
What went wrong with Wudd?



Taxation reforms?

Apology to Aborigines?

States' reforms?

1stly, dissecting the failures of ALP Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's first term does not give any “ticks” to the Liberal/National Party opposition leader Tony Abbott.

Clearly Abbott is not up to the job, and seriously lacks the where-with-all a nation needs in a leader.

On Abbott, I see it as highly likely that there will be yet another federal Liberal/Nationals leadership challenge and change, perhaps before this coming 2010 election. However, I see no really tenable contender at this stage.

Malcolm Turnbull returns and lingers, but, unfortunately (because I do have some appreciation of some of his talents), I don't think he either has enough well-grounded support in the coalition, meaning I reckon the majority of the coalition are corporate, private-school “born-to-rule”, meat-eating softcocks (not that Turnbull is near being a Vegetarian), and his demeanour, while likeable for it's tenacity, is too bullyish for the post, a post which must deal with highly qualified foreign leaders and (hmmm? “softcock”?) diplomats.

On “diplomats” go to my blogsite's search engine and type in “The Diplomat Is Dead” - you might be lucky and find the link to it, an e-ssay from 2000. That e-ssay may have been instrumental for the Communist Chinese and the Balanced Russians to select my mate Vlad Putin to the top job in Russia, at the end of the drunk puppet Boris Yeltsin's tumultuous term, when Russia and the deconstructed USSR was falling head-long into chaos and western-Eurapean-immigrated corruption.

I put this in, because it relates to our own Australian leadership situation. While Turnbull has many likeable and even admirable gifts, as does Rudd, while both very different, indeed, coming from opposite ends of the negotiation-skills spectrum, they may both lack what is necessary on such as the “international front”? But that's just my own opinion.

Australia needs not a puppet, not ANOTHER puppet, but a forthright, fully attuned and insightful leader, if we are to have a “leader” at all. They must be strong as a three metre-tall “Big Red” kangaroo, in terms of fearlessness, and in knowing on-the-instance, what is right and necessary in protecting the Herd, the Tribe, the Nation.

We've had them before, and there may be several now maturing for readiness for the future. I'm not saying Rudd's day has passed. He may have many more years of leadership left in him, but he has to learn where he went wrong. Perhaps he has to build up a stronger support base, inside and outside the party, including the unions.

But also, and this may be his hardest arena, in the Australian, and regional, Military? I suspect there's a traditional antipathy between the military HQ and the “civil services”? A different language operates in each, but challenging Rudd to learn the language of our Military HQ is probably lighting a derisive tinderbox, unless he, and others in Labor can overcome the obvious failed attempts at Rudd sounding more “blokey”?

Either way, Rudd may have acted himself into a corner, where everyone will, to some degree know a change of stance, language, or style will have been “choreographed” for approval and the visual media, etc.

Mark Latham would have won and held far more Respect over the pond around Duntroon, methinks, and not merely because he broke a cabbies arm?

Rudd won favor with his, or the ALP's term “Middle Power” for Australia on the global front. But this may even have been regarded as too hubristic, or too “cocky”, in it's apparent humility (?) by overseas powers.

I think most of the world giggles a bit when Australia pops it's diplomatic head up and professes credibility, because all of the world knows just how much we are but still a colony of the northern hemisphere. And a low population colony, and thus, a powerless one. And, today, when we talk “power”, we generally mean “military” power.

But it is right to say, that today's Aussie spokes-folk from the current government, on foreign affairs, may have some good ideas, but the rest of the world seems to me to be far too deep in it's own self-interests, which are embedded in unfathomable corruption, so the rest of the diplomatic world more readily accepts the state of global affairs, and laughs-off Australia's “inspired” ideals.

However, not meaning to throw our, or Labor's ideals out, there are, I suspect, many O/S in places, high and low, who would like to see the dreams we have for a better world, come to fruition, but again, the global (modern western) mainstream, who in essence run Australia, is riddled with it's own self-interest, which again rides on deep cultural corruption, to the point of being an endemic (inbred) mental illness, so those who see the Dreams, of an Egalitarian world of HONEST, that-is HONORABLE Economic foundations, tend to feel powerless and remain silenced.


But....., it is clear that Kevin Rudd jumped-in with an overdose of confidence, bolstered by his backers, the usual spin doctors from advertising agencies (from Britain?) and consultancies, who generally are ensured of a nice-little-earner if they can convince not only the punters, short-term, but also the players - here, Rudd and the inner-core of the ALP - that they, both the agencies, consultants and the contenders, that they have the goods, and if they are short, the spin will more than adequately fill-the-gaps.

