
Email, modern technology, software & other questions of global non-cooperation.


Lame as our planet's governmental systems and structures are, when it comes to managing things, because the “private sector” has most of it under it's pathological control, and as the world is being fast-tracked by the psycho private sector and multinational military psychos, to chaos, famine, species extermination, weather events beyond imagination, and a few centuries of ceaseless wars, there is only so much value in trying to address the illogic and inefficiencies that drive us to that end.

As we scream, out-of-control, toward the Cosmic shithole, with unbridled changes to the old ways that cannot possibly be managed nor maintained, nor in fact, justified, (not that a great deal of the “old ways” can be either, all things considered), there are some things which stand out as of unbelievable inefficiency and inequity, that should be addressed from a United Global perspective.


Just asking something like this, where all the Humans of the species cooperate toward making everyone's life on Earth efficient and thus more sustainable, is perhaps the joke of all time?

“Jews” cooperating with Moslems?


All Catholics cooperating with all other Christian cults cooperating with Atheists?


And the rest.....?


Technocrats working in Harmony and Sustainable Balance with Nature?


Capitalists working equitably with THE PEOPLE?


Or what about email-&-internet service providers sharing their profitable secrets with the users?


Yeah? Like, “never!”, aye?

Well, before the biggest fall in history, I persist in plying my bitch....!

Being on the extreme outer of society, in down-here-down-under, the global sewer-pipe of Astrayliar, many things the majority take for granted, and use with mindless ease, such as technology and it's subsets of internet and stuffff, mount insurmountable problems for my Soul-less mind.

So I might be talking ummm..., shit?

OH NO? NOT ME-E-E-E!!! (?)

Nevertheless, the bitch, it seems, must be plied!

EMAILS! And other parts of the internet-techno-universe, have developed, so they say, because of “free market competition”, while those who say so avoid the reality that most of 'modern' technology has “evolved” because of the whiteskins' insane demands for MORE!!! Especially and most-always initially in gaining the advantage over their enemies.

WAR, me darlings! WAR, has driven the overcrowded Eurapeans et al to go to any length to secure other people's resources - LAND - for their insatiable, usually religious, egotrippings.

So..., one might be inclined to ask....

What chance have we, before the great fall, of doing anything cooperatively, in order to find, for the first time since the ancient biblical 'Fall', Balance and Harmony and thus..... (HAHAHAHA!) 'Peace' on Earth?

Not a massive lot, aye?

Therefore, we may be correct to let our tyrannical governmental/parliamentary upclubsters carry-on being cowardly softcocks, and not go for making things more efficient?

Besides, capitalism only works because we, as a modern-age, technocentric species, are so disorganised, scattered in mind, selfishly stupid and inefficient!

Making things like global comms efficient would starve the boffins and techno-geeks of their hi-tech billions.

Take Microsoft as perhaps, in this field, the prime example.

In regard to emailing, and the often terribly-designed screen-face 'interactive' systems, and for example, the lack of inter-operability, to add-up all the hours wasted in trying to get things, which should be very simple, done, like transferring contacts lists et al across from one service to another, we'd find huge inefficiencies and thus wasted time & money.

Each private (capitalist) internet corporation, while in their hearts doing their very best to give us good service, seem dangerously determined to make THEIR system different from the others, to the point where they too often do not work at all with other companies' aka 'competitors' software, and, hardware.

Take, for further examples, Microsoft, V Apple. And/or Microsoft V Open Source, Linux/Unix software.

These differingssss, may be all very jolly and profitable for each commercial success story, but the horrors of massive inefficiencies which result from their own clever little secret designs, serve only to hasten the fall, and make, for some, suicide and WAR, very attractive!

Because of the enormous inefficiencies which come from the me-first capitalist agendas.

How do Humans trim down the complexia?

Ummmm...., I DON'T KNOW!

I'm only a ludite, with no connections to the pseudo-real world!

But some ideas DO manage to filter through the haze.....

Is it not time, for all major internet and computer and component-making corporations to get their collective shit together, and design a common, basic operating system, if that's what it's called, upon which all internet traffic and systems can operate, and in-the-EXTREME, 'cooperatively'?

