
Intervention to stop the intervention!


Having roared, perhaps more than I should have, about the maltreatment born minute-by-minute by our Immortals, the Australian Aborigines in the months leading-up to the 2010 federal election, and over those months, driving from Victoria, through South Australia to Darwin, back and across to and through Queensland to the haunt of northern NSW, all-the-while pursued by unbelievably demonic witches, white middle-and-upper class witches, I left the issue of Aborigine Rights, Sovereignty etc aside.

A particularly unsettling view came upon me as I drove through the NT, of the racism running rampant there.

It is very fortunate for the Bleck Fellas of Astrayliar, that they did not have the Wisdom of their 'skin ties' extended family system stolen from them along with every other thing, because that, I'd suggest, is what saved them since white's invaded.

If a person, is deprived of everything that is theirs, in terms of material assets or belongings, such as... ummm... OH! THEIR LAND...., it is enormously hard to keep one's head up, and keep-on-keeping-on, as they say.

Across Astrayliar, too many Aborigines have also been deprived of the Strength of Family, which is one reason why so many of them have not been able to develop themselves as they should have.

But, I think, I think, that the Common bond between them so long a part of their very Being, instilled by the Tribal Law and Wisdom down the millennia and generations helped those deprived of close family, to endure, such that, they can find solace and security when they meet in the towns.

However, travelling the nation and reading and listening to the various tales and reports over a couple of decades, it's clear that too many Bleck-skinned Fellas, male and female, have had to survive without the warmth of any Traditional Aborigine Culture and Family, because, from the earliest days of white invasion, massacre after massacre and forced separation of families left them in white custody, yet on-the-outer, due simply to their darker “half-caste” or less, skin color.

Australia is still extremely racist, and singularly because of skin.

Culture does come into it, however, it is NOT that Aborigine Culture is 'primitive' or 'retarded' as white racists would, to their mates, suggest.

In fact, the bigotry of whites against Aborigines is really because the white culture is primitive. The dominant white culture exists only because the whiteskins were fighting each other over there in YouRAPE over unreasonable disputes, for so long that the 'northern culture' became based almost wholly on war.

Christianity is a belief system which has developed purely to excuse the murderers of their crimes with 'forgiveness' and notions of 'guilt' etc.

With thousands of years of war twisting Eurapean culture into being deeply and ruthlessly competitive, technology was ever-on-the-improve. So eventually, they would meld together and become a threat to all other cultures, mindless of the damage, wide and deep they were doing to everything.

But this means nothing when it comes to fighting, because fighting does not mean just 'to the death'. Fighting means also, knowing when to STOP.

Because, as the world is witness to, too much warring ends with everyone's defeat. Culture, Clan and Country end up in the grave, which can hardly be claimed as a victory.

Australia has been built on both racism, and on warring, so our methods and systems of government, which should be a simple plan or Law of managing the Mob, are twisted by competition and dispute into being ongoing arguments and indecision.

No doubt events and new ideas, in such as technology applied to matters cultural, social or economic force the need for changes in some laws of national management, but, most of these and interferences to the business of government only become unsettling because the initial structure was or has been corrupted beforehand.

Australia began with Good Legal Bases, but the whole affair was upturned in the 1808 rum rebellion, and we have never recovered.

As the rum rebellion occurred in Sinny, er Syd-ney..., and has been viciously clung-to by our military megalos since, transpiring across into state - colonial - and local government, then after 1901 into the federal arena-cum-shitfight, we still seem enamoured of doing it the 'way it's always been dunnnn!'



The thing that's of greater import, is that it has killed the country, as well as most of the True Fellas and their Culture, and this cultural murder - MASSACRE - remains centred in O HELLO! New South Wales.

Perhaps, if not now, in the first tenth of the 21st century, certainly down the track 5, 10 perhaps 20 years from now, we will all be grateful that SOME of Australia's Precious, the Bleck Fellas, and their Culture survived.

As the staid Eurapean models of exhausting resources and arable land etc, wear-out, and of bashing everyone else to a pulp, we will be forced to gain a knowledge of how to 'live-off-the-land' as the Aborigine has always known.

Not that that is necessarily the preferred option, but if things like the global international trade-dependent economy does take the BIG dive, never to recover, living off the land will come in very very handy, methinks!

And where can any of we who survive turn for the Wisdom and clever-fella tricks of survival, but to the Bleck Fellas. At least those who kept the links back to the Traditional ways, or who bothered and managed to retrace their and/or their families steps to the Wise ways.

