
Heroin, marijuana, Royal College of Physicians and Afghanistan!


The Royal College of Physician's ex-President Professor Ian Gilmore, now President of the Board of Trustees, appeared in an interview on BBC World News America, on 22 August 2010 or thereabouts, saying that "the world needs to take another look at 'drug laws'" (paraphrased), suggesting that our current 'legal' approach to drugs, such as marijuana and heroin have not worked.

One wonders how the British and Eurapean bankers and political-class elites have responded to his influential suggestion that some “drugs!” should be taken-off the banned list, seeing as the British Isles has been profiting from opium production, shipping and dealing for about 400 years?

Indeed, most people who take an interest in drugs like marijuana and heroin know well that governments, and opposition parties, make enormous black-market profits from them once they are made illegal.

But as the Human race is being threatened with massive reductions of their numbers by aliens invading Earth from other planets in far-off solar systems, the current drug categories which demonize the most beneficial and the most sought-after means to a nice time and make them illegal to use, seems to be a sure-fire way to rake-in the apparent funds Humanity needs to equip ourselves with the technology and weaponry to do battle with and win against the nasty little green men?

I guess it's just a bit sad that the nasty little green men were basically 'invited' to Earth by a cabal of insane and megalomaniacal British and Eurapean elites with secret societies, and too much power in the first place. Or so I was told by an Englishman, said to be an ex-MI6 operative, so I assume, was 'in-the-know'? Umm.., this piece of info may have come from the quite Credible 1976 book "Drugs Inc. British bankers and Soviet Commissars"?

Of course, if they had too much power, they'd have won against WHO? The Catholics? The Americans? Aliens? The Workers of the World? Or perhaps against the Honorable Islamists?

But perhaps, as I keep insisting, they were in fact always doing battle with their own minds, sent well-out-of-control centuries ago by a Zionist cabal of landless and thus REALLY bitchy (behind your back) and pathologically twisted Jews?

From the outside, I'm left to debate with my own mind, whether the Battle-Royale, for the planet's real estate is, in this 3D reality (it is reality?) between the dominant psychos of Brit-Eurape and the rest of the species, the rest of us being the non-white members, or between the Brit-Euronuts and extraterrestrials?

Somehow, my sceptical and pro-scientific mind, cautiously errs with Earth's two or more sides, rather than believing the fantastically frightening stories about alien invasions from the 'Orion' star system over.... THERE!

But what can we believe today, now that the demons of the occult are out-of-the-bag, and everyone is entranced by one or many bewitching tales, left to believe whomever gets to them first?


The British East India Company, which 'coalesced' in about the 18th century, and has made squillions from opium and latterly heroin, for at least 400 years, which rebranded itself as the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, in about the 1920s, from memories of a book I read, has had it's powerful hands on the levers of global economics, and witchcraft for perhaps 500 years.

Magic as-it-happens, is quite bewitching, quite entrancing, and once the third eye is opened in the mind of those without Wisdom, that-is without a Sound upbringing and Initiation into adulthood, basically takes-over the consciousness of the person.

This is almost always initiated by another witch, either known or not to the newby, who thereafter has the person in their clutches as their puppet.

This is what the Christian/Catholic 'baptism' is about, aside from covertly draping a veil over the nubile baby's mind to protect them from the world of Spirits.

For the puppet master to maintain their hold on the person's mind, it is important that they continue to ply the person's mind with whatever it takes to keep their Soul in that 'stasis', and thus in allegiance with the master's wishes and 'purpose'.

This is precisely what Christianity has always been about. Nothing to do with 'Educing' the Knowledge and Higher Wisdom for the path to Enlightenment from within the Soul. Christian 'faith' is a spell about accepting whatever the apparent 'authority' says as true, so-as to have a mass of slaves.

The adept puppet master/witch is able to make any sort of rubbish sound correct (the American 'Tea Party' leaders?), and can convince other people to believe, see and to do amazing things, without the person even realising what evil they are the recipients of, nor what they are doing, and without the person realising that they are hypnotised at all.

In the middle years of the 19th century, the world's most wealthy people of Britain and Eurapean and Russian elite allies, conspired to form secret societies, because, I am left to assume, their travels opened their eyes to the coming chaos of an over-active, overly militarised and over-populated world.

Most of Britain's and Eurape's celebrated writers, philosophers, politicians, wealthiest industrialists, and poets, were either 'brought in' to these covert societies or were 'made' by them, to aid in the elite's worldwide conspiracy to secure their inheritances, their lands, colonies and industries et al for themselves, and for their progeny.

“By any means” might have been their cabal's adage or motto.

These super-wealthy cabals went Hell-for-leather at conquering all opposition in industry, military, colonial plunder and possession, and determined, soundly or not, that 'by any means' was a justified path to follow.

Thus, with the eloquent minds of the celebrated writers, massive stories were fabricated.

