
VOTE GREENS! NO CHOICE! All Things Considered!

“Govt urged to nurture suburban food bowls”

Comment on ABC online article, titled as above, at
by Omaxa bin News-Chop.OM
from OpenSourceGovernmentPolicy.OM

IN line with my persistent commentaries about the untenable structure of our “suburbs”, this article on ABC online news confirms that both our suburban designs and delusions are guaranteed social and cultural failures, and, as well, this type of commentary, by “a senior research fellow at Griffith University's urban research program, Dr Jago Dodson” is also saying to us that our farming techniques and so-called “traditions” are failures waiting to happen.

Since hearing the statistics about a decade ago, I've always found that leaving the national population's food production in the hands of a mere 3-or-so percent of the people, ie., those who live and work in primary industries, bloody bad planning, and indeed, bloody stupid.

Being that we live and fail in a “free world”, apparently gives individuals the right to choose how they live and destroy the habitat, and “farming” Australia-style, is perhaps the most dangerous way to live and destroy.

“Market forces” mainly of real estate and it's unscrupulous method of speculating on the most valuable asset a people and nation can have - the Land - really only serve to keep the majority of people ignorant and self-absorbed in “hunting” for whatever they can procure for food and accommodation security. All being extremely short term prospecting, which fail, perhaps even “genocidally” all future populations!

So a last-ditched “Hoorah” to Dr Jago Dodson for his/her research and it's findings.

However, from a REALPolitik perspective, one must ask if Jago has done “the amble” of late, where he aimlessly drives in and out of the suburbs, into the marginal rural “farmland” or, the land which is being decimated by those primitive meat-producing practices, and back into town?

Especially “the amble” of driving back into town via high ground, where he/we can see down onto the suburban landscape? This way he/we can get an all-encompassing picture of just how far passed saving, our suburbs have become.

In the article Dr Dodson says “there is plenty of space in urban environments to grow food”.

But, as another article on ABC online says, getting the suburbanites to “put-in” the amount of effort necessary to keep such food production enclaves productive, is quite another matter.

And any REAL level of food production in the suburbs, latterly called "Community Gardens", passed the level of boutique and “feel-good” effects for those “conshy” contributors, means that not only large tracts of suburban land has to be turned-over to these Good Idea Suburban Food Farms, but OH NO!?, a sizey chunk of the number of “macmansions”, and the deadly “nuclear family homes” concepts have to be deconstructed as well.

Deconstructed and replaced with Community housing, and not just for family-less individuals who've been thrown onto government pensions, but Community Housing for families who have done their Maths, and found that our current "trends" of selfish little nuclear family castles are unsustainable and are deadly for everyone's future. Even for Housing industry executives and construction Unionists! AND LAWYERS!!!

As per “the amble”, cruising back into the cities from the rural fringes slays most Hope and murders us with futility on seeing the endless row-on-row-on-hectare-on-hectare of suburban housing, AND, on seeing the new estates being mindlessly constructed over previously destroyed, once prime, arable farmlands.

So, without MAJOR re-arrangements of most everything to do with Australia's “world's most sinful” culture, starting with the deconstruction of our so-called “religions”, and their foreign parliamentary systems of evil profiteering, then the near-total elimination of the current banking cults, aligned to the foreign religious cults and their HQs in Switzerland and Rome, et al, Australia is doomed.

So while a bloody good idea, as researched by Dr Jago Dodson and team, without a severe rearrangement of most everything else in and around our suburban cultures and designs and lifestyles, the nation is headed for disaster!

But, Surprise-surprise!? This seems to be the prognosis anyway, but on a global scale.

We've blown it kids!

Screwed! Carnage!

The future is war, between the few remaining Humans, and hordes of brainless mutants, bred mostly by the excessively wealthy dickless idiots, perhaps not unlike James Murdoch and global cabal, and their teams of unbelievable dickless lawyers.

Therefore, if Australians, and those who now live here, but in the privacy of their own bedrooms still call themselves “Kiwis” or “British” or “French” or “Italian” or “German” or “Greek”, or “Vietnamese” or “Indian” or “Sri Lankan” or “Bangladeshi” or “Chinese” or “lawyers”, have ANY Integrity and Honor, they would be out on the streets (whatever that means) campaigning not for either of the mainstream FOREIGN political parties, but for FUNDAMENTAL CORRECTIONS to our way of life, of the most rudimentary kind - that of introducing a National Land Tax, dissolving the three tier government system, and thus dissolving state parliaments, such that the Land is unlocked from speculation and from those who illegally claimed it for themselves in generations passed, and from here, today forward, forcing government to open up the rural lands for small, Agrarian Socialist Villages to blossom on every country crossroad.


Because, while Dr Jago Dodson has done well, and works with Integrity no doubt, such well researched reform ideas are “small beer” in light of the larger, overall problems our current social structures are setting the future generations up for.

This year, Conscientious Australians, and Conscientious Folk world-wide, have no choice, but to vote for the Greens' Intellect, of Rebalancing the Human species with the Natural Environment.

NO CHOICE! All Things Considered!

There you GO, from Omaxa bin News-Chop.OM
from OpenSourceGovernmentPolicy.OM