
Now, the Monday after the Saturday before...


Oh boy? Haven't the last weeks been challenging?

About every kind of distraction, mis-step, exaggeration and allegation have been aired by both sides of the “traditional” political debate, all so one might “win” over the other at Saturday's federal election poll.

“The House of Daggers ” might be the more appropriate name for the House of Representatives in Canberra, and I'm referring farther back than the removal of Kevin Rudd in June this year.

For any voter in Australia to take our federal parliament seriously, makes a joke of the voter, surely?

Surely, surely, surely?

Was there ever a day or political term since federation in 1901 where candidates and political leaders haven't operated under threat of being stabbed in the back?

As long as I've known that we have things called government, and parliament, there've been reports of skulduggery behind the scenes in Canberra, or in Melbourne's Spring Street, or, though to me in Melbourne, the far-away place of MacQuarie Street Sydney.

But alas! So 'tis in America, Eurape, and most every other political region, and they, being much much older than wee Australia, seem to excel such that they wrote the rules book on betrayal?

However, diverging for a minute, from the political shamozzle, what has been a deeper, and far more tormenting challenge for myself over the last few months, is that I've finally uncovered the details - I cannot call them “facts” - about who I am.

“Heir Apparent” apparently, to the Thrones of Britain!

Why? Why? Why wasn't I told???

And what does this have to do with the farce of Australian politics???

I'll come to that.

Intrigue. Mystery. Mythology. And false prophesy!

Researching via my only outside link beyond radio and mobile phone small-screen TV, the internet has slowly offered up some facts, I hope, about my own family's names, and the links to the most powerful Houses of Britain, thus, of the world.

I guess it's been 4, 5, or 6 years since I 1st searched the 'net for the meaning of my own name(s).

“Max Nichols Meredith” means, “Greatest, Victorious Peoples, Great Lord” or thereabouts!?!

WHAAA???? What were my parents thinking in 1955, that they named me thus?

Further looking-looking-looking uncovered that my brother, older than me by 5 years, was named “Donald Walter Meredith”, which, as best I now recall, means “Ruler, of the army of the Great Lord”!? Little wonder he prefers Dad's adopting father's surname of “Cook”!

With no information from my immediate family, other than deceit-upon-deceit, upon-deceit-upon-deceit, 1st about my Dad's family history, and nothing about mum's, for 50 years I've been left at the mercy of the world of shadows, the world of witchcraft. “Mercy” which for some unknown reason, has been necessary, so-as, it seems, to make me so victimised that my own occult powers were raised and “concentrated” to be of extreme strength. Strength enough to enable me to both survive against all-comers in the occult world, and to so impress those who “see” that they are convinced that, through my Dad's family line, I am the blood-descendent of the Ancient “King Arthur” of that dreamy mythological place of “Camelot”.

That by itself, were I told in earlier years, much earlier years, may well have had me think rather differently of myself, such that I might have had some “self-esteem”, enough to conquer the demons which now inhabit my “aura” and Soul. Demons which have burrowed so deeply into my Soul that I feel unable to exorcise them. And worse, these demons are expert at frightening away every person who comes near me. As well, demons which can mess so much with my own mind that I regard all people who come near as evil enemies.

Surely, upon the assumption that I AM the aforementioned “Heir Apparent”, this is a most horrible dilemma?

Now, at 55.4 years old, with still no honesty from anyone, isolated from all social life, from any “friendships”, and vulnerable to a continent over-run by “northern demons” in the white-skins from the northern hemisphere, I try to absorb the information I've dug out from the 'net, about who and what and why I am that heir to the most powerful thrones on Earth.

I get the feeling that others who know this dilemma of mine laugh loud at me, and mock me for not taking the leap through the “psychic door” and awaken fully my third eye, to claim my inheritance?

Even while any witch is now able, through clairaudience and clairvoyance to hear and see my thoughts and actions, and as well make havoc inside my mind, I feel sure they cannot comprehend the situation from where I stand.

Events of the last 11 years at least, in Australian politics, have turned often immediately after I have spoken my thoughts to persons “connected” to that arena, and/or very soon after I posted my thoughts onto my weblog (maxearth.blogspot.com).

