
AngelVision 21C.

AngelVision 21C.
by Omaxa bin Eartha
Scribed on 17/12/09.
Unqualified as I believe I am to assert my beliefs on such as Australia's and the planet's “Biker” Clubs and Fraternity, and resistant to “prompts” to become a lead-magi for our mainstream cults, I do persist nevertheless, amid shotguns firing nearby, and continue to put-out my thinks, which as often go to the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club and Coy.
This missive, is directed again in their direction.
As I'm assuming a role of voicing a defense for the Working and other lower Classes, including Bikers, and as I'm overtly Pro-Biker, as I'm putting together these videos of MY perceptions of what an Outlaw REALPolitikal Journalist would say, and having dropped a DVD of my own news commentaries off to a couple of Known Compadres, Comrades, who, being “Bikers”, also object to the mainstream tyranny of Australia's political farce, it came to me yesterday, that if these videos were to do anything effective, I would like to see that they have given the Bikers a bit of a guide about what they could do in future in support of their Cause - Honorable Justice.
Not being a part of any group, club or society, I don't know what is already being done (the focus in this commentary being on Bikers Global), and so may be behind the play, where Bikers Global might already be doing what I now suggest.
But let me put it to them, that REALPolitik today, has grown from fringe organizations like the “Socialist Left” Groups, to being sought after by a wider “demographic”, where, for the future, the most important sector of society, the Youth, are looking “outside the square”, for guidance on politics, and related issues, which will influence THEIR future as adults.
While Bikers in Australia have been brought into the media bad-press spotlight lately, due to a most unfortunate event at Sydney's airport - no blame - shit happens - which the IMF tyrannical establishment capitalized upon, seeking to discredit Bikers and their REALPolitikal Opinions, it did also happen to shake the loose lot of them up enough to form a nationwide Collective, to unify, where they have shown that they have put aside their Club differences and, “closed ranks”, as-it-were, against the establishment's attempts to ban them.
It has also, to a lesser degree, brought them into the general arena of public “thinking”, and as the old saying goes, once you reach a certain level of publicity, “any publicity is good publicity!”
But where to from here?
As my Outlaw REALPolitik news commentaries are put into the, or a format of “news commentary broadcasts”, and as we've the technology of such as YouTube, it seems to me as logical for Bikers Global to do something similar.
YouTube kind of media enables the unpacking of the mainstream news, where commentators can go further into the details of what has become terribly minimalist, thus censored, and biased, mainstream news items, and with, as I do, extended deconstruction of the Issues, include succinct historical “tutes” or mini-lessons, which inform about where certain accepted dogma or corporations, and institutes, and accepted “histories” and “courses of action” actually have their roots, etc.
“Patient research” is NOT the exclusive province of upper class uni-graduates today.
Most all of us, in the 1st world I mean, can use the technology at affordable cost, to learn about and document the issues, and the precedents, as one part, of why, as a species, we are where we are, and, with a Cause, of Justice for those who have been denied it for...., eons....., we can put together good quality doco's, or even daily news items and programs, which go to the FACTS inside and behind the issues which the mainstream news is, for whatever reason, forced to include, but within severely limited time-slots, in their half-hour news programs on free-to-air TV, or in the newspapers and online internet releases.
Being able to include such “in-deeper” info-packs to a news commentary or item of the day, may be an art in itself?
I dunno, it's just the way I've turned what I've learnt over 30 years of inquiry into the e-ssays, and now the video commentaries I've started to produce.
But, as the internet is mainstream, and as we're drowning in uninformative, or less-than-fully informative, news and opinions, where, for example, mainstream “shock-jocks” of radio and TV are able to blast-out their opinions, with little or no qualification about where they are REALPolitik coming from, in terms of “where their mentations, their beliefs actually rest or have their 'roots'”, in terms of where they stand in Ethical or Philosophical foundations, people, and as I say, Youth, are able to look elsewhere, on the 'net.
“AngelVision” came to mind as a Logical name for an Outlaw REALPolitik news broadcast network, made by Pro-Bikers, giving no-shit, no-censoring, Intelligent and Factual articles about today's most important issues.
Topless lusty female newsreaders comes to mind, but perhaps Bikers have to lift their attention passed the lower chakras in this venture, and in-counter to the intentions of the mainstream media, seek first and foremost to appeal to the Intellect of the watcher.
The Intellect we all have, mostly buried under a swathe of mainstream, distractive western cult crap.
It's TOTALLY ironic, that, undisclosed to the wider world, the existence of Bikers, is rooted in a far more ETHICAL Foundation, than any mainstream news service or government authority is either capable of admitting knowing about or supporting.
This is also saying that, most all of today's supposedly ETHICAL organizations, of government, of religion, of charity groups, BUT ESPECIALLY, the mainstream finance and media mobs, are as we are learning, the exact opposite of being Ethical!
Indeed, it IS an upside-down world we live in!
And, being an Outlaw, it seems to me, is all about cutting through the mainstream distractive crap, and getting down to the REAL Issues which must be addressed.
I reckon, from my yes, pretty pathetic hideout, that such a news commentary network would be a very popular success.
As Bikers are getting it together on a Global scale, there is no end to the possibilities of making available all manner of news commentaries, and historical reviews and expanded explanations about the accepted dogma of the day, such that a kid in Australia or Africa could hit the “AngelVision” website, and search and find a detailed, in-depth and honest breakdown of the real story behind say, Nazism, or Communism, or our wildly errant western religions, or any other historical, political or cultural phenomenon.
With the big media networks, news and documentaries are made about local issues and events, but usually by correspondents flown-in.
As we, of the 1st world, don't need prohibitively expensive camera and studio equipment today to produce media-quality broadcasts, with the global network Bikers have, Local Issues could be researched and documented by the Local Bikers, and put into video-reports for broadcast on one worldwide linked-up “Outlaw REALMedia Network”.
Neither now, do a Group of Thinking and Committed People need a private-school education to get into that uptop, uptown, upclub, upemselves exclusivist profession of publicly available media.
Rupert Murdoch may have a major slice of the world's viewership, attained by appealing to the species' “want” to be distracted, but today, billions of us are REALLY hungry for some FACTS.
AngelVision could be that medium they are all waiting for.
Of course, there would HAVE to be, as mandatory, extended items on how to build a neat chopper, and on how to DIY a trick paint-job, and how to design an Extended Family Collective, Self-Sustaining Farm, etc, etc.
Being potentially a Localizing media network, adverts, something I detest as a rule, could tell the Bro's and Lass's, where to pick-up the best deals locally, on the bits-and-pieces, for their custom chop, or trike, or such. But why stop with bikes?
Rebel media WOULD, as Duty, tell us all how to make our own solar panels for our own FREE electricity, our own devices from other devices, our own flying saucers, etc etc et-zipcetera, AND connect us, and anyone who wants a Healthy world, with the Group or Workshop or Community course we need to escape the tyrannical paypaypay delusion!
News docos of “rides” from every nation on Earth, and neat wet-T-shirt comps might fit in the “Entertainment” links, say what?
Can't see why AngelVision should NOT be created.......
As Bikers have suffered the bad press of the tyrants, CREDIBILITY is what Bikers lack.
“When we do right, no-one remembers, when we do wrong, no-one forgets!”
Now we have the technology!
Let's turn it around!
What I've just expressed, goes to the Issues for Bikers, but to be as Proper as such as AngelVision would try to be, there's no reason why it can't go to related issues, particularly of other, similarly maltreated “underclasses” and social Groups, who have the same “Issues” with or against the mainstream of mis-and-mal-information.
As I have “picked-up the baton” of bringing those I regard as being “Earth's Three Wise Tribes” together - Aborigine, Green, Biker - then I make it my Duty to Honor those other two Groups also, and so put-it to Bikers Global, that “The Three Tribes” come together in this Venture of Outlaw REALPolitik News Media.
Therefore the “Network” could have any and many formats, with the three United Broadcast Groups, cross-referencing each other, on the AngelVision inter-network, and producing programs from one Mob to inform the other two -
For examples :-
- Greens, on what the Bikers and or Aborigine need to know about current political or Environmental debates, trends, possibilities, etc. How to construct a closed water, sewerage, productive garden, hydrological system or such.

