
2011 NSW elections?

Due to unforeseen, yet expected circumstances (?), I was unable to post this e-ssay upto my blogsite on the day I wrote it. So some of it may be dated in relation to recent events and polls etc.

'Sorry 'bout that, chiefs!'

But for the rest of my commentary herein, I push ahead regardless and publish it now, not even bothering to re-read it to clean up any faults, even having published another article going to the same basic issue of the 2011 March NSW state election between the 16th Feb and now, the 7th March.


Oh! and a WARNING! This e-ssay contains accusations, allegations, defamatory statements and generally filthy libel against several people with whom I have dealt, with whom I have put my trust in, with whom I find absolutely abhorrent Human Beings, and of whom some purport to be Qualified to stand for parliament and to 'represent' large numbers of other people, while others equally if not more abhorrent assume positions of trust, PAID, WELL PAID positions of trust, in the community, yet do almost everything to undermine others trust, betray and deceive them endlessly, as part of their public roles, and, accept promotions for it!

They all know who I'm writing about, and they also know that all they have done, in their rude maltreatment of myself, is make me NOT want to live much longer on this planet, as Absolutely Magnificently Beautiful as She, the Great Mutha Eartha is, and NOT want to associate with any whiteskin, whiteface piece of shit ever again. Sadly, that'll not happen. For each fortnight or so I must replenish my food supplies etc, and in this dog of a nation, I have no option but to visit a regional supermarket, and endure the evil hexes from bewitched, usually church-educated check-out assistants, and the public, the low, hypnotised and generally ignorant, egomaniacal public.

The exact same public who have voted for the filth, that-is the lowest, most heinous of all the planet's Labor parties, or, 'Labour' parties, if you like, (a bigoted, unqualified statement there, to emphasise my disgust at the NSW ALP's maltreatment of myself over the last 13 years), which serves the world well in exposing just how corrupt the public of New South Wales are and have been since January 26th 1808.

Even more depressing, is the expectation, if not knowledge, that at the coming NSW state election, the NSW public will delude themselves that they are 'doing good' by stomping the NSW ALP into the sewer where they belong, and to vote in the other side of the crooked coin of commonwealth corruption, the Liberal/National parties!

Until even just this morning, I was 'rooting' (perhaps not the most suitable word?) for the Greens, as an alternative to the filth of the two foreign mainstream parties. But thus far, I have, being in perpetual exile, been unable to gain insight as to why the Greens are seen as, or may be a threat to Australia and to Australians.

Since the 2010 August federal election, which saw the Greens win enough seats to have an effective say in Canberra, taking into consideration the several factors, known and unknown, which restrict their Rightminded Calls for corrections to many fields of political policies and legislation, the Environment just one of them, the influence of the so-called 'Gay Lobby' has shown itself in the Greens push for and win in getting 'same-sex marriages' made legal.

I'm not against such agreements between mature people, considering we live in a dangerously IMMATURE culture and society (THANKS CHRISTIANS!). And I probably entirely agree with the general 'Gay Politik' around, or in opposition to, the typical, conventional Christian heterosexual marriage scenario, and of just how much of a tragedy single-couple, nuclear family marriages are proven minute-by-minute to be, shown further to be utterly deadly for the wider culture and population by the evidence which proves that the nuclear family unit models are high on the list of 'Humanity's most dangerous ideologies', environmentally and psychologically.

And, to be expansive (?), before I became aware that I am THE victim to this demented and outright evil Catholic, Theosophical Society and Zionist plan to fabricate me as 'Jesus-on-the-rebound', before it was obvious that whomever I spoke with was hiding something from me about what they knew of this, the Gays I knew and did some volunteer work with, et al, impressed me as being genuinely concerned about the well-being of both the Community and the planet's environment, as being unafraid to explore and improve their own Intellects, even as, sometimes, more important than their make-up and sex-lives, were in fact far less bigoted than the 'straights' of Astrayliar, and at times were enamoured of Political Wisdom far beyond the average Aussie.