It is now clear to me that there have been other spirits in me, guiding my thoughts and actions, such that nothing I have thought or said or written has been, as-it-were, “mine”.

Good eclectic tutelage at the Melbourne School of Philosophy between 1986 and 1996 helped me settle with such acceptances, such “beliefs”, that “I am not the body, I am not the mind” so I was able to not attach egoistic pride to thinking my thoughts are my own, nor of my own making.

This approach derives, as far as is necessary, from the Wise Hindu Scriptures of the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and, the Mahabarata, and are confirmed by the other Wisdom Texts of the Orient, such as, the Taoist, Buddhist, and Zoroastrianism, Et Al, literature.

These conclusions run in total opposition to the teachings of Christianity, and expose Christian thinking as quite wrong.

This Knowledge is vital to establishing the Truth, about the Human Soul, and about what we are.

But to Christians, this is heresy, because Christianity deems that the only connection Humans can possibly have with “God”, or “the First Principle”, the “Original Spirit”, is through another Human Being, Jesus Christ.

“The only Son of God”, they purport.

Clearly something else is at play in this dogma, which in fact robs us of our own Spiritual Sovereignty, and places all religious authority on that other person. A person who lived and died some 2000 years ago!

Forcing people as Christianity has done, to surrender our own personal, Spiritual Authority to the authority of the cult of Christianity, as said, robs us of the right to think Wisely, for we are made to defer all our “Godliness” which may be interpreted as our Wisdom, to it, and to have “faith” in the cult as being the sole Authority on all matters Spiritual.

Relating this to our worldly concerns, it is clear that, as said, something else is at play here?

Observing the world as it has evolved through linear time, through records of history, and through the “game” of life as we now know it, shows us that this erroneous Christian dogma is clearly dangerously wrong, and is in fact, behind the troubles we now face, be-it on a daily basis, and/or, in the “macro”, global arena. An arena of chaos and complete species and environmental degradation.

Now, to make my own little world of me-me-mine worse, the other side of my family, allegedly descended from the Sutherland Clan of Scotland, seem to believe they/we/I are/am descended through centuries of covert and skulduggerous warring, from the Prophet Jesus ben Joseph,or, Jesus Christ!

So, this and my Father's lineage back to the Catholic Kings of England and Wales, allegedly through the Tudor Kings, and thus their ancestors, traceable apparently back to the 2nd century BC King Arthur of Wales, and we may assume that they want us to believe back to the fabled “Camelot”, mean that I am the end-product of Arthur's Mentor “Merlin”, and the Hebrew Kings David, and Abraham, et al?

Firstly, this myth, of BOTH lines from ancient royalty, has to be subject to scrutiny, because it is common knowledge that such regal houses are replete with controversy about the bloodlines of most all such “high-born” families.

From what I can discern, “bloodlines” are vital to upholding any such myths.

Yet, this being so, I myself am disqualified from that myth that I am the Heir Apparent to those thrones, because the claim is that I am a direct descendent of JC, and of King Arthur, through unbroken bloodlines.

Whereas, my own “divinations” if-I-may, confirm that I myself am a bastard, the illegitimate child of mum and her extramarital lover, one “Boxer O'Brien”.

So Allan Nichols Meredith, the Man I have been deceived to believe is my genetic father, is not at all. Therefore I am not a blood-relative of those Catholic Kings Henry Tudor of old England, and before them, the Kings of ancient Wales.

This is a very recent case of the skulduggery which has plagued it seems, all regal thrones and families from time immemorial.

It is hubris in the extreme to try and pass-off such a fabricated myth as fact, about what I am, and about any Genuine bloodline relationship with and to the “only Son of God”, Jesus ben Joseph.

What's more, I am certain that I and my mum, have no genetic link to the Sutherlands. Instead, I lean to the hidden story that my Great Grandparents on mum's side were in fact from the Immortal Gunai Aboriginal Tribe of Gippsland, Victoria, and were massacred in the 1890s, by the British pioneers of that region, some of whom have had to be Sutherlands, and possibly even the man purported to be my Great Grand father, John Thomas Willis himself was involved!

So, relating to today's Australian political events, of the passed 11 years at least, and any suggestions that I am the messiah, the “anointed one”, who is, according to the myth, Jesus Christ returned to save mankind, we all must take a long moment to put Christianity in the dock to be interrogated, deconstructed and exposed for what it is.