The general failure seems to me to have been that they did not weigh fully, the subtle and stubborn opposition to whatever they proposed, and that putting the various changes through both houses of parliament, to be accepted into legislation took better “politiking” than they gave.

But I reckon more than one of their policies, the ETS, (the “insulation” debacle seemed more of a set-up to slay Peter Garrett than or as well as poor planning), the National Broadband Network (NBN), and any follow-up from the Apology to Aborigines, were not properly thought-out.

So too, was their Roman masters' desire to place their puppet messiah on top of the pyramid, a debacle.

First, it's failure disappointed the pro-Labor idiot Catholics, and second, Progressive, Intelligent pro-Labor non-and-anti-Christians, on seeing the scam, the Eurapean scam, exposed for what it was, lost “faith” in the ALP. Or, perhaps more to the point, were disgusted with the ALP for trying such a huge, heinous and contradictory scam on them.

Contradictory in that Christianism, or “Christocracy” runs in total contradiction to “Democracy”!

I hope that the scheming Catholic and general Christian cults suffer a fatal blow from the exposure of the “messiah” scam, and never recover!

I think, or would like to think, that the smarter Labor seniors realize the errors of the churches influences, and work to dispel them permanently. While many of them come from a Catholic background, most see through the “preach”, and know that the personal Intellect will take us all much higher than mere faith. Faith in what is mainly falsity.

As I wrote in one of my most recent e-ssays, many Catholics and Christians ride the wave of cult backing to their own McMansion of wealth etc., blindly accepting that “faith” has done all the “Ethical” thinking for them.

This is a deadly situation for anyone or nation to be in, and would be condemned out-of-hand in the Orient, for example.


The old adage “the higher one climbs, the further one can fall” or such, may apply since Rudd's sky-high approval rating around the time of the election in '07 to his present low popularity?

Such confidence can bring calamity, also because it rides on, and as well promotes extremes of self-congratulation and over-confidence.

Very much the “tenor” of today's politics.

Pensiveness, pause, reflection and weighed contemplation threaten the magic of self-promotion, because they introduce “questioning one's decisions”, one's confidence, which usually demands the humility to doubt one's self, at least to the degree of reviewing choices before they are set in stone or policy, and perhaps changing earlier propositions etc.

In the world of the occult, where the Magi dwell, doubt ever-threatens one's downfall. But it takes an whole lot more than opening the third eye to make the best decisions. Attaining to the right choices, demands Wisdom, which means going well beyond the fourth dimension of being able to “bend” everything to suit one's delusion.

We saw this dangerous mindset in the GW Bush/Dick Cheney administration in the USA, and in the Wall Street insanity of the 1990s and beyond. Hubris which brought-on the 2008 GFC. Laws and policies and market rules were changed by legal and economist-magicians, who were totally incapable, due to their new-found super-egoistic over-confidence, to seriously question and in humility assess their clever little ideas and crazed, profit-centred plans.

Their favourite saying became “MOVING FORWARD!!!!”, so they would not have to review and perhaps see the flaws in their over-confident adjustments to laws and market rules which were, in the past, formed by those elders who did have some Wisdom to see danger before it arose. Not that I recommend a return to passed market rules, unless we go back all the way to the Australian Garden of Wisdom where-in our Aborigine dwelt until 1788?

Nevertheless...., contrary to how our media pictures the ALP's failings for us, that the people rejected the propositions of the government, such as the resources tax, which is perceived to damage the mining corps, and thus the profits-at-all-costs (to the environment, and to Aborigines' Sacred Sites) of the Western Australian and Queensland governments, who clearly, Liberal/Nats or Labor, care little for the general West Australian or Queensland people, and the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), as going too far for our general (selfish) comforts, I suggest that the people, that-is the REAL people, from the working classes, were disappointed with Rudd and Labor for chickening out from the “Henry Tax Review” recommendations, mainly of a national land tax, which includes changes to how major offshore miners would be taxed, and for the same cowardice in relation to calls for us to “Go Green” in agriculture, industry, residential, city and power generation etc.

I maintain, that the ETS had one roaring fault in it, in that it excluded agriculture. Where, I think enough Australians know, accept and are deeply concerned how much of a negative our current “foriegn” agricultural traditions are upon the land, on it's capacity to provide long-term, and so, on our nation's general human and environmental health.

