
Support for Escapee Colin Little.


My thoughts go out for the alleged criminal Colin Little who is currently on the run from police in Western Australia, after a couple of carjackings, etc.

His chances of a fair trial are next to zero, because the coppers will paint him down, so-as to appear to the public that they are doing their job well.

What of his upbringing? What sort of bigotry has his whole Family and People endured and for how many generations?

Especially in Western Australia, well known for it's serious racism?

It's not at all hard to picture what has led to his explosive activities of the last couple of days.

Police are rarely “balanced” in their approach to those who cannot abide the seriously errant laws and legal system all Australians suffer, and any who is not of their own kind, is destined to suffer biased opinions and in the dock out-right lies in police statements etc.

A life most Aborigine males are born into, of racism and segregation from the “white Christian mainstream” opportunities cannot help but make many of them “boil-over” at times, and is the primary reason Australia's Aborigines resort to grog to calm their angst and to forget where and what they are.

Nothing the Aborigine has done, is their own fault.

Rather, the extreme ignorance of white, western laws and law enforcement, going back centuries, even thousands of years, to the days of ancient Rome, is solely to blame for outlaws such as Colin Little, and his breaking-loose.

We can be sure he is “for it” when and if the coppers find him.

And we can also be sure that any and every white middle-class Western Australian women will be only too ready to condemn him for “NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE!”

Intelligent Consideration for Colin “All Things Considered” Little's life, from every back-hander he's (possibly) received since his first interaction with white society and with white corruption, has to be dwelt-upon for a moment, before ANY judgement is made, especially in Australia's utterly broken “Kangaroo courts”.

Those who abide by the totally corrupt and indeed evil laws of our nation, and condemn Colin, are the lesser Human Beings, are the criminals, and should heed the old call “people who live in glass houses......”.

It is THEY, who are untrue and pathetic of Spirit.

I call the Western Australian police to “take it easy” on Colin Little, albeit that it is impossible for him to get a fair hearing.

But perhaps the jacks should for once, “try”?

Stand Proud Colin!

I guess though, the best option, is to surrender Bross.

Make the call, and ask for a peaceful conclusion to the mess.

Put your weapons away, coppers.