
Being Set-Up?

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Since my being illegitimately conceived, I've been the victim of “set-ups”.

Realising this, is an ongoing business, and seems, at 55 y/o, as if it has no end.

But who else is being or has been set-up?

Perhaps all of us, perhaps to feed some HU-UGE monster, p''raps of the Jewish, Roman, Illuminati or Freemason kind?

Sensationalised in the news of the last few weeks, have been four extraordinary assaults on young girls, and a young boy. I think two of the girls were found dead, so too the boy, while a third girl, a 14 y/o, escaped two alleged kidnappers while walking home from school in daylight.

Following politics, and general social news-events as I do, I find, when the numbers are added, that these four events, and others, fall well within the circle of “set-ups”.

One of the young girls, a six y/o I think, was allegedly kidnapped from her bed in her suburban home, sexually abused and killed, by a 19 or 20 y/o Aborigine man.

In the latest, last week the 14 y/o girl, from a Brighton school in a swank, beachside suburb south-east of Melbourne, escaped the two alleged kidnappers, whom she apparently described, one being “a 190cm tall dark-skinned male, with short curly black hair.”

One has to question the veracity of all such allegations these days, what with a tremendous amount of fiction passing as legitimate news, and especially when they are repeated for days and weeks, on-the-hour, on agenda-ridden media such as those owned by the Murdoch dynasty, et al.

But clearly privately-owned media are not the only culprits of pushing exaggerated and fabricated stories.

The British BBC, the Australian ABC, and no doubt most other government-run media outlets and sources of information deploy so-called “news items” to suit their own end-game.

I guess one question is “how 'interlinked' are the world's media outlets today?”

In this era of globalisation, we can have no doubts that such gatherings have been the focus of secretive clubs, and giant organisations. The last one hundred years has seen this phenomenon accelerate with the progress of communications and military technology, to the point where the masses, of the free world at least, are totally under the sway of the overlord agenda-setters of the planet's clearly “Zionist” media “cabal”.

Just what is their agenda, or final goal, I'm left to guess, being sent into exile for and by both so-called “allies” and enemies alike. So I get nothing from the inside, as-it-were, and am left to deduce “purpose” and agenda and methodology from what I observe, and from what thereafter my mind, as much as it is “mine” (a gold “mine” for the devil to manipulate, of a certainty!) can add-together, or deduce, or perhaps 'divine'.

As there is a blanket of silence surrounding my own existence, for the devil has been 'on-my-case' for most of my life, making it impossible for me to associate with others, and especially impossible for my mother or others to tell me that I'm born to inherit the throne of England, and the rest, but also, and-OFF-into-myth-we-go, the throne of David, King of the Jews!!!!! (?), much of the media-watching-and-commenting I do, depends upon some degree of 'speculation'.

NOT something I prefer! Perhaps only because the word is so regularly tied to the word 'property', and I will go to my grave asserting that property speculation is the most destructive work of the devil.

This, as an aside, brings-up the definition of the word “devil”.

Recently I was perusing an old “Annandale's etymological dictionary” and found that the root Latin word for “devil” is the not unknown “diabolus”. This old word breaks-down as “dia”- asunder - which means 'to divide', and “bolos” - 'the earth'. So, if we transpose that meaning over to the above allegation that 'property speculation' is the most destructive work of the devil, it can be seen that the devil is the one who 'divides the earth', just as the current 'western' real estate models of land ownership are doing.

What can possibly be the 'end-game' of such players, but the destruction of any Intelligently governed society.

Here, in order to get to the root of 'set-ups', I feel it's necessary to deconstruct most everything we take as OK. There's an old saying “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”.

Looking at the world in “big picture” mode, where one tries to take all things into consideration, a grand task, and possibly impossible, so we can encapsulate what we need most to know to minimise the otherwise impending destruction of the human race, or possibly some 9/10s of it, I consider all I know about our wayward path.

