
What is the educational and religious 'demographic' of people surveyed in opinion polls?


Recently, Australian political reporting media has been set alight by two opinion polls.

The 1st, Newspoll, surveyed voters about the main parties' popularity after bad press arose surrounding the resources tax debate.

The 2nd, an SMH-Nielsen poll, went to similar issues about leadership, and, again, popularity. (As I write this, I'm offline, and have forgotten the details. Sorry.)

Since these types of polls began, there's been doubt about their veracity and accuracy, etc.

I think laws have been introduced to try to make them more impartial, so, less biased and less able to falsely influence voters.

But, whether such opinion-gathering, and thus opinion-making surveys are designed and asked by government or private organisations, it is foolish to expect that they will NOT try to glean results which favor those the pollsters support.

Especially here in an horrendously corrupt Australia.

To argue that we are not corrupt, is to be either a complete liar, who has or is making your pile through illegal means, be-it an insane profit-orientated corporation or coven or cabal, work for “the man in the big house” who owns the most land in the area and promises you 30 pieces of silver every-time he needs someone to lie in support of his treachery, or you're an absolute idiot, who knows nothing about law, politics, culture, religion, ethics and everything which comes from any or a combination of these.

Which pretty-much sums-up our society.

Nevertheless...., when one of these private opinion-pollsters does a survey, what is the demographic of those they survey?

I have the suspicion, being THE Conspiracy Theorist, as misrepresented by Mel Gibson in “Conspiracy Theory”, that these surveys have drifted back to being rather politically biased?

What proportion of surveyed people, are from Catholic, Protestant, Atheist, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu et al cultural stand-points?

What proportion have been schooled by the church institutions, perhaps the most biased and most corrupt on earth, and what proportion have been educated - yes, also indoctrinated - in our government schools?

Then, after their schooling and perhaps tertiary educational years, what proportion of surveyed people are employed by corporations, or by government, such as for local councils? To extend this question, because it IS relevant, how many work for themselves?

How many are paying off a mortgage, renting, homeless, transient, etc?

These things matter when questioning the veracity and results from opinion-polls, methinks, because they influence the taxes people pay, the way they must interact with society, as-in what topics are discussed in their social lives, social lives which so very often, more often than is truly healthy for their minds, are more orientated around winning or keeping employment-favor than with what a “social life” should be about - that-is.., unfettered and uncontrived joy, happiness, relaxation, impartial agenda-free association.

I ask these qvestions because they, and the answers, tie to “allegiances” and therefore consequent political preferences, NOT necessarily impartial, that-is “For The Common Good” (FTCG) electoral and policy-making.

Also, how much to those polled really trust the surveyors?

Distrust is part-and-parcel of life, and media and information-gathering organisations are low on the scale of trust, so, if someone receives a telephone call from Newspoll, how much is the distrust shield going to kick-in, due to paranoias about job security, bank credibility, career ambitions, kids' educational and employment prospects, et al, and have them sway their responses one way or the other?

Most of us know there is an HUGE market for peoples' personal information, gathered by all nations' and corporations' spies, and any who have the funds, can buy whatever info they like or need, about US.

Every pollster organisation professes security in such affairs, but everyone also knows nothing is secure nowadays, especially in terms of personal information.

In the past, opinion-polls have been rudely biased.

Do we need MORE rules or legislation demanding pollsters release all these types of details with every published poll result?

Atop all that, are the polled people influenced in political affairs (YES!!!) by our and our politicians', for example, 'Catholic' religious influences?

Catholicism is seen as a bad cult lately. How much therefore, is this influencing surveyed peoples' answers, considering most Australians know that the Catholic church has been extremely strong in and behind the Australian Labor Party almost since it's inception?

Most of us, who take an interest, or are forced to take an interest in politics, and the news reports we hear, know our current PM professes to have a strong Christian faith. (Only a few days ago, I heard he was educated in a Catholic boarding school.) Most of us also know that his leadership opponent in the Liberal Party, Tony Abbott, is also Catholic.

With the Roman cult being so out-of-favor today, in being exposed as pretty-much condoning and protecting child-abusing priests, AND for being responsible for a multitude of other heinous religious and social and economic crimes, extending back some 1600 years, if not more, it's influence upon Australia's Labor Party AND it's prime supporter, our Unions, being known, it cannot not have an influence on poll results.

Back to the general theme of opinion polls.., a person who is polled by these undoubtedly biased pollster organisations, may be seriously and Genuinely Buddhist, for example, in their personal life, yet may be an executive for a large corporation.

So how Balanced (or, “Buddhist”) can they stay in decisions of office?

In Australia, a minority of white mainstream Australians would be raised Buddhist. Most Buddhist whiteys would have been converts from western religious inculcations. Both are far more likely to weigh Ethical questions as they arise than those raised, schooled, employed and still socialize in a Catholic or Christian system, society and culture.

For the western mind, it seems “faith” has done all the thinking for them, so all they usually have to do, is “ride-the-wave”, usually up the social and wealth ladders.