Nevertheless, I do not hide my antipathy for Gays, in that the 'bottomline' is, the Human beast, and every other beast, is by Nature Heterosexual, physically and psychologically. And, I am adamant that a person's 'turning gay' is most often brought upon them by outside influences, in-the-main, witchcraft, when it is not from some sexually and thus psychologically extremely traumatic event which gives them good reason to reject the typical female stereotype of our warped culture.

Lighting-up the 'G-spot' in males, as accelerated by 'homosex', is not how males should open their Higher Mind.

But, in this horrendously backward western culture, the majority of men, and women, have been so deceived about their own Soveriegn Spirit, BY THE BRITISH AND EURAPEAN CHURCHES, that the typical western lifestyle, and it's enormously ungodly customs and ritualised practices, serve the devil indeed by forming as-if concrete layers over the finer, more subtle and Divine Soul. So anything which breaks those darkest of crapitalist spells, and helps the person open their mind to the Universal Self, and it's Power, basically 'gets a tick' from this yobbo. King Yobbo, but yobbo, nevertheless.

But none of this will reach behind the materialistic spells which so entrance and dumb-down yer av'rage whitefaced NSW Aussie, and they'll tramp on down to the polling booth in a Saturday or two, and vote out the 'demon ALP rum club', only to vote in the rumclub's back-up team of equally corrupt and demonic Liberal and National parties.

Victoria's cabal of Labor, Liberal and National parties stymied the Greens expected rise in that state, by, as far as I'm concerned, quite undemocratic illegal means. Therefore, we can expect the same manoeuvre in NSW this election.

But other factors, as written on above, about the Gays' influence in the Greens, not exactly 'warmed-to' by the majority, will thwart the Greens' hope of winning seats in the NSW parliament.

I cannot express how much this disappoints me, after going tooth-and-nail to promote and perhaps even ensure a win in Canberra for the Greens. In fact, I am inline to become rather 'homophobic' because of their self-interest and abuse of the vital role the Greens have to play in every nation's political sphere.

This hidden gay agenda and influence may well sink the Australian Greens completely, which brings into question Senator Bob Brown's place as leader of the Australian Greens.

I hold him high as a politician. In fact, that word does not apply to the Senator, because the word is tainted with deeply negative 'backgrounding', and carries with it the tags implying endemic and accepted CHURCH-BASED and FOREIGN corruption, and a general degradation of culture and of our society. From recent experiences in NSW, politicians rate lower than the coppers. And that's pretty fucking low!

A most apt metaphor for the dying NSW ALP, was when it's bent members were leaving in droves over recent months. Many in media used the saying 'they are like rats deserting a sinking ship'. 'Apt' indeed!

So Senator Brown? As I wrote in a blog of recent months, his sexual persuasion will, and should, prevent his ever becoming our national leader. But his contribution to our political debate, as collusive, corrupt and generally false as it is, remains valuable, such that he is one of only very few 'Statesman' in federal parliament today. With the exception of a few others..... Male and Female.....

But if, with time, I am allowed to know the backroom details of the Greens, and other party agendas, and so am able to 'collate' all the guff, I may come to accept whomever involves themselves with the Greens.

But yet another rude fact intercedes, which is just how debauched and utterly false our whole political system and structure is. So of any party which wins seats in any of our parliaments, can any of them be and stay above the shit on the floors, laid there from the start by the offshore, foreign, agendas? Anti-Australian People and anti-Australian Land-grabbing agendas?

Basically, for Australia to Genuinely Advance, we must have a Revolution.

However, having NO FAITH in the Australian people, this I regard as impossible.

