVING FORWARD line as an excuse for NOT FACING THE MISTAKES PREVIOUSLY MADE.)
It may have it's analogy in presenting students with a new layout, version and even language in their text books every month.
Or..., expecting typists to keep their typing speeds up while the boss puts a new (non-QWERTY) keyboard letters-layout each week!?!?!
In the end, quality falls and thus so does the general standard of the community.
By 'standard' I guess I mean the cohesiveness.
The ability to cross-communicate.
And after-all? Isn't that exactly what your endeavors with 'modern technology' are or were basically supposed to be for?????
Perhaps it is time SOMEONE, preferably an IMPARTIAL someone (O where?) did a global survey on how much time is spent and lost by computer/internet/software users, in keeping updates uptodate, and in keeping uptodate in their knowledge of the technology and user interfaces???
Do I sound FRUSTRATED???
Well done Google!
Seriously! You and your teams have done wonders!
But....., as you ALL, only last decade, were unsophisticated and not nearly so wealthy geeks playing with PCBs and stuff, take a breather and think (not a favorite pastime in the Christianated west!), about the not-so-longterm consequences of endless invention, innovation and development?
In reality, I seriously think that is an unattainable objective, as the planet is now so out of control.
While I can only credit your Intellects, I ask you to contemplate my observations as to the failures of the 'capitalist, free market system', I posted on that same blogsite (maxearth.blogspot.com) ?
For f--ksake..., have a meet with Jobsie and Gatesie will ya's!?
And see if, with profit left outside in the elevator, you three Geneearses (sorry!) Geniuses (Geneeii?) can INVENT some SSSSTANDARD(s) for the 21st century interface between the REALWorld and the virtual?
Love Ya'!

Omaxa bin Eartha

(O! This has nothing to do with "case hardening mild steel"!!!!! But thanks for giving me the opportunity to bitch!)

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