
Vote 'em in, Vote 'em out.


Even before the Gillard coup last week, it had occurred to me that Kevin Rudd, or more correctly, the ALP, won office in 2007 in Canberra, not because of the one person, so much, Kevin Rudd, and not so much because of the whole ALP team, even though they were, and still are, made-up of the most talented the nation has yet seen in federal government, but because the nation, the voters, were quite tired of the Johnette Howard federal Lib/Nat government.

“Tired”, is not nearly the word to describe the country's dissatisfaction with the last right-wing government. “Disgust” would have been closer to the general truth.

However, as I harp-on about, we are victim of the political spin machine, which has long been “me-centric”, which places the individual before the Collective.

This is yet another remnant from the fast-dying ideology of the British-Eurapean “Enlightenment” era, now some three or more hundred years old.

A movement which was inspired by the awakening of the occult powers, or the astral eye in the elites of Britain and Eurape, a phenomenon which radically changes a person's perspective on life, from being a lesser person, who is or was under the hexes and hypnotic powers of the larger, cult forces, to that where they, we, the individual is self-empowered to be far more independent from the dominant influences.

The Irish people have suffered the slight of being pretty “tame”, stupid, slow and dopey for a long time, mainly from the English. This is because they were long under these same oppressive occult influences of the Catholic church, at least until the 1990s, when they were made aware, on-mass, of this dark phenomenon.

Consequently, they have all awoken themselves, as have the rest of us. However, as has come to be expected, they went a bit over the top, and roared into being the leading economy in the British Isles, if not across Eurape. Short-lived however, as they went haywire on land speculation, and as always, soon enough crashed. Nevertheless, after the rush to “me-first-ism”, because of the crash and it's influences and hardships, it's likely the Irish will find a general social cultural balance. Time will tell, to be sure to be sure?

The English had it over them, mainly because they, or their aristocracy, as far back as one of my own family ancestors, King Henry the eighth, broke with the dominance of the evil Roman church, and around the same period, came “online” in the occult sense, whence began the “Enlightenment”.

Generally, much can the said to be an improvement is these regards, however, where the functions of the groups' leadership and management is concerned, it is an extremely dangerous step to take, from considerations of the group to placing the individual's preferences before those of the many.

Nevertheless, in line with the dominant agenda of Australia's foreign powers, those of Britain and Eurape, the process of government has always been narrowed down to the talents of the individuals, of the leaders themselves.

It exposes a deep failing in the people, when they are seduced to chant and cheer for whichever person is plonked on the top of the pile of parliament, the Prime Minister, in this e-ssay.

But it is not only a case of super-egoism in the manipulators, where they have been conned to believe that this is how best to be. It is far more the decision of the cabal who want desperately to maintain control of the government, of the corruption, of the people.

Because placing the individual in the spotlight of the public's attention, also centralises power for those who want control.

This is the deeply flawed, and dangerously dark strategy of Rome, and, it has to be said, Israel, and is exactly where the whole insane phenomenon of “a messiah” comes from.

Nevertheless...., the popularity of Kevin Rudd leading up to and following the 2007 election (as I was reminded about while refuelling at Three Ways on the NT last week, by a ponsey-sounding bloke, who after I asked “Who'd you vote for?” calmly said “We don't vote governments IN, we vote them OUT!”)..., and Rudd's 60%.., 70% favour in polls, was because people were deliriously happy to have his rather more Intelligent mind and voice in the chair after the evermore-drab and dark Howard.

DAMN! That's what I forgot to write in one of my earlier weblogs, which was trying to address the falling popularity of Kevin Rudd, around the Gillard coup!

As has been the trend, Australian voters had grown weary of the last government, as headed by Johnette Howard. Certainly, Howard was an apt face of fascism, as far as I'm concerned. A bloke whose perspectives were classic Anglican (Methodist) which brutally puts “me-first”, to the expense of everyone else. GW Bush was/is also Methodist!

Government cannot be allowed to operate under that erroneous ideology. But as all of the western world is run by the same basically flawed Catholic or Christian ideology, of having everyone dump their faith in, or on, A, A, A, messianic leader, we have the reason why we're all living-in..., essentially "failed states"!

