
The Three Wise Tribes Re-Balance

The Three Wise Tribes Re-Balance
by Omaxa bin Eartha
Outlaw REALPolitik Journalist

Who are “The Three Wise Tribes”?

Aborigine - Green - Biker

Or so I say. But who am I?
Omaxa bin Eartha. “Son of the Earth”.
(aka Max N Cook)
Part Aborigine, from Gunai Nation, east Victoria.
Green for 38 years.
Biker for 36 years. (No bike for 11 years!)

Why “Wise” Tribes?

This needs no illustration in regard to the Aborigine.

Greens have “evolved” over time, fortunate, for most of us, to have time on our hands to consider and appreciate the world we live in, and it's environment, etc.

Mostly our parents were well guided to steer us toward being “Greens”, and we have taken it a step or 2 further, until being Green is “in our bones”, and in how we live and look upon the Mutha Planet.

Green has become our Path, and we have taken to learning as much as we can about how we, and everyone, should, and must, “Live Green”, if the Planet is to keep supporting Life in-general.

This has become supported by the days' scientific evidence, and concurs with the “Wisdom of the Ages” as it were.

Wisdom that the Aborigine worldwide, has known forever.

Bikers, have been forced to find Wisdom via a different Path.
In-the-main, the Path of War.

Bikers began from Returned Servicemen, Returned Warriors who had no more illusions about “life” after facing death and the rude reality of the 20th century war-zone, and returned to see their own nations very differently from before.

They'd learnt, at war, who the tyrants actually were, and that they were as often their own nations' elites.

Coming back from war, they found they could not resume life in a culture which was in fact killing their own people, and run by dangerously aloof and entranced maniacs.

The “scales” removed from their eyes, the Wisdom shon through and showed them that to live the accepted way was ignoble, deathly and, after fighting and dying to defend THIS culture, taking the “30 pieces of silver” to be silent and enslaved, was insulting, utterly dishonorable and, unwise.

Also, mainly from the lower classes, they had few illusions about the “game” of working for “the man”, and that in this, there was NO Integrity nor Honor.

The wars they'd fought in, were known to be but wars to defend the pride of the elites of their own nations, and their own and their Comrades' blood was spilled so the elites could stay opulent, “lording-it”, over their People.

Knowing the dangers to all, of the popular social path, Dissent is the Wise Path.
Living a false and cowardly life, is no good, for anyone, so Resistance to tyranny, even at risk to one's life, is the Proper thing to do.

Defending one's People, at all costs, at times, is Wisdom in action.

Today, in this era, this is the Wisest Path.

So - Aborigine - Green - Biker, working together on the LOCAL level, make

“The Three Wise Tribes – GLOBAL!”

We, of these 3, all know that our own Tribes and Peoples have been at war against the mainstream of this our fallen western society for decades and centuries, and all three have been treated as “outcasts” or as lesser Peoples by the “mainstream”.

Aborigine everywhere have been slaughtered near to extinction by the arrogance of western culture, and still today live “stolen” lives, landless in their own Country(s), yet, once lived the most Noble and Wise lives of all on Earth.

Greens are mocked and regarded as “hippies”, no-hopers, losers and “stoners” for rejecting the shallow, disrespectful, dishonorable life of the “consumer culture”, yet stand-up again and again and loudly Resist the mindless destruction, at rallies, at protests, in the forests.

Bikers, as said, oft' from the lower classes, have always had to fight, for the crumbs from the bosses table, for enough to feed the family, and, in the horror of war-zones defending the elite's “pride”.

Yet all three Tribes, would embrace the Just Life today, would embrace the Efficient, Truly Economic Life, and would embrace the Environmentally Sustainable Life today, were it offered to them by those who make the laws.

But, alone, each can do only as much as they have done, making small advances and often no headway against the tyrannical juggernaut of “Babylon”. The beast bereft of “Wisdom”.

All 3 Tribes, live in despair at the imbalances of our times, and in anger and frustration for the increasing imbalances the beast threatens everyones' tomorrow with.

All 3 Tribes, in their own ways, have worked tirelessly to “Re-Balance” the world.

All 3 Tribes, in their own ways, have been Fighting the same Fight against “unwisdom”.

Aborigine, Green and Biker, United, are the “Three Wise Tribes Re-Balance”.

I am a Warrior of sorts. But in this new century, new millennium, etc, we all are now capable of lifting our Communities beyond the war-zone.

We still have a Fight on our hands, for the beast is mindless and Soulless and cannot Reason.