Going back, through the records, and through the accessible archaeological evidence, helps, and I feel I've done that.

For the modern world, the Jewish “Tora” or the “Old Testament” is full of clues about our failings, and about the things we really do need for our own species, and our habitat's salvation.

Years ago I began using the term “the golden calf tribe” as representative of the dark human force on Earth. Straight from the Bible, obviously.

I assert that perhaps the Jews have been infected and subverted by the GCT since Moses' time.

But it's hard to assert this without considering the tools any GOOD Guys would need to resort to, if they were cognisant of how manipulative the devil can be, and is.

In the 14th century or so, the fellow “Machiavelli” wrote “The Prince”, and in it defined that, in essence, the Honorable Prince, or ruler of a Principality, the early word for a province, or region under one monarchic, dynastic families control and care on the peninsula of today's Italy, must be prepared to employ the lowest and meanest methods against any enemy.

It DOES seem that this is the rude fact of the matter of government today, and of all time.

Therefore we, or I, have to take care in assessing and/or
condemning the likes of the ancient AND modern Jews, because old Moses may very well have been fully aware of what Machiavelli defined five millennia later.

So any “golden calf tribe” which the Tora writes of, could in fact have been a tribe of Wisened old dudes who saw the need, and took the overt position of shattering the apparently Godly Traditions and beliefs?

Following this to it's conclusion, applying it to today's shitfight, of, overtly, the Jews of Israel and their apparent war against, and subversion of all genuinely Just social and/or political movements and organisations, again, overtly, the Islamic Peoples of the Middle-East, it seems important to get to the bottom of this, to define correctly what and who our enemies are.

As well, it's fundamental that we/I establish the veracity or “rightmindedness” of the mobs who began the theories and practices of bringing the world under control.

I could take the inquiry back 16 or 1700 years, to the infamous “Councils of Nicea” where the Roman Emperor Constantine sought to establish what was correct in terms and in the practices of the new powers in the followers of Jesus ben Joseph in the Roman Empire. This, and the agenda of bringing the whole world under the control of Rome?

Can I correctly connect those meetings and their conclusions with the expansionism out of Britain and Eurape from about the 15th century-on? And need I?

Perhaps not?

But in terms of such grand agenda, and in terms of “plans-too-big” being the most susceptible to delusion and flaws (“power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!”), and of Britain's “plan” to own the whole planet, there is always the devil to keep under scrutiny, or, in mind.

Therefore, in regards to where the planet is today, seemingly on the brink of major upheaval, culturally, technologically, environmentally, and possibly tectonically, all the above referred-to 'events' and manipulations have to be weighed on the same set of scales, if-I-may.

So too, the devil, or that which divides the Earth.

To this, it has to be recognised that it was the British, and no doubt with their Eurapean elite cohorts, who first began dividing the planet up into what we accept as proper today - “nations”.

THIS, is perhaps the classic case of diabolic work, where “the Earth is divided”!

As history tells us, most all of the world was ruthlessly divided, by the most wealthy and powerful mob the Earth had ever seen - the British East India Company (BEIC), which now calls itself the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Ancient, Balanced, Wise, Strong and Harmonious Tribes - Nations - of African, of South and North American, of Asian, Indian, Arabic, and Australian Aborigine (and no doubt others) were callously, and either ignorantly, or deliberately divided into new groups, and were prevented from communicating and associating across the imposed 'borders'.

Also, the sectors who were cut-off from their old Lands, and from their Ancient extended families, were forced to cohabit with their People's traditional enemies, causing ongoing chaos, war, and further division, at the tribal levels down to the smallest familial levels.

Through much of the increasingly more powerful British recent history, the monarchs had Jewish Rabbis, or wealthy merchants et al, in their inner circles of advisers, etc.

Clearly, all tribal and national leaders have always been aware of the powers of the occult, and that this was integral and fundamental to keeping the throne of power beneath their butts. Of the more recent era, of say, the last six or eight hundred years, in England and Britain, the thrones have changed hands many times, and no doubt brute strength has won the day often.