Questions of Ethical business practices rarely interfere with their ambition, or with their political preferences.

So how can the polity trust opinion polls to find the TRUE beliefs of those they “randomly” telephone?

And if they CAN get the true thoughts and preferences of the surveyed, in this malady-ridden nation/world, what percentage of them are well-founded, well-thought-out, Right-minded, Impartial and FTCG Wise opinions?

There can be NO doubt, that if all those polled were all Intelligent, clear-thinking, Right-minded, Impartial, and FTCG Wise, and Honest, and not at all selfish, small-minded, greedy, and psychotic, we would have polls reading preferences for a One Party, Green, Agrarian, (Vegetarian!), Socialist, Military, Union Government, funded 100% by Land Tax.

But too often the polity cannot elect what is short-and-long term BEST, because the dominant FOREIGN cults, who profit from corruption in religious beliefs, economic and banking affairs, military force, employment practices and industries, will blackmail them or the government or whomever they can, to lives of economic and social deprivation!

Clearly, our media, or THEIR media, who exploit these private-school opinion pollsters' surveys are failing the nation, almost to the point of illegally, and with treason, for accepting the polls as published, and for making headlines and endless discussions and airtime programming from their results!

And, in the end..., what effect, both on peoples' political opinions, and on election results, do these untrustworthy opinion polls have?

I assert that they do importunately influence our political elections, and thus the future government and good management or not of our nation. Not so much through their polling, nor perhaps through their publication. But because our horrendously biased news and political media make so much of them, and fill our ears and minds with gross amounts of hyperbola and speculation as to the “meaning” of the poll results.

Also, the politicians are forced to spent inordinate amounts of time, otherwise better spent doing what we pay them for, TO GOVERN, explaining and deflecting inane media qvestions about what they are gonna do, or how they are gonna repair the damage resulting to their chances from these biased and non-but-distractive opinion polls.

No! These opinion polls, and the media who jump onto them for MORE sensationalism and paid airtime, are nothing but devious and dangerous distractions against cleaning up our politics and our economy and the education of our children, and thus steering us toward some kind of a brighter future.

I don't know whether the masses here are at last rejecting the 'traditions-of-endemic-corruption', or are waking up to the utter falsity of our current political era and it's players, including our media, who in-the-main are employed to protect corruption and disgustingly illegal business, agricultural and social/cultural/religious practices, but the alleged poll results which indicate an increase in preferences for the Greens (15% & 16%), while those for the ALP and the Lib/Nats decline (down to the 30-to-40% range), may, if we can trust them to have been “well-asked”, show that at this stage in the election-campaign cycle, an increasingly influential number of punters are.

I think this is NOT due to all the hype, spin and media mileage broadcast because of these ratty opinion polls.

Indeed, I suggest that these private-schooled chappies who own and manage things like pollster companies and corporations, do so simply because they have found they have an interest in making money from peoples' opinions.

Like any in company and corporate ownership and management of resource industries, retail and product manufacturing, real estate etc etc etc., who find they can retain an interest in profiting from the masses insatiable desires, none hold high the Ultimate Ethic of “For The Common Good”.

In capitalism, this ALWAYS take preference, over the Good of All, which is why we, in this filthy-rotten corrupt nation, have a millionaire Prime Minister, unable to stand-up against the mining corporations, the dominant Catholic and Jewish cabals and the utterly demented agricultural sectors, and introduce the Good Laws and Taxations we desperately need.

But be not fooled into hating Mr Rudd and voting him or Labor out, because the other side of the gate, the Lib/Nat squad of guards of corruption, are NO better. Indeed, have we already forgotten the tyranny being instituted by the last Howard government?

In the final analysis, our current political parliamentary structure and media cabals are deeply dated and flawed, and to be allowed to continue will soon enough bring tragedy upon the next generation, and all thereafter.

Short of a Powerful - not necessarily violent - Revolution in Australia, and because the forces against a Just political structure are based overseas, and here, in the upper class echelons of the planet's economic elites, a coordinated global GRASSROOTS LAND REFORM Revolution, the only way we can ensure future Australians that there will be a future worth living for, politics and society here are headed for an horrific long-term disaster.

I, from my exile, can only hope, that our Greens can both win enough support from the Grassroots, and can grow strong enough GLOBALLY to resist all the pressures and subversions and corruptions and blackmails and skulduggery from the upper class church zombies until everyone is finally TRULY Educated to fully know and understand the unassailable Merit of living, working, playing and relaxing GREEN.

It appears, there's a lot of work to do yet....

Not so much in formulating and collating and developing Right-minded Policies for a Green Government, but in encouraging the idiots, the church-hypnotised idiots, to stop being idiots.

“Silence, is the Natural Condition of the Mind”.

Not something most puppet-masters like in their puppets. or in opinion-pollsters, or in media.........

Omaxa bin GrenBlekRed
Intelligence! Wisdom! Honor!