However, assuming, in the most positive scenario, we do not totally kill all the better sides of whiteys delusion, and the present culture survives beyond fifty years or so, we still will all have a responsibility to get together and work to improve ourselves and our Country.

A responsibility most of us have failed miserably to perform, without doubt, which is precisely why the nation is really, in a pretty disgusting condition.

But sure, most of us have left the evil game of politics to those with the power to silence the opposition, simply because most of us have at least enough savvy to know they are utter utter utter scumbags, and that it's better to leave them to destroy each other, rather than total our own as well.

Perhaps the perfect example in Australia, the perfect storm maybe, is the New South Wales rum club, of the ALP right-faction.

They, in this farcical business of old kings models of government and covert civil war, have managed to reduce any notion of proper governance to the sewerpipes, where we are all washed - yet putridly unclean - away.

But, slowly it has dawned on my mushroom mind, that much of the tyranny of NSW has itself been the fight against very evil right-wing foreign forces, mainly the old British East India Company, rebranded about 100 years ago, as the International Monetary Fund - IMF.

As with old Eurape, once fighting within itself, tribal Kings against tribal Kings against cult Popes against Princes against Queens and all manner of other queers, Barons and Chancellors, etc., NSW's and Australia's opposing entities, represented for many decades by the antecedents of today's Labor and Liberal parties, soon enough were drawn into the same barrel, under the overarching offshore control of the melded Brit-Eurapean power-brokers of the IMF and the International Labor Organisation, the ILO.

So today, in especially Sinny, we have two apparent parties constantly at war with each other, (not forgetting the forgettable National party), in state parliament, in constant contention for the leadership seats to steer all of NSW in the race to the bottom.

We-ell...! Aren't THEY a CLEVER bunch?


I think I saw something saying there are 151 days to the NSW state election. About 5 months.

With the rats of the rum club jumping Labor's ship faster than they could race up a drainpipe, pre-their certain 2011 election obliteration, I expect Labor is praying, all goowee-ed Catholics as are they are, that the 'new blood' will save them?

Hohohoho, and a hohohoho - HO!

I do think that Sinny's Labor has aborted itself with it's utterly reprehensible behaviour of the last 2 years, 2 decades, 2 CENTURIES. So methinks “...nothing will save them....”

But, as said, they are but one side of the same IMF/ILO, OFFSHORE coin, with the 'conservative' me-first Liberal/National smileys the other.

Which claims the head, and which deserves the tail, is open to dispute.

So, as has been suggested in today's media, and something near to what I predicted soon after the federal Independents' gave federal government to the Labor-Greens Co-op, expressions by some current NSW Inde's, have been made about a post 2011 state election informal, I guess, club of NSW Independents coming on mixed-race chargers to save the state from falling right off the radar.

I don't suggest there, with “mixed-race” that they have plans of Aboriginal candidates.

However, that IS what I want to explore and encourage, especially in the old whore of NEW SOUTH FAILS.

222 years after the invasion, horror upon horror waging genocide against these Immortals, they are STILL HERE, and slowly-slowly, some proportion enough of the Honorable Bleck Fella have made it through the mesh to even be accepted into the mainstream of white Astrayliarn society.

Yeah, and “All Strength to their thighs and footy-foot” (“FEET” as most of them are likely ambidextrous), a lot of them climbed the ladder of white respect through sport. And.., another craw in MY foot, that has mostly been through the private church schools, who 'select' potentials, showering them with favor and opportunities most Bleck Fellas don't even bother dreaming about.

Along with the sporty ones, others quietly go through the system and some of them make it through university, with degrees and such after.


But most from the outer Cosmos of the Bleck Fella, know that means not a lot in terms of getting savvy about survival in whitearselandenenen, but that it helps a lot, for making a dent in the general well-being of the Land's Rightful Owners, in the longer term.

As NSW is in some tenuous situation, regarding the state of it's parliament, I reckon it's about time for a few Aborigines to get the Tribe together and sort out a few Candidates for the next NSW election.

With the old kings' models of OVER THERE fast waning, exposed as passed their use-by date, and known to be a serious threat to life on Earth if they are allowed to remain uncontested, surely, what with the progress in and by the Aborigines here, I KNOW there's more than a few of them with more than 'the Goods' to stand for election in their electorates.

I guess, the only thing is that they most all know the game in Sinny is all a load of moomba (?), so want nothing to do with the big game in MacQuarrie Street.

