
The Trouble with Free Speech!


The trouble with 'free speech', is that we get maddies like me voicing opinions which are NOT always supported by FACTS!

Free speech in our fraudulent free market ensures that the ones with the most money get the loudest broadcasting rights, as-it-were.

So, for good or ill, right or wrong, we end up with people like today's clearly psychotic players, owning the most pervasive media houses, empires and global cabals, making their pile from spreading bullshit (VERY profitable, is 'bullshit', say what Rupert and wee Jimmie?), NOT supported by genuine evidence, science, knowledge and O-NO! Wisdom.

Of course free speech and the free market (NOT!) are very awkward conundrums.

Whenever one brave Soul makes the effort to get to the bottom of a social or cultural, political and today, an environmental problem, someone else is always there, waiting, as-if in the ether, ready to appear as if A MIRACLE, and stick their nose in to denounce the brave one's evidence, etc.

Usually, the objectionist voices are filtered out from the majority, who aren't possessed of the eloquence and rhetorical, debating skills to hold their own, or the subversive's, in an argument.

Usually in-the-end, the 'voice' everyone gets to hear, has been trained in a private school, so comes equipped with bags-full of all the tricks and 'charisma' the churches have honed over centuries, to make their ideas sound Wise and True.

By the time any lobby group, consultancy, corporate agenda-setters and professional multinational subversives gets their opinions on air, the minor issue of Talking True, talking facts, has been pushed far into the background, drowned by the verbose garbage such as we hear pouring from the mouths of our most professional bullshit artists in the federal and state parliaments.

With 'sperters like our federal drOpposition mouthing-off against ANY government policy or Bill just to noise-us so we know they're there, the government are forced down to the same level of rhetorical spin, to suit the media cartels and their IMF and Jewish mining magnates' agendas.

And ANY Humble, Honest-thus-Honorable admission by government that there is an error in some aspect of policy, that needs to be AND CAN BE economically fixed, only wins maximum media SENSATIONALISM and howling dog woofwoof from the drOppo's on the other side of the drink's cabinet!

GREAT media though!

Expressly juvenile Tony Abbott!

Malcolm Turnbull!

Jockey Ho!


And of course, the medium through which they get into the average punters' minds and therefore voting and spend-spend-spending trends, the media, excel in keeping the FACTS well out of the argument, once the media boss's puppy editors have been over the text, and twisted the FACTS round, upside-over-in-and-backward just as the board room want to read-hear-watch it.

A lot more than 'echoes' of Orwell's 'Ministry of Truth', to-be-sure, maytes!

So any Merit in those concepts of 'freedom of speech', and the 'free market' is itself diluted and turned upside-over-in-and-backward, and is at-once the first thing the tyrants who own the media presses, transmission frequency allocation, and broadcasting technology run to, edited to their banker's suit, when someone brings the issue of the Veracity of one opinion or another out into... 'the open'.

BRAVO! WikiLeaks!

Such realities indict our societies as being wholly corrupted and quite possibly on an irreversible downward slopetrend, into the devil's shithole.

Some........................., would say that we are already there?

Listening, for lack of a motorbike to tinker-with and ride into the sunset, to our media, and the horror movies of on-the-hour-news, and, perhaps with at least a little bit of Intellect, enough to discern between falsity and fact, I am utterly digUSTed at the subterranean lack of quality, of reason, level of fictions and enormously WRONG, essentially self-centred opinions which are broadcast gushing forth from mouths of absolute idiots, who are obviously genetically debilitated, (fetal-alchoholics?) thus unable to think, process information, evidence, facts, knowledge and the sum-total results.

And worse, these are not lone voices champing-at-the-bit for being hard-done-by (like mememe!), or who have good reason to bitch about giving the genuinely hard-done-by a 'fair go' (once something integral in being an Aussie! CLEARLY, that was also a myth!), these mouths of unreason shout from within whole communities who think and spew the same crap!

Argh! The blessings of 'free speech'!

It is evident, beyond doubt, that Australia has already made it down the chute to the Devil's shithole, if these mentally ill (mentally evil) imbeciles and those who profit from letting them speak-shout-terrorise our minds with shit, are so loud and pervading as to stymie egalitarian, compassionate and even Wise government policies and attempts to ease the burden of life-on-the-downward-slope!

So the same slander - libel - is applied by my keyboard, (NOT ME-E-E!?!?! NO-O-O!!!!) to the federal drOpposition and their treasonable untruths and BLINDINGLY fucked unreason about our most crucial issues - the Murray Darling Basin's water ISSUES, the issue of desperate overseas refugees who, like myself and a few hundred thousand Aussie Aborigines, cannot by any accepted official means, get away from the tyrants of their homelands (why we drunk-drunk-drunk-drunk!), climate change, species depletion and humanity's part in accelerating it-thus-US to oblivion, mining corporations - OFFSHORE mining corporations..., getting away with theft of OUR WEALTH on the most heinous scales, all underpinned by the outright EVIL manipulation of THE FACTS regarding how best to dispel the problems, cure us of our mental, intellectual maladies, introduce REAL-Ethik to the national heart, and so, prevent any further downward slopetrend fastrak to-and-throo tha rectum.

As the demonicly hypnotised fools who purport to represent some 48-point-95254% of the voting pubic (TYPO!!!), our federal doOpposition MHR's and Senators, are all, to-a-girl, masturbating-with-wide-grins, with each barrow-load of cahka making it in and out again of Murdoch's media slurpies, complete with sharpened spears and sultry blonds to unsettle then woo us back to mindless visual fluff, our Prime Minister and her Cabiney-Sausages are locked in defend-defend-defend mode, and cannot employ the reason they rely-on to stay sane amidst the trenches of Gallipoli-type FOREIGN warzones we call Australia's - Astrayliar's POLITICS AND MEDIA!

Who - is it a 'who'? - is to blame???

Obviously Rome's ABC are all paid-off by the Zionist Theosophiks to just accept it all with a grain of silver-or-30 and another bottle of your best, OR ELSE WE'LL MAKE MASHED SPUDARTO OF EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIVES, and you WON'T go to Heaven!

Murdoch's talking-head mobsters are so far up the Murdocherer's tube that they have forgotten - did they, via their church-school education, ever KNOW - the meaning of Living with a bit, even just a BIT of, Honor and Integrity, in their condos and rural estates?

And what are we to expect from Jimmie-the-buff Packer's recoitus into Ten's media caverns?

When we 'link' in the ether, I gets the 'she'll be right mate' feeling from him, as if he's BACK.., to make a better go of this shithole's media circus?

I DO like him, for all his business-pardners. Never struck me or his Dad as being overdosed with the stuff of Wisdom etc., but one thing I am not allowed, by the gods of the gods, to do, is expect a strapping Aussie rugby-player to stay on the corruption-ball forever.

Being his Dad's billionaire, anything's possible, and I know he unnerstands where I'm comin' from, when I overuse this duplicitously abused conundrum called 'free speech'. I reckon he even has a good hearty laugh when I scribe these sort of twisters...?

Maybe he's our media messiah?

Buddha knows..., we NEED one!

But, without me mounting my big Bleck horse, and riding the REAL terrorists of the day's political class out of Canberra, and Sin city - Syney (TYPO!) - to the north-east, Tiny Habit and the Malturned Bull along with the Jockey Ho, not forgetting the ever-schoolboy-sounding, giggling and Harry Pottering Chrissy Pyne-o-so-cleeen, and to show how egalitarian I, I, I, AM, the seriously more advanced cranial-fill Greg Hunt, will be told by the poms, both in Westminster and little South Australian towns who HATE 'Ref's', and their Scorttish and Netherlandenenen wine-drinking mates, to keep the BULLSHIT up-up-UP, and the whole nation, not just the Bleck Immortals, will be pushed ever-down to Poohsville.

AND to rub-it-IN! We've got ex-tyrant Johnette Howhard (could it get?) prancing his gobbledeegook AGAIN on HIS-THEIRS-NOT-OURS ABC soon, with every left-o-we're RIGHT-wing NO-OW radio and TV hack-dressed-up-as-doyens (Mista Kerry O'Brien, Damo, Critto, and a few others excepted) ready to lick his glitter!?

So..., libellous laughs aside, how does we reduce the crap, especially in the big house (Pentridge's been shut-down, Brothers!) in Canberra et al, and across the bureaus of censorship we call 'news media'?


Being allowed to dreeeeem...., I'd say the ELECTED government in Can'tberrya-much-anymore, should deconstruct-and-dispel Murdoch's Brettonwood's grip on broadcasting rights, so that any Community, Village, rural or suburban township of over 49 adult-and-teenage residents can simply collect 49 signatures, and wander to their nearest Council chambers for a written Title of their Sovereign RIGHT to put-out a news and information, education and learning hi-tech radio-and-or-internet-TV 8/5, 10/5, 18/5 or 24/7 station.

Of course, it would only be right to make available some level of techno-equipment and training to help them up? (If India can produce and retail laptop computers for under $50, then no-one can tell me radio and even TV broadcasting electrikery stuff is all beyond a Local Communitys' reach!?)

Nobody today is fooled..., well...., aside from a few small towns in luscious rural real estate districts.., about the tyranny behind the current restrictions on 'free speech' a la via electronic and print media consortia blackmailing our-THEIR politrixsters.

While Mud-rock (TYPO!) Murdoch and offshore bover-boys-wiff-bombs based in strategic sites like Zionist Oxford, Madras and Israel, use their unqualified power to BLACKMAIL us into staying dumb-AND-loud, avoiding the REALLY REALImportant Issues of, say, LAND REFORM, GLOBAL and LOCAL Land Reform, the crucifying of religions-on-real-estate-speculation-and-tax-avoidance, TAX REFORM, legalised heroin and marijuana, the Australian Republic, and DEATH TO THE IMF, the little towns who can't seem to get a brain-with-a-voice, will keep us all on target for an all-encompassing meltdown like nobody's EVER seen.

Satan Mary's IT'S A MIRACLE won't help us much, I can promise you that.

But the crapitalist-speculators of Penola SA will get even more spoiled-dumb from the pilgrimage tourrorism trade coming their way from a blind-and-clucky coven somewhere.

Here's an idea PM Julia!

Whack a Detention Centre for Asylum Seekers in PENOLA!

That'll test their 'faith' and any of Satan Mary's benevolence!

As WELL! They'd have a CAPTIVE AUDIENCE to ply with their Chrusty dogma, promising miraculous freedom if they drop any Wisdom (from Hinduism or Sri Lankanism or Islam) and corrupt their Souls wiff some of the Poop's blessed bullshit!

I'm sure they'd twist some levers in the halls of upclub realty to give them a slice of our Bleck Fellas' world's-envy dirt!

Yeah...! That's the trouble with 'free speech'?

THE FACTS just keep getting' in th' way......

In the Devil's shithole, no-one's game-or-able.., to Speak the Truth.

And there we have it!


We're there, Astrayliar!

Thank-you Rupert.....

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
