
'Food Security' & 'Private Farming' are dangerous contradictions!


(NOTE: In a late editing-in, I must distinguish the term 'private farming' to mean where the farmer is free to choose what they grow, whether it fits into the macro needs of the society or nation or not. As the Alternative, I put it that farmers have a duty to make profits, yes, for their own wealth, from a nationally-coordinated farming system, which specifically designates what is grown from region to region, according to the larger national and, regarding exports, global, needs-demand.)

“Currently, our food exports still exceed imports”, says an ABC radio report.

“But if we continue on our current path, we may become a larger importer of foods than exporter”, it continues.

Well, should we be surprised?

With the severe social, economic, cultural and mental imbalances rampant across the continent, where, in one example, the whole 22 million of us are dependent for our 'home-grown' food supplies on a mere 2-to-3% of us, the 2-to-3% we call 'farmers' (HAHAHAHAHAHA!), then we are in deep denial, or are steeped in stupidity if we are surprised.

It seems a sharp sticking-point, that so many of us are indoctrinated to believe we can ignore where our foods come from, and ignore that a balanced society would ensure all of us are participants in food production, and that we can rely on 'private', profit-centred farming (HAHAHA!), supermarket and transport corporations to keep the shelves stacked with all the yummies and mostly low-nourishment products.

But, sharp sticks are easily inserted into the lower orifices of such a dumb-as population as Astrayliars.

I am certainly not a genius, for if ANYONE focuses on an issue, such as 'food security', or other modern affairs such as over-population, or over-concentration of the population in cities, etc., or on our swing away from the natural world and recognition of everyone's dependence on it, for long enough, they too will 'divine' the same, or similar undeniable facts.

As a species, Humans have blown it!

And why?


Before the western world, Britain and Eurape centrally, but Egypt and Mesopotamia also, raped their own natural environment clean of renewable resources of primarily, the forests, and the self-replenishing sources of food, and timber, and thus, clean air, water and soils, before the demented 'north' ventured west, and south and east, to conquer, rape, pillage and plunder the rest of the world, and way-back before the species 'fell' from Eden, Balance was the Order, and the Way.

And it is to be noted, that the 'Garden of Eden' (the Garden of Wisdom!) still thrived across the vast majority of the world, up until about 500 years ago!
Up until 222 years ago here in Astrayliar!

Up until about then, the majority of the species was not plagued by insatiable and unbalanced monarchs, set on war-and-conquer over trivial feuds with other monarchs, and their societies were not set on a path of demanding supplies beyond the natural balance.

Capitalism..., er..., CRAPitalism..., had not been thought-of, and wasn't known because the 'rulers', perhaps better called 'Elders', had not yet abandoned their People.

Those who were the Tribal and National 'Elders' were not yet psychologically dysfunctional and not yet enamoured of power and it's corruption, such that they lived away from the masses, in castles of opulent, grandiose delusions, and the culture was Sound enough that the Tribes' and Nations' Peoples were secure and lived peacefully-enough to not crave excessively for either food, housing and extremes of more-more-more unrestrained sex, or it's product - children.

(I ponder the likelihood that 'castles', occupied by the monarchs and their administrative and protective officials, escorts, and military etc., resulted from the separation of those 'Elders' from the People, and from the Proper Governance of the Nation, to the extent that the kings and coy were so unjust in their mistreatment of their Clans People, that they had to be afraid of their own People, therefore felt they had to have that extreme level of castles and their walled security.)

So populations stayed within the bounds of food security supplies.

But once one nation was left without food and land security, yet with some 'hex' which told them they deserved the right to destroy others', things began to 'fall' apart, right across Eden.

But that was then, and this is now.

We've blown it!

Can we rebalance the planet?

I doubt it.

But there is always the western 'miracle' where the world's Magi come together and trounce the demented monarchies' and cult leaders' psychotic control over the minds and pockets of the masses, ain't there?

In the same radio report, it was said that the planet's population is expected to grow to some 9 billion by 2050.

Hmmm? That's a lot of skin, flesh, fat, bone and excrement, say what?

9 billion times say, an average individual weight of.... '50 kgs'....? equals some 450 million tonnes of wobbly bodies wandering over the surface?


With over 50% concentrated in cities today, and projecting forward to 2050, let's say 70% occupying say, 5% of the earth's surface located in city and urban areas, one could project that there's going to be a 'shift' one way or the other, and it might not all be 'up'!

Add to this hypothetical, the enormous concentration of weight in our modern concrete jungles, cities made of cement, heaveee-cement, a 'wonderer' like meself cannot help but reckon on a few earthquake-type events resulting?

