
GLOBAL Computer & Internet Organization?

Scribed 13/09/09

I bought my first new laptop with a wireless broadband stick for the internet, late last year.

What a Boon Technology like this is to mememe, and it seems apparent, to the world.

As I've accustomized myself with what's available from the 'net, I've grabbed whatever I'm told I need, and other stuff to use in my trade of REALPolitik Outlaw Journalism.

Often, too often for my liking, I'm asked to REGISTER with the mob whose software I'm downloading and running, which is fair enough. But it gets to the point where I'm out of willpower to keep up with all the requirements.

Understandable, as I'm without any first hand support, social chat or friendly (free) advice, apart from a crazy-busy but very proficient techie at the local small computer business, and a bit of help comes from the seller, Richie-rich Smiths.

Like banking has evolved from local companies (yes most often set-up by British and Eurapean banking experts whenever they've conquered ANOTHER SOVEREIGN NATION), into a small clique of upper echelon GLOBAL moguls, in reality owning the monetary “chassis” of the planet, and setting the agenda for how wealthy we're allowed to be, is the same happening with the larger/largest corporations of the computer, software and internet provider companies and services, where they are in fact a small clique of moguls - in the “private”-sector, Bill Gates the obvious 1st example - who determine WHAT we run on our computers, how much it eventually costs, and whether we are guaranteed any longterm uncensored support and security?

It's probable these are rhetorical questions?

However, as I'm a bit of an “organization” freak, it seems that with all the required registrations, subscriptions and such, with necessary and accompanying passwords, statistics, ONGOING updates and upgrades, etc, it is near impossible to maintain organization of one's computer and internet accounts and facilities, either without more expenses, or without learning evermore.

Bad organization ends quick in falling and failing performance.

It seems from my icehole of isolation, that the future involves total, GLOBAL, society-wide education/reorientation around internet “language” etc.

I also ask myself what effect this might have on our usual methods of communication, where, after an induction period of perhaps half-a-generation into familiarizing the society with the integration of realtime society and the virtual society (including business, public services, and other organizational use), it may be that we will speak so differently that many Foundational Values Fundamental to a Stable and Organized Society/Planet, will be lost.

There are multiple cases awaiting an open courtroom for all national governments to take a Step Foward by Unifying, simplifying, streamlining the facilities and services available on the 'net.

I don't mean making the 'net “government-run”, or controlled, but that I reckon it's time, as the internet has exploded into nearly every (western) fella's office, study or bedroom, for our globe's governments, preferably those who have the Honor to resist the IMF's pressure to keep everything under THEIR control, to be pro-active in setting the standards for the future of this booming facility. A facility which seems already to have become an indispensable item in the 1st world, and beyond. A facility which, I, a “Ludite-by-exile-and-Dissent”, think may yet be the best thing since sliced bread, for the important work of stopping a world gone wrong, from going toooo much more wrong.

As proponents of the “anti-Obama” protests against his extremely Logical attempts to give the 10%-and-increasing-percentage of Americans who are without health insurance, health coverage, chanting (REALMeaning...) that they prefer selfish, ruthless, demonic and blatant rip-off “free market capitalist” health insurance and usually bloody-minded medicine/medical product corporations, to “a-fair-crack-of-the-whip” for all Americans' health-care requirements, requirements which MIGHT include Health (self-help) EDUCATION, under his government-backed healthcare proposals, I expect the “free marketeer junkies” who just CANNOT get over the 1950s anti-Socialist purges by Joe McCarthy, a dark shaman of the old order, will jump on their sponsored pulpits and wave curses all over my Soul.

As the saying goes, “...the road to Hell is paved with good intentions..”, (I say “....with CATHOLIC intentions”) and, I say I say, so it is with unrestrained, “market-driven” “innovation” which seems to finance a hefty slice of the computer, internet and software “industries”.

Now, “innovation” is not Satan. But it isn't always “God” either, because innovation can do terrible things to Wise Traditions, Customs and Cultures. To stabilize the runaway inventions markets, it would be Reasonable to establish just WHAT Everyone ACTUALLY NEEDS, before all other desires, fancies, temptations.

I reckon I could Guarantee that the world would be a much Happier, Stable, Harmonious, JUST and Balanced place, were everyones' basic NEEDS provided for, in the most efficient way.

If so, our psychotic, desperate cravings for ANOTHER NEW PRODUCT would diminish, perhaps enough to eliminate the stress our manufacture manufacture manufacture world is putting on the planet's environment!

A few weeks ago I stumbled INto a porn website, voluntarily, and was made lustful by the luscious bOObs et al on display. Thanks Girls!