If we look back through Australian, and most all “western” politics, they have evolved to being “debates” which as often have descended into ruthless wars, around two differing opinions, both based on this flawed Christian “faith” and it's quite untrue dogma.

Today, our and British, and other western politics have been in essence, debates/wars between the two divisions of that original, or early “Jewish”, Catholic versus Protestant faith.

Australia's Labor party has been Catholic-centred, and the other side, the “Liberals” have in essence, been Protestant. Just how close the Freemasons are to the Protestant cults, I haven't deduced. But behind all the hoopla and ceremony, they may well be one and the same?

But if both Catholic and Protestant are based on untrue beliefs, which rob the individual of their own Spiritual Sovereignty, and thus disable our Right and Divine ability to think Wisely and Aright for ourselves, on vital Community issues of “politics” and, although forced far into the background, “economics”, PLUS, therefore, how Humans and Humanity in general relate to all other forms of life on Earth (and beyond?), that-is, to the environment, what credibility does either side of today's political debate have?

“NONE!” I say!

Therefore, it must be asked, what authority have I, in political affairs, if I am not “progressed” beyond the myth and faith of either of these false dogmas, where I am no more than a puppet of the cults, and of my family?

Agenda-ridden and clearly dangerously deceitful dogmas?

Well, on first glance, the honest response is “NONE!”

However, if I AM “progressed” beyond the myth and faith of false dogmas, and have gone with the utmost sincerity further into finding something of the Divine Spirit within myself, through the Highest Method and Philosophical Path of Meditation, AND IF I HAVE ATTAINED to some Knowledge of That Divinity, by-which I am saying that I have not, even for all the Meditation and Practices, Communed completely with the First Principle (G-O-D), ( I can't fly, walk on water, see or walk through walls, or cast spells on fig trees, etc), I may have SOME Authority to speak on matters-politic, but am not by any measure the only one who can do so.

So, on political affairs of today, and of the recent months and years, where, under the sway of “mad witches” of both the Catholic church and Freemasons, I have been positioned to influence our political affairs, more for the benefit of those cult powers, than for the Best Possible national economic and Spiritual well-being, the people of this Land must firstly LEAVE ME ALONE, and 2ndly, take a serious, that-is a VERY SERIOUS look at themselves, with the highest determination to exorcise the demons of the dangerously false beliefs of those foreign, Eurapean/Levantine cults.

For it is only then, there, that we, as one nation made of millions of individual Souls, all with enormous potential, can divine the FACTS about what is best for us, for our nation, and for all who come after us in the future.

Because of the “conspiracy” to make me an evil foreign regime's messiah, which has been in action for over a century, and possibly for some 16 centuries (which DOES NOT make it right, proper, legal or True!), I have always been guided to follow a path of seeking Wisdom, or, in the least, to develop the persona which would fool others to think I am Wise.

My own life, as far back as I remember, has been one of deep personal torment and searching. I used to come home after social events, and weigh the events and my behaviour, and see all my stupidities and failings in social skills etc. This didn't help in the self-esteem department, to-be-sure.

My physiognomy came to suit well the cults' agenda, for, with mums Aboriginal genes (!?!) and O'Brien's Iorish characteristics, I had, a face which appeared, as society judges, wise. I also have no doubt that they were able to orchestrate a punch-on-the-nose or such, to add a touch, whereever they thought was necessary.

It's amazing, and quite shallow, if you ask me, that the face can determine what people think of you, in that they regard you as being naturally wise, or stupid or other.

This again, seems to me to be very much a part of this western world's “Aryan” fascination with faces, and with any other physical attributes a person is graced, or cursed with. Our days' fashion industry relies on these traits, and most of us know how shallow and false that massively financially profitable industry is, and makes everyone.

But, when I was driven, by one means or another, to attend the School of Philosophy, I found it an huge battle inside, because the Teachings of the School went gently, but directly into having us face the demons in our own mind. This fierce battle within, had me leave and re-join the School 3 times.

Then, Christianity was the dominant cult and mindset, which never encouraged people to look inside, but rather, seduced us to criticise other people, all-the-while never questioning our own beliefs, and had us assume WE, or, our hypnotic Christian faith were right, and the other bloke wrong.


