
Australia, a dangerously weak culture.

Where are Australia's Patriots?

Having given-up trying to lift Australians up from their religious tauper, and therefore from their political and general ignorance, for nothing better to do, I persist with writing down and posting onto this blog, my observations, and deductions, mainly about politics, but also on the other most important influences and forces of religion, and the derived culture.

While a people have plenty of land to extract their needs from, at a Fair and Just rate, they rarely have to worry about things which the world of today is being consumed with, and by.

National security, food security, resources security etc.

Once population goes above a certain level, where demand cannot be supplied, strife is inevitable.

White Australia's been lucky really, in matters of available arable and resource-rich land.

Bleck Australia however, has been the victim, no doubt.

Politics is like shifting sand, and, even with the most cretinous and stubborn opinions holding us to ransom, as today's pro-Anglo-Eurapean political parties, the Liberal/National cabal insist on doing, out there in the slightly more real world, on “main street” as the Americans like to call it, usually first in a public bar, Greek coffee shop or such, or as once in the shearing sheds out in the scrub, Progressive Momentum simply runs and flows with Nature, and it's ever-fluid need for change.

In this day-and-age, Progress, is probably the most natural, inevitable and necessary thing for a society and nation to have in it's peoples' hearts, because everything, EVERYTHING...., changes constantly, and so to try, no matter how stoically, to remain living in a way which both natural progress and Human advance ignores, only brings conflict.

Before whitey stomped down here, and crushed the time-honoured ways of the Australian Aborigine, “Progress” was the opposite - dangerous.

This, because the Aborigine had not been divorced from the True Ways, like the whiteys of Britain and Eurape had been, so there was no better way for the Bleck Fellas to “progress” toward.

Progress is only relevant when the culture is not following the True Cultural Path, and has to shift itself to get back on to the path.

If Britain, in the 18th century, sent only the most enlightened people over here, whence-ever Britain might have found such Immortals, peoples who knew and lived according to the Highest Principles, primarily of holding fast to the Earth's Perennial Environmental Laws, today, we'd have a society and culture so strong nothing could undo us.

Culture would be rich, Wise, sustaining and nourishing for the Peoples and for the Land itself.

But, Britain didn't send the most enlightened mobs, did it?

We'll pass over the point of whether Britain had, or even knew what a fully enlightened person or group of people was.

Try as they did, they and Eurape, well, their monarchs and upper crusties, had lost the way, perhaps when Rome began expanding it's reach. But definitely once the Romans corrupted the Wisdom of ancient Hebrews like Jeshua ben Joseph and his Commune, and corrupted and adopted it to their megalomaniacal cause of global domination.

As long as the Brit-Eurapeans had the weapons/military edge over the Natural Peoples of the world, they would rule the lands they conquered.

As they'd long earlier lost the way, wherever they went with colonialist intentions, degradation of the original, usually far Purer local culture became inevitable.

This is where Australia is now, a nation caught in a bitter duel between an Honest Culture, first of the Bleck Fellas, as well as of those of us who had the fortune of seeing how dangerous the invading one was/is, and the dated, and long astray northern debacle.

Last night I was lucky enough to watch a British doco on ABC TV about King James the 2nd, and Britain's attempts at Democracy in the 17th century.

Much of the program was on the Oliver Cromwell-led revolution.

It spoke about the English who backed Cromwell, or, who backed the parliament against the “king's men”, “The Diggers”, and that they held to a belief that all the land should be held in Common ownership.

Here's an extract I dumped down from Wikipedia, about the Diggers, from a pamphlet the Diggers' other reformists printed in the 1600s:

"That we may work in righteousness, and lay the Foundation of making the Earth a Common Treasury for All, both Rich and Poor, That every one that is born in the Land, may be fed by the Earth his Mother that brought him forth, according to the Reason that rules in the Creation. Not Inclosing any part into any particular hand, but all as one man, working together, and feeding together as Sons of one Father, members of one Family; not one Lording over another, but all looking upon each other, as equals in the Creation;"


Perhaps, were any of them left by the time Australia was invaded, the pommy hierarchy should have sent THEM here? This, because they may well have been far closer to being an enlightened people than the beggared refuse the British authorities often falsely tried and transported to the Bleck Fellas Garden of Wisdom.

And, I seem to recall learning that some Diggers were convicted and transported here over the 80 or 90 years of transportation to the 1860s-70s.

