
"On The What-a-front" DVD.


Went shopping yesserday. Bought the usual groceries, vegies and froot, and, for a treat, a three-in-one DVD. 3 Marlon Brando movies: The Chase, with Super Jane Fonda and Robert Redford, On The Waterfront, and the main attraction, The Wild One.

'Cause Super-Jane was in the 1st one, I kept her for later, and whacked On The Waterfront in 1st.

An emotional film, set, I reckon, in the 1950s, about waterfront corruption, mainly, as portrayed, run by waterside unions in the USA.

Brando, an Immortal of the Silver Screen, plays a working class giant, a bum, but a giant labourer, who, smitten by the desire for a blonde Princess, played by Eva Marie Saint, who as-it-'appens, plays a “good Catholic girl”, and swayed by the catholic priest, played by Karl Maldon, decides to rat on the corrupt union boss and his gang of brutes.

A real “conscience movie”, designed to inspire rectitude in the lower classes, against the long out-of-control corruption of working life in America.

Watching it as many would have in it's era and beyond, through blinded eyes, indoctrinated to believe that the Catholic church was THE Temple of right-mindedness, On The Waterfront would have doubtless made many be sympathetic to the church, and also very anti-union.

After decades of contesting the mainstream corruption of Australia and of it's parent-nations, principally the British and Eurapean cabals, but also since world war two, America, and the institutions which have ordained or not certain cultural practices, mainly the western churches of Catholicism and Christianity in general, all largely under the suasion of Judaism, the 1950s film is seen with very different eyes.

If Hollywood has done just one thing, it has been to narrow our focus down to putting the individual on top of the pyramid.

Most of it's films have had some element of the hero at their centre.

“Superman” just, or perhaps the big one.

On The Waterfront, no less. However, it throws the church up as being the mainstay of rectitude and of courage against corruption or against tyranny, and, as well, this chimera we loosely call “love” for a pretty blonde, as the enticement.

“Love”, once more, actually simply “desire” or “lust” for a very desirable personage of the opposite sex. Again, narrowing our focus, or our desire, down to one-on-one.

The union boss, and his thugs are presented as the enemy of all that is worthy and good in the world - the narrow world of a struggling lower class waterside society, forced, by a far larger culture, to eke-out a living by surrendering to that dominant paradigm of the as-yet, in the 1950s, unrecognised multinational organised crime cabal of powerful British and Eurapean financial, banking, merchant and drug-lord elites.

The film ends with the hero, Brando, staggering, after a bashing by the union thugs, back into the shed, against the will of the union boss, to lead the other wharfies in to finish loading the ship.

“You can bash us, but we'll never refuse to do an honest day's slavery!” may be the interpretation of the last scene, and perhaps the narrow motive, or moral, of the film.

America, and it's worker's history, portrayed or not in On The Waterfront, has similarities to my own working class working life. But as mine has been a fraud through all of it, my own experiences cannot be rated in comparison.

Nevertheless, while similar, America's worker history is very different to that I know of, from my time here, and in England.

But, as pretty much all of the western world has been drawn into the web of Judaic and Christian misperceptions of life, of work, of debt and of so-called “play”, the overall theme remains pretty much the same.

“Corruption” is the name of life, and the more the church, or any “charitable” institution claims IT has the keys and the rules and the traditions of Rectitude, the more one can safely assume they are in it, “corruption”, deep.

On my other televisual medium, my Foxtel on mobile, the really-small-screen, one channel does regular exposays (?) of corruption, mainly in the USA, mainly I guess, because the media is so large there that they can bother and afford to do “docos” on any and all manner of corruption.

We see series' on gangs, on clubs, on mafia, on bikers, and the rest. From street gangs to top level multinational mobsters running government, and, in-essence, the globe.

For this little mushroom, kept sheltered from real life by bitch-witch catholic mother and her coven of resentful virgins, the nuns of St Joeys, the Foxtel series on the underworld has been an appreciated insight.

Also, it has given credence and support to my antipathy against the Catholic and Kkristian cults who profit endlessly and demoniacally from this our world's terminal corruption, but has given me more reason to Support such as the Bikers of the world, and, adds Strength to one of my blogsite 'headline slogans' - “Biker, Honor against tyranny!”

On The Waterfront's slandering of the Unions, has merit, because they were pretty rotten with corruption there, and, here too, in Australia, as well as everywhere else on Earth.

Whether or not the influence of the Catholic church amongst unionists adds to the bent nature of the so-called Collective of the Unionists, justified or not by the concept that corruption by the world's elites, the global “land-owning” masters, is so huge, that honorable mobs cannot hope to successfully compete against them, so must partake of corrupt economics, may nevertheless, in the end consume itself.

Because, as I heard in my oversized mental paste-basket recently,”Machiavellian-ism ends in it's own self-destruction”, so, if the most righteous mobs, in this example, the church, choose to take on the endemic corruption of our time, by partaking of the game of lies, lies and more damn lies - lies which THEIR cultural HQ in ancient Rome began - they will only, in the end, add to the entropy, to the demise of everything around it, and us.

This may be evidenced by the fact that the western religions are now irreversibly involved in the biggest two games of corruption known - false leaders, a la ONE messiah, and land speculation.

That the west's Spiritual “hero” - Jesus ben Joseph aka Jesus Christ was a Communist, which interprets in the Spiritual sense as meaning that we are all “children of God”, so no-one is Spiritually superior, or a hero, above any other, which can be divined from the Bible, and thus, that there is no “the only son of God-type messiah”..., and, that the Hebrew Tora, latterly the Old Testament of Christianity contains the Laws which deem land speculation is evil, shows, me anyway, just how far off the Path the western religions are.

So, while On The Waterfront is a great movie, a movie made by the Jewish-dominated Hollywood, it is also a subtle, subversive propaganda film designed to bolster the long-schemed conspiracy of having everyone stay Intellectually lazy, and wait for the Jewish and Catholic puppet messiah to appear and save the northern masters, and their “144,000” sycophants from Eternal Hell.

Fortunately, for those who woke-up to the massive deceptions of the northern cults, the Hell's Angels, perhaps through the real-life horrors of 20th century war-zone front-lines, seem to have put an end to that mass-deceit of Jesus-on-the-rebound, and are helping the Just, to Democratically voice their long-silenced yearning for truthful Laws and Taxes and Economics?

(It's the ECONOMY, stupid!)

Perhaps, the degrading slavery as portrayed in On The Waterfront, and the immoral nature of “the industrial era” of wars and capitalist and materialist selfishness of the last two, three or four hundred years, can be put to bed, and, through Democratically voting for The Greens in future elections, a New Day of how we look at the world, at “Work”, at “Law”, at “Culture”, at “Economics” at “Taxation”, AT GOVERNMENT, and, at the Mother of it all - “THE LAND” that-is “The Environment”, Human Beings Earth-wide will drag ourselves out of the hexes of the last two or so thousand years of northern cult corruption?


IF..., such a wonderful thing occurs, it will not re-invent my faith in God, nor in Humanity, it will simply mean that...., “it happened to us Naturally”.

With the help of technology..........

Now...., for “The Chase”!

Ready Jane?

Omaxa bin Eartha