I cannot help but feel that the ETS as proposed, was a coward's Bill, kowtowing to foreign demands for continued supply of our major agri-products - wheat and beef.

When the micro-war went-off off the coastline of Palestine last week, I was brought to ask myself “how much wheat, does Israel buy from Australia?” and, I guess the same be asked of beef?

Then I had a few thinks pop-in, such as “has wheat some secret ingredient which favors an ancient middle-eastern, Egyptian and ancient Hebrew occult concoction?”

A frivolous thought, I think. But, then, I pondered, that way back when Jews were slaves in Egypt, did they not do the farm work of planting and harvesting the Egyptian's wheat crops?

I seem to recall that today's analysis of our diet, suggests that wheat, or what we make from it, mainly bread, should not be a large proportion of what we eat by-the-day?

Therefore, why do we, and the rest of the world, it seems, consume so much bread? Is it merely a hangover from passed eras when staple foods included a simple, storable, transportable product, such as bread?

If so, and if the modern science tells us that consuming too much bread is bad for us, then perhaps it is time Australia got out of the wheat game?

This will invariably incense the died in the wool (?) wheat farmers and ancillary industries out there on the plains, but only if the government cannot explain the realities of whatever of this is REAL, and then, with some Wisdom, divine alternative farming crops and methods and markets to keep the land-IS-MINE-MINE-MINE-farmers where they want to be?

This goes not alone to providing the people with a more healthy staple food product, but also adds to a more Harmonious Human-to-Environment scenario.

As is always the case, the adaptations from one crop to another, or to several others, in this “THE YEAR OF BIODIVERSITY”, has the stuck-in-the-silo types stress-out.

But again, if our government cannot lead them and all involved through the corrections, it will show us clearly once more, that this furphy called “the free market”, where idiots are free to choose how they destroy the Habitat, merely because either they have simply made enough to buy their own monocrop, broad-acre delusion, or because daddy and his grandpappy have been fucking the country this way for decades, so we ain't gunna change, should be terminated, AND SOON!

I put it that our current federal Labor government WOULD go this way, and effect the better changes for all of us, alive and of the future, but the illegally obstructionist opposition, in the forms of our and foreign uptop, upclub, upemselves upper-class offshore-centric interests, blind, stubborn, dangerously unintelligent econo-political idiots, and their sycophants in the parliaments, federal AND states, are doing everything they can to stymie the needed, Green and Truly Progressive Reforms, perhaps merely to forestall their own inevitable political and thus social demise?

This may be evidenced by reflecting on at least one progressive attempt by the Rudd ALP government since '07, where they looked at buying the large and pretty-much out-dated, obsolete “Toolangi” (?) farm in western NSW, when the water crisis was threatening the existence of the Murray-Darling river basin system. I may be wrong, but I don't think they did buy it, did they? Maybe they did? Damn! I'm out of internet range right now, so can't check.

Another similar option was the large cotton farm in southern Queensland, “Cubby Station”.

There is more than enough legal, constitutional and ethical reason for the federal government to buy these types of properties, evidence that it is really stupid for such, or any land, to be owned by overseas interests. The Henry Tax Review says as much with it's recommended “National Land Tax”.

A damning line often heard in derision of passed governments is “selling-off the farm (to overseas interests)”, and all the scientific evidence (not partial manipulated bullshit, which is about all we get from the overseas banking elites), all the scientific evidence states incontrovertibly that for a national economy to function well, healthily and to be enduring, the land must belong to the people who occupy it.

That-is, to the people who live in the region, not far away in some overseas palace or castle, and the only way this can happen, is when there is a Common Local interest in the health of the land, in how it is managed, and in what is produced from the land.

I have no doubt that the Australian federal Labor government knew this and wanted to embrace such policies, and so too do the majority of Australians. But our or THEIR foreign-controlled media, controlled by foreign LAND-OWNING-AND-GRABBING elites, principally from Britain and Eurape, are determined that these Right-minded reforms would not happen, here, so anywhere.

Of course, issues around land ownership in Australia, must include the stolen rights, lives, sovereignty and land of our Aborigine.

This takes us back to February '08, I think, when Kevin Rudd broadcast “the Apology” to them.

Promises, promises, promises, and more unfulfilled promises.

Rather than Rudd's speech being empty rhetoric, I reckon he was sincere in his words.

However, perhaps he was too long a civil servant in Queensland, and had fallen into the words-words-words flaws of the bureaucracy?

“Red tape” might very well be the sticky stuff that stops the good intentioned projects from moving forward?