Yesterday's ABC Radio National's "Big Ideas" broadcast, was a talk given by John Ralston Saul. I caught the last few minutes of it and will go back to it on the web later. I heard his last minutes where he suggested that the ideal of the past few centuries may be said to be out of date, and that the ideologies of the Enlightenment are now "passe" ("PASS! Aye?), and that perhaps even the long-proven, ancient "doctrines" of the Aborigines are both the best, and are due for a return to popular favour (paraphrased). (!!!YESSYESSYESSS!!!) [He bin readin' ma BLOG!!!]

But..., as I was saying... Government cannot be allowed to operate under that erroneous ideology. This is basically where the two ideologies, both purportedly standing under the flag of “Christian”, diverge.

Catholicism (dare I speak in favour of that cult???) on the outside, stands for the group, whereas the alter-Christian, Protestantism, including, if-not led by Freemasonry, goes for the individual.

But saying-so, as the Catholics attempt sometimes to, that the group comes first, does not mean they mean it. Again, it is all part of the ploy, to win the hearts and minds and votes of the polity to their OFFSHORE centralist motive.

(For the individual, I personally agree with the general tenet of Freemasonry, which gives the Individual's Soul, autonomy, within their own body-mind-Soul combination. This should, be "a place" (a Palace?) where the person is Properly guided, and is not merely made into a puppet of yet another cult master, enable them to rise through the torrid zone of the 4th dimension, to their own personal, yet totally harmonious realms of Heaven, where they know all there is to be known, and have the Wisdom to live harmoniously with the world around them.

Most all of us down here on Earth, even post the "evolution" in opening the third eye, are still under the hypnosis of less-than-fully-Enlightened puppet masters. And for that, we are trapped in the 4th dimension, the dimension of "aliens" demons, twisted minds, chaos and "apparitions". All our churches are within this shadow, and is why we are running so astray and seem to be headed for global disaster.

So, extending this e-ssay from simply saying that we did not vote Rudd in, but rather we voted the draconians OUT, I want to stress that one, there is an whole 'nother ball game going on, in our popular methods of governmentation, a ball game we DO NOT WANT TO KEEP, of centralising power OFFSHORE, and two, Rudd's meteoric, stellar popularity of some 70% after the 2007 election, was merely the aftermath celebrations in the community, that we had ousted the fascists.

I guess this detracts, unfairly from Kevin Rudd's Honorable attempts to make Australia better governed. While the hatchet-job done on him, as I and other commentators have asserted, was based in Sydney's ALP, or Rum Club mafia, a mafia which runs much more than the ALP, and was filtered through the right wing factions of the other states, mainly the equally-corrupt Victorian and South Australian branches, the whole affair was brought to the fore by our foreign media and their offshore Brit-Euro Zionist cabal.

Were any of the opinion polls, which brought Rudd down and out, contained of any Ethics, and thus Merit, it's likely the last week's events would never have occurred.

But clearly, some of we commentators were slashing several layers of "skin" off Rudd, and off the stumbling ALP generally.

Repetitive onslaughts charging at the terrible stature of NSW ALP "rum corps" corruption and misgovernmentation was definitely having disastrous effects on the general popularity of the ALP in-total, which was really what brought them, NSW, Vic, and the other factional players to bring-on the "Gillard-coup".

To that, it's more than ironic that perhaps my most cutting piece, written in the hours before the "7PM coup" beginning, was posted onto my weblog at about 7.03PM?

Obviously, someone within Labor, was reading more than just the "tea-leaves"?


Whether the outcome is for the better, overall, only time will tell.

If nought else, if these events and the future bring any light to our political farces, they will have to be where we, the voters of this young-young-dangerously naïve nation focus on our own personal, individual maturity, and learn the differences between “me-first” behavour and thinking, and “us-first” Community management.

Ironically, Community management, under the Wise eyes of a Mature Group, the group we generally call “the government”, when rightly ordered, pertains best for the individual, so that the lot of us, can live in a perpetual state of Bliss.

As President Clinton said, “It's the Economy, stupid!”

NOT, he was also saying, the “leader”.

Kevin Rudd knew this, and was trying his selfless best to take us up that Wise Path. But the subversive offshore media, and their excitement machinery of opinion-pollsters, wanted to keep us screwed to the board of OFFSHORE mining, banking and real estate corporate corruptions.