The BEIC grew enormously in wealth through plundering the colonies of the USA, Africa, India, Asia and Australia, and so were able to 'buy-off' men to fight their filthy plundering wars, and to afford R&D in weapons development, warships and the other necessary equipment.

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!”

So..., with all the enormous power the biggest force on Earth had, it is more than likely that some of their plans were a little bit grandiose, a little bit beyond the possible, and were thus, more than susceptible to serious flaws. Flaws which, may not manifest until it is too late to change direction, or to correct the plans. Flaws which may, once becoming effective, as a flaw will eventually break something, cause irreparable damage to the object it was designed to control.

In this case, the case of Jewish, or British or IMF plans to conquer and control and own the whole world, the object is the whole planet!

So, back to our little suburban nightmares, where children are allegedly grabbed from their beds, raped and murdered, “by dark-skinned men, and Aborigine”, and to other very parochial news events, which attempt to tell the dangerously cheap, and unintelligent public that Australia is falling into utter anarchy, it is vital that every one of us, who votes this 2010 election year, at state and federal elections, take a very critical look at what we are told to believe, by the extremely agenda-setting global media, a la the Murdoch News Media, Foxtel, the government ABC, and especially the British BBC, et al.

Last Friday night, Foxtel's “Sky news” made much of FIVE stabbings across Melbourne, wanting to send the masses into panic mode, no doubt.

One alleged “event”, was where a family threw a party in East Bentliegh, and had a security guard on hand in case.

Sure enough, even with that seemingly safe bet, four youths 'gatecrashed' the event, and....., the security guard, who turned out to be a friend of the family, possibly with no training or qualifications, was slashed.

Sky news was on the case, and that night was there to interview some of the young male party-goers. One, (no name) told the camera that “apparently a meat-cleaver” was used to slash the guard. As soon as he said that, another chap standing behind him said “or a bottle”. In the same breath, the first youth agreed.

The Sky news footage showed police attending the address, but it was not for some 20 or so hours before Sky news showed a policeman, holding a meat-cleaver. That shot lasted for about two seconds, so I am not convinced that the man was a policeman, for it was impossible to tell from the shot exactly what his shoulder badge represented, nor whether the shot was at the actual party address, or in any way connected to the party and to the alleged gatecrashers.

It goes on and on and on!

All these recent reports of a widespread rise in “knife-crime” are clearly trying to suggest to the dumb-as sponge-like public, that there is some underground conspiracy, as if run by some powerful and extremely vicious organisation, which is determined to destroy everything our white, Christian excessively corrupt, over-consuming, materialistic and, as reported recently “most sinful” Australian society and culture stands for?

Add to that, the allegation of a “dark-skinned man with black curly hair” and one alleged arrest of an Aborigine man, in two kidnapping events.

Then, add to these, the Honorable Peter Garrett's demotion by the Labor Prime Minister this week, over mismanagement of the government's home insulation scheme.

Firstly, the veracity of charges by the draconian Liberal party leader Tony Abbott that Garrett should take full responsibility for the four deaths of people either installing aluminium foil or being in some way connected with the houses are shallow and would not hold water, were the whole “affair” placed under a trustworthy inquiry.

Garrett cannot be held responsible for the installation procedures which killed the 4 men. But no breakdown of the facts was attempted by the government, and Garrett was left to be dunked deeper and deeper into a vat of sensationalist claims by the Opposition, until, popular media, the same global “flawed agenda” media of Murdoch and their “co-zionists” within the ABC who have sensationalised the so-called “upsurge in knife-crime” across Melbourne, effected Labor's undisclosed internal polls to decide that Garrett had to be demoted.

Garrett's hatcheting was without doubt part of a larger plan.

We could go back and inquire about all events leading-up to Garrett's demotion, and I guarantee we'd find gaps in the evidence.