Because at least one half is so entranced by Brit-Eurapean religious witchcraft, accepted because they all offer to come with '...all the wealth of the world...' (now where have I seen that line before???) ('We'll guarantee your kids a job in Kmart, Woolworths, Dick Smiths, SuperCheap, or any one of the other cheap-imported product-dumping corporations, acceptance by the [offshore] banks to flog you a mortgage, and further indebtedness to our demonic belief system and new world order plans, as long as they promise to kill their conscience, and all allusions to living an Ethical Life'), and the other half, if 'halves' can be used here, quite understandably either don't give a fig about our shitfight called politics, knowing full-well that it's a basket case of absolutely rotten apples- read CHRISTIAN LAWYERS! - and you don't need a uni degree to discern THAT!, or they perhaps rightly take an interest in more 'mundane' perhaps down-to-earth' matters, so have not made themselves aware of the threats posed to all life on earth, by our unacceptable unsustainable and thus unenvironmental JUDEO-CHRISTIAN lifestyles and desires.

And when it's all melted down, all laws, and all life, exist and are sustained, upon Healthy Environmental Laws. If the Environmental Laws are broken, so is life on Earth. HARK! Just as we have it!

So looking into the future, as any prophet, purported or otherwise, does now and then, while the Australian Greens have such a presence of gays in it, they can not expect to grow fantastically.

As the whole notion of a 'Green' political party is relatively recent, while their antecedents have been influential for many decades, if not a few centuries (examples may include the Great Mahatma Gandhi of India, and, from a failing memory, I recall that many many famous writers and statesmen-and-women of eastern, middle and western history were advocates for less materialistic, more 'Green' lifestyles, as many of them being vegetarians precisely for it's being a healthier way to live in-and-with the environment), the future seems to divulge that other 'Green' political parties will form.

If I were to have a say in such phenomenaz, I, as written before, would call such 'The Environmental Law Party', or thereabouts.

But just this very morning, I wuz laying in bed dreaming about these things, and 'The Environmental Homelands Party' sprung to mind, amongst others.

Whatever happens, perhaps especially in NSW this election, seeing as too much of the endemic and nationwide corruption and beggaring of our souls began and continues to emit from the powerhouses of 'Sinny' (TYPO!?), as far as I can determine, so am open to Qualified correction (not just another gutless wanker terrorising me and labelling me 'mentally ill') the gays have rooted the Greens in Australia, and any chances of their becoming the lead party in our political shitholes, because of their own little, me-first cosy-cuddles agendas.

Therefore, the need is for a more Solid Tribe, or mmMMMmm? Tribes to form the next generation Green Party.

'The Environmental Law Party' would be the most direct and perhaps most Proper name for it, but as I've dreamed it up, the idiots in Murdoch's media-and-subversion stables will ensure it's made a mockery of.

And.., this idea comes too late to make a mark in the near NSW election, which is where 'Welshers should focus.

So..., I've run out of morning ideas for now, therefore, if the ASIO operatives and subversives in Telstra, in the HEMP Embassy scum of Nimbin, and the NSW police techie's will FUCK OFF, and let me access the 'net without their malignant trojans and 'no service' antics, I'll post this and a few other items, for the Greater Good, even of the people of New South FAILS-er-Wales.

(...as he wandered off into the bush, wobbling from the knee injury sustained in another warzone called Lismore NSW, staggering from the lower back displacement from having to climb, with a weak knee, in and out of his ute tarpaulin tent for a home, lacking for healthy food for his being regularly terrorised by members of the public and of the church-employment centres like the villages, towns, cities and their foreign-owned supermarkets and cheap product outlets, which has him withdraw totally from this whorezone called Astraylyin' society, he was heard to sing!


Until we discern that he is “Singing a song which won't take long..... ALL COPPERS ARE.........!!!!”

And, quite possibly in this warped Catholic matrix, so..., all politicians are....!?

Certainly the ZERO-ETHICS Christians of Astrylair deserve that label.....

Therefore, read-on, back to the future, as written on the 16th February 2011.....

Please NOTE: Apologies for some elements of this text being poorly written.

2011 NSW elections?

I've had my bitches with the New South Wales ALP state government, since the 16th July 2008.