As we are dragged toward the 2010 federal election, our punters/voters have an obligation to the future to remember that maturity is in recognising that our own preferences, our own often-hard-to-satisfy-desires, must be put second to what is best for the majority, and thus, that it, the election and the whole business of government, is not an affair with, or with WHO sits on top of the political pile, but with which policies are Best for all of us.

It follows therefore, that no one person can possibly know everything necessary for the groups proper functioning, and that it is the committed team of elected managers - The Presidential Committee - which we need to keep us safe, fed, housed and happy, into the unknown future.

This should expose Opposition leader Tony Abbotts's blerts against Rudd as flawed, and dangerous, because he would therefore suggest that HE would be the safer PM.

But clearly, Abbott “is not his own man”, but yet another puppet of the offshore cabal.

Post-coup opinion polls tell us that the ALP has resumed it's lead with Gillard in the chair. I say that the ALP will only keep that election-winning advantage if she and the Caucus make the changes we need to the government system, and guide the polity away from that flawed, dangerous me-first belief, of A, leader.

Jesus is dead, folks!

Long live the Community!

We vote 'em in, we vote 'em out!

Time we voted ourselves in!

After all of the spin and hidden OFFSHORE agenda, that is what DEMOCRACY is in fact, all about!


As we all know that BOTH main parties are controlled by offshore powers, a coven of elites from Rome, London, Berlin, Oxford, Edinburgh, Tel Aviv and even Moscow, et al, and that Gillard, while at least as Clear-minded as Rudd, and of course that the whole of the “coal-alition” as Bob Brown explained it, are corporate puppets, at some stage Australia has to grab the chance and step out from the circle off offshore interests.

This morning I was ruminating on the whole business of this delusion called “life-on-Earth”, and, adding up all my experiences, I had no choice but to conclude that I don't..., I CAN'T trust anyone.

A sad situation to be in, of a certainty!

But to be perfectly honest, this means that I cannot trust the bloke I Advocate as the leader of any REALPolitik Reforms-cum-Revolution in Australia, Senator Bob Brown.

I do believe that he is one of our, if not on the Path to being our foremost Statesman, and that he is totally Sincere and Committed to doing what is Best for all of us, and of course, for all of our Environment.

But, as the dark side of politrix here and offshore is ruthless, they will do everything they can to prevent Justice and Equity from ruling here. So Senator Brown, unless he has very powerful backing, may well have to acquiesce to some elements of corruption. This is what I mean when I say I cannot trust him either.

I would not ask him to take a real bullet by standing hard and fast for the right Principles. But perhaps he is more of a Warrior than I know?

But we have to break the hold the offshore cabal has on us and on our political sphere, which means we have to vote for another Alternative, and in the current arenas, state and federal, while we cannot expect the ALP to dissolve the states, or to succeed in making us a Republic, that Alternative has to be, all things considered, including the foundation of a healthy environment, the Greens.

I haven't heard any substantive calls for a dissolution of states and a Republic from within the Greens, mainly, I expect, because they don't feel the two policies are high enough in the publics' minds.

But, I have no doubt that, off-air, they are all for those corrections.

So, while the ALP have their power-club bases ensconced in the states HQs, witnessed as so, just last week, it's hardly likely that Gillard or any other of the ALP feds will make both states-dissolution and the Republic election issues.

They might, might..., say they will go there after the election, but we've all seen that ploy before, and most of us are tired of those hollow promises.

Were Labor to sound-out the Greens on these issues, and get committed support from the Greens toward those two points, then announce that as so, I proffer that there would be a second landslide for a Labor win with the Greens, in a most powerful coalition (gotta find a new word for THAT one!!! “AGreenment”, perhaps? “LaGreenment”??? NAH! DAMN THE FRENCH!)

From here in western Queensland, by the roadside, I suspect I can feel LaGreenment from way down there in the holes of Canberra, and from within the PM's offices, et al.

Whether they will get the nod from higher up in the Kremlin (VLAD?!) or Oxford, is another fing, vo?

Only time will tell........?

Policies, not personages!

We vote 'em IN, we vote 'em OUT!

Argh! LaGreenment!

I LIKE That One!

Omaxa bin Eartha
Outlaw, for
GLOBAL, Land Tax, Cult, Drug and Work

Way out Winton way, western Weensland.

But I still wanna bomb cities out of existence!

Democratic, Green, Military, Agrarian, Socialist Union FOREVER!!!

Australia - 500-plus Local Nations!

Et al et al, and a rahrahrah!