But combining the Three Tribes gives us all a voice the powers-that-be cannot anymore ignore, and as well, restores Courage to those around us and inside the power-houses of governments and military and business and in society in general.

Recent events have shown huge shifts in popular possibilities and consensus, and, with yes, much debated scientific evidence, it is nevertheless undeniable that the whole planet has to correct it's “lifestyle” direction, if we are to avoid catastrophe and carnage in the next 50-to-100 years, and of course, therefore, on into the future.

With all the world's economic “progress” we come nearer than ever to annihilation.

What does Humanity ignore most, on this errant path, but Wisdom!

When all the inedible wealth is useless, who they gonna call?

The Wise Tribes!

Wisdom, has us recognize Duty, to our Family, to our Community, and to our Habitat, and that, if any of these are threatened, it is our Duty to do whatever is necessary to protect them.

Underlying the sustenance of these 3, of Family, Community and the Habitat (the Environment), are Laws, and it is Wisdom which helps us Divine which Laws are Proper, which Laws are best, and which Laws will have us and Family, Community and the Habitat live on perpetually.

Without a secure, sustained and nourished Habitat or, Environment, the Community and Family cannot live on, so Laws of consumption are necessary.

Within them are laws of how we relate to the Habitat and with each other, and these boil down to being ECONOMIC LAWS.

For “economy” is the efficient running of life, or, “of the household”. The “household” applies to the Family, to the Community, and in today's world, to the whole of the Planet.

Proper Economic Laws relate how Humanity best and most efficiently interacts with the Land, which includes all resources and water, flora and fauna.

Few, if any, of today's “laws” as imposed on all by the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, are “Proper” in this sense, which is precisely why the environment is under siege, why government is complex, and why insane Human behavior is rampant and is threatening the future security of billions of Humans, if-not all of us.

So Proper Land Laws are essential, and are exactly what the Three Wise Tribes must base their United Fight upon.

The Three Wise Tribes of Aborigine, Green and Biker have always known this, but their pleas for Proper Land Laws have been drowned-out by the ruthless, “colonialist” global landlords of...., the IMF.

“Oikonomia”, (Greek: the efficient management of the household) involves government, laws, and it's own income, “taxation”, or, “revenue”.

The most Proper and most ECONOMIC Laws are secured by Land Law Reforms to pay for government with Land Rent.

“Politics”, as we have known it, has, in fact always been the “discussion” about the land owners' “right” to profit from the landless.

The first English parliament was formed for this express purpose, because of the pressure Oliver Cromwell placed upon the Crown, with the help of Cromwell's People's Army.

But, ever-cunning, ruthless and aloof, the aristocracy turned it into a house of distraction, and then confusion, so the original issue, LAND, and the Commoners need for access to enough to live-from, was sidelined.

In England, landless-ness had become a serious issue since the “Land Enclosure Act” of 1475, which broke apart the feudal land occupancy system, where everyone had a home, an extended family, and an environmentally sustainable agrarian system which ensured everyone was fed and content.

Amongst the People, minimum stress, so little or no over-consumption.

Is it coincidence that the biggest beneficiary from the introduced land enclosure laws, was the Catholic church?

History tells us that the schism which began the Protestant religious movement in the next century was over King Henry 8th's want for a divorce, denied him by the land-grabbing Vatican in Rome?


Later, in the 18th century, my own ancestor, the Lord of “Sutherland” in Scotland, began the “land clearances” forcing the People off the land their ancestors had owned for centuries, so he could graze very profitable sheep, instead of letting his own Clans-folk live securely. He and his elite family members became some of the wealthiest people on Earth through this.

The “price” of Progress?

But, was it not ever-thus?

In 2nd century BC Rome, 2 Senators were stoned to death in the street by a mob urged-on by corrupt aristocrats who owned huge tracts of land, because the 2 Senators, brothers Gaias and Tiberius Gracchas, dared to speak for the landless.

Australia's Labor Party began in the late 19th century on the very Tenet of Land Rent for Government Revenue, as defined by the 19th century American Henry George!

Mr George who supposedly died of a heart attack on the night before he was expected to be elected in a landslide as Mayor of New York!

Is it coincidence that Henry George defined the Laws of Land Rent for Government Revenue while he ran a newspaper in San Fransisco, California, over the Bay from where the HQ of the world's Bikers, H.A.M.C., Oakland, is located, and, where the “precursor” of today's “Greens”, the “Hippies” came into being?

And where else might we find reference to this fundamental Law of the Land, but in the Jewish Tora, or, the “Old Testament” of the Christian Bible.