Today, there's no doubt that some such events are total fabrications, such that they never actually occurred.

Or, and this is not paranoia, as my detractors would love to assert, events were themselves 'set-ups' from the beginning.

I have serious doubts as to the veracity of the two six year old girls kidnapping and one girls death.

I also have no doubts that there are some in the Liberal party of Australia, AND in Labor, who would condone murder of children so-as to have the public terrified, and police calling for increases in security.

I write this because events of the last decades elsewhere on the planet were clearly set-ups.

“9/11”, 2001, was one.

Reports which came out on the day, and in the days immediately following the two planes flying into the World Trade Center in New York, reported enormously differing occurrences to those which have since been adopted by the aforesaid “mainstream” western media as true.

As examples:

Actual video footage of the hole left in the Pentagon taken either on the day, or on the day after. By the size of the hole, and that there was no damage from nor detritus of a passenger jet's wings anywhere showed clearly, it was not a passenger jet!

Reportage of a witness saying he heard what sounded like a rocket or missile flying over him, toward the Pentagon.

Video footage of the planes taken as they flew overhead and hit the WTC showed they were NOT passenger jets.

Charges against Iraq's President Saddam Hussein saying he had “weapons of mass destruction” were found to be untrue, unfortunately for Hussein, not until well after millions and millions had been spent finding him and hanging him, and not until after Iraq was invaded and bombed to a pulp.

Claims that Iraq was an el Qieda centre were found to be false, but not until thousands of lives, on both “sides” were lost.

More recently, I received an e-newsletter from alJazeera news service, containing an article by “Jeff Gates” who is author of “Guilt By Association, Democracy at Risk and The Ownership Solution”. (See www.criminalstate.com. He was counsel to the US Senate Committee on Finance 1980-87). In the article he details facts NOT told to us by any of our mainstream media, be they of the murky Murdoch mobsters or of THEIR ABC, about the “Christmas Day crotch bomber” who supposedly tried unsuccessfully to bring down a passenger jet on-route to the USA on Christmas Day, 2009.

Israel is mentioned, in it, with decidedly devious intonations and exposures about their behind the scenes activities leading-up to that alleged attempt by the Nigerian fellow. Also, I think I recall it saying that the expected follow-up increases in airport security profited Israeli security technology corporations, with links to the alleged bomber's banker father!?

Here is the article's name and link:
Christmas day crotch bomber tied to Israel, FBI
Link: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/articles/42/Christmas-day-crotch-bomber-tied-to-Israel-FBI.html

With none of our media, state and national security services in police and in ASIO saying anything about the deeper corruptions in the above exampled affairs, in regard to the most recent news items covering the assassination of the Hamas Executive in Dubai, and the mal-use of three Australians' passports in that assassination plot by Israel's secret service 'Mossad', although our PM tells the media and public one thing about taking Israel to task over passport theft etc, there can be no doubt that he and the Australian Labor Party, are very-much in bed with their counterparts in our houses of parliament, state and federal to subvert any reformist political moves.

Indeed, fearless, with shotguns being fired near me in the forest, a forest which has no native animals, nor wildlife left since the bushfires of February 2009, so nothing but trees to shoot at, I assert that all the news sensationalist items about increases in knife-crime, Aborigines involved in child murder and the deliberate humiliation of pro-environment Champion Peter Garrett, by both sides of the House, are fabrications devised by the Liberal-Nationals-Labor cabal who are playing along to the tune of the alien, foreign, zionist IMF plunderers.


Clearly they are petrified that their little “down-under” playground and resources bonanza called Australia is being dragged out of the slumber the IMF put us in these last 200 years, by the fellow who has recognised and United into one quite powerful AND RIGHTEOUS REALPolitik Force, the Three Wise Tribes of Aborigine, Greens and Bikers!

In all humility, and reluctantly, I say that fellow is me.