Apparently, I achieved some level of success in this business, but looking back now, it's painfully clear that I had yet an enormous amount of exorcising to do. For then, I had no idea about the “plan” of my deranged mother, her Sutherland family of Scotland, and her Catholic convent.

Neither did I have a clue about the possibilities of witchcraft, or that a teenage witch, by name David Edney, had deployed witchcraft upon me, by befriending me in my mid teen years, only to hex me for the rest of my life, with his Freemason and envious evil curses.

And neither did I have a clue about the agenda of one “Dada Parahamsa” (I think is his name) the monk of the Ananda Marga Indian cult, whom Dad took me to when I was about 16 years old, who also entered my Soul and thereafter, along with the multiple of other spirits, has sent me up or down one road or another, so that I would be completely under the sway of these puppet masters.

Nevertheless, the School of Philosophy was of great assistance in helping me better understand myself. But, once more, then, from 1986 to 1996, when I was attending the School, very few within the Christian culture were engaged in the magical arts, and so the School was Teaching from a “base” level without the open third eye in most of the Tutors.

This is said to have much Merit, for as the Upanishads warns, “Pin your faith to natural knowledge, stumble through the darkness of the blind. Pin your faith to supernatural knowledge, stumble through a darkness deeper still”. Etc.

Natural knowledge, to me, is the arts of Science and Economics. Supernatural knowledge is obviously magic, where nothing is set in stone, and can be warped out of any real condition, thus taking the magician, unless they are fully aware of those outside influences and how to avoid them, down dark and dangerous paths.

Guided again, about 30 years ago now, before I found the School, by unseen witches, I came across a book about magic, called “Magic - white and black” by Franz Hartmann. In it's pages is a chart and an explanation about how magic effects negatively a person's ability to employ their Intellect.

The chart shows that the more one employs magic to think, the less the Intellect is operating. For whatever reason, I remembered this, and, whether by the influence of those spirits in me or not, I avoided taking an interest in magic, or in the occult arts.

But I was wrong, for I should have taught myself, or sought some teaching on the Magical Arts, just so as to be aware of what dangers prevail in the world and in the hidden world of shadows. But that was just one part of what I should have been aware of. If I had some idea of what was possible, I might have realised that my mind had been occupied by the aforesaid witches and that they were playing some wild and potentially dangerous games with me.

The “false messiah” game, principle among them.

Well...., I now think it's a bit late for myself to overcome these demons, and so, am, as many know, plagued with the curses and powers of innumerable modern witches, most of whom have dangerously little self-knowledge, enough to know and exorcise their own demons, typically some other person's devilish puppetry and want to have power over them.

Indeed, methinks that all magic is deeply entwined with the exercising of magic by another person, such that, anyone who thinks they are a free spirit in terms of witchcraft, are in fact puppets of someone else.

Since about 1999, when I discerned from an ABC news TV interview with a NSW police detective, (who, from memory, resembled the current police Commander of NSW Lismore Police station, one Comm Bruce “Always” Lyons, who was behind my being terrorised, assaulted, and falsely charged with firing a rifle at 5 NSW pathological liars on the same day, in the same hour he was parleying with the visiting Pope Benedictus 16 on 16 July 2008) that the cops were using magic, and I maintain, against the people, an huge change has come over the world.

Then, I had next to no idea of who was messing with my mind, or that I was a puppet of the Catholics. (For decades, I had my suspicions that mum was up to something, but nothing could be extracted from her devious little mind.)

Catholics who had the most influence over both the ABC, and over the Australian Labor Party (ALP). But the day after that 7pm ABC news bulletin, I drove down to the ABC's television studios in Elsternwick, a southern suburb of Melbourne, and asked to speak to one of the news team.

I told her that the cops were using magic. She thanked me and I left. This was in the months before the 1999 Victorian state election, where the Liberal party, led by the then fascist Jeff Kennett, were doing quite irresponsible things to the people and to the general culture of the state.

Following that day, the reporter had obviously taken my warning seriously and spread the word among the ABC faithful, and thus through the embattled Victorian ALP and thence across the population.

