
The Catholic Deal

I've become pretty cynical over the last decade.

So it should be no surprise that I scribe short notes into my diary, which do not auger well with some elements of today's clearly “fallen” white, western society. Particularly Australian society.

Some, I should not post to this blog, but some, I cannot resist posting, either out of extreme frustration at the deliberate ignoring from the sectors of society who have placed me in what I have spent years contemplating, and conclude is an utterly untenable situation, or, I post because of my determination to stick with what I can at my best, perceive, or define, or indeed “divine” as the Truth, in others words fearless Resistance to cult falsities.

Falsities which, when added-up, are quite heinous mass deceptions.

The other day, the following came to mind.

“In Catholicism, all associations between people, are 'deals', which they call 'friendships'.”

Nasty, aye?

Being exiled, in-the-extreme, ie., for all of my 55 years, and being constructed by the occult catholic church, to satisfy their delusions about Jesus coming back, I accept that I really do not know what personal relationships are really like. Thus, I do not know what genuine “friendship” is.

But I have definitely spent many many hours, days, and years contemplating the depths of human-to-human relationships.

At some point in one's life, one has to draw a conclusion about and from all one's contemplations.

Care has to be taken, because moods can vary from moment to moment, so emotions can alter what one's mind congers at any given time. Thus without care, a conclusion can be detrimentally effected, or, infected by a sour or even by an overly joyous mood.

Then there are the myriad of 'external influences' one is constantly under the sway of, whether they are from another person near, or nearby, whose want, is to manipulate one's thoughts, a speciality of most all 'cults', whether the biggest, like the Catholics, or some local gathering of new evil eyes, or, whether an external influence comes from the subtle realm of the hidden world, the fourth dimension of Spirits, smaller, larger than ours, higher, or lower than the world we exist in.

Larry King, on CNN last night, had His Holiness the Dalai Lama on for a 30-plus minute interview..

It was great, and Respects go to Larry for the interview, and of course, to Our Father the Dalai Lama for his time.

Larry asked His Holiness what were the three most important things the Dalai Lama put to President Barack Obama in their recent meeting.

His Holiness said first, the most important thing for everyone to seek, is “Inner Peace”.

O Yaye!

The vast majority of western minds, that-is, those of “Christian” indoctrination, and that can be anyone raised in the “Christian west”, fail totally to see the fundamental importance of this “Inner Peace” thing. Mainly because we have all been “hexed” by the cult of Rome to not want to actually “go there”, so when we hear such comments about it, we are immediately distracted by some mysterious mental actions.

These are the “hexes” from the cult priests, designed to keep us unsatisfied and ever wanting and looking for satisfaction in the material world. This is why we cannot stop ourselves from craving for more money, bigger houses, more kids, better jobs, greater social prestige, etc.

But the “material world” also includes the mental realm, for thoughts are also material things, when it comes down to it.

So while we fail to appreciate the importance of “Silence of Mind” and the Path of Meditation we are advised, by Buddhists and other Philosophical Traditions, predominantly of “the East”, to employ to attain Silence of Mind, we will not appreciate the power it gives us, enough to conquer the ever-active-ever-craving mind.

Thus, we will never find that “Inner Peace” the Great Father spoke of to Larry and to President Obama.

As his Holiness said, this is vital (paraphrased) to Humanity becoming a more peaceful, and balanced species.

So, inspired by some hidden force to scribe this little piece, there you have my chunk of advice, to all the Tribes, whether of the Three Wise Tribes or of the Gangs of the Streets, wherever you claim your Turf to be.

To those of the Outcast, of the Streets, who have joined together to form a Gang, for defense, anyone who shit-cans “Silence of Mind Meditation” needs it most, you might say, and, a bit of Advice, from The Great Father His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and me, Ganguru, Don't, whatever you do.... be afraid of it!

As a Mentor of mine told me years ago, he was sure he heard a line one day in class at the School of Philosophy, but when he graduated to being a Tutor, he looked through the texts, but could not find it...?

Nevertheless..., what he heard, has Merit, and is worth remembering, My Gangsters.

“The Natural Condition of the Mind...., is Silence.”

Seek It, Grab It, Keep It, and Restore It at Every Opportunity!

A word we were, in Philosophy, encouraged to bring forth, before we began any activity, be it in work or leisure, was "Pause".

Just for a couple of seconds, to ensure the mind is focused, and is cleared of whatever we were just thinking or doing.

Obviously bringing the mind to a "present moment" state, infers being quiet inside, for a second or two, or three, or for however long you feel OK with. It's an excellent thing to do before you jump out of the car with a tyre lever to bash the idiot driver who was lost in their overly active mind!

Ya' never know!? You might be in shape to get out, walk over, AND KISS THE IDIOT! then scream "MEDITATE DICKHEAD!"

They might learn something from it all?

A Gang with this Knowledge, Conquers!

As for the Catholic “friendships” thing....., if it's near right, it's probably because this world is one where it is dangerous to trust others, even long-time “friends”.

Other Cultures, older, Wiser than Rome's, appreciate such realities in a deceptive world. Friendship, may be a deceit, at least it is something which takes quite some time before two or more people can be absolutely sure of.

It would seem, to this 'dissociative', that “agreements” are the first level to becoming friends. We agree to associate at this initiatory level, where trust is limited.

For myself, I have thrown “trust” away, while the deceptions are retained from those I meet and have cause to interact with - family included.

Coppers, especially.

Women.......? Oh boy?

But...., it may all just be an overly lonely, and therefore longingly active mind.

We won't mention the “dark spirits”, or the jealous bitches I've unwittingly offended in the past.

And we definitely cannot speak of the fanatical and intensely insane Catholic and Theosophical Society conspirators who are determined to make me suffer for exposing their grand delusion of building a false messiah!

I Defy, until I die..., MOTHER!

All Praise The Silence!

There ends my little personal moment for a moment!

If I find something chunky-politik to comment on, stay tuned for more Omaxa bin News-Chop.om!