
Tax carbon to stop corruption

On The Australian" website,
an ex-Labor politician slams the Greens in their debate for people to change their ways.

Here's my comment, posted on the comments slot in "The Australian" website:

Being a "Green" for about 38 years, I've fallen for the "climate change" mantra for a while. But have also, for at least as long, regarded the issue as being Humanity's over-use of resources, and the waste etc of that.

It does seem that "climate change" is occurring, but the carbon issue is as, the article says, "a furphy".

No matter! Humans have to learn to live more efficiently, so as to not pollute and waste so much.

Our desired "modern" lifestyles are excessive and put unnecessary stress on the environment.

"Happiness" is not found in materialism or in consumption.

It is found in Good Relationships, which have nothing to do with our excessive consumption of resources etc.

Unbalanced lifestyles always destroy communities and the environment, and have their roots in corrupt beliefs and laws.

Beliefs and laws which have their roots in bad social customs as enforced upon us by errant business models, like in corporate greed and want for control of the society they provide their mostly unnecessary products to.

The "advertising industry" has much to answer for here.

We have to live more economically, that-is more efficiently, which comes down to living more in-tune with the NATURAL environment.

So there...!

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