Everyone not megalomaniacly aligned with the far-right-wing Liberal party, was living in fear that our lovely and, previous to the Kennett regime, well-managed little corner of the world was under threat of an evil most 'orrible. The coming election on wha? December 3rd 1999 looked like we faced the end of any sane government.

But, as fortune and a lot of secret backroom Catholic chatter would have it, Kennett and coven were ousted by the voters, by a slim margin, but enough to wrest government from the witches of darkness, and into the ALP's rather more responsible hands.

The True Believers in the ABC and their political arm of the ALP went Hell-for-leather at informing the Victorian populace of what was going on, and we were SAVED!!!

Argh! Thank Jesus!!!

Well, that's what the conspirators behind my thinking would have and did have many Australians believe.

Another event, which helped the ALP win against Diablos, was:

I was living out of my '78 Holden Gemini wagon, and roaming the nation as the witches would push me. I'd developed my writing talents and was employing them in the general political arena. Then, before the internet was anywhere near as accessible as it is now, I would go to which ever public library I was near, and jump on a computer to scribe whatever I found relevant, mainly to programs on the ABC's Radio National.

Then! A favourite of mine was ABC's female anchor Geraldine Doogue, who hosted “Life Matters”, a daily which was pretty good at going to current social issues.

So I'd either respond by fax or email to the ABC to whatever was worth responding to on the programs from the libraries, then get back on the road.

But one day......(DAA-DUM?!?!?!) not long before the feared 1999 Vic state election, I was in the library in Ringwood, a Melbourne outer eastern suburb, waiting for a free computer. I was reading the newspapers. As I sat there, a bloke appeared from nowhere (DAA-DUM!?!?!??!) dressed in brand new “bib-and-brace” overalls, new steel toe-cap boots, and a 45 year old's moustache.

I acknowledged him with a nod, as-you-do. He dropped one of the day's newspapers down right in my face, on the low table, so that it was facing my way.

I can't recall what the headline read, but it alluded to the upcoming election. I recall he was looking skeptically at me, as if he didn't really have any FAITH in anything I might say or suggest in regard to the headline and the feared doom for the ALP and for the Workers.

Over the previous months, even while I was out of Victoria being driven around the country, I was following the pre-election media, and, was observing the characters of the two partys' leaders - Kennett and one humble little fella, with terribly sad eyebrows, ALPs John Brumby.

It had become clear to myself that the ALP had no hope against the full-blown egomaniac Kennett and his far-right-wing brand of tyrants, while the humble and demure (?) Brumby was leading them.

So, when the Worker in new boots looked askingly of me, to give my thoughts on the election troubles, I leaned back like a wisened old fool, and said “Get rid of Brumby, I reckon!”

I smiled, and looked again at the paper. When I looked up again, the Worker had VANISHED!?!?


I don't know how close to the election that was, but it was a couple of weeks I think, before the Victorian Labor Party campaign launch, and not at all long until December 3rd (or 6th?) election.

But Jolly-Ho! I jumped in shock when the news reported that at the ALP/Brumby campaign launch, as John Brumby was delivering his campaign's opening speech to the assembled faithful in a Melbourne hall, the hall filled with Unionists, many in work outfits, a large number of the Unionists attending, from the “left-wing unions”, in unison, all stood up and walked out!

Brumby was doomed! Well..., he was dumped, no doubt after an encrazed argument or forty behind the stage and behind ACTU closed doors. Without delay, the ALP and Unions had foisted one little known, but tall, Catholic college-bred Steve Bracks, into the chair and spotlight.


The ALP gained government, with the support of three independents, and the rest is history, and Kennett and coven's political careers were soup.

Not that his treasurer, Alan Stockdale, had any cares, for he walked from one nice-little-earner to another one at the HSBC bank I think. The HSBC being (now) Eurapes largest bank, and, for decades, the main transactor for the ILLEGAL global heroin market.

So..., there's a story I've been wanting to put to paper, or computer, for 10 years.

This, and other incidents where I've been guided to influence politics here, appear to some as meaning I am fitted with every possible thing and talent the long-awaited natural leader possesses, or is possessed of.

Yet, referring back to the earlier line, that “I am not the body. I am not the mind”, tells me, and should tell everyone else, that I am, not any hero, or superman or natural leader, as Christianity would have the world believe.

