
Are we safe from invasion?


Nearing the federal election, behind the scenes, wars wage.

Watching political news, knowing well that much of it is “mediated” to suit the agenda of those not from the voting public, our choices are reduced to being between “it doesn't matter who we vote for”, and, futility.

Being an influential voice from the outer...., limits..., no, from the outer rim and beyond of the social and cultural margins, it's obvious that “secret agenda” rule the roost, here and overseas.

The New York World Trade Centre disaster of September 11, 2001 (“9/11”) was mediated to an horrendous extent.

Reports “as it happened” on the day, and the plethora that followed, were quickly turned, until the facts were distorted into mashed trash, such that the public were forced to accept loads of untruths, which extended across the Atlantic to Britain, with clearly untrue reports that Saddam Hussien was presiding over a secret “weapons of mass destruction” series of projects, and was blamed initially for the 9/11 WTC attack.

Somewhere in the bull-storm, an anti-American terrorist group sprang into life, “al Qeida”, and soon enough they were said to be responsible for the attack on New York, USA.

Somehow, this gave the extreme right-wing government of the US justification to invade Iraq?

By 2003, there was enough “evidence” telling us that Osama bin Laden and his evil freedom fighters were guilty. None of the “evidence” was convincing, yet Iraq was invaded.

Saddam was hunted down, caught and executed, against all the surfacing evidence.

It was established that Iraq was not developing WMDs, but nothing could stop the US from invading, seeking retribution.

Now, mainstream media gives us the standard lines that al Qieda was responsible, and that the Americans even caught the chief planners.

Since then, all manner of travesties have occurred all around the world, none of which are accurately reported, nor investigated by the media.

The same prevails here as we get closer to the 2010 federal election.

Lies become truths after ever shorter periods of time now, and less and less of what we are told can be taken as fact.

Any glitch or gaff or flawed statement is broken down and blown out of proportion by media, making it impossible for the politicians to address any of the critical and really important issues.

And less and less are they game enough to go to those issues, for fear of being reduced to mud by the cynical and lies-loving media.

Democracy has never really existed here or elsewhere, and neither has “freedom of speech”, because the too-powerful media have had control of what anyone tries to say, and can turn whatever is said to their agenda-ridden advantage.

People in Australia are dead-scared of REALPolitik, because it goes to the fundamental issues we must address.

And fundamental issues, like our own personal mental health, and answering the frightening questions about why we are all so “touched” by mental illness, is too hard for the vast majority.

Perhaps 99% of us.

The major cults have done us over so severely over the last 1000 years and more, that it is impossible for the average punter to go there and dispel the secreted “mental programming” which prevent us from getting to the evermore vital personal and economic issues.

Consequently, the world is on a fast track to Hell, and, no-one, from the hierarchies here and in the global powerhouses of Britain, Eurape and the USA are able to avoid global disaster.

And worse, nobody's now game nor capable of bringing the most crucial concerns into the public and voting arena.

The horror of allowing oneself to become victim to the utterly frightening evil each and any person is capable off emitting, stops all of us short of going to the real issues, and instead has everyone scurry away to their mini-fortress, club or DVD player, telling themselves that the world outside, of economic, political, cult and corporate corruption is too big to cure, and so better leave it to the big names and corporations to say what they like, and let's hope we can live-out our pitiful lives in some semblance of security and HOHO “peace” until we expire.

Therefore it has become, or always has been, in Australia's political arena, which in reality, makes all future political elections, federal, state and council, farcical and indeed, only contributive to the general demise.

So.., are we about to be invaded, either by hoards from the north, or by hoards from another planet.

There are as many conspiracies telling us both are ready to begin.

By goodness it's just as well the whole thing called Human life on Earth is but an illusion.

These hard facts make it folly to pursue wealth and power and popularity, when the end cannot not be far away, and when that very pursuit is the very cause of this totally dishonorable existence.

Personally, damaged and marginalised by utter utter pathologically psychotic idiots, the end of the world cannot come soon enough for myself.

Thanks Humans!