
World News from King Commo!


World News
King Commo
aka Omaxa bin Eartha

Sudan split. Coptic & Middle-Eastern Christians. Global economy, looming depression. Worldwide weather events. China's military build-up. North Korea calls for better relations with South Korea.

Is a global leader the answer to the world's woes?

To answer the last, first:

Personally, I don't believe so.

Especially for the world's Christians, there is something vital they ALL must humble themselves to realise.

That is that the only reason Christians believe that a world leader, aka a world savior, is necessary, is because you have all had your own Spiritual empowerment, your Spiritual Enlightenment stolen from you.

Surely, the original cult from which the Roman Christian churches grew, 'Judaism', as they admit in 'Genesis', the first book of the 'Old Testament', had lost 'the Way' as the 'East' might put it, way back at 'the Fall'.

The story goes that they were booted-out from the Bliss of the Garden of Eden, where there was I presume, a group-wide, Common Enlightenment across the Peoples therein.

The book and what it records, seems to be a fairly honest portrayal of the Jews highs and lows over some four thousand years or so.

It covers in less detail the ways and cultures of their neighbour nations and tribes, but, reasonable to expect, it could not possibly have told of the ways and cultures of Peoples from other, more distant and then unknown parts of the globe.

East Asia, Australia, the Americas, et al et al.

So the Hebrews could not have known what it was that they had lost, and that the essential elements of Good Culture, and Pure Spiritual Knowledge and Paths to Enlightenment had not been lost by the many other Peoples elsewhere, or that those others, American Indians, Australian Aborigines, Chinese Taoists, central Asian Hindus and Buddhists, Et Al, were still aware of the essentials each person needs on that Path. And, what was essential to maintain the Purity of the Spiritual Life.

That 'loss' of the Hebrews, seems to me to have been caused because they were landless and found no secure tenancy wherever they went.

If this began all those years ago, even before Moses took them from Egypt, it's little wonder they have fallen to the state of having only 'hope' that one day someone will come along and guide them back to their dreamy Garden of Eden.

With all the Jewish aggressiveness, perhaps especially in this latest era, starting say, from their reclaiming of Jerusalem in the late 1940s, we cannot deny that many of them, and with little doubt, from the finer aspects of their Traditions, attain to profound Wisdom, and Intelligence.

Also, in their own Sacred Book, the Torah, remains the 'bottomline' about how to keep the nation and it's Peoples Peaceful, Satiated, Wise, and, in harmony with others around them.

This, as I myself could never have 'divined' through other than having other Wiser People Teaching me, is the knowledge in the Book of Leviticus, chapter 25.

This as I might call it, 'Eternal Wisdom', seems to be lost to most readers, because it had to be scribed in 'secretive' language, apparently necessary because talking True about the Fundamental Laws of any national economics when living in other people's lands was dangerous.

Also, there has been, as recorded in the Torah, 'the enemy within'. I call that 'mob' the 'golden calf tribe'. People who cannot find their own inner peace, and are for that loss driven to believe that the materialistic way is all there is, so seek after it before any higher, more 'mystical' ends.

In dire situations, where group security and satiation of the essential needs, primarily food and a roof, laughter and happiness are not found, it's a rare person indeed who can stay calm and balanced of mind.

According to the story of the Hebrews' travails back before the time of Jeshua ben Joseph (JC), there was a lot of suffering and desperation, so it's not hard to see that many, if not the majority of them, wandering 'lost in the desert' as-it-were, for generation after generation, perhaps for century after century, would have become frantic and unable to keep themselves in 'the zone' of inner peace and good will to all around them.

My interpretation of those who resorted, or were forced to resort to joining the 'golden calf tribe' were simply People, victims from the same tribes whose minds had been captured by 'the devil' if-I-may, and thereafter lose the clear-headedness, the insight, appreciation of the Higher Teaching and the understanding of how to live the Pure life, or the pure religious life, thus are drawn into a state of no self-control of their mind's activity.

For reasons unseen by them they were/are drawn to put their own personal physical and mental gratifications before the well-being of the Community.