But I stayed tOO long, and the thinking factory uptop began it's critique.

It struck me as tragic, that anyone, but women mainly of course (as men are born and made into randy brutes these days/decades), have little choice but to “open 'em” to the mass audience, always I put it, simply to afford to eat and occupy secure accommodation, etc., and to partake of their own society, however, wherever it exists.

Sure! The dead religion of Judeo-Christianity has done horrific damage to the libido of western males and females, by demonizing everything about sex, and therefore there's 'well-intended' arguments for porn mags, shows and websites to refire our flagging “id”, so we may awaken our higher mental powers on the road to our True Super High (Spiritual) Self. (But that's another Philosophical story and Path for the Species generally).

Such an awakening is Imperative for the Species worldwide, if we are to Grow to the point of being able to defend ourselves from the tyranny of our western cults and political “Darth Vaders”. The ones who have used the higher powers to subvert and tyrannize the world for centuries and longer (than we know).

The Darth Vaders' who will, if nothing Honorable is done, take over the 'net, and our ability to communicate.

Therefore....., as the public medium of “Linux” Open Source is proving to be GOOD-GOOD-REALGOOD, and as some Australian authorities have made it policy to employ such software wherever they can, it stands to Reason Bill!, that an Open Source of Standards and facility requirements and registries needs to be established - GLOBALLY.

At this stage in my thinks about the idea, or about the burdens confronting computer and 'net users, and about what effects await the planet, the planet which should, as a Priority, be ORGANIZING itself, I hain't Divined the “program script” yet.

Butbutbut...., As ORGANIZATION is our priority, LOCALLY-TO-GLOBALLY, and as the computernet is taking-over most all our habits, operations and governmentations, the same computernet which is weighing/slowing ORGANIZED PROGRESS down, with it's propensity to demand more delay and distraction of our time and catagorizings, there does seem to be an urgency of action needed here.

“Standardization” seems to be the call?

The argument I most recently heard put on uncle BBC yesterday, by a senior manager of a multinational finance corp (“Pacific someone” ?), that “...the market is the best instrument to use to regulate itself...” is clearly bloody ludicrous. Markets are wonderful things, to-be-sure, but they are abysmal failures at “regulating themselves” as we witness again-and-again wherever a financial catastrophe surfaces (Bear Sterns, Lehmans, Citibank, RBS, Bank of America, AIG, and-on-and-on!).

Totally subverted is the People's ability to employ Reason and Ugh! WISDOM in determining the best methods to regulate that which needs regulation.

Private interest is such a false tenet in the arenas of commerce, finance and especially, in governmentation, for it is not structured, although it could be, to take into consideration the broader, unrelated (to company success) issues which determine the ability of the whole population to partake of “the market” or not.

As a Missive into the hearts of extreme right wing organizations who shitcan any regulatory moves by central or local governments, they are way behind in their thinking when they continue to bash the authority's attempts to institute regulation across their nations.

If nothing else, their ignorance is ironical, because wherever we see governments become tyrannical, as the idiots call President Obama's attempts to give ALL Americans health cover (no wonder I drink, smoke and swear!), an impartial inquiry will always find that those apparently, and often actual tyrannical governments, have already been subverted BY THE BIGBOYS of....... the marketplace?

The United States of America, perhaps the PRIME example!

Big tobacco, big oil, big pharmaceuticals, big alcohol, have been corrupting the Natural and Honorable regulation process of American Government for centuries! What's more, those corporate entities are, in most cases these last fifty-plus years, offshore institutes!

The Brit-Euro IMF, in the main.

As I ponder, I KNOW the likes of Bill Gates agrees with me. But he's American.

So, with NO desire to stymie commerce, or the ability of individuals to “make an honest buck” (quite the opposite, in fact), I put it that this modern phenomenon of electronic communications and development, our computers and internet, has to be regulated by the bodies built to do that thing called “Governing”, just like a mechanical device fitted to some engines to prevent them from over-revving and thus self-destructing.

The prevention of self-destruction, is exactly what Government should be about.

In regard to the booming internet and peripherals industries, it is unavoidable, if no Impartial Governing is implemented, that the industries will become more restricted and censored, the more “private, profit-driven, and too often myopic market-leaders” take control.

Perhaps, off-the-top-of-my biocomputer, an ALL-GOVERNMENTS (Democratic, of course) Good Ideas Regulator Standards Board is the Call, to ensure the smoothest possible operation and access to what the computernet can offer the world?

Possibly, this may also do the world and environment a favor, by minimizing superfluous and short-lived “invention”, if they are required to put their ideas to the Board for approval.