I wuz a puppet! A nice good and it seems something of a tough puppet, but a puppet nevertheless.

So..., returning to the points made at the start of this tome, about the recent tumultuous months prior to the 2010 federal election...,

If I can be turned into the puppet I was, then so can any of us, politicians especially, for that arena is where the hard economics of global and national agenda are most fought out.

Magic and the use or abuse of the occult has been at play behind the scenes globally forever, for once, lo-ong ago, it was part-and-parcel of Kings' powers.

If we venture back through the mists and myths of time, back to the fabled Camelot, King Arthur was mentored by the magician Merlin.

So, back just 2000 years, was Jesus ben Joseph, a puppet of his Mentor Rabbis, one of them being “John the Baptist”. As were the priests of the Temple in Jerusalem, which is why Jews today say about Jesus, “He was a good Jewish boy”, doing exactly what his puppet-masters asked of him.

Were we to delve into the histories and biographies of most all “Kings” and Monarchs and Emperors, from any nation, we would, I think, find the same thing. (Hitler? Stalin?)

So, the same applies today to our political “leaders”, and we will find that they are not “leaders” at all, but mere followers of some other magician's agenda.

This applies on both sides of our political divide, therefore, if Australia wants to “move forward”, we must break, shatter, obliterate the old stereotypes of leadership, because it is in this so-called “Christian” nation, no more than a game played by offshore tyrants to maintain their ruthless grip on us as slaves, and on our resources to keep them in the spoiled rotten upper, or first world class.

As the result has been a “hung parliament” where voices NOT from the two “false leader” parties have now to be listened to by the so-called government, we have that chance.

Last night I watched ABC's special post-election 7.30 Report, with Kerry O'Brien (no close relation, I guess) interviewing three federal parliamentary independents - Tony Windsor, Bob Catter, and Rob Oakeshot.

And what a refreshing interview it/they were (all on together). None of them had the tired old stereotypical party lines and responses, and clearly there was a fresh and straight-forward, Intelligent manor about them.

Bob Catter said something about the old two-party structure being on the way out.

And he's right. Now we have WHA? 7 or 8 Greens in the Senate, and enough other independents to finally, if they can agree on this need, break the mould, and force the two majors, the two OFFSHORE mobs of the Protestant Liberals and the Catholic ALP, to do what is right for the whole bloody nation, rather than always have their policies and us fit into the slavish and slim agendas of Eurapean and British banks-er-monarchs-er-capitalists-er-cults.

So, after hitting the sack on Saturday cursing the universe for jailing me on this prison island with a population of morons and selfish sewer rats, as we draw nearer the final result, when all votes are counted, I still curse the universe for jailing me on this prison island with a population of morons and selfish sewer rats, but am actually lifted a millimetre or two because we have neither offshore mob in total control of the media and subversion, and the “hung parliament” offers more hope than either major could.

It might spell the end of the draconian Liberal “leader” (?) Tony Abbott's “obstructionist” “kill the other mob at the nation's cost” political folly, indeed TYRANNY, and, with hope that the aforenamed independents, being all from rural electorates, are well aware of the environmental troubles we ALL face, and the unsustainable political, economic and cultural structures and (deliberate OFFSHORE) disorganisation of the national demographic and industries, take on the Greening of Australia and the co-relative decentralisation of the population, as paramount to a more secure nation and, world?

So..., voters in Australia might at last be able to take our federal parliament seriously, and instead, make jokes of our passed selves, surely?

“OH Such WISE words, King Trooly Rooted!”

Ha! Yeah!

If you were thrown out from house, home, friends, society and a “life” like this hombre, yet had done nothing but DISSENT and heresy to earn it, you'd be easily as able to craft such wooss words as well!

Get over it Christians!

Jesus died 1970 years ago!


And a good PUBLIC Education!! (With Yoga, Philosophy, Ethics, Meditation and a Vegetarian diet included!) (and courses on motorbike riding and maintenance as well!!!)

Wisdom! Intelligence! Honor!

from the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha
GLOBAL Land, Tax, Housing, Cult, Drug, Work & Environmental

aka King Trooly Rooted
Heir Apparent,
to the Royal Thrones of
England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales