
Telstra will have to cut jobs.


Telstra will have to cut jobs.

Years ago I heard about the extra-cheap internet telephone service called 'Skype', and when I finally got a laptop and wireless broadband, subscribed.

It is a very good service, at an extremely good price!

And a HOORAY! To that, many say!

The only I have reservations about Skype, is that it is owned and based in Eurape's Luxembourg.

Nothing too much against that Fiefdom, more just that there appears to NOT be an equivalent company and service in Australia.

Surely there are no barriers for someone in Australia, preferably a government-funded company, to start here, outside of the tyrannical subvert-subvert-subvert mentality of.... THE IMF?

Nevertheless, it struck me months ago that telcos such as Telstra, Optus, Vodaphone et al, cannot possibly maintain their businesses and ruthless profiteering (Telstra???) with such legitimate and economical internet telephonic companies available as alternatives to the corporate-based 'rip-'em-off-when-and-wherever-we-can' telephony models, if cheap, online telephony pathways, such as Skype, Aussie-owned or not, grow in popularity?

So, having just read the headline “Telstra to axe 950 jobs” (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/10/28/3050716.htm), Telstra and the likes, cannot hope to retain their share of the telephony market, and so will have to cut jobs.

Reading the news article, which said Telstra will be slimming-down for a more efficient decision and management system, etc., with some 6,000 jobs cut over the next 3 years, perhaps the Telstra war-office has been reading tea-leaves, as well as noticing already, a significant and expected-growth in customers deserting it for the Skype internet model?

If Skype IS having already an effect on Telstra, it will be the same across all telcos.

If so, are we witnessing the demise and death of those profit-centred, and not-very-customer/user-friendly services?

For the fact that they, Telstra, in years passed, have been infiltrated, undermined and illegally used by more than just Australia's 'secret services', and through their demonic behaviour have drained me of a lot of money, I hope so!

And..., I'm CERTAIN, many many, many many other Australians will concur!

Such illegal interferences and monitoring of people's private and business affairs is only ever brought about because the monitors are paid and commissioned to keep tabs on those of us, Outlaws, who rail AGAINST the dominant corruption, as run by the 'new world order' of OFFSHORE scumbags who thrive and profit from corruption.

Were the world NOT a den of super-rich thieves, who the vast majority are forced to serve, and the world was possessed of some sanity, run by Wise Elders and not the ruthless rich, we would not need secret services who work more for big oil, big pharma, big real estate, big weapons, etc etc etc.

But that's me running off at the keyboard AGAIN!!

ALAS! A new disease!

Keyboardhititis! Where a sufferer cannot stop hitting the keys like a fanatic!

Nevertheless, back to telephony....

As I writ above.... Surely there are no barriers for someone, preferably a government-funded company, to start here (in Astrayliar)?

It would not appear, from this tree-hugger's outpost, to be beyond a small group of Aussie Geeks, Nurds, and an AUSTRALIAN media mogul, to configure the technology, software and business-plan, for AN AUSTRALIAN OWNED cheap internet telephone service.

That no-one here has yet, shows how fucking lazy and un-entrepreneurial we are.

Do we thank the NSW (IMF) rum club(s) for this tragic and unAustralian state-of-affairs?


Perhaps this idea, along with most business ventures and beginnings, belongs to the federal government to put out tenders for?

Telstra, to-be-sure, would die jumping-up-and-down against government doing so, but since the tyrannical Howard government sold Telstra down-the-shithole, to the demons of offshore thieves, Telstra has been slowly dying anyway.

Like it's share-price, shares flogged to gullible, if-not-Patriotic Aussie investors!

Good on yer John!

And on...., technology and all-things-internet....?

It seems to me to be almost conspiratorial (Nah! NE-VAH!!!), that the vast majority of computer and software specialists, nurds, geeks, techies, etc., get their 'in' to that field of making an easy squillion, and thus to having the unfair advantage over the majority, mainly from government schools, in being able to sell, service, maintain and update computer and electronic equipment hardware and soft, through the private church school cabal?

This is about as democratic and egalitarian as our steeply lopsided agriculture, or FARMING industry, where the whole nation is as-much, held-to-ransom by the 3-or-so% of us who are farmers!

(AND THE LATEST NEWS IS, we have become a nation which IMPORTS more food than we EXPORT!!!)


(Argh! The virtues of CRAPITALISM!!!)

The 'specialist imbalance' is great for the lucky ones whose parents slogged away in real estate or such, selling the farm and all integrity to afford to put their babies through an upclub, 'brudderbond-type' private church school, but as with farming, the imbalance grows way out of proportion and we are left with the majority (unable to grow their own tucker, and) in technology, unable to fix most-often the simplest of problems of our ever-increasing dependence on electronicalismssssz.

Our waste repositories, the rubbish tips, are as a consequence, overflowing with electronic junk, most of which is classified as junk because one teensie-weensie little component has blown.

NOTHING to do with it being DESIGNED to blow after a very short lifespan?



In an Intelligent Community, there'd be at least a few home-handifolk, no more than a short walk away, with the insight and knowhow to fix 90%-PLUS of the electronic stuff of the neighbours, when it puffs smoke, or just won't boot-up.

As it is, if one's camcorder, computer, TV-toaster-washing machine-coffee-maker-CD-player, or mobile phoney laughs at you, the item has to be sent to some far-away service centre, always in your nearest major city, and usually planted nowhere near public transport.

The cost to the consumer in time, transportation, fuel, deprivation of something to lose-yourself-in, REPAIRS, and the always there extra-expenses, really does have a part to play in making all of us more inefficient, frustrated, and ready to explode in the next traffic jam.

Argh! The virtues of CRAPITALISM!

Thanks, your friendly 'new world disorder'!

Then, once you've lost it and bashed the wife, kids, neighbour, pizza-boy and anyone else within range, the psyche-services OH! SSSSSpecialists trained in OH! Some clubby, secretive and fundamentally evil private church school, are on your doorstep saying “we're here to help you!”


Just the same as the covens who fund and support our farmers (HAHAHAHAHA!!!) specialist industries and slavish concepts of 'a job' etcetcetcetc!?

So..., were the federal government on the ball, they'd get a head-start in technology, electronic communications and equipment by introducing across all GOVERNMENT Schools, courses from early years, in electronics and allied fields, teaching kids how to maintain and employ their modern equipment for fun and an income.

And..., they'd do well to put a bit aside for an inquiry into tomorrow's telephony needs and growth, away from the rude, profiteering telco corporate models.

'Old kings models' of keeping the masses poor by dumbing-down education.

This, internet telephone pathway, as-it-happens, would seem to support the ALP/Greens government's 'National Broadband Network' NBN.

But, oooh? We're a bit too soft, to ware THAT! Aye, Tiny Habit and Malturn the Bull?

'Argh? HELLO!'

'Oh..., @#$%^&*! It's dropped-out-jammed-shit-itself-fried-a-circuit AGAIN!!!?'

Ummm..., it's the SWITCH we need.

As the internet has just gone real slow, I guess it has to be said, that nothing in this piece, nor in my thinks-cabinet, really has anything against Telstra, (ASIO? That's another matter!) It is merely pointing out the inevitable, in terms of the direction telephony is going.

I suppose it would be kinda sad that Telstra and the other services could crash due to new technology, but hey! That's Life-on-the-wire!

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