Some, I'm sure, took what to them would have been a natural duty of interest in the new colonies' politics, and helped form the original Unions, not merely or selfishly for the old truth of “security in numbers”, but because they saw the flaws in the way things were being managed here, and that without corrections would send the future down the gurgler.

Just exactly as the terminally corrupt northern ways have done!

How many of today's Australian Defence Force personnel, at least in the infantry, are aware of the history and origins of their colloquial name “Diggers”, we can only guess at? As to how many of them are NOT right-wing, racist, bigoted, warmongering egomaniacs, bastardised and slaughtered by a foreign power's oppressive demands and commands (“Gallipoli???”), again, we, I, can only guess?

If any of today's Aussie soldiers WERE aware of the history of the Diggers' name, and the Cause they believed-in and fought tyranny for, they would not be enlisted and over in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan et al et al, fighting Britain's opium war. Et al et al!

But one can't blame anyone for wanting to get out of this British prison-island, as far as I'm concerned.

I am inclined to believe that the 17th century English Diggers understood the dangers posed by the warped and malignantly corrupt monarchic system of rule over the people, and, even at that late stage in Britain's development, might well have still been connected to the Ancient Wisdoms, of how a Strong, Secure and Prosperous People should, indeed HAVE TO live.

Meanwhile down-here-down-under, the Way had not been lost, and the System of Management of the Nations and so, of the Peoples, was still as it had been way back when.

Monarchs would, I advance, have been known about by the Aussie Aborigines, but their Wisdom was such that they also, at-once knew, the flaws and threats of monarchic rule, or, of absolute power being “vested” in the hands of just one person.

Always, power makes us drunk, and we are such beasts as to always be susceptible to coercion, away from the most Noble, most Honorable position.

Few, if any Human Beings are above their addiction to and desire for physical gratification, nor above fear of harm or death.

So, as most monarchs of the northern British and Eurapean realms of the last 1000 years have been surrounded with exaggerated propaganda as to their higher status, to the point of being falsely trumpeted as Gods over the Masses, where, behind the myth they have been no better than the many (in fact, the untold truth is that, the higher-up the social ladder one climbs, the worse one is likely to behave), degradation of the “psychological health” of the realm has been unavoidable.

Whenever concentration of power is focused into a small clique of the favoured, corruption of the realm follows.

And so it is with the material assets of a group or nation of people.

And the first and Primary material asset of any nation is the Land on which they sustain themselves and their Culture.

Take from the People the “Sovereign Power” of Common Ownership of Land, translating as where everyone owns the land, not just those favoured by a ruling elite, cult or class, and you weaken the People, the Nation and the Culture until it collapses in on itself.

Civil war, lawlessness and debauchery follow every time.

So, as we are nine-tenths of the way to that, nationwide collapse (in just 200 or so years! AMAZING!), and indeed, global collapse, it is passed time Australians revisited and reassessed our mixed-up, or mixed-down culture, and sought to establish how we can build up, either once more (from the Strength and Wisdom of both the English Diggers and the Australian Aborigine), or for the first time, the Strongest Possible Culture.

But I don't mean to ignore nor overlook the Great Minds and REALPolitik Warriors from other parts of the world, from other quarters of Britain and Europe, and elsewhere, who have also seen the failings and dangers of monarchic rule.

ALL HAIL YEE, Great Souls!

Because while the culture is as weak as the corrupt colonialists have quite deliberately made it, the whole sheebang is under perilous threat.

And I listen to the news and it turns me RED!!!
Long-handed ways of NOT saying “WE'RE ALL DEAD!!!”

As debate grows about whether our military “Diggers” should be in Afghanistan, perhaps the call is to the Aussie Diggers, there and here at home, to ask themselves, and their 'superiors', about the Rectitude and Ethos of fighting that war?

Perhaps this same question has to broaden, and go to the REALPolitik of fighting any so-called 'war', when the evidence is that they do little or nothing to strengthen the nation's, and the planet's culture against social and environmental decline?

Because, against all the loudest assertions, by the likes of the American “Tea Party”, Fox media idiots, and right-wing Eurapean politicians, et al, who can only see their own parochial welfare and not the overall lack of rectitude in their beliefs and the negative effects on the whole world, western culture is dangerously weak, and threatens all of us, Human, animal and vegetable, while we are seduced by force, coercion or seduction with the classic biblical '30 pieces of silver' to betray our only planet, the culture is pathetic, and those standing at the top of the Human pyramid have to be brought to answer for their misbehaviour and consequent reactions.

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
