
Queensland Floods - 200 years of insane farming practices?


Queensland Floods - 200 years of insane farming practices?


Having spent some years hammering Australian farmers for their acquiescence to bad farming traditions, as imported from Britain and Eurape, I don't hesitate to offer my sympathies to any who have suffered because of the floods.

But more, I feel for all of us who have had to acquiesce to the erroneous pressures placed upon us by the offshore banks and their utterly corrupt land distribution laws.

If we were our own masters, surely we have the sense enough to institute Proper Land Distribution Laws?

Land distribution laws which, using all the most appropriate modern technology, would map where new towns and villages are located, out of harm's way, as-it-were, of natural weather events and cycles.

Even major cities.

However, the root cause for these latest storm surges and massive downpours really has been unsuitable farming or agricultural practices, began when whitey first moved-in.

The unrestrained and unwise decimation of the natural environment - mountains, hills, forests, rivers, even the desert plains, for mining, cattle and sheep pasture and broad-acre monocrops, has brought these erratic and damaging weather events.

The worse-case scenario would see this as lasting from here until the end of time, so-to-speak.

However, if these 'tempests' we've experienced over recent months-indeed years has awoken for natural or for supernatural causes, it can easily be accepted that there is a recognition, either in the Human species or in the Natural and Spiritual realms, that drastic action has to be enacted in order to be a 'circuit-breaker', to give the culture-crims a jolt, to reassess their values.

The 'culture-crims' being those so disconnected from any natural reality that they either forget or callously ignore the vital balance needed between 'beast and environment', and blindly go forth destroying the natural spread of vegetation and it's in-partners, the native insect, critter and animal inhabitants.

With these foreign and clearly most unsuitable agricultural practices brought to Australia, came bad population distribution designs.

Born of the days' limited knowledge, but more of a twisted elite's ideology of the 18th and 19th centuries, but now with much larger populations, dangerously out-of-date.

Added to that, in light of the changing climactic conditions, Wisdom would, in the ideal scenario, put that 'land redistribution is vital', from here forward.

Unfortunately, the controlling powers, the IMF et al, have quite different designs on Australia's rural and agricultural regions.

This is one reason why Australians are 'lured' to live by the coastline, and the 'interior' is being kept as unpopulated as they, the IMF and, AND, the Brit-Euro-based ILO (International Labor Organisation, as best as I can determine, the global opposition to the IMF) can orchestrate.

I'm reminded of one of my supposed elite ancestors from Scotland, an 'Earl' of Clan Sutherland, who in the 18th century began the infamous 'Scottish land clearances'.

In this, he, being the head of the Clan, forcefully removed all his own wider family from their age-old Homelands, where they'd lived in an agrarian way for centuries. They were forced to move to OH! the coastlines of Scotland, and for the sake of a feed and to be productive were ordered to begin establishing a fishing industry.

Today, the descendants of those early Scottish fishermen lead the world in decimating the oceans of it's marine life, once more, so that the richer peoples can enjoy a variety of seafood at their upclub dinner tables.

But Sutherland's initial reason for removing his own peoples from the land, was essentially so he and his uptop cronies could capitalise on breeding sheep for a fast expanding meat market.

'Land Speculation', in other words.

The well-being of his Clan came second to his vision of the future, and the growing need to make both the land and the people more productive. And he and his elite mates, excessively rich, on the backs of his own people. Not that they weren't already, but greed does that!


As the tempest is loose across the planet, all nations are being effected by wild storms, floods and fires, etc etc.

In the news of the last fortnightly cycle, are devastating floods in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Australia.

Indeedy, Australia currently is either enduring severe storms and floods or mopping-up the massive aftermesses from localised 'tempests' across some two-thirds of Queensland, across western Victoria, eastern South Australia and north western Western Australia!

Most of us have seen of course, the heavy weather across Eurape (floods in Germany), the USA, China, and Columbia etc etc.

It's clear to the Honorable, that is those Honest enough to face, admit and speak the Truth, that a new kind of war has erupted globally of late, and the weather is being used in it.

The aforementioned floods for example.

But I've been writing and posting my observations on this exact subject, of 'weather wars', since at least the devastating hurricane Katrina which ruined much of New Orleans in America's Louisiana.

Many lower class and 3rd world Warriors, worldwide, have been awakened to the powers that the global kings and queens and their upper-upper-class tyrants have possessed and abused against us forever.

Faceless and nameless Warriors, nevertheless '...they are legion...' as-the-saying-goes.

Whether or not they take their lead from myself, and have learned how ruthless in fact their 'leaders' have been and seek to remain, and that the uptops of the world regard almost everyone below the 'top 20%' as dross, expendable slaves, the majority of the Human race have come to know full-well that changes to the global economic structures must occur.

Also, with the insight they have acquired of recent years, the many legions see that the powers-that-be are lost in their own webs of deceit, and that the machinery of global power has built in to it subversive programming, such that flaws surface wherever actual and positive corrections are made.

This brings the Outlaw Warrior to see that change from within the 'system' is futile, and that any announcements by the establishment which promise making changes for a better world are double-speak from Orwellian 'ministries of truth', and as soon as they are attempted, some other glitch will arise to thwart progress.

Glitches which suit-well the ruthless masonic corporate agenda, which is why wars have an 'upward' effect on stock markets.

Change must occur.

'Root and branch' Reforms, known, in the debate, in parliament and in powerful groups.

Outlaws Global, now know the corrections all the world needs, and that the elites who claim it as their right to run the world so poorly, so criminally, have to be at least as capable as the rest of us, to discern that further bad land laws and the allied businesses, industries and culture coming because of them, are guarantees of our common and extreme demise.

So, as so many are aware of the causes, and of the weapons deployed by the global elites against Good Government, and as a growing proportion of them are more and more offended by the tyranny running our lives, they are coming to recognise that they have a Duty, and a Righteous Desire to Resist the oppressive laws, so turn to a more Honorable Path of the Outlaw.

Even, often, but yet not often enough, while working inside the belly of the beast.

However, however, all our climactic woes are not alone created by maltreatment of the land and Her resources by the insane elites, or from the Righteous Hearts of the world's disgruntled lower classes.

The British and Eurapean elites are concerned Australia is drawing near to seeking 'Republic' status and independence from their clutches.

Over the last 20 years, there has been an escalation of activity toward making Australia ready for the next wave of British and Eurapean immigration.

Essentially, even today in the upper circles of power, British and Eurapean megalomaniacs and their sycophantic CEOs and upper management residue, there and here, from our darkest era of the 'white Australia policy', remain stubbornly with this agenda, of keeping this ''Land of the Immortals' all for their own breed and upclub kind. Or, for their descendants.

Tourrorism has been key to this preparation, as have been the corporate take-overs of Australian companies and assets by the most powerful Eurapean conglomerates.

Collectively, the IMF.

Indeed, 'tourrorists' tripping around the planet, usually out of Britain and Eurape, on daddy's inheritance from his decades inside one demonic Euro-corp or another, be-it a major bank, real estate, technology or pharmaceutical conglomerate, are the 'fifth column' 'touring' in advance of the inevitable emigration explosion out of Eurape and Britain, expected in the next years, once the Euro, the Eurapean economies and their over-consumptive lifestyles implode.

Already, though happening for decades, there is a rise in residency applications to Australia from Ireland, Scotland, England and most all Euro-nations, as the next wave of 'northern' adults again buy-up the planet, the less tainted corners and pockets of the planet, in readiness to desert their trashed homelands.

'So..., let's go and trash someone else's corner of the Earth, so our progeny(-with-dreadlocks) can be assured of a secure place to bring-up our rich, white, Christian grandkids.

It is not a coincidence that our tourist industry is one of the most profitable here, and one of the biggest economic contributors to our gross domestic product, as well as being the sleaziest way for the northern whiteskins to do their magic on Australia and Australians.

Our dependency on the international 'tourist' dollar, or more, the tourrorist Pound and Euro, has set us up such that we are afraid to be without the rich-white-and-smiley Brit-Eurapean visitors.

So they 'call-the-shots' in terms of what we stock our pitiful tourrorist shops' shelves with, and what type of economy and land-distribution models we adhere to and promote.

Having bribed 'their way' out of us, they are free to call-up their tempest to destroy our own resources and supplies, when we are heard to murmur discontent with the foreign powers-that-be and their inhumanely biased land distribution models.

Land distribution models which are the very cause of the world's present surge of rainstorms, floods, mudslides and excessive loss of life.

Like Gallipoli, the Queensland floods are the British elites trying again to break our 'convict'..., Spirits.

That-is, our antipathy, learned on the Hard Road, to clearly incorrect, unjust, tyrannical LAND laws.

But, far beyond Australia's borders and shores, it is a global war now.

New Orleans and hurricane Katrina, just one example.

One or more hurricanes sent to trash Cuba, more....

Earlier in 2010 a Polish passenger jet crashed, killing it's load of the Polish President, and his high-ranking diplomatic and military entourage.

During a severe storm...?

How many people recognised the terrible rain-storms and floods which lashed Poland and surrounds soon after the air crash, as being nothing but a massive nationwide emotional out-pouring of the grief of the Poles at their loss?

How many attributed the severely high temperatures and huge forest fires which burned through central Russia months after, as Poland's belated reaction, because the Poles were certain that the air crash was orchestrated by Russia?

A few years ago, in London England, as best I remember now, there was a report released publicly which determined that the British-USA agreement to invade Iraq was flawed to the point where criminal charges were in order against the then British PM, Tony Blair, and others 'of high rank'.

News of the release of this report was public some days before the release date, and it was clear to everyone that the British public, mostly fair and reasonable People, were about to react most vociferously and in PROTEST across, at least, London's streets.

But, the weather just happened to intercede with a 'gale-force cold-snap' so bitter that no-one was able to take to the streets and voice or Molotov their objections against the criminal government.

So it goes-on, and grows by the day.

Brazil's new President today is in the news pledging that the mud-slides, which killed some 500 poor people left nowhere but unstable ground to dwell, must be mitigated against in any future housing developments.

But look anywhere on the Earth, and we see innumerable examples of ruthless land distribution models forcing people to settle on dangerous ground.

Tragedy pending!

Brazil! China! Central America! Africa! Even in Eurape itself, millions of People are left no option but to pay-out their savings, or sign their lives away to an evil bank-and-land speculator, for a piece of dirt almost guaranteed to be a disaster-zone sometime soon!

In Australia, Rockhampton AND the third largest city in the nation, Brisbane, mop-up from the last display of really-really-REALLY BAD Land Distribution models and systems of community management!

Workers world over see very clearly the causes of this type of massive social disruption, and the ensuing personal heartbreak.

Nothing short of 'evil' land distribution laws!

And, below the 'workers' on the social and economic scale, the underclasses are as well, very awake to the inordinate discrepancies forced upon us by the tyrannical landlords of the planet.

Once, during the most oppressive epoch of Catholic domination over the new territories and worlds, 'the dark ages' of the last one and a half thousand years, the 'slave' classes were so deprived of their own 'Mojo', 'Fire-in-the-Belly' in Aboriginal lingo, or 'Holy Spirit' of the New Testament, that they could be easily controlled or squashed by the sheriffs' henchmen, and were forced to endure the paucity of Intelligent governance and absence of 'egalitarianism' in the monarch's regime.

Today, things have 'shifted', and so perhaps, has the core of power across all societies.

As said, the many Outlaws, who come now from ALL classes, see clearly that the uptop, upclub of upemselves ponses have NO intention of making straight the road, so that the Just Majority can walk it.

So, rejecting the false doctrine and orders from the pitiful constabularies, they are acting to ReBalance the world, with all their Hearts, Minds, Souls and Might.

All Praise the Tempest!

Not only that! The many, the 'legion' are in many ways 'coming together' against the common enemy - the upper classes.

But, armed with more knowledge than ever, they now know the extent of crimes the upclubsters are guilty of, and that those crimes, essentially of over-consumption, are the most threatening to everyone, especially of the future.

But, what can anyone do?

