
PM's gender change no answer to Australia's political woes.

"Tree Ways", N.T.

On the rise to the Australian Prime Ministership by Julia Gillard.......:

A refreshing change, maybe?

Whittling-down classic Australian male-chauvinist politics, maybe?

From “right faction” to “left”, maybe?

Australian women are no doubt buoyed by Julia Gillard's ascent to the top job in Canberra, but along with the rise of witchcraft across the world of the last 10-to-15 years, thus a dangerous increase of empowered yet unwise women and men, most women who feel “vindicated” as being at last seen as the rightful “dominant gender”, are really just riding the wave of resentment against males that they've had, yet had to repress.

Gillard, while saying in an early post-ascent press conference, that she decided something had to be done about Labor's, and Rudd's falling popularity, her appointment is without doubt a political maneuver from within the advisers and agenda-setters club of the ALP.

I wrote this while out-of-range of media this morning, and scribed that “..her appointment was to win-back the disgruntled women who were deserting the “big-3” parties for the Greens”.

Coming back into broadband wireless range, the 1st news article I read said that, according to one poll done since her delegation, support for the Greens has fallen by almost half, by 7 points, to 8%.

So, I was right there. Being almost half, we might assume they were the female voters from the Labor side.

Again, if it transpires as so, offshore, foreign British and Roman Zionism has won again by throwing the inevitable, divisive formula of “gender” into the election arena.

Gillard would as likely agree. But has she and her staff enough free voice, enough independence of voice to say so, and bring the REALPolitik debate back to focusing the voters' minds (and emotional hearts), on the bottom-line issues?

Bottom-line issues of “Economics and Law?

I don't think so.

Most of us now know that the legal system, and thus our laws, are horrendously corrupt, as we know are our systems of “economics”.

Economics and Law, when boiled-down, and the fat removed, must defer, must accede to 2nd place, beneath the fundamental Environmental Laws.

And, crucially, Environmental Law has to be understood as a “Local Issue”.

Because all foreign controls of our Local laws, are for foreign interests, and they have always put the Local Values and Local considerations last.

Therefore, “First Issues” are Local, and include both Indigenous AND “Native” Peoples' Sovereignty, so that those born in “Country” can through official law, protect their own Country.

It is so, that in Australia, our Aborigine do not have Sovereignty in WHAT IS their own Land. This is draconian and utterly illegal, when it comes down to it.

If Julia Gillard is to take Kevin Rudd's “Apology” forward, to complete the process of “Conciliation” between white and Black Australians, Aboriginal Sovereignty MUST come to the fore from now on.

However, contrary to accepted myths, Australians not from Aboriginal backgrounds and “blood”, do not have Sovereignty either.

The two sectors of Australian society, Indigenous and non-indigenous, are in some sense effected by the same wrong legal structures, but both have very different cases to be resolved.

While white Australians have far greater opportunities to acquire land and “a life” as it might be called, there are laws which give them no sovereignty of ownership, should a mining corporation, from here or overseas, discover something of value beneath their acreage. The government too, can “resume” ownership of someone's land, if they deem it should be used for their decided purposes, rather than for the owner's use.

So Sovereignty is an issue for all Australians, and can be seen as exposed simply by an honest appraisal of most of our laws and statutes.

Laws which demand that we must partake of what amounts to being an evil, corrupt and totally (Environmentally) unlawful world of work.

So..., to repeat.., “First Issues” are Local, and include both Indigenous AND “Native” Peoples' Sovereignty, so that those born in “Country” can through official law, protect their own Country.

Therefore, “Republic”!

Passed attempts at Australia becoming a Republic have failed, not for lack of popularity, but because they were scuttled, again, by offshore interests, because the concept and the arguments, were once more, reduced to “personage” or to how we elect the, A, A, “President”.

More non-Local subversion!

Like “gender”, one leader, Prime Minister, President or monarch, is irrelevant!

“Policies” not “personage” is our Priority.

So it is, “Policies” not “gender”.

The Wisest Policies are Locally Administered, and the least corrupt powers are ensured with Local Knowledge and election.

So, if PM Gillard has “the goods”, she will place the Australian Republic on top of our list of Priorities.

Tied to the Republic is dissolution of the states, even so far as establishing 500-plus “Local Nations”.

Events are forcing Australians up to the most vital Political, Economic and Legal decisions of the last several thousand years.