“Leviticus 25”.

Thousands of years old.

Who then, of today's International Monetary Fund, the IMF, centred in the heart of “Christendom”, the very Soul of “Babylon”, would dare raise objections to this Proper Land Law being reinstated?

The Three Wise Tribes Global Re-Balance would challenge the IMF, the Vatican, and the banks of London, Europe, and Tel Aviv et al, to speak with Honor, that-is Honestly, about True and Proper Land Rent Law, so the world may, from this “New Day” work to be Re-Balanced.

The Three Wise Tribes Re-Balance!

Aborigine - Green - Biker


The Three Wisdoms that come together with the Three Wise Tribes can be refined-down to being:

Aborigine - Their Wisdom of Relationships - that is, the Relationship of the Person with the Creator-Spirit, the Relationship of the Person with the People, ie., between each other, the Relationship of the Person with the Community, the Relationship of the Person with the Nation and the Relationship of the Person with the Environment.

Greens - their Wisdom of use and re-use of resources and technology, in Harmony with the Environment.

Biker - their Wisdom of Personal and Group Discipline, Organization and Defense.

However, none of the Wisdoms are singularly the possession or talent of any one of them - they all have the three Wisdoms, and without this being the case, none, no group would survive.

It's just that they have all applied them to their own “modern-day” “minority-group” circumstances in their own ways.

In today's world, with chaos often the rule, these three Wisdoms have become the more obvious sustaining Principles underneath each Tribe, and each Tribe has become specialist in these three Wisdoms, in their application in the “modern” world.

This period, at the start of the 21st century, is one of coalescence, where all the world's KNOWLEDGE has come together, or sits awaiting Humans to bring it together into an organized set of “Policies”, “Principles” or “Customs”.

The machine of modern world momentum mindlessly works along lines of profit for it's masters, which remains fixed in the warring models of the “old kings” era, of one Tribe, one cult or corporation against the rest.

But time and it's evolutions eventually break-down all static models, to dust.

So it is with the “old church” thinking and “messianic” beliefs, which want us to surrender our True Spirit, JC's 'Holy Spirit', and it's Intellect and Wisdom, to a central authority, with the focus on a single Human Being as the boss.

This is false, fabricated by those who are themselves “lost” and cling to 'old kings' power.

Some Jewish thinking has it that “messianism” is a “time”, an era, or a broad, commonly attained-to level of Understanding. Rather than there being ONE person leading the group, or the planet , the whole Group Attains to the Essential Wisdoms.

But this too, is specific to the Hebrew thinkers.

Elsewhere on Earth, as in Australia before the white invasion from 1788, but in most other pre-colonialism Nations, this was the normal order.

They suffered no “Fall” from the Garden of Wisdom.

Wisdom was, IS for all, and LOCAL.

In the “west”, such Wisdoms were reduced to “sciences”, and then split into being specialist fields of one school or “profession” or another, and turned into ventures for profit.

Capitalism, relies on one person or group having special access to the “Wisdoms” or special knowledge of their trade or profession, and charging others to have them employ it.

'Old school' thinking, and dangerously inefficient ways of operating.

“Open Source” computer programming may be modern technology's version of Aborigine models of “Community”, where “sharing each others' Knowledge and Wisdom” is the way.

This is the most efficient way, and is going to be essential in the coming era.

As time is “short”, today, Humanity is being called by events, not by any leader or messiah, to share for free it's Knowledge and Wisdom, so that all may benefit, short and long term.

As this is antithetical to “the profit machine” of Babylon, it is for the Wisest Groups or Tribes to convince the masses to choose this Path, asap.

As said earlier, “Efficiency is Economy”, and translates into government policies for revenue.

Systems may be efficient, but will fail if standing on inefficient foundations.

So Land Rent for Government Revenue is the Primary Law for all other systems, and Laws, to operate on, to be able to work best.

While we still have “the vote”, the Three Wise Tribes, United GLOBALLY, will be able to effect the Wisest Changes the world needs on the LOCAL Level, without war, without wasteful, divisive “politics” around false “messianic” world leaders etc.

Step One:- Wise Justice in True Land Laws, will begin Humanity's Journey of Returning the Balance to our Home Planet Earth.

Aborigine, Green, Biker

Local to Global!

The Three Wise Tribes Re-Balance

These are all the independent opinions of
Omaxa bin Eartha
Outlaw REALPolitik Journalist
gathered from and guided by the Wisest Minds on Earth.

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