Perhaps the most influential being HG Wells' “War of the Worlds” about the world being invaded by aliens.

If a person, or a mass of people have been roped into being under a witch-coven's spells, they are usually unable to discern whether anything they see or hear or feel is real or not.

Being non-the-wiser of the spells they are under, they usually have no reason to doubt their senses, and so when something manifests to them, they respond, I suppose, 'rationally' as anyone would.

The heights of pleasure can be exaggerated in them, or, in their mind, by their master, as can the depths of terror.

So as most of us are under some spell, or 'bank' of spells, or another, most cast upon us to keep us stupid and subservient, even when we are informed about magic, and that it is running rampant across the globe in minds extremely ill-equipped to have access to it's energy, it's powers, whatever we do, to both protect ourselves from it, or to employ it, for our own benefit or to ward-off others, we are dabbling in the darkest realms of illusion.

In this muddy pool, things can appear real, or at least able to effect us, depending upon the strength of the projector, and upon our own ability to see it for what it really is - illusion.

But, as the world has been consumed by the witchcraft of the most materially powerful nations and so-labelled 'religious beliefs', who can therefore also make Hell for us if we refuse their demands and offers, few if any of us can Stand True and defy the darkness from conquering our Souls.

Aided and abetted by the world's elite print media and more recent innovations of electronic media, the global elites have us pretty-much all by the balls, and continue relentlessly to ply us with bullshit about every sort of threat possible to imagine.

In my alienated existence, I'm left to believe that extraterrestrial 'aliens' are perhaps the most effective terror possible to imagine, and with the abuse of the occult, supported by the greatest bullshit factories known to mankind - Hollywood and the Murdoch media empire - we are seduced, or electrified in our nerve-ends to see, hear, feel and believe they are here in numbers, and threaten us with extinction.

But...., I might be very very wrong?

As the Hebrews have had a bitch against most every other nation owned and run by it's 'landed gentry', for some 6,000 years, and as Judaism's earliest books tell of the threat, as far back as Moses' times, from the mob I call 'the golden calf tribe', who, sought to win the gold 'by any means' so abuse of magic was on, and also tells of Moses' and Aaron's mastery of the occult, with which they secured the Israelite's freedom from the Egyptian elite, we can be certain that with Rome's global march and domination, spurred-on from behind the temple by the Hebrew rabbi-witches, almost none-of-us are above the terrors the masters of magic use to keep us selling-the-farm. To THEM.

In matters of gaining and securing wealth, most of us are unaware of how the mind becomes twisted.

If we must fight day-in-day-out merely for food and a roof, etc., madness and immorality always threaten. Especially when we have no choice but to live in a society and a culture where such corrupted and contorted methods of survival and winning prosperity are the 'norm'.

If we are born into a sub-group of the species who has been denied secure land, and the incumbent benefits, for most of their history, a cultural psychosis, I believe, cannot help but overtake their minds.

All manner of psycho-pathological disorders cannot help but manifest, in some parts of the tribe, and nation.

'Technology' we enjoy today, was inspired and brought to fruition mostly by 'clever Jews', just as they 'divined' how to split the atom, and thereafter to make atomic bombs.

As the 'apparent' threat of aliens continues to haunt Humanity, even while we have progressed our weaponry to unbelievable extents, it seems that the threat grows in tandem with our militaristic advances?

As the g.c.t has infiltrated all our military, corporate, political AND media levels, and, with the help of extraterrestrials or not, have us all running scared, apparently toward our own doom, it would appear that we are lost, and that there's nothing we can develop in weaponry, to save us.

Therefore, getting back to the opener of this rant, demonising and making illegal, relatively harmless 'drugs' like opium, cocaine and marijuana, et al, so the world's governments can afford, behind the taxman and scenes, to accrue the funds enough to build alien-obliterating weapons quite simply, DOES NOT ADD UP!

IF...? Aliens ARE a genuine threat to we pitiful Earthlings, I put it that this has become so, purely because the advancers of a technocentric species, the Hebrew and branch-offices of Freemasons and Christianity, have lost-the-plot, etc., for having been so dangerously dumbed-down and thus unwise, for centuries, if not for thousands of years, to the point where some 1.5 BILLION 'believers' now have no Wisdom, nor any control of their own minds!

However...., from my learnings... I am inclined to settle on the theory (running on the probable pretext that NOTHING IS REAL, so there are no facts) that this deceptively lovable planet, this 3-dimensional planet, is but some macabre form of 'prison planet' for Souls from elsewhere in our galaxy who have erred, up there in Alpha Centauri, Krypton..., or another cluster of life-forms and occupiable habitats.

So, whatever we do here, in terms of defending the planet and ourselves from aliens, we are for-it!

Perhaps this justifies lawlessness, and thus horrendously errant 'laws' banning drugs which can only, in the right environment, advance our personal Spiritual Enlightenment?