Me, the puppet raised from conception to be the elite-of-Britains' puppet king, with suggestions of direct blood-links to the Jewish Prophet Jesus ben Joseph, therefore to the fortunes of the Throne of the Hebrew King David!?

Me, who has come late to establishing any of these family links to extreme wealth and power.

Me, who has like a good little Jewish puppet, been guided to
inquire into the world's Spiritual and Economic Realities, to find the FACTS behind them, to be caught in a hex of dark and devious proportions, until I cannot climb out, and while the world around me cannot be honest with me, remain in part-forced, part-chosen exile, rejecting “all-the-wealth-of-the-world” caring nothing about whether the psychos 400 metres or so behind me are my assassins, reject the suggestions that I can be the nation's ruler, nor indeed the planet's ruler.

The insane zionist, Liberal-Labor-IMF puppet-King!

As I blogged last week around Peter Garrett's morass “Fuck 'em!”

Peter Garrett, it seems to me, after a few years since his being grabbed by the ALP, has POSSIBLY (it ain't over yet, Mate!) been humiliated to the extent that his political career has suffered a serious injury, but has without doubt been set-up by the IMF Lib-Nat-Labor political cabal to destroy the popularity which the Greens were enjoying of recent months.

In fact, it cannot be ignored that possibly Garrett was lured into the ALP with that in mind from the start?

It is also probable, that all my writings and blog-posts of the last several years, are nothing more than what I have been set-up to write, by my mother's convent witches, their IMF genocidal maniacs, and their dark horses within the Liberal-National-Labor Partys' cabal.

Not to mention MI6, ASIO, CIA, et al et al etc.

The end of this is basically that if Australia is sucked in by and to the vortex of the latest IMF media and political bullshit, a la any gangs behind the so-called “knife-crimes”, the alleged child-murders and the attempted political injury of The Honorable Peter Garrett MP, then we as a nation are lost, and not to any outlaw gangs of Hell, or crazed Aborigine, or insane “COMMUNIST” Greens, but to the “diabolus”, the devils who are the dividers of the Earth - the ruthless genocidal International Monetary Fund, ex-Brit-Eurape.

This brings me to allege that at least some of the “knife-crimes” were planned set-ups, as were the abduction and deaths of the young children.

I've already written that Garrett's injury was definitely a set-up, but cannot discount the possibility that the 4 deaths were also.

Being that Labor was a willing partner in Peter's bruises, we cannot be at all sure that those in his department, as close as his secretariat, were part of a conspiracy against him.

This last week saw the disclosure in the Victorian Labor Party of an advisory email from one of the Planning Minister Justin Madden's close aides to fabricate actions to fool the public about a planned redevelopment of the Windsor Hotel.

A sheer and utter fraud upon the People, there can be no doubt, which MUST bring the question of whether the Labor Party has ANY credibility today, and certainly must have us, the People, question just how much Ministers, like Peter Garrett, can trust their staff?

Until recently, I was a “Labor man”. Divulging the plot to make me the puppet “fall-guy”, a plot of gross deceit, involving Labor, AND the Liberals/Nationals, from as high-up as Rome and London (Oxford, ie., the Theosophical Society), I want nothing to do with any of them.

I have followed a scientific inquiry into Australia's politics, and into the planet's politics, economics and environment, and how Human Beings really have to live.

This has led me to see that contrary to all the persuasions, we are beset with failure and total destruction GLOBALLY, if we remain with these utterly false notions of Westminster politics, “capitalism” etc.

Markets should be free, but are nowhere near that, as we are, and as we have been for centuries.

I cannot be convinced that “monarchies” and blood-lines of rulers or leaders or presidents or kings and queens have any relevancy today, and that for Humanity to survive and improve our qualities of life from here forward into the future, we must return to Basic, Clean, Simple, Equitable, Worldwide Ground Rules and Values of Common Land Ownership, Agrarianism, and Democratic Government of the Ancient, but yes, “modernised” models of, as one example, our Australian Aborigine.