The “old kings” models, of Rome, Jerusalem and even of “Camelot” must accede to the Science of Popular, as-in Majority, Economic and Legal Knowledge.

Ignoring these, as cowards, retreating to the same-old-same-old foreign manipulation of our voters, our minds and our land, will keep Australia and the planet, on the path to terminal warfare.

Embracing all we know 1st in Economics and Law, and in Issues of Government, such as Local-versus-foreign control of OUR government, and OUR Lands, will also incite offshore Zionism to cause global chaos.

Either way, the path ahead will involve struggle.

But the path of Intelligence, Wisdom and Honor, is by orders of magnitude, the Best, most Noble one to choose.

“Good Government” then, is “Open Government”, where everyone can access the law-making debates and processes as they happen, and anytime after.

Some people, though I suggest the nurturing environment is most relevant, develop leadership talents more than others.

Leadership is about “representation” of the groups' values, and of “steerage”, to uphold Good and True Laws.

Only when Good and True Laws are enshrined into the mechanisms of government can large population nations allow, enable, anyone such as a President to rise to that place.

As Australia and the planet is, far, far from enshrined Good and True Laws, we have no choice, other than the current entropic corruption, but to devolve the powerhouses of our states to “Local Nations”, with, of course, a popularly-called-for “autonomy” of each geographic, ecological, Human-numbers and Aboriginal territory, to institute Local Nation Economic, Environmental Laws.

But as we are both in-the-main one island, and as our recent development and institutions have been under one national system, we have sensibly to adopt one or a number of “Ground Rules”, Common Laws, for it and for us all.

Rah rah rah..., the 1st Law is the Economic Law of Rent.

Let that be the cement slab, or “Rock” upon which we rebuild all “Local Nations”, with the timbre of Good and True Laws and Economics as the whole Community's House.

So..., do not be swayed away from the necessary REALPolitik Legal and Economic Reforms, with the ascent to the Prime Minister's position of a Woman, in Julia Gillard.

Very little will change with her in the chair, because the chair is controlled remotely from overseas, while either of the big-2 (big-3 if we separate the Libs and the Nats) dominate our political agendas.

It, the rise of a woman to PM, is a Catholic ploy to unbalance any moves we make away from their foreign control, by voting for the “less-male-chauvinist” Greens.

If..., Julia Gillard, as PM, returns to the Republic debate, and brings it back into the spotlight, it is more than likely only to rope-in more Greens, and other voters who want a Republic. It will be planned to fail by her masters in the (offshore) backrooms, like the last couple of tries, typically not until after the election.

But as she probably owes the ALP states' factions some “debt of gratitude” for putting her in the PM's chair, she is not likely to “go there”, because any genuine push for a Republic will have to include as fundamental, the dissolution of the states, and the ALP states' power-brokers, AND the Lib/Nat's, are addicted to the prestige and power their state houses give, as well as being obedient puppets to the offshore corruption-brokers of Britain and Eurape, etc.

Opposition leader, probably near to correct, today says that the lift in Labor's popularity will not last.

This may induce Labor to call the election earlier-than-later.

To keep the momentum of an increase in popularity, the ALP - Gillard - will have to show some spunk, and go for more serious reforms.

But immediately, the factions will resist, and attempt to cover it with more “snow”, more spin.

I guess the question is, that.... "if ALP's popularity declines again, will the Greens win back support"?

Time will tell, and only if the Greens are prepared to take-on the crucial issues of reform, again, such as the Republic.

All of the last few days of excitement from the government, apparently in crisis, has the right factions' spin and distraction in it.

Once more, the struggle has been narrowed down to that of personalities, this time, with the added ingredient of gender.

Genuine Progress in government demands that we move away from the "individual leader" models, and, adopt the much Wiser format of the Presidential Committee, to the size even of 500 elected Local Representatives.

Instituting Local Autonomy funded by Economic Rent, simplifies government, the issue of raising revenue, thus reducing taxes, and minimizes the time, money and effort needed to run a nation. Or 500 nations.

500 "Local Nations" in one Republic. But I use the word "Nation" rather than the tired word "state", and to indicate greater Local autonomy than the word "Council" gives.

It will be up to the voters to keep their eyes open and not be distracted.

The whole world has to “Go Green”, and many times more Green than the main parties can offer.

Omaxa bin Eartha
GLOBAL, Land, Tax, Cult, Drug and Work

Green, Aborigine, Biker.
Intelligence, Wisdom, Honor.