O boy! What a shaking party our next few generations can look forward to!

But that's all hypothetical, right??

If, with a dramatic reduction in food supplies threatened, famine, and it's concomitant wars arrive first, the planet's population may well self-regulate, and other hypothetical disruptions may not happen?

However, with the massive loss of biodiversity, pollution, destruction of other life-giving essentials apparently unavoidable, it does seem that Humanity is facing an extremely 'interesting' future?

So why worry about our current 'food insecurity', and our severely (mentally) unbalanced population and arable lands distribution?

O! They make great media!

So much so that our global media moguls will do everything they can to keep the sensational affairs active, by keeping the masses stupid, and ignorant of the Intelligent options ever available!

Right, Rupert and James Murdoch?

This, e-ssay, a long-winded way of saying that we are being duped by the global elites, the psycho-pathological global elites, in-the-main steering the species' ship from the helm of the IMF, etc., is trying to say that perhaps, just perhaps, food security is not a real issue.

At least not something we cannot prevent.

It is the dysfunctional beliefs and wildly corrupt economic structures which threaten the whole of the population, and these are behind our unbalanced food-production methods and means of acquisition.

In a word, “CRAPITALISM!”

Or, the unbalanced concentration of the ownership of resources, of the means of production of the essentials - 'food and a roof, laughter and leeerve', and the biased control of the availability and distribution of them. (I write 'leeerve' as a cynical way of spelling 'love', because nowadays I have no faith that 'love' is any real, or valuable thing, but that it is rather a product of old Rome's (and old Judea's - 'Hollywood'?) propaganda machine, and it's delusionary 'romanticism', designed to delude the movie-going masses, for example, into hoping for the gross delusion that we can find Happiness in our desire for someone or something else.)

If any sudden depletion of food supplies overcomes us, in Astrayliar or on Earth generally, in the next few decades, it will not be an outcome of our natural (?) overpopulation, but it will be the result of bad-bad-REALLY-BAD national and international economics.

And where is bad economics centred, but in our upper, political class delusions of CRAPitalism.

The 'free market'!

Etc., etc!

Even since Astrayliar's earliest days as a whiteskin nation post-1788, or, more correctly, since 1808 and the dark 'rum rebellion', we have suffered the deepest insanity, where there has been next to no Intelligent management of the resources and of the means of production of the essentials, mainly of food.

With the whole world drowning in unrestrained me-first crapitalism, Intelligent, Wise and even-handed management of the Land, has been regarded as 'crazy', by..., the most crazy.

Our 'lords and ladies of the manor', et al.

This has accompanied the mass-deceptions put-around by their media, propaganda mongrels-er-moguls that 'me-first crapitalism' is the natural way of things, until today, where one is stomped-on by the masses for even daring to suggest that you-first-economics dooms us all to failure and ultimately, mass-destruction.

So to put-it that “the best way to secure everyone's future, in food, housing and the other essentials' supplies, is by Intelligent Management of Production (I.M.P.) of..., food, housing, cloth and let's say, 'entertainment', by redistributing the population more evenly across the land, AND.., by sensible design and distribution of the production of those needs into the Locally-Focused arena”, attracts unending mockery and derision from the mass of low-brained idiots with money, and is quite deliberately ignored by the large media consortia.

This flows out into the giggle-brained, media-sucking public, thus deters them from entertaining relocation from overly-dense and unsustainable cities, etc., to Wisely-managed rural Communities, and deters them from thinking (FULL-STOP!) that Intelligent Management of Production means redistributing the Land, and the availability of the essentials.

So they will never use their VOTE and elect the Wisest Government, because government generally today is captured by the crapitalist media-houses, mainly those of Zionists Rupert and James Murdoch, who promote the least Intelligent anti-government, anti-Wisdom 'forget-the-Community-and-suck-insatiably-for-yourself' agendas.

Agendas which are not at all for the People, but are designed purely to benefit the global elites, the softcock buddies of the media elites.

So, 'food insecurity' as marketed by our crap-media and thus, by our cra-politicians, is a quite deliberately deceptive concept, which hopes the masses will never wake-up to the elites' determination to decimate the global population, so they, the elites, can stay living insane, over-consumptive lives, while the majority starves to death.