The evidence seems clear enough though, that further demonising of marijuana and heroin in particular, to apparently fund the war between Catholic aliens and Freemason aliens, is a no-win scenario, and as is happening in Mexico's drug-cartels war, and in Afghanistan, can only make the world one big round warzone, aliens or not.

As for HG Wells' 'War of the Worlds', published I think in the late 1800s, it was timely.

Around the same time, the AMERICAN newspaper owner, Journalist/Philosopher/Economist, Henry George, was making enormous headway right around the world with his exquisite defining of the world's most deadly crime of 'inequitable land ownership and distribution', and about the Most Honorable and Scientific means to 'Rebalance' the books, through the most simple 'Land Rent for Government Revenue.

While Wells' book was published before electronic media, of radio, it was available and no doubt read by many, especially in the 'modern worlds' of Britain, Eurape and the north America.

One unsolved mystery from the late 1800s, was the unexpected and possibly untimely death of Henry George on the eve of his being elected, apparently expected to be a 'landslide victory', as Mayor of New York City in 1899.

He had already traveled the world promoting this Wisdom and his literature, as he'd written greatly on the incorruptible 'Economic Rent' over the previous thirty years, deduced and written about by David Ricardo in England in the early 1800s (1810), and so, to the masses, from Australia to Scotland, and even to the east, and across America, he was a hero of Mammoth proportions.

Mahatma Gandhi was an Advocate of his Economics, and in Australia, the earliest of our Unionists and even rural Shearers, dedicated their lives and works to this.

Indeed, in Australia, the Australian Labor Party was formed around these very Tenets of Social - ECONOMIC - Justice.

So, the elites of the world, wherever the western hegemons had reached, were worried that their extremely opulent lifestyles, financed by the evils of colonialism, and upper-crust cultures, were threatened.

None of them could see life any other way than with a severely divided class-based society, and, with them, on top.

According to the elites, and to their 'secret societies', whence grew today's military intelligence organisations and secret services, something major had to be done, and not just in Philadelphia, where George was born, or in San Francisco, where he ran a newspaper, or in New York where he met his maker, but globally.

Thus the mechanisms were set in motion, to make the political world ready for a big, big war.

However, they were known about by the Advocates for a Just world, who fought-on Gallantly.

In my years of gaining some Wisdom about the horrors of the world of politics, one Noble Warrior, of some years, back then, told me that there are 'rumours', perhaps based on hidden facts, that a young member of the English parliament, one Winston Churchill, upset the lordal pidgeons of Westminster in 1908, by attempting to introduce a reform Bill which went to this very issue, of collecting government revenue from an equitably formulated Land Tax, according to the ancient and perennial 'law of rent'.

It cannot be ignored that this and George's increasing popularity around the world, sent the paranoid, often inbred, insane and extremely self-centred British and western elites into a frenzy, enough to turn a few knobs to start the first world war in 1914.

So, 'by any means' at no matter what the cost to life and country, meant that millions of Good Men, Working Class Men, went to a false war and fell, merely to save the spoiled lifestyles of the world's wealthiest landlords.

So too, today, are millions jailed under insane and unjustifiable laws which make it nigh-on impossible to find some harmless solace, in their own homes, when they have one, with marijuana and/or heroin. Or cocaine.

Australians who 'celebrate' Gallipoli each 25th April, are urged to re-evaluate their allegiances, in light of the tragic facts that thousands of our Soldiers/Warriors were sent to certain death on the beaches of Turkey, both to deplete the Australian polity and young men of their Natural Courage, by serving us with a hit we clearly still have not overcome, and to deflate our otherwise natural climb to national independence from the British, Eurapean and Zionist elite's evil psychosis of colonialist land ownership.

An Independence which, if the Australian Advocates for Henry George's Land Rent for Government Revenue, the clear-minded and Honorable Unionists and others, would have made us the envy of the REAL world, of the Human majority, with the most modern Republic, basing our economy on a National Land Tax.

The very same National Land Tax as recommended by Dr Ken Henry in last December's 'Henry Tax Review'.

Sending our troops to Afghanistan, is a softer version of Gallipoli, where we are depleted of our Warriors who might otherwise be willing and able to Stand True on our own soils, and support any Military, Political or Workers Stand for a Just and Independent Australia.



When a voice like Professor Ian Gilmore of the Royal College of Physicians deduces that the laws banning heroin and marijuana are not supportable by evidence, and are known to be failures, as well as deadly threats to people of all nations and classes, it would appear that the 'authorities' will be Wise to listen AND to act to repeal them.

If the last word rests with the IMF, and if they do not take reformist action by making at least marijuana, cocaine and.., AND heroin legal, then the world is lost to tyranny and insanity, to more dangerous kitchen-laboratory drugs than any naturally-grown Herbs and opiates, and we will know that they and their coalitions are not at all interested in making the world anything but a filthy, immoral profit-centred warzone!

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
