
Jesuss Says "Time To Sack Rome!"

(Or...., Yeshua ben Joseph's REVENGE!)

The Pope's Law?

Cardinal Vince Nichols insisted to BBC1's Andrew Marr there had been no cover-up at the Vatican.
'It was Cardinal Ratzinger who pushed forward very substantial changes,' he said.
'He changed the statute of limitations in church law, he changed the law so that sexual offences committed against anyone under the age of 18 would be a crime in church law.'
(copied from http://www.skynews.com.au/world/article.aspx?id=445348)

The above is an extract from Sky News article
“Pope leads Palm Sunday”.

And doesn't he lead the rest of us a merry dance?

Cardinal Vince Nichols (HARK? “Nichols” my middle name, the maiden name of my step-father's Beautiful and Wise Mother!?), in trying to defend the indefensible pontiff, by saying as copied above 'He changed the statute of limitations in church law, he changed the law so that sexual offences committed against anyone under the age of 18 would be a crime in church law.' admits an horrendous gap in so-called “church law”!

Firstly, exactly WHO IS the church to have laws about criminal sexual offences distinct from Common Law?

Second, that it took a Catholic Cardinal (Ratzinger) in the 20th or 21st century, 1600 years after the Vatican adopted Christianity, or “Catholicism”, to make it “illegal in church law” to sexually abuse a “minor”, exposes that the Catholic church has regarded sexual behaviour with minors as LEGAL for all of it's so-called “Christian” existence!

What can we possibly make therefore, of the cult, if such facts are so?

With the furore of recent years over these disgusting and widespread abuses by Catholic clergy, and, if their laws allowed such abuses, FOR 1600 YEARS, then thinking, Moral Human Beings world-over, must call not merely for the sacking of this errant and clearly devious pontiff, but the whole of Humanity must call immediately for the ABSOLUTE DISSOLUTION of this evil cult!

Over my life, I've been nearly completely kept in the dark about how “faithful” the Catholic laity are.

But always, I have observed, with a degree of impartiality, that few, if any of the Catholic women I've known, had any so-called “religious faith” in what the church preached and asked them to believe.

While most would rarely denigrate the “faith”, clearly most also were quite prepared to lie and try to “put one over” another person, where money or “piety” came into it. And by far the majority of Catholic men and women I've “associated” with (I now believe, because of the massive deceptions which underlie my very existence, that I have never “known” anyone), were quite at ease with sexual promiscuity - sleeping around - whether before or during marriage.

It has been quite clear to me for decades, that in fact this so-called “religion” is really entirely about “economic wealth”, the gathering of it for the members of the cult, and thus for the propping-up of this ARGH! EVIL PRIESTLY REGIME!

NO! There can be, THERE IS NO CREDIBLE REASON why the Catholic church should be allowed to remain in existence!

So, far more than supporting calls for the pontiff to resign, step-down, fall on his sword, I DEMAND that the whole cult, from the Vatican down to the smallest, most remote chapel (do the mick's have “chapels”?), be dissolved forthwith!

It is, in all Democratic Nations, the Primary Responsibility of their Governments to ensure that ALL the Citizens are protected from such pernicious organisations, whether children of the wealthy, who want, understandably, their kids to have a quality education - NOT HYPNOTIC INDOCTRINATION - or children without parents left no choice but an orphanage.

We cannot ask for any more evidence that this malignant cult is a failure!

Look at the results worldwide! Roman culture has destroyed most every natural and pristine ecosystem and Aboriginal Culture everywhere it has expanded!

While there are arguments supporting Catholicism, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, the damage at this late and trepidatious stage in Human evolution, far outweigh the benefits.

It, and all it's offshoots commonly called “Christian”, have passed their use-by dates, and now are but rotting the fundamental fabric of Human-to-Human relationships, and the VITAL relationship between Humans and the Great Mother Eartha's Environment.

Researching the history of this/these cults, it is easy to understand, AND RESPECT why the Founder of Islam, Mohamed, started that far more Honorable Cult on the 7th century AD.

He could see clearly that somewhere in it's growth, the Rome-based cult had been corrupted and perverted.

And if we look at it's record since the 4th, 5th and 6th centuries, there are innumerable facts which add weight to the call for the complete and absolute dissolution of all Christian cults.

Indeed, for years, I've called all Catholic and Christian cults mere “branch-offices” of Judaism.

And it is so, that the Hebrew, long regarded by myself and others, as a lost tribe, whether or not they call themselves the “Chosen” tribe of YHVH, have been active behind the scenes throughout British and Eurapean monarchic rule, and expansion and colonialization. (In support of the Rectitude of Jews, it must be noted that they have almost always been leaders in Progressive and Democratic Advances and Revolutions. And few can justifiably criticize their Intellectual capabilities.)

So perhaps any calls for the dissolution of the western cults who exist under the banners of Catholicism and Christianity, must include a call as well, for the absolute dissolution of all Jewish religions.

However, let me be clear! I have little or no disdain for Jews! My argument is aimed against the western cults which have grown, under Jewish or Hebrew influence and agenda or not, from the clearly errant Roman cult. For it is clear that it was Romans who subverted the cult which grew from the followers of the Hebrew Prophet, Yeshua ben Joseph, aka Jesus Christ.

But I do argue that the State we now know as “Israel” in the Middle East, is an illegal state, and has no right to exist under the conditions and enforcements it now does. However I do believe that it is the right of Jews to live peacefully in the Middle East. But my thoughts on that are detailed and for another post.

Besides, there IS a serious question, which is rarely raised, about “exactly how close to the original Hebrews, are those who today call themselves 'Israelis'?”

Historical records show that most of the Jews who actually descend from the Ancient Hebrews, since the era of 2000 years ago, have been “sprinkled” far and wide, in-the-main through the Caucasus and north-east to eastern Europe and even Russia.

Where-as the “Jews” who have migrated from Europe, Germany notably, post the so-called “holocaust”, were people who converted to Judaism from other un-related tribes.

Also, and NOT in fact, getting away from the central issue here, that Catholicism should be dissolved, there is enough credible evidence that the WW2 “holocaust” was in fact planned and carried-out by “Zionists” of Britain!

CATHOLIC Zionists!!!!!!!

MORE Evidence, that Catholicism needs-MUST be shut down henceforth!

Lastly (HA!), as the "beatification" of Australia's Mary Mackillop is as good as "set-in-stone" by our utterly corrupt Catholic/Christian government/parliament, federal and state, it could well be argued that both main political parties, the ALP and the Lib-Nats, both political branch-offices of the evil IMF-Roman cabal, needs-must ALSO BE DISSOLVED!?

I guess that just leaves us with the Greens!

Oh YAYE! The Holy Color of Our Heart Chakra!

THE Color of Good Government!


ANOTHER NUCLEAR MISSILE AT BABYLON, the evil establishment of Rome, (albeit that “Babylon” was the capital of the Beautiful, Ancient Nation of today's Iraq) from
Omaxa bin News-Chop.OM
from the traveling 4x4 tent of