
The Big Day!


Over the last decade Australia has been brought up to speed about the non-less-than tyranny of the state government of New South Wales, and how much (will we ever actually know?) the NSW ALP right has with messed progressive politics across the whole continent (and islands).

From my personal situation, where I've been victim to the NSW “Rum Club's” skulduggery since I was driven out of my home state of Victoria in 1998, it is clear the effects on myself and on the nation have been horrific.

To me, the state of New South Wales is in a disastrous and parlous condition. But I must be wary of any propensity to make “value judgements”, which has one compare another lifestyle to one's own, on the assumption that one's own is superior and the right way to live.

NSW's history is really one of struggle against many odds, as any new nation, new settled and inhabited nation faces.

Added to any expected domestic struggle, the governing bodies here (in NSW) have had to deal with the quite ruthless British East India Company, who in commerce and trade, ruled, as well as the insanity which was unleashed in 1808 by the illegal coup de ta of John Macarthur and coy, which corrupted the most important laws from England.

Land laws primarily.

I was raised in a very pleasant eastern suburb of Melbourne, and as well, was kept quite ignorant of the numerous sordid realities that were extant across the state, the nation and the world.

Even by my 30s and 40s, I knew next to nothing about how corrupt, even the sweet Victorian state was.

Guided from the shadows as-it-were, to become something of a puppet monarch - surely a joke in a modern world - when such affairs of social and cultural corruption made the news, I had no inclination to inquire about them, and just stumbled along like a blind man with my own pastimes.

Life in a leafy suburb, as a kid and young adult schooled in public schools which gave the students no facts about the nation's history, in regard to Aboriginal genocide, and other fundamental REALPolitik matters, was easy enough and one was left to assume that everyone lived this lovely way.

Even in my teens, our neighbour Bill Dean (not the ex-GG) travelled overseas working for the Red Cross, and on returning home, over dinner he told us of the tragic state of the people in places like Biafra, and other Asian and African regions. Even with those sad tales, my Intellect was not active enough, if at all, to collate the info and the fact that my/our way of life was exceptional.

So when I moved to northern NSW in 1998, I was struck by the way a lot of people lived.

Having been turned into a Greenie early, combined with my Father's practical tutelage on making something out of whatever was at hand, I enjoyed the idea of living the “rustic” lifestyle.

But some aspects of that belief that fell away when I arrived up north and saw how so many NSWelshers were living in absolutely abject conditions.

Many had no roof under which to maintain their lives. More than is known, live without any housing, along creeks and rivers, and many lived in sheds and structures which were abominable, under criminal-minded landlords' often crazed attitudes.

This shocked me, and changed and hardened my beliefs.

But, as I had ensconced myself around Nimbin, it felt natural to go further into politics and into what is wrong, and what can be done to make the lot of the average Battler better.

Little did I know of my ancestral lines and the secret reputation which preceded me.

And little did I know how much the NSW ALP had designs on making me something of a “commander”, as a NSW police Inspector called me in about 2004.

Now, sent to the edge of despair by the same tyrants from Sydney, it's clear that, after warring to get the Rudd ALP party into federal government, the NSW ALP has been behind most of the deprivation which keeps far too many NSWelshers caught in crime and an ongoing struggle just to keep a roof over their families heads, and food on the table, etc.

So, it is surely time that the people of NSW stood-up and ejected the offshore and domestic underworld from all positions of influence and power.

However, they would be very wrong to condemn the federal ALP today, by voting for the classical opposition to Labor.

NSW goes to a state election next year, so I urge NSWelshers to hold their fire today, keep in mind the high cumulative intelligence of the federal ALP government and cabinet, and that they would do things rather more efficiently and morally than the NSW ALP club has forced them to do thus far.

Yes, I trumpet for the Greens, and stand by that. But we are some way from having the federal Greens in any position of experience to govern in their own right. Something I think they would admit as well.

As well..., would the Greens want to govern yet, what with the impending economic and other calamities the whole planet faces?

So, I put it to all “Traditional Labor Voters” to hold your fire against Labor today, and keep your powder dry for the 2011 NSW state election.

Many of us, from NSW and the other states, relish the chance to see the old NSW mafia executed, and, as Tony Abbott likes saying about “work-choices”, dead, buried and cremated.

Never mind that bodies are either buried or cremated, not both. But that's how poor a handle the Liberal leader has on language.

An excusable mistake by Abbott, to-be-sure, but like all of his/their policies, it is contradiction after contradiction.

As I've written before, all good government and enduring politics rests on Sound, Perennially-focused, Environmental Laws.

The federal ALP have been doing their very best to make us a more environmentally aware and light-footprint nation, and, if they retain government after today, are our best political party to lead us forward to some semblance of a better future.

However, they can only do this if they have the Greens in coalition with them.

Personally, I'd prefer the Greens, or, a Deep Green agenda in our policies, but as it is, with the ALP, a renewed, “post Rum Club” ALP, sharing government with the Greens, is our best vote.

So, may the Buddha of Rightmindedness be with us all, today and forward into the future.

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha
GLOBAL Land, Tax, Housing, Cult, Drug, Work & Environmental