We all see examples of high-minded goody-goodies tripping-off around the globe to work in a 3rd world nation, paid-for by one 'NGO' or another.

We all know these apparently selfless trippers are really just over there to enhance their Curricula-Vitae, their resume or 'employment history' for their next step up the upper-class corporate or church-based institution ladder.

We are also learning that even the most highly regarded and promoted and propagandised 'institutions' such as the Red Cross, are in fact some of the darkest on Earth, acting like the tourrorists as 'fifth columns' into foreign lands to appear to serve the suffering locals, but at-once, behind closed doors are informing the secret services and 1st world corporations where the strengths and weaknesses are locally, so the corporations' agents, usually a collective of main nation's spies, can go to and do their dirty business. Dirty business of subverting any stable community and economy, splitting the people eventually into warring factions.

These church-educated 'scum' travelling the globe with open 'licences to kill', work like 'gizz-brained' hypnotised morons to set-up a conflict here or there, and can raise the tension so, that it often only takes one sly comment from them to begin a civil war, and, eventually, an invasion by UN or other so-called 'Peace-Keeping forces'.

Meanwhile behind the mediated news stories, the profit-by-plunder multinational corporations (think; Halliburton', 'Rinca', 'Rio Tinto', 'BP', 'Shell', 'Texaco', 'Fox media', etc etc) have organised ahead of time, contracts to race in with their heavy-machinery and further decimate the population, their Souls, the infrastructure and the terrain for their own totally-illegitimate gain.

All doing nothing but contributing to the general destruction of the planet!

What....., can a poor bloke do?

What......, can a majority of 'poor blokes' do?

Much more than just 'acting-out' by deploying their superior powers against one idiot enemy or another, nor even against one evil corporation or another, or their malignant policing drones, they can now Unite as never before and together wreck absolutely everything that's accepted as 'cool' by the ignorant mainstream of the richest nations and regions.

Queensland's floods, while sent down on the white class of fools by Grass-Roots Warrior and Brit-Euro elites alike, are a display of what is possible, while we, the white, Christian upclubfukkas make no genuine effort to correct our terminal over-consumptive habits and lifestyles.

Over the last five or so years, down-here-down-under, our Labor party has tried to make genuine and significant corrections to the underlying problems and incorrect laws.

But oh-hoho, nearly each time, the aliens of the extreme right-wing Zionist IMF have marched-in and turned things on their head.

Good on you, Rupert and James Murdoch, and covens!

Good on you, QE2 and your relo's here, with eyes set on claiming and speculating on major portions of Australia's soils!

At, once more, the expense of Indigenous AND native Australians!

So..., what will it take for our governments, local, state and federal, to get off the fast-track to environmental and community ruin of IMF/ILO policies and media?


40 days and 40 nights??

400 days and 400 nights???

Even just here in Australia, there are more than enough Aussies who are completely fed-up with the political deadlock almost EVERY nation on Earth is suffering.

Elsewhere, same-same.

Underneath all the petty-charges laid against petty-criminals, wherever, there looms a thunder so powerful, so frightening that no amount of wealth or police and military forces will protect those from the 'political classes' who do not correct their habits.

When you've got nothing to lose....., all you have left, is to Fight The Just Fight, to level the playing field, either for yourself, or for others to come.

To those who are so stupefied as to think that Jesus is coming back to let you keep your precious little delusions, think again!

What IS coming back.., is THE LAW!

So...., Obey! Obey!

Or the REALTempest will wash you all away!

So the Call goes out to those with ears with which to LISTEN and to HEAR, to begin to redesign your towns, villages and cities such that you will be ensuring future mitigation of weather event outfalls.

LAND REFORM is the only way to make those crooked utterly corrupted roads we call 'land laws' Straight, Proper, Correct and thus perpetually enduring for all.

Fail in this very arena, Premiers Bligh, Keneally, Bailleau, et al, and in Canberra ON BOTH SIDES OF THE HOUSE, and there will be nothing left for you to govern but very soggy carnage and disaster.

Forget the fucking IMF and the ILO!

It is far past time we set course on our own!

However, fear not the future!

For world-around we have Allies Stronger, Wiser and more Trustworthy than any before, in all regions and on all continents.

Allies who are long and well awake to the errant beliefs and delusions of grandeur of the monarchist 'north'.

Allies who will side with any nation which leaps out of the box of political and economic containment, as imposed on the globe by the ruthless and quite insane northern banks and drugs-dealers.

The hubris of the north has been expended and has no option now but to withdraw.

If there is ANY Intelligence extant within the halls of influence, aka Britain, Eurape and their top-heavy monarchic ivory towers officing the IMF et al, they will see the writing on the walls, and the future prospects if they cannot climb down from their penthouse apartments of excessive pride, with at last, some Honorable-THAT-IS-Honest Humility.

Now..., it is possible to destroy the larger part of all the world's food supplies in mere months.

How long will any police or military force be interested in defending the indefensible elites, if this were to be effected?

This week Queenslanders experienced the horror of EMPTY SUPERMARKET SHELVES!?!?!

At this juncture, easily refilled, for sure.

A nerve-tingling example nevertheless, of what IS possible, should further rains come and persist.

So, all politicians, here and abroad, 'TAKE HEED' I say.

All of you know which Policies are being called for. As well, the smarter of you know well what is required for their being enshrined into our national charters and constitutions.

While there is a widespread call for a 'world leader' to stand forth and take the reins, this is a long-fabricated unreality. And, a very dangerous one!

That person, were they even an actual reality, would see well the traps therein, and that such a position of power is the most dangerous 'poison chalice', not to mention being a position they should avoid at all costs, purely and correctly for it being THE classic case of 'power corrupts, and absolute power, corrupts absolutely!'

Too much power!

Therefore, that person, from whatever dynastic lineage, would go nowhere near the halls of power.

Instead, they would 'retreat' as-it-were, to an anonymous locale, and attempt their own concepts of what makes for a Wise, Intelligent and Honorable Community.

They, regarded rightly or otherwise as the Wisest, would see the fatal flaws in the current genre of culture, especially of the western, Judeo-Christian concepts, and would see that making the necessary corrections to any part of the mainstream is doomed before plans even begin.

As well, they would divine that there has to be real and practical limits to any individual having too much power over others, and over the Land other people need to survive and grow.

This, is precisely why the notion of Democracy exists.

But a ''Democracy' far advanced from what we are told we have today!

Perhaps the Best and Purist Exponents of any True Democracy are Australia's Aborigine?

It is, for the rest of us, our First Priority to learn about how the Bleck Fellas have done it since they kicked out the fabled 'Adam and Eve' from the Garden of Wisdom, way back at 'the fall'!

On another front, which adds weight to the need for and Rectitude of all Righteous Warriors arming themselves with Weapons of the Gods, the near-tragic shooting of the US politician Gabriel Giffords in Tucson Arizona USA, shows us that we are worldwide in a crisis, in danger of exploding beyond control.

Whether the assailant was 'mentally ill' or not, this shows that the 300, 400 year, or longer political model is not working, and that something drastic has to be effected, if we are to reverse our demise.

To take out of the equation, the bottomline need for anyone to resort to criminal behaviour, by ensuring them properly, Scientifically-assessed security of land tenure, and the unassailable Right to enough Land, and Community assistance, to grow their own food, is to do the most pressing 'Right Thing'.

To fail to take heed, and to not disempower the totally unjustifiable real estate land speculation escapade, is to bring down the Wrath of the Gods, Who am All of Us!

In the long run, at the end of the day, when it comes down to it, when it's all boiled-down, it is, for all nation's politicians and elites, far more Intelligent, Wise and Honorable, to effect Fundamental Land Reforms GLOBALLY!

Forthwith..., from here forward...., PRONTO!

Who votes to wash away Canberra???

Where's the HQ of the IMF???

Just, be careful, o-yee-of-tiny (speculative) habits, what you wish for.......

Let's give 'em until January 26th!

Australia Day!

'Invasion Day' to the True Fellas!

(Apologies for not going to the issues atop my last blogpost which I said I would address.

Life is so busy in a travelling 4x4 tent!)

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