And, going it alone, already somewhat behind the eight-ball, would be extremely difficult for Aborigines in NSW, I feel sure.

But, as I have suggested over the last year or two, Aborigines DO have Natural Allies in the whiteskin world, in the Greens.

I know that underneath, there are several 'issues' getting in the way, which possibly float around that undeniable, unresolved issue of Land Rights, because a lot of Greens are from the upper classes who won their economic status through that dirty business of land speculation, upon which Sinny has grown since MacArthur's first assault on January 26th 1808, on Governor Bligh's most Proper Land and Revenue Laws.

However, as the old regimes may be beginning to faulter, those of us, Green, Bleck (and Red), who consider the well being of their kids and future generations beyond the next mortgage and private school-fee payment, might be inspired, if not to encourage potential Bleck Fellas to join force with the Greens, then perhaps they can 'Group-up' and put-in with the couple of NSW political Alternatives, be they Greens or Independents?

Rural NSW seems to me, to NOT be overly advanced in terms of race-relations, but time keeps moving, as do those old stereotypes of racism and the unwarranted bigotry which has consumed too much of all our minds, hearts and Souls.

Trying to eradicate racism in NSW, and any other state, is a near impossible dream, especially while we are snowed under by the demented attitudes clung to by the bigger farmers, and those who depend on their favour just to keep food on the table, as it were, and inclusion in their local community.

I can fully understand how rotten the thought must be, of being shunned by your mates at your local pub etc., in the bush, because you have thought about these shithouse, unjust race issues, and thus would say something for a more tolerant and even Just society, especially along land rights lines and the right for the Bleck Owners to occupy THEIR land? At least perhaps run a farm?

Exile by your own friends out there can make suicide the only option, if that region is all you've ever known.

But, I think we all know that these bad cultural attitudes are forced on all by the deeply and terminally corrupt state governments. Governments and parliaments which are on the decline.

This, therefore, opens the way for a change for the better.

Without change, things and society stagnate, and nobody ends winners.

So, as the 'intervention' in the Northern Territory remains, and officially is only in the NT, we all know something of the same racism against a Wise and Beautiful People exists across the Land.

Most of us, perhaps more the younger members of Australian society, also know that the Bleck Fella is, if nothing else endowed with a brilliant sense of humour, and a whit quicker than most, and, that they do NOT lag in terms of Intellect, and Wisdom.

While the houses of parliament are dominated by white, essentially conservative representatives, so up-themselves the Bleck Issues don't even rate, nothing Good will happen out there on the rural streets and farmlands and in schools etc etc., for the whites of the future or the Blecks.

So, can I urge Aussies with a brain, to simply read-up a bit on the issues effecting both the rural districts, such as farming reforms away from the deadly broad-acre models, and cattle (luv-a-steak tho'!), and, at a stretch, consider co-operative farms, where a bunch of you knuckle down and nut-out a, some system where everyone is employed with healthy work, and secure in a house, one of 5, 10 or so on a piece of land owned by all of you.

Dream-on, aye!

Bank managers shudder at the thought of a Just land tenure structure, and the concept of Collective Ownership.

And councils seem stubbornly stuck on one family one farm models, mostly because once, the banks, offshore banks, controlled the traps and the military to enforce these unhealthy land distribution systems.

And they were represented in our parliaments by the politicians of either and both sides of the same British coin.

If Labor NSW crashes and burns to dust in 151 days, few in NSW will weep for them.

But, as far as the offshore tyrants in Buck Palace and Sutherland Shire in Scotland et al are concerned, it'll still be smooth sailing as usual here, if the current conservative Liberal/Nationals opposition resume the chair.

So, with some 5 months to go, it's time enough for NSW folk, White, Bleck, and in between, with hearts and minds, to resurrect the Souls they had to bury under utterly evil corrupt laws and traditions, and make a difference for the sake of all of us.

From what I see of Australia, SERIOUS change in Sinny, in politics and Aboriginal and Green Representation, not forgetting the SERIOUS NSW Independents, is the most effective way to get rid of the heinous and hugely in-the-end, insane bigotry of that Howardian racist 'intervention' in the Northern Territoreee!

Positive Corrections in Sinny will have the Greatest, most Positive 'flow-on effects' right around the Land, and well beyond a few election cycles.

All Praise The Immortals, The Australian Aborigine!

End, Take Two!


From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