On that day, when I was set-up, arrested and accused of firing a rifle at 5 Sydney psyche patients, in other words '5 mentally ill, outright liars' (one being the sister of Nimbin's fake-Greenie Peter 'Pedals' van der Wick, of the covert British-and-Eurapean illegal-immigration portal, the 'Rainbow Power Company'!), by-no-coincidence in the very hour the local Lismore station NSW Police (then Inspector) Bruce Lyons (latterly promoted to 'Commander') was having a nice little chat with the visiting Pope Benedictus 16th in Sydney, it is, to reasonable people, understandable that I've been vehement with the coppers since.

In fact, I still am.

However only later was I made aware that that event and the following SIX MONTHS of public and police harassment, most times actually 'state-sponsored domestic terrorism', were given their orders by the mobsters within the NSW ALP government, then led by Morris Iemma.

Only a few weeks after my false arrest and terrorism, the Righteous Militant NSW 'energy' Unionists effected a shock coup against Iemma and threw him out, replaced by Nathan Rees.

So for while I felt the ALP was trying to do a better job for a change. Rees was far and away the better man over Iemma, but Rees was not as much a part of the inner-inner-sanctum of the Rum Club ALP, and as well corrected a few long-failing ideas that bid for Intelligence through 'Ethics' in schools, over 'religious instruction', as well as wanting to keep the power utilities in government hands.

So...., Nathan Rees didn't last long...... But my estimation of him is that he is a Better Man dissociating himself from them and their 'club'.

Christina Kenneally is but a front-girl puppet unfortunately, but I guess she frets over the impending demise of NSW Labor.

But since 16th July 2008, the NSW ALP government has imploded, with most 'ministers' either resigning or being given the boot, after being exposed for one dirty affair or several others.

Indeed, what business of the NSW ALP 'Rum Club', otherwise known for perhaps 100 years-plus as 'The Firm', have not been orchestrated, managed and pilfered in dirty, ruthlessly corrupt games?

For over 10 years I've been bringing to the surface matters which no copper or any other resident of this befallen state was game to address, such as the 'double jeopardy laws', the draconian laws prohibiting hugely beneficial products like 'industrial hemp', but especially my penchant of correcting the corrupted land laws, and have paid a big price for my efforts for national, and global Human Justice, in this last matter.

Now, the evidence stands for itself.

The NSW ALP government, according to the latest opinion poll, in the lead-up to the March 2011 NSW state election, is running at around 32%, compared to the Lib/Nat Opposition zooming, on the back of Labor's stupidity, upto around 68%.

The ALP's travails and brutal, blatantly manipulative attempts to stay in government are legion, and date back specifically to 26th January 1808, the date of the Sgt. John MacArthur-led deposition of the Righteous Governor William Bligh, and thereafter, the persistent subversion and corruption of all of the laws active in NSW through to this day in 2011.

Over the 13 years I've survived in NSW, amidst the most outrageous and disgusting maltreatment from police and public alike, I've been amazed at how disabled the people have been and of their cowardly inability to challenge the evil bastards of 'The Firm'.

Regardless of how brutal the firm has been and still is, there are always more People than 'rum-clubsters'. Of recent times, the people are organising themselves, albeit often, that they do so while under the hexes of the rum club, and are sick of the club's antics. So the coming state election will tell how much.

Since 1998, I've learned how psychotic the average character of NSW is, that corruption is deep in their bones, foisted into them by the tyrannical offshore, religious-cult powerhouse in Sydney, and, it must be said, by the brutal Australian military forces, and that expunging the toxins and cowardice from the punters here is no easy task.

However, as with most things-political anywhere the northern whitefaces have marched-in, most all of New South Wales problems are not locally-initiated.

So it was in 1808, when MacArthur used witchcraft and a deplorable mal-use of language and legal interpretation to subvert the original edicts and plans sent by the English King George III.

(King George III, painted-down by his rivals, and probably sent insane by their devilry, according to 'history', was crazy.