- Aborigine on How THEY have done their thing, over the eons, on such “Cultural” Issues on how their Extended Family “Skin-ties” work, etc.

- Bikers, on Organization, on riding safely, on any of their specialities, like “home mechanics and maintenance” etc. etc. etc!
On War Craft against aliens!
Just examples, y'unnerstand!
But daily news broadcasts is not beyond possibility, for all who want to view a Fresh and Honorable face of the planet's REAL AND PRESENT dangers, and Issues.
Everyone knows the main-game of today's politics and news media is failing us and the planet, and everyone does, deep inside, want something they CAN “pin their faith to”.
As for “faith” the churches only hold their numbers because the flocks are “lost”, and are often, in that “lostness”, extremely unintelligent, and afraid of going to the HARD ISSUES, Issues which usually mean that we have to review our beliefs, and DROP 99% of them.
Aborigines, Greens and Bikers seem to me to go to the REAL Issues, and have all refused to be taken by the flockers' dogma and fear-and-ignorance-based ideologies.
The Australian establishment might temporarily have curtailed Bikers' Right to flock together on bikes, or to wear their Colors etc, but they have not said that the Honorable, Intelligent and Wise cannot give the world “AngelVision”.
In the past, the establishment have censored and stymied minority groups' voices, by stealth.
For Common, Global Justice!
Omaxa bin Eartha
for GLOBAL Land, Tax, Cult, Drug and Work

PS: I know the Angels and Bikers generally give the appearance of being evil and dangerous. I know this is fairly accurate, so, as the H.A. website warns, one must tread lightly if one is likely to attract their attention.
But I am also aware that our allegedly squeaky-clean global elites are pretty low bastards as well, and I know that for Humanity to stop them ripping the planet to pieces, any Righteous and Honorable Dudes have to be prepared to go as low.........

What I propose above, may run counter to any deeply demonic beliefs or intentions within the Bikers Clubs, and may offend them, in that they may not be at all interested in helping make a better world.
Or, that going that way may make them appear as going soft in the eyes of the public.
Personally, I don't think any Biker would really care about what the mainstream think of them. But I do think that even filthy rotten scoundrels, aka Bikers, DO want the world to survive, AND even to be a better place to live in the future, and I do believe that they WOULD actively contribute to stopping the rot, as it is infesting the environment and everyone's life. And every other critters' life.

So, if these ideas and comments of mine offend Bikers, I apologize unreservedly, and will stop publishing my comments about the Biker world.

That, would make several members of my superwealthy family dynasty very happy, methinks?


Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Nichols Cook-Meredith-O'Brien

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