This devil, is none other than someone else deploying witchcraft upon the person, turning them into a puppet, and at the same time, 'stealing' from them, the ability to keep the mind focused on good religious habits, and the essential Value, Art and Knowledge about the 'Silent Mind' and the work of Meditation to keep it 'healthy', let's say.

So it's easy to see, or to believe, that in such a state, an whole tribe can go astray.

Many might have found how to gratify their basic instincts, and for that, find their own level of contentment. A level of contentment far below a True State of Enlightenment as was never lost in the less strife-ridden tribes, and a level of essentially 'discontentment' which had always to be assured that it was OK, or even better than any other path or way or state of mind.

And that assurance, to them, needed reinforcement from those around them. So it became, becomes essential that they 'rope-in' other people to their way of seeing things, mainly to defend them and to reassure them that they are correct.

We see this all the time in today's societies, and this is, to my mind, why so many of us are so 'social', out there socializing, giving gifts, saying nice things to each other, so that they will do the same to us.

Essentially, those of us who live this way, are lost, and are afraid of that Pure and Silent Mind, where the only True Peace can possibly be found and maintained.

Again, the 'thing' which carries our minds away from the stillness inside, is bad magic of some other character. Another character who themselves are both lost, and captured.

So it goes back and back and back into the earliest mists of pre-time, where, in most all places and societies on Earth, someone has captured a person's mind and thereafter has used it and it's desires for their own gain.

I guess, not all of those who did this to the vulnerable were evil devils.

I posit that many, if not all what we now call 'religions' began this way.

And I go further and suggest that the Hebrews' YHVH was indeed an ancient, and Wise, Shaman, or as the book might say, 'Magi', who mastered the Spiritual Arts and became a leader of a tribe.

There's fair and reasonable, and no doubt more Wise arguments against this suggestion.

While of recent years, I have lost faith in their being a sentient 'God', who, or which, consciously looks over us, and it all, and makes decisions and sends angels to those who need them, etc etc, I still have some assurance that there must have been something of a 'Creator' of this and other Universes.

This could well be just some cosmic combination of accumulated energies, which were bound at some time or another to come together into a suitable mix and begin 'Life, the Universe and everything' as we know it.

In fact, this is about where I sit on that question.

However, I, but a puppet, still hold great Respect for People who hold to a belief that there is a God.

But only if they are also living an Holy Life, and within that, place at the forefront, the ongoing necessity of keeping their minds, and those of others around them, clear of unsubstantiated theories, unscientific beliefs and unsustainable lifestyles.

The last of these, in today's terms, is that they do not live beyond honest and natural means, and live according to the Highest 'Environmental Laws'.

Impossible most anywhere today, what with the force of unnatural powers (hello IMF!) leaving most of us no choice but to learn basically superfluous garbage and thereafter to lie to get and keep a roof over our heads, a secure tenancy and food in the belly.

Ironic, that those powers who make us thieves, liars and 'criminals' are the elites of Christianity and Judaism?

So.., contending with the fabricated myths surrounding the popular notion of a 'Jesus' coming back to save us, I assert, with all the power of the myth behind my own existence, that the only 'savior' Christians should re-orientate themselves to believing in and having faith in, is their own Intellect, which seeks the simple and most pure Knowledge of what we actually need underneath all our other business, in order to make and ensure a Peaceful Life, and, a Peaceful future for, NOT merely and selfishly our own progeny, but for the whole Community.

And, after all the hyperbola and high-sounding religious language pouring over our souls and intellects from the pulpits, the Knowledge we most need to be enabled to live a Pure, Wise and Enlightening Religious life is Knowledge about the unchanging laws of Economics.

I take this a step further and 'deign' that this rests, is maintained and lives in Natural or Environmental Law.

But that's another story.

So, Christians! GET OVER yabbering about Jesus coming back!

Forget all the verbose rhetoric from the false religions of the modern era, and focus on cleaning your own minds of bullshit, which is exactly what the greater proportion of Christian sermonizing is, and go and find the Schools which Teach the Arts of controlling the mental activities until you can sit, or stand, or even act with a silent mind.

This, as all the 'Eastern' Philosophies and cults and religions have always known, is the only way to awaken your own Intellect. And the Intellect is the faculty of your very own mind, not just of some other person, prophet , Wise one, or Teacher, with which YOU, can Divine the True Way to Live, while you're stuck down here on Earth.

It has been clear to most Jews for as likely 20 centuries, that Jeshua ben Joseph, Jesus Christ, was a puppet of the Rabbis of the Temple in Jerusalem.

I don't deny that Jesus said and bravely did many Profound things. Things he may have, with his elevated mind, Divined from 'on-high' himself. But his mind was attuned by his Teachers with the fundamentals of 'how to' awaken his own Intellect to the Eternal Truths about life on Earth, and about 'the life' of the hereafter.

Today we are obliged to question all the myth, and deconstruct the stories we have been told about that Man, and, with a Balanced and 'impartial mind' we see the 'Jesus story' is full of flaws and clearly untrue concepts and assertions.

Studying the records deeper, about circumstances around his life, it becomes clear that most all of the Christian faith and beliefs and myths were constructed and construed for the Hebrews' and Romans' political purposes and ends.

And surely, from the unquestionable evidence scientifically arrived at today, it is frighteningly obvious that both Rome and the Rabbis, or the Jewish politicians of the era between the 1st century BC and the 4th century AD, and most all who have followed in their positions until 2011, have been wildly astray, for the paths they have forced the world to go down are now clearly known to be roads to Hell.

AND...! Because the vast majority of so-called 'Christians' live such unsustainable lifestyles, yet blithely and blindly even go to war against Wiser, more Intelligent and far more sustainable Peoples and Cultures, to keep their spoiled habits and culture, we are assured of our own destruction!

As they say 'WAKE-UP! It's the ECONOMY stupid!'

So...! There you go!

That 2000 word section goes to the first topics at top of the article - Sudan split. Coptic & Middle-Eastern Christians. Global economy, looming depression.

I am most definitely not the only one on Earth who sees this as the Wisdom the planet needs to 'save us'.

Personally, I carry no delusions about our chances of saving the world. As far as I'm concerned, we're fucked.

And this is squarely because of the errant beliefs and deadly 'blind faith' of the western Jewish and Christian cultures.

So, as I say, I have Great Respect for people who believe in an Higher Power, whether called God, or YHVH or Allah or Brahma, or Tao, or Ahura Mazda, Et Al! Et Al.

But I reject any suggestions that someone else will save you, or me, or my mother.

The Truth is, only Good Laws will save any of us.

Which means Australia is pretty-much rooted then!

So, in regard to the troubles the Coptic and other Christians across the Middle-East and elsewhere on Earth are enduring from more militant Peoples, I reckon it's because the others have come to see how dangerous and false the so-called 'Christian' belief system is, and it's NOT INTELLIGENT 'faith'.

No-one from within these Christian faiths can nor should be blamed for holding to them, because, as their hero himself said 'Forgive them Lord, for they don't know they are under a spell, and it is NOT A GOOD ONE!'

As well, to the Militants who are making life so miserable for the 'Christians' of the Middle-East and elsewhere, can I ask you to not give them such a hard time, especially if they are Native or Indigenous to your, and their region?

To me, Islam is a Wise Cult, for it does not negate the Intellect or the Sciences.

Clearly Islam is being demonised by the ignorant 'infidels' of the long-time corrupt western churches, and the western economic and political powers and their 'lost' interests in MORE RESOURCES! MORE RESOURCES! To feed their lost Souls?

And clearly, the Peoples who follow the Christian faiths in the Middle-East and-on, outside of the mentally-ill '1st world' western nations of Eurape and Britain, the USA and Australia, are not as materialistic and untrue in their religious and economic ways of living, so they really don't deserve the bashing they are receiving these days.

'Praise Allah!' I say.

And 'Praise Ahura Mazda!'

And 'Praise Brahma!'

And even 'Praise YHVH!'

But above all names, I insist that we all “Praise the Unchanging Environmental Laws!'

For, to me, the faithless, clearly Godless Soul, All Names of your Lord, refer to His, Her, Law.

Get THAT right across your Communities and Nations, and the Great Giver of Life will Smile on you all.

This, and the preceding text, is in consideration of the impending split in Sudan, amongst the other subtitles.

When I first heard of the vote in Southern Sudan, to determine if it will become it's own nation, I felt good.

But once I heard that it was also a religious split, I was disheartened somewhat, mainly because of the inevitable conflicts which will arise, especially because of the oil reserves in the south, and the mechanisms and pipelines in the north.

If I had any influence in that division, I'd urge the south the lighten-up on the 'Christian' thing?

I call you to remember, with a clear and properly, fully informed mind, why Mohammed split with the Jewish and branch cult of 6th century Christianity and began Islam?

He was informed about the shenanigans that had gone on in Nicea in the 4th century, where the essential Teachings of the Prophet Jeshua were subverted and corrupted for Rome's political ends, and the Truer of the followers were sent into exile.

Mohammed and his Mates, no doubt, saw that what was essentially the Judaic Culture, or, the Abrahamic School, was being twisted away from any Sound Ideology, and they, or He, decided that as Rome was so powerful, they could not make right their beloved 'religion', so the only option was to break off from it and seek to return to something nearer the True ways of the Ancients Forefathers.

And He, and They, were right!

So, Southern Sudan, become Independent, sure!

But don't let disputes about which one is right or better or closer to God/Allah/YHVH bring war and further incorrect divisions upon your two Nations.

Leave the questions of 'religion' aside, and focus on your Common ECONOMIC Laws and Interests, as the Ancients who wrote the Book of Leviticus Divined as fundamental to Good Culture and Enduring Communities.

Sure, you'll be tempted to look outside of Africa for financial and developmental assistance, and where else can you look but to the demonic International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

But, Southern and Northern Sudan would be doing everyone across Africa the best, if you were to agree on some Common Economic Basics, and stay with the Continent of the Great African Peoples for financial and Moral Support.

While Eurape seems to be on the brink of falling apart, economically and in other areas, and will soon be weighed down by their own flawed economic policies covering the last 2-or-300 years, though they and their elites try to make-out they have it under control, it's more and more obvious that they do not, and that it is not far from running out of control.

So to look to any of the ''western' economies for finance or developmental assistance is foolish, and, as the African Union, still being born to some extent, but shows promise, all Sudanese are urged to keep it close to home, and as well use this opportunity to enhance the Common African Union with your untapped and immense Collective potential.

I promise, as the 'west' falls apart, in even just fifty years, Eurape will be almost totally chaotic, and the rats will be deserting the sinking ship faster than GW Bush can snort a line of cocaine.

However, on the other side of the Mediterranean, Africa will be more United than ever, and will more likely be the Model for others to look to, in how Best to develop and live in Harmony, than the USA or Eurape or down-here-down-under in Astrayliar.

Not that Asia, or South America will need any guidance. Like you, Africa, they have not lost their True Ways, and after the splurge of ruthless western colonialist expansionism of the last 500 years, you all are getting your houses back in order.

But, reiterating what I said, Southern Sudan, grow beyond the blind faith of the Eurapean conspiracy of Christianity.

Personally, I'd reckon you'd be better to become Islamic. But that's for you to choose.

Indeed, daring to slight Islam a little, I believe as Human Beings we all are at a time when we can 'transcend' religion altogether.

I put my money on the Philosophical Arts, rather than faith or belief. And from what I know, the Islamic Peoples were extremely Intelligent and highly advanced in Philosophy, until the 'west' moved in.

Don't get me wrong! I'm just a puppet, channeling the messages. 'The Voice', which is more of a curse for myself than anything wonderful or godlike.

All Praise, the True Law!

As for the other subtitles atop, they'll have to wait, 'cause I'm running out of battery!

See ya'!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha
aka King Commo
aka Omaxa bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