Family, Sharing, Trust, Honesty, Wisdom.

Values all our so-called leaders and their unbelievably devious and brutish political parties say they ascribe to, and say they want us all to find, yet they themselves are cowardly liars of the worst possible and known kind.

So..., as I have been defiant against all the demands and attempts to make me the world leader, the Catholic-Jewish-Freemason cabal of deluded flawed theorists have 'dethroned' me, as-it-were.

Fine! A significant weight off my diminutive shoulders, which I never saw rectitude in, nor had any desire for.

The 2010 Australian elections, state and federal, should be important.

But, having little self-confidence, as my life is so manipulated by deluded good intentioned and evil alike, and having NO faith in Australians getting their REALPolitik Act together, and voting away from OUR SHORES AND SOILS, the foreign IMF and undoubtedly EVIL, diabolical cabal as represented by our ALP and Lib/Nat parties, I see Australia and possibly the world will go nowhere but down-down-down to a terminally malignant condition.

Hopefully, if that is to be the case, for OUR “sins”, the planet will react and wipe-us-off Her face, forever.

A Green, Democratic, Agrarian, Indigenous Common Government, based on Land Rent for Government Revenue (“PAY THE RENT!” Aye, Peter?) or we are all lost to the devil.

“Northern politrix” be damned!

A summation of this longish monologue, is that the plans of the wealthiest power-mongers on Earth, of building a false World King, and thus of centralising economic and religious power under one throne's roof, seem to me to be the most dangerously flawed plans of all. Indeed, “diabolical”!

There's no doubt that today's mainstream political parties - Labor and Liberal/National, are themselves puppets of Rome and London, who have NO honorable intention of letting Australia become an Independent Republic.

It is testament of how pathetic Australians are that either of these consortiums should be re-elected.

If you are not in the top 20% of income earners, then these parties are your political enemies, and life will only become more of a bitter and twisted struggle, especially for your children.

Not because “outlaw gangs” will rule, but because the pro-zionist IMF-church of clubsters will subvert any and all sense of Justice in the Community and by that, will only centralise power evermore into their own filthy evil and deluded hands.

Surely we can all see, that if politics, with either party in government, stays as it is, house prices and other things will only go up in price, police forces will be given more brutal weapons and authority over us, and quite demonic policies, such as one which was in the news last week, but was withdrawn by the Liberals, no doubt because they were slow in realising that it, “work for the dole” was not going to be accepted by the lower-classes, will be made law, against which the many of us who are either already on the dole, or are always close to it, will have no voice or power to reject.

Also, the Right-minded taxation policy which was spoken of and recommended by the Treasury Head, Ken Henry in December last year, of a National Land Tax, has not been mentioned at all this year.

Clearly, the callous wealthy “Christian” church-schooled clubs, whence all our politicians come, who are guaranteed wealth, employment AND incomes enough to always afford to buy, own and speculate on housing and land, do not want a Just Nation, and so will do their damnedest to keep Land Tax out of the political arena and debate.

Just another sign that Deep and Green Governmental, Economic and Environmental Changes MUST come as soon as possible.

Far, far better that Australians VOTE for such Positive Changes, than we become but another civil war nation, where the only result can be many many bloody conflicts and irreparable social division.

I just Hope that the Greens can muster the Candidacy enough, and as a Wisened Organisation, Step-Up-to-the-Plate?

With the nations of Eurape all looking as if, in the near future, they are going to have to declare public bankruptcy, their assumed power and superiority over the rest of the world of the last few centuries, may well be drawing to an end.

Therefore, so too will the power of the Brit-Euro-centred IMF, and it's grip on Australia.

Is it too big an ask of the Unions of Europe, who are on the streets of late, protesting against the BAD government by their continent's elites, to call ONCE MORE, for Equitable Land Distribution, a la “Land Rent for Government Revenue”?

Viva La Workers!



“The Green Man”.