But since I've been in the Northern Territory the roadside signs telling travelers of the restricted areas where Aborigines are in effect STILL being held prisoners on their own “reserves”, something which was erroneously and clearly with racist ideology behind it, enforced upon the Bleck Fellas in the “intervention” by the last tyrannical Liberal/National government, are incongruous with Rudd's Apology, and with any attempts by the ALP Feds to bring come Equity to these Amazing Peoples.

Those restrictions must be dissolved!

Howard and Ruddock's plans were seen early as further blatant attempts at one, grabbing possession of the Aborigines' LAND from them, for the deeply mentally ill white elites, of Jewish and other northern cult mining interests, as well as the longer term ideologies of turning Australia into the refuge for Britain and Eurape's wealthy escapees from a collapsing world “over there”, and two, I can't ignore the delusions still held to by that inbred bunch to whom Howard and coy still bend their knees, where “the whole world will one day be occupied by a white race, where all other skin-colors will be extinct.......!!!!” ETCETERA?

Those last few words are a paraphrasing of what the excessively rich British idiot, Cecil Rhodes, who funded and initiated most off today's large “secret (occult) societies” out of which have grown the British Secret Services such as MI6, whence came the American CIA, and as today's Israel is but an invention of the same Oxford England Zionist pratts - the world's wealthiest - but still deeply deluded pratts - Israel's “Mossad”, et al et al et al.

That the “restricted areas” chaining the free movements of Aborigine are still in force, spells another hollow promise from Rudd.

Again, not that he was insincere, but was perhaps not experienced enough to know that these things are booby-trapped with bureaucratic red tape, and are not so easily reversed.

Bureaucratic red tape, it must be said, which the fascists of the political far-far-farkinhell right, a la Johnette Howhard's tyranny, who extol the virtues of minimalist government, roll-out over every-possible-piece of legislation, purely so that if-when they are exposed and rejected, it is almost impossible to undo, untangle!

Once more, to these eyes, we have ample evidence of how flawed, dangerous and utterly insane is our parliamentary modus operandi!

Now, Rudd, and his cabinet, cannot move to bettering the situation, for anyone!

If he does the daring and brave thing, and simply strikes out any clearly undemocratic legislation, or dares to go the proper length toward fair and equitable governmentation, such as forcing through the Henry Tax Review key recommendation, of the National Land Tax, the world's elites, and we have to consider that even those apparently Economically Wise and Rightminded apparatchiks in the chairman's Chairs in China, Russia and other so-called Socialist and LARGE nations would react the same, and would join forces to engineer much more than an Israeli attack on an aid shipment, to both distract the world and scare us away from any sane economic reforms.

And, if war is orchestrated or not, our local media, owned and censored by London, Rome, Zurich, Berlin etc., would have a field day exciting our reactionary masses against the ALP this election and beyond.

No matter what form of government we, might get, there'll always be an “elite”, and while some of them, somewhere, might lean far more toward a Just and Equitable society, disparities will, sadly, it seems, always exist as well.

It's folly to imagine any of the days' ruling members, from higher than local councils, out there with the Workers, not in factories building deadly egotrips, but in the agrifields, growing the food.

Some simply need to attend to those higher bureaucratic-type things.

Fair enough. However, once that separation exists, so arises that devil “the superiority trip”.

“In the perfect world”, such anomalies don't have to exist. If our leaders had their wits about them, they would know very well the overall benefits of getting some dirt under the fingernails, and of spending some realistic number of hours in the “food gardens”.

As a relevant aside, it seems to me to be utterly insane that a nation leaves the production, that-is, the farming of it's food to a mere 3% or so of the populace. Everyone should, for every health and psychological and philosophical and knowledge-resource reason, spend at least one day a week “hands-on” on a farm. As well, they should be rotating after a long-enough period, from one type of food production farm or such to another type.

Probably the ideal ratio would, for logistical reasons as well, be where minimum three months a year is spent living on location or nearby the farms, in local rural Communities.

My own observations of the personality-types which “evolve” in central city office workforces (but the same can be applied to any who, on a large group scale, stay for prolonged periods in one type of community or workforce), is that they become aloof and too often myopic against other fields of employ and of other employment and socio-cultures.

This is ridiculous, because when all added up, they all depend upon each other, and upon each others industry and speciality, so this may be seen to be the cause of fragmented societies, and thus, perhaps the increase in violence, public and private?

