
So..., to continue...,

Here is an e-ssay I wrote last night, while offline, on my mobile phone. I don't now remember exactly what I wrote, but it's early AM on Tuesday, and I ain't got the energy to go over it again.

It might be a ripper, it might even be important, however, as no-one is able to communicate their thoughts or feelings to me, WHO CARES?

(If I'm still online tomorrow, I'll send it to my QC in London......., if it's got anything new or chunky in it??)

So..., to continue...,

Forced out of deeply corrupt "Gunai" Country bushlands by psychotic whitey, I now 'hide'-hoho in the N.T., desert, only to be terrorised by this region's pathological local witchs nightly.

Me mum won't let go & persists in haunting me from near or far I can't tell. No matter, it's all Hell!

Plagued by memories & thoughts, &, in this utterly farcical situation, having been set in "explanation-mode" for expected liars to harass, &, when I get testy, call the police, acting as if they know nothing of my plight, am constantly constructing a story to most succinctly tell, I go over & over "my case".

Cursing mum again & again for dropping me in it, slowly it dawns on me that she killed "Grandpop" at my conception because HE was one of the party of 1890s pioneers who slaughtered my Aboriginal Great-Grandparents & their Gunai Tribe north-east of Licola, Gippsland, at an untold-of Sacred Waterfall, I was 'led' to last year, up there!

He, John Thomas Willis, then, no doubt on orders of the Sutherlands, took mum's Gunai Dad, named Donald Sutherland Willis, & 2 'siblings', named "Ivy" & "Alf" to raise as white kids.

Do I forgive mum, while she stays silent to myself about all of this, under the hex & threats of the St Joseph's convent nuns & broader Catholic coven?

I guess, seeing as she was etching some belated justice for the Gunai, against the Scottish mass-murderers, whose descendants now 'own' Gippsland, traditionally still 'my' & the few extant Gunai descendant's land, I, to some extent should?

But, what of my 55 years of having no Soul of my own, so-to-say, for this insane & evil plot to present the world with Jesus-on-the-rebound?


Of late, with further contemplation, it's clear I was built to retake the British royal throne back for my Step-Dad's aristocratic Catholic "Meredith" dynasty (Anglicised version of Welsh Tudor Kings' "Maredudd" a la King Henry VIII)!

Mum, questionably from Sutherlands, married to my, in-fact, Step-Dad, Allan Meredith, was the highly covertly-arranged marriage between two of the most wealthy & powerful families on Earth!

If....., Sutherlands ARE direct descendants from Jesus ben Joseph, then I also, as their puppet-king, am claimant to the throne & fortune of the Hebrew King David, et al, et al!

Internet research (thus not verified) tells that the Tudors can be traced back to one "King ARTHUR" of 2nd century BC Wales!

Spiffing, say what?

Me, little tramp, Soul-less, Outlaw, Dissenter, Heretic, nevertheless carry the weight, wealth & power of Abraham of ancient Israel & King Arthur of Camelot!

Oh my goodness?

What would Jesus & Merlin say?

With most all major players begging I open my Magi Powers, with the world brought to the brink of disaster on cultural, social, legal, political, economic & environmental fronts, with my being twisted into being the "king-maker", I guess I'd at least dissolve all of Australia's state & federal houses of parliament, place the Australian Greens Party, to my mind better named the "Environmental Law Party" as leading 500 multi-partisan "Local" Administrative Councils, to re-calibre ALL the laws, basing all first, on the 1st Laws of the Environment, according to Aboriginal Law Perennial.

Resume all Land ownership to Local Councils, institute a Common Land Tax - Economic Rent - nationwide, open a Public Bank to manage that revenue structure & stream, abolish all non-environmental & health protecting taxes, call all Councils to plan Communal sustainable villages amidst Agrarian industry & complimentary ancillaries, then grab me swag & go a-wandering?

Hello! Alpha Centauri!

I'm "over" these pathological white fellas!

I've yet to establish if Our Aborigine had "Royal Families", but..., Pop Willis's given names of "Donald Sutherland" may indicate they might have?

They, the Aborigine, were certainly Gods.

All of them!

All Praise The Immortals!!!

And, thus, Restore their Sovereignty.

Convinced most all who seek to immigrate to Australia, do so for our being a corrupt nation, I would assert that they come, be separated to rural integration villages, to learn 1, Aboriginal Laws & Customs, & 2, Agrarian lifestyles, with English, Australian & local Aboriginal languages & other usual lessons.

Philosophy, Ethics, Environmental Law & Ground Rent Economics, chief among them.

All immigrants would live thus for at least 5 years.

Cities are breeding-zones for insanity & do not sustain themselves, thus need to be de-populated on the same general plan.

Secure accommodation, healthy food, entertainments & income would therefore be guaranteed, from factual educations, & local agricultural communities.

Do I care?


Do I want to be leader, President or King?


Such notions of leadership, beyond the Local or Tribal & Familial levels are from a culture of "lost tribes".

"Lost" in that the People have forgotten the Primary Laws - Environmental Laws - how most successfully to keep Good & Proper Relationship with the Great Mutha Eartha & thence with each other.

It's the Economic Rent, stupid!

Thus secured, all are best able to still insatiable desires & in the Silent Mind, be Happy.

Knowledge to that end is not the exclusive skill, talent nor province of any leader, King, President nor priest.

The Intellect is the Monarch of the Soul in each of us.

Honesty in Education thus in all else, is the staple of all it's foods.

A nation, society or individual built on lies will become criminal & never free.

And freedom is what life is all about.


Citizen bin Eartha.
Outlaw for Global Land, Tax, Cult, Drug & Work