Similar concepts are vital to ensuring pharmaceutical corporations do not pump-out dangerous drugs. “Speed limits” on our roads are for the same preventative purpose for ensuring some element of safety to all.

Along the same lines of thought, surely there is Intelligence (Ugh! The enemy of megalomaniacs!) in calling on the globe's governments (NOT the IMF, thank-yee!), to determine “Hardware Standards” in product design.

Cross-company, cross-globe standards which align the various “extras” each electronic product uses, so they can continue to be used when one item fails and is replaced bu a different brand.

What a major leap forward it was (hoho) when the mobile phone corps agreed on cross-product battery charger interchangeability! On THAT, why not same-same with BATTERIES?

This, of course, can reach well beyond the cell phone arena, and I say I say, SHOULD!

In the 1960s, the now defunct British motorcycle makers, Triumph-Norton-BSA attempted an extremely Rational idea of standardizing the mechanical parts across all their motorcycles. The attempt failed, sadly, and I have NO DOUBT that private interest had everything to do with the failure.

The idea was Brilliant, for it did a very simple and simplifying thing, where, in one example, the “piston” in a 250cc single cylinder motor was the same as the two pistons in a 500cc twin cylinder motor, and in the 750 triple cylinder motor.

That's the only “bit” I can draw to mind at the moment, but other pieces were designed with the same interchangeability.

Totally Logical. Perhaps the Ideal in efficient productivity, AND, in spare parts availability, saving retailers and repair-shops the ridiculous need as we have today, of stocking mountains of spare parts to cater for the in REALITY insane marketplace where each manufacturer designs products, each with it's own peculiar parts.

Standardizing such components is, in the final wash-up, the Best thing Earthlings like we Humans can possibly do, in “product terms”, if we are SERIOUS about minimizing waste and environmental carnage.

This is an Idea All the President's Men and Women in the USA are obliged to implement into their newly acquired American auto-industries, and in other industries, and as this e-ssay goes-to, the computer-cell-phone-internet marketplace corporations and industries.

I suggest that the main reason corporations insist on having THEIR OWN designs and spare parts in their products, is so that the buyer/customer is forced to stay with that brand.

All this breeds, in the long-run, is diffusion, distraction, unnecessary expense and unsustainable WASTE.

NOT exactly what a scattered global population needs in this era of the Global Everything Meltdown, for, for one thing, the most important thing we need NOW, is to be quite a lot more ORGANIZED, and wars against threats are usually only won through efficient communications.

Ever-increasing numbers of products with inbuilt obsolescence and short lifespans, with different and inharmonious elements in their cross-functionality does not help us in any way other than to speed our demise.

Personally, I don't give a damn about Humanity's survival - each day I'm awake, and each night I go to sleep expecting to be assaulted by one idiot tyrant or another, and have lived that way for over a decade - but as I have the ability to purchase (thanks to Our Righteous UNIONISTS passed insistence on government social support mechanisms like unemployment benefits and the pension) and employ the modern-day “beads-and-trinkets” of computernet stuff in my fated past-time of REALPolitik OUTLAW Journalism, it seems Logical to do so, if only because it is my (and EVERYONE'S) Duty.

All-in-all, the above suggestions for the streamlining of our rising dependence upon electronicalisms (AND motorbike bits!) are in demand URGENTLY, WORLD-ROUND.

As well, of course (Duty, remember, Duty) for MAJOR Reforms in Land, Tax, Cult, Drug and Work Law.

Perhaps our biggest hurdle, is positing all the lawyers on the bottom of the ocean first?

China, Germany, Japan and the USA, being our biggest production-houses, (well..., the USA has slipped somewhat, to being one of the biggest IMPORTERS of product, what-with it's manufacturing sector drying-up) could in next to no time, co-operate and clean-up our world of product waste and alignments, so that all others can follow suit.

Again, while industry input is crucial, these Reforms must be Divined and implemented by a Consensus of Global Governments, to be effective.

Lastly, in the 1800s, the American Philosopher-Economist Mr Henry George, Wisely Divined, that “monopolies naturally accrue to being controlled by government” (paraphrased). In regard to computernet and autos etc, this I think, need only apply to the Standards in each industry.

Today, being closer-than-ever to being that somewhat dreamy “Global Village”, “Standards monopoly”, sounding a bit dangerous I know, mayhap be the bottom-line the Earth needs, to minimize waste of time, energy, expense and resources?

As the saying goes, “DO YOUR MATHS!” or be damning us all.

But I don' know if'n I'd want a Daiwooooo piston in me Harley? Hyuk-hyuk!

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