Not the first time this has been suggested, by me, or others, we know.

But, before the selfishly-stupid 'extreme right' of the world take-back-America, and Eurape and Britain etc, can our so-called Democratic governments dedicate time and resources to bringing the divided and divisive world of electro-devices into some semblance of cooperation, so that one service such as the internet, can be made less time-consuming and less-destructive of the world beyond the keyboard and screen?

Other parts of electronic devicery need to be harmonised too, don't they Steve, Bill?

Everyone knows how utterly insane it is that each clever little DC-powered device just HAS to have their own peculiar power supply, battery, plugs and sockets designs, if only because lots of us despair when we are sent off AGAIN to the rubbish tip to 'delete' another item designed to last 12/12 hours or kilometers beyond the time/place of purchase.


BEWARE THE DANGERS OF........... da-da-da-dumb...........

Arrr! THAT's why China has become SO-O RICH!!!

It is not only dumb, insanely inefficient and disssgustingly wasteful, it is all demonically selfish of each corporation and employee/designer, and adds far too much weight to the planet's funeral-cart.

Of course, the techno-invention-addicts, and their utterly evil advertising and marketing corporations, who cannot live one day without a NE-E-E-EW product/invention/design at their thieving fingertips, will bitch back at my Bitch (I get the Big-B! Nyah!) that everything can be IMPROVED, so we have to keep inventing crap to keep the crapitalists evermore wealthy!

And the refuse stations evermore toxic.

And the retailers evermore full-of-shit telling us how much better life will be if we just want MORE-MORE-MORE!


Ifff....... I, for some dangerous reason, took the baton by the short-and-curlies, and asserted my global Authority, as the Big King, I'd have all of Grey's Inn's QCs dedicated singularly to bringing to court every scheming crapitalist who invests in designs of the above examples (then there's MOTORCARS??? etc etc) which are incompatible with both the Natural world, and with other machinerisms!

That we, supposedly the “Wise” species, cannot get ourselves together in, in-reality, this simple way, and make efficient all the wasted electricity, time, energy, resources, manpower, womanpower, child-slavery-power, and other things like transportation and governmentation, then we show the universe that we are ripe for invasion and deserve to be EXTERMINATED, forthwith.

This, these examples of global inefficiencies, are just a few undeniable arguments AGAINST unrestrained capitalism..., er.., CRAPitalism, and tell us that something MAJOR, has to change (YES WE CAN!) and pronto!, in the way we rein-in our seriously dysfunctional minds and our in-evil, marketed bottomless pits of desires.

But, as I wrote at front of this e-ssay, “the world is being fast-tracked by the psycho private sector and multinational military psychos, to chaos, famine, species extermination, weather events beyond imagination, and a few centuries of ceaseless wars...,” UNELECTED psychos all-of-them, so, Intelligent Design, not of any Creator-God, but of Earthly, feet-on-the-ground Humans, may well be totally pointless now?

What do the Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Messrs Yahoo, Google (don't be evil now!) Toshiba, Toyota, Samsung, Sony, and other 'western' company-owners-directors and 'telcos' of the planet, have to, not more say-say-say, but DO-DO-DO about this utterly juvenile global state of affairs?

Go-orn? I dare you to try to prove that you, and the rest of us, are in fact a race of the Intelligent and Wise Homo!?

Perhaps if you all stopped thrusting yer profitus egos around so much, with a bit less Homo, and a bit more Sapiens..., we might reduce, recycle, reuse and rescue the future a touch?

Why is it that other “primitive” cultures have known the Wisdom of Common Purpose, Cooperation, and Collective or 'Economy-of-Scale' Culture for thousands-and-thousands-and-thousands of years, yet we smart-arses of a culture not 250 years old (since the 'industrial revolution'), can't even get it together Intelligently, to save our own, and, our planet?


O! You're doing yourself!

Well, that's OK then!

“Call off the Greys from Orion! The machine men ('men'! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) have it under control.....!”

Get some fucking HARMONY in your eSouls, dicksmithheads!

(Dick Smith Electronics: an Astrayliarn electronics retailer now owned by Woolworths, renown for their crap-quality products and exorbitant prices.)

...expecting another trojan...,

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Environmental and
