


Didn't know anything about WikiLeaks until one day, maybe about a year ago, before the footage made it to the mainstream media, I received an email with a link to the WikiLeaks video of the Reuters news reporters being killed in Iraq, by US soldiers in a chopper.

I watched it with trepidation, because I knew I was being monitored by the CIA, MI6, Mossat and every other secret idiot employed by a military spy agency, so, if they saw I'd received this explosive video, I would become a target of theirs!


Well...., many moons later, with much credible reportage hitting the global news wires about this unjustified murder by the US military, they still haven't rescued me from my 55 year-long curse with a silent bullet to the back of my head.

THANKS CIA! After all I've done for YOU!?


The WikiLeak's video, makes you wonder how many other killings go unnoticed each day, in each nation, by their own military or by some pumped-up, drug-effected platoon of invaders?

The exposure of this crass killing, added to the innumerable other murders that occur daily beyond our view, added to the devious “Defence Department ” laws which seek to hide war crimes and other travesties, usually perpetrated by major national governments, for 30 years after their enactment, bring me to ask if it is vital that the world begin a serous reappraisal of these secrecy codes and rules of behaviour, by major global government agents, whether spies or gunners, or IMF CEOs?

It's clear that the “30 year rule” of classifying government, particularly defence documents and information as 'not for the publics' eyes' is written to protect major and usually the most aggressive nations' military officers and their Commanders from indictment, and so that any long term plans such large nations' have invented can be implemented.

The trouble with these megalomaniacal plans, is that they rarely, if ever reach completion without serous revisions and serious changes somewhere along their timelines, such that the end product is never near the original designs, and, in international espionage and warring, always costs SOMEONE or some nation, many millions of lives!

The ponses on the top floors of Whitehall etc, will always argue that these secretive records and methods are absolutely necessary. “The country comes first!” “We cannot hope to further our nation's interests if every little scrap and transgression makes it onto the front pages each day!” Or such......

But another tiny part of a long term and extremely large global fuck-up, where the power-mongers of the world are so entranced by all the power and influence and BIG GUNS, by the terribly exciting game of devising devious multinational schemes, and the odd glass of “feel-your-arse”, that they fail totally to see where their egomania is taking the planet.

Each little secret war, concocted by the militarily superior western Judeo-Christian world, adds to Humanity's extermination, or at least, to a future of wars and disease and unending chaos.

Giving the idiots with the biggest guns the freedom to make Hell on Earth for the vast majority of us, by their international “licence” to dream-up fucking stupid dreams and plans, then to have them “protected” BY LAWS of 30 years of secrecy, is a proven failure, if we do the INTELLIGENT thing, and DO THE MATH!

ALL THINGS CONSIDERED....., none of the wars sponsored and invented by the west, whether master-minded by Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler or the Pope, of the last 100 or so years, have IN THE LONG TERM made us any better off, as a race, and any benefits purported by the conspirators to have come from their cunning, soon enough dwindle to dust, and usually very toxic dust.

War-after-war-after-war over the last century have been orchestrated by “big oil” or their likes in other large industries, who find they cannot be content with healthy incomes and comfortable business returns and market security, AND a healthy environment for all to keep-on living in.

- NO!!! -




Etcetera, etcetera...

Obviously the world's military is in fact fighting-off billions and billions of ALIENS, which is why they must keep the rest of us stupid in regard to strengthening our own personal “spiritual defences” against the unknown unknowns, and secrecy laws are a necessary part of this gross, global deception!

Ummm..., SORRY...., but....., argh! BULLSHIT!

Whether aliens are here warring with the military or not, none of the war secrets the major powers have deemed worthy of censorship over the last 100 years have done anything to protect Humanity, nor even one or two nations.

All such unintelligent mega-lo-manic plans have done, is power the world closer to our own destruction.

Were Cecil Rhodes, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Helene Blavatsky and others of the “secret society” upclubs of 19th century Britain alive today, they might be brought to re-evaluate their superiority complexes, and those plans they concocted in the middle decades of the 1800s, and from that see just how utterly-fucking-CRAZY they had been.

World wars one and two were concoctions of the wealthiest egomaniacs the world has ever seen - some of whom, my own family ancestors!

If we were to add all the pollution, all the deaths, all the destruction of all the infrastructure produced by the egomaniacs of Britain and Eurape, and all the other so-called benefits or “fortunes of war” from the last 100-plus years - since the Jewish and Christian weapons' industries developed major weapons of mass destruction, there would be many times more than enough evidence indicting today's leading governments and corporations with the largest crime of all - the death and destruction of most Human Beings and of most other animal species, and, the potential death of “LIFE ON EARTH”!!!!!

But..., no-o-o! Ve must stik to zee PLAN!


This is exactly the same entranced psychosis suffered by most all of the world's leading lights in military, politics, big oil, big pharmaceuticals, big helicopters, big banks, big religion, big (illegal) drugs, and anything where some hypnotized dicksucking wanker sees he will gain some “cred” with some board-or-war-room of like-minded dicksuckers, should he/they push, with all the bullshit of the world, their clever little agenda.

Added all up, these ludicrous games of war and wank by ssssuper-sssspies with licences to fuck-over any 3rd world nation, amount to our total annihilation.

30 years won't mean much when everyone's dead, Admiral!

So, WikiLeaks and editor-in-chief, Julian Assange, should NOT be targets of overly paranoid western military intelligence, nor of the so-called “laws” of any nation, for doing a very courageous thing and exposing the tyranny enacted daily in western-created war-zones.

Indeed, Julian Assange and his Team, and anyone who challenges the hegemony of fools with power, fools who provoke and set-up wars against innocent cultures, nations, societies and Peoples, should be awarded Military Medals and Honors for Bravery in the face of seemingly insurmountable, insane, drunk and aggressive military odds.

What I'm also saying is that the elite has to go beyond those old kings models of running the world, with their cunning little schemes of keeping heinous and massive crimes against Humanity hidden, so that when it's all over, and the planet is about to evict we madmen forever and forever and forever AMEN, they can lick each others pampered arses and shout “WE WON!!!” as the oxygen disappears.

All Strength to Your Armies, Julian Assange!

May others be Inspired by Your Courage, such that an army of Righteous Journalists and Lawyers is formed to challenge the world's biggest egomaniacs of the days' political, corporate, religious and military upper classes!





Hyuk, hyuk!

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