I can't confirm otherwise, but once, I read some of the instructions and edicts sent out by him and his Counsel with the First Fleet, about how the new colony should be set-up.

They were clearly Wise and even perhaps 'Enlightened' instructions, which, clearly the likes of the ruthless lords of the British East India Company would not have liked. So it is almost expected that records of the likes of a possibly Wise and Selfless Monarch, would be twisted so that he is remembered as being a crazy simpleton. However, I do not say with surety, that George III was not, in some way, mentally ill.)

To this day, I still have not been able to confirm whose side MacArthur was on?

Was he for any egalitarian pre-union unionist movement?

Clearly not.

So, it may be assumed that he was in fact acting on behalf of the rising global power - the first global power - the British East India Company BEIC.

But this hypothesis is self-contradictory, because the facts behind the English government, it's larger parliament, and the BEIC, though long and deeply suppressed, tell us that the BEIC actually bought the whole of the English parliament in or around 1783, after the parliament appealed to the BEIC, after their heavy loss of the 'new world' of the United States of America following the US War of Independence in 1776.

The English government was seriously bankrupt, caused by over-spending on the war. BEIC was increasing it's wealth by leaps-and-bounds via it's growing 'spice', but mainly opium trade, from their newly invaded and conquered territories across central Asia to Britain and Eurape.

As the line goes, in the EIR 'Drugs Inc., Boston bankers and Soviet Commissars', '….in 1783, the BEIC bought the English parliament, lock, stock, and barrel...', which obviously included the English military.

That was 5 years before the First Fleet set foot on Australian shores.

So in effect, Australia has been owned since the First Fleet landed, by the private corporation, then known as the BEIC, but 'rebranded' around the 19th/20th century turn, to now be the International Monetary Fund. The I.M.F.

Anyone who cares to look, will see enormous economic, social and cultural rorts in Australian life, all of which are in one way or another, controlled by the nastiest pro-foreign corporate bastards inside the NSW parliament and, it must be clear, through the whole political and civil services system, from customs and immigration, import tariffs, through all manner of domestic taxes, retail prices, product quality, and a person's ability to find a job, to own a piece of land and even just to relax.

So, it may be that John MacArthur acted not for the BEIC/IMF, but saw the depth of corruption inherent in the BEIC's plans for Australia, and was impelled to act for himself, and for any who would support his perversion of the course of Justice, and the debilitation from then-forward, of the whole of the Australian colonies.

It cannot be denied that he was greedy. But he did try to do something good for the new colony of NSW, with his 'merino sheep' and wool industry, etc., albeit that he rode the crooked-wave of fame to the end.

However, whatever he may have tried and succeeded in, in terms of 'doing good', will never overshadow his prime-crime of forcing Bligh out of government.

Because, within that affair, lie other vital matters of the government of NSW, which he actively and greedily sought to overrun, and which are now more crucial to address than ever.

The most important of these was his deliberate ignoring and countermanding of the basic laws of the first Sydney settlement around how the new government should raise the necessary revenue, how the new-comers must Respectfully treat the Aborigines, how they must treat the land, how they should 'tenant' it, and how the wider tracts of this new-found enormous continent, into the future, should be occupied.

'Beyond the pale' is a line from that era.

The 'pale' was in fact the name for the perimeter fence-line surrounding the early settlement, and was the line within-which occupants paid the 'Land Rent' to government for it's revenue, or tax.

Beyond that perimeter, the land was treated differently. It's about 8 or 10 years since I read that in the recommended and magnificent book, more a legal document of the whole affair, by the mid-20th century Labor Party Champion, H.V. 'Doc' Evatt, called 'Rum Rebellion', and for now, what they did with the land beyond the pale escapes me.

But I think it was 'held in common' by the government, but for everyone's approved, egalitarian use.

John MacArthur ignored the edicts which prevented individuals from illegally taking ownership of the land, and from doing whatever he wanted on it, edicts which said the land rent had to be paid, and that the use of the land, within and outside the pale, had to comply with government's designs and plans.