But, back from the aside.....,

But today, those who have bombed their way onto the top of the pile, have also bombed their way into the deepest delusions and nothing short of a profound mental illness.

Remedying that....... BOOM!

Forget it.

However, Realist, Pessimist, or Optimist, the tools most necessary for a large-scale and genuinely Just Revolution on Earth are within more peoples' reach than ever.

The weapons of Communication.

Fill those weapons with the Knowledge on Law and Economics - we don't need “blind faith” anymore, and the opposition will melt away.

It's not to say, necessarily, that Tony Abbott and the upclub drunks, or of Israel's elite, et al, will or must dissolve.

But that the Rightminded, including those of them who have seen the dangers of speaking out for the Right and Proper Reforms - ECONOMIC Reforms, so have Wisely kept their heads down, but that the Righteous, have had time enough to absorb the knowledge, until they are beyond doubt or fear, and thus will be unafraid to put their political and physical weight behind such as the Greens and Labor getting through into Law, the Legislation Australia needs.

Lastly, I have no doubt that the federal Labor Party, and probably most of it's States' parties, see the failings in our present three-tier, federal, States and Local government system.

I'm sure the Greens do also.

Yet within each state house of parliament there thrive all manner of bent adviser, consultant, lobbyist and hedgemen (hedgemen?)

Then there's the horror of buildings-full of that old 50-metre-high-concrete-wall - “red tape”?

Were Rudd's Labor in Canberra to make positive signs that they would begin work on modernising-by-dissolution the States parliaments, down to a two tier system, while at-once introduce the Henry Land Tax, I forecast that they would romp it in this year in the federal election.

Perilous moves would be seen overseas, such as in the Middle East, again, to frighten the world away from Justice Economics, and “the Balkans” would as likely be set once more on fire.

And, ever-cunning, the globe's inbred and quite psychotic moguls would possibly throw their fire-crackers into some region where we might least expect a war?

But, does this mean that, in consideration of the FACT that if Humanity does NOT makes genuine moves to correct our deeply corrupt global worlds of economics, law, food supplies et al, the world is heading for a sharp downward turn anyway, therefore we should NOT, ORGANISE ourselves Local-to-Global, and push forward with Intelligent, Wise and Honorable Reforms?

Yes, there are many “hidden” factors, and players, who are irrevocably siding against a Just world.

Firstly, I don't believe they can sustain themselves, and secondly, I believe that the forces for a Just world, are far more, and are far better organised, than most accept, or know.

While Australia is being slowly undermined by many disingenuous “asylum-seekers” and immigrants who are not in the least “political”, let in by both sides of the parliamentary drinks cabinet, and while the white wealthy of the north are able to swan it in, merely by dent of their daddies wealth and diplomatic influence, some proportion of all of these are more Intelligent and Considerate of the larger picture, of the threats to the planet, thus to THEIR progeny as well, no matter where they manage to emigrate to, nor how big their inheritance is.

Because of many contrary factors and “plans”, Australia finds ourself in a fairly unique position today, 2010.

The various debates and arguments for and against “climate change”, “global warming” etc, seem to have died down, at least in the media. No doubt the sensationalism factor has gone, so too then do the editors' interests.

But after we have all had time to ponder these frights, I think most of us are coming round to believe, or realise that we do have to reduce, recycle, re-use, etc., and that there is also an Economic option which suits a Greener lifestyle down-to-the-ground.

While the planet lurches perilously, a fast-growing number of us are more prepared to go with the Greener lifestyle options, and I think, will support the Green Option from here forward.

As it is, a vote for Labor in the federal election is no guarantee that the nation is ready to get on the right track, or that the feds are capable.

So while we have this thing called the “Democratic Vote”, the only responsible call from all of us is to make the Houses of Parliament Greener, by voting Green with preferences going to Labor.

But All involved have to reform themselves as well.

Again, I say that Labor has to shake-off the cult shackles of Catholicism, and, of that oxymoron of Christianity in a Democracy.

It may be an incorrect perception, but, Rudd's “Middle Power” tag might well add to making Australia a “watch this space” item in Global Economic and Political Reforms?

If we, a nation made up of all nations, can show we are prepared to at least try to get it right, in Law and Economics, thus Culturally, I am certain that the world will join us.

And even our media might condescend to “Talking True”?

“Aye? Bleck Fella!”

Intelligence! Wisdom! Honor!

Green! Aborigine! Biker!

Omaxa bin GrenBlekRed
from “Dusty Boots”,
west of Katherine, NT.