Because, if the media, including the 'public' or government-owned media, like THEIR ABC (Astraylyin' Broadcasting Corporation), were serious about informing the public of both the threats and the options for the future, they would go HARD at promoting the only REALPolitik Options of Collective Farming, nationally-managed farming in terms of WHAT is produced from one place to the next, redistribution of THE PEOPLE, away from high-demographics of this wholly unsustainable, insane growth of cities, to small, Agrarian Communities ('lots-and-lots of lovely little villages' unquote Max No Difference, circa 2000), with comprehensive education curricula around agricultural, agrarian, and Communal lifestyles, and, underpinning it all, GLOBAL LAND REFORM!!!

But, while the elite radio and television media board-members, doyens and journalist staff receive their 30-pieces of silver from the dark empire of Murdochenland, the ABC, the BBC, and all other supposedly PUBLIC media houses will avoid the SCIENTIFIC FACTS like the plague, won't they, Phillip?



“O, but the northern white supremacists have taken-over with aliens!?!?!?”

As The Goon's 'Alan Greenslade' would sign-off..... “it's all in the mind, you know!?”

Perhaps if the demonic black witches of the 'lost tribes' of the 'golden-calf-tribe' ex-Judaism, and it's 'branch-offices' of Rome and Christianity-in-general, sought the Spiritual Enlightenment of the flockers, over total domination of their Souls, hearts, minds and spending-habits, Humanity might well have Ascended to being a race of Fearless, Strong, Noble, Wise and Honorable Warriors, such that any nasty passing aliens would've jumped straight back into their 4-D spaceships and kept-on trekking?

But “NO-O-O!!!” chime the unholy ghosts of ancient Jerusalem!

“Vay vhill abuse Talmudic witchery by fabricating in YOUR minds all manner of frightening delusions, to avenge our troubled history, for vengeance of our now damaged and SIRIUSly dysfunctional psychologies, by dominating and destroying all zvee vworld! O vay!!!”

And so say all of Zion!!!


If it is anyone's, it belongs to YHVH (if such a Concept of a 'YHVH' even exists?), who art the same as God, who art the same as Allah (Praise Be His Name!), who art the same as Brahma, who art the same as Tao!

Who art the same as the Supreme Spark in the Aborigine, whether of Australia, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and all other Peoples!

Therefore..., “THE LAND BELONGS TO ALL!!!”

The big game is over, and so is the Zionist conspiracy to manipulate minds to think a messiah is reborn to centralise power in your severely dysfunctional hands, minds and beliefs!

Get over it!

GLOBAL LAND REFORMS, including Agrarian Socialism, and PLANNED food production and distribution!


Proportional Representation in all parliaments,


Institutional ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, as Primary Laws, worldwide!

Institutional ENVIRONMENTAL LAW would therefore mean the end of monocrop, broad-acre farming techniques, and all of it's ridiculous ancillary industries, and, I suggest, the end of our lowly over-desire for red-meat.

Dream-on, aye?


However, we go nowhere, while the People are stupid!

Because, if the People are stupid, Democracy is dangerous!

And, if the People are dangerous, Democracy is stupid!

Answer: Teach them something Worthwhile!

And convict the Murdoch media cabal and the Vatican, with “crimes against Humanity”!


In this day, we cannot afford to tolerate private media houses controlling the minds of the masses, while the media has psychotic, extremely selfish, ideologically-flawed, profit-centred agenda, and by their monetary power alone, can influence attempts at Democratic government as much as Murdoch and cabal have.

Just, as we cannot afford false economic and ideological doctrines allowing any wannabe idiot-with-a-big-bank-overdraft claiming control of large tracts of land to do as they wish with it.

Media is vital to our security in all aspects of life, just as Proper, Wise and Intelligent Management of the Land is Fundamental to the planet's prolonged ability to provide us and our fellow Earth-life with our needs, and...., wants.

Australian Farmers (HAHAHAHA!!!) who bleat against government attempts at regulating the distribution of resources, when everyone knows the farmers are only really concerned about their hip-pocket-nerve, and fail totally to consider the larger Community, as wide as the nation, are misguided, and while they put political pressure on Good Government, are guilty of treason against the Common Good. (But, we all know that they have indebted themselves (perhaps foolishly seduced) to the offshore demons we call the banks, alas, so any 'bleating' by farmers, should be aimed, with an axe-handle or two, at their local banks!)

If we ignore these HARD FACTS, there will be no such thing as 'satisfying our needs', let-alone our wants, in future generations.

And that's not very fair, is it whiteskin?

In the end,

“The Revolution is Local!”

'Food security' and 'privately-owned farms' are dangerous contradictions.

Same-same as privately-owned media houses, mining corporations, public utilities, and publicly-used facilities, ESPECIALLY when they grow to being privately-owned monopolies!



Or starve!

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