This is behind, this is what set-off the fiery battle between the People of the new colony of NSW and the establishment, who all could-not-help but want as-much-of-a-slice of the new acreages as they could get.

The battle which still rages and destroys most all Honorable and Beneficial endeavour in NSW AND right across our continent to this day.

As MacArthur was a Sergeant in the First Fleet's 'Marine Corps' I think, he saw from the start, all the weaknesses, loopholes and failings of the administration, as it settled and went about it's new business, and of how the new settlement was progressing, or not.

Evatt's Rum Rebellion has transcripts of court proceedings through those tumultuous years, and quotes the various characters, MacArthur included. Evatt refers assiduously to the piles of legal documents, as any King's Counsel would, and quotes things said.

One thing which stood out to me was quotes from MacArthur in which he accused those he sought to discredit with language specific to the occult. 'Necromancy' being just one word I recall from those quotations.

From these, I take it that MacArthur was indeed himself a practitioner of the arts of the occult, and thus we can infer that he was quite prepared to abuse those powers on whomever he sought to bring down.

Whether winning support, or destroying another's character, MacArthur excelled in his evil art, and even though he was sent for trial and convicted on some accounts, he returned to thrive and prosper in NSW, and, as said, began the merino sheep wool industry, for which we should all be thankful.

But in his skulduggery, he could not have been acting totally alone. On his trips back to England, after 1808, many wealthy and influential lords were courted by him, and vice-a-versa, with it seems much success for MacArthur's ambitions back here in Australia.

Also, historical records of the actual moments tell very questionable tales about Bligh hiding under a bed to avoid MacArthur when MacArthur and a band of British brigands from the marine corps and the desperate and sycophantic settlers marched on Government House and arrested Governor Bligh,

If Bligh did hide under the bed, then I suggest that MacArthur already had a firm grip on Bligh's mind, and was thereafter able, to some extent, to control Bligh, such that he could send Bligh scurrying to hide, so-as to make him appear to all around, that he was a coward. Which is how the historical records retell the story.

So, perverting others' minds and events or not, the recorders of those events were only too happy to tell the future that Bligh was wrong and a coward.

Two incorrect accusations as proven since, several times, by far more Just people than any inside the post-1808 NSW establishment.

Or.., it's as likely that the reportage of Bligh hiding like a coward under a bed was completely false, made, as said, purely to trash Bligh's reputation in the colony and back in Britain.

And MacArthur had many 'friends-in-high-places' back in Britain who were as fervent for a piece of the new lands.

To which 'establishment' company they were in-the-main affiliated, I cannot confirm.

But it's a sure thing that they were so high-up in British aristocracy that they would all have been able to support and further the corruption of the most fundamental land laws in Australia, with absolutely no consideration for the new settlers, for the Aborigines, nor for the future of the continent environmentally.

We can therefore assume that today's outgrowth from the Rum Rebellion, the present day's NSW parliamentary system and structure-as-a-whole, but specifically the ALP's 'The Firm', is merely carrying-on from the previous band of scoundrels 'selected' by the deeply-corrupt British, Australian and New South Welsh establishments.

But my focus here, has been on the ALP side of the debacle we call 'NSW politics'.

For any laws to be so deeply and widely corrupted, to the extent that the whole population of the state (and nation) are so viciously 'broken' and acquiescent to bad laws, shows the power of whichever forces have been applied, and that such corruption could not be so instituted unless both sides of this farce called 'politics' agreed and partook of the same corruptions.

And so it is. Today's Australian right wing 'Liberal/National Parties', overtly pro-British establishment, have an even less considerate approach to the well-being and welfare of those not within it's upper classes.

Both sides, in effect, work solely for the offshore British and Eurapean elites.

Elites who have very heinous and troubling plans for Australia. Plans which rely totally upon keeping Australia's land laws as corrupt, unethical, uneven and in the long run, deadly as they are, against the efficient running of the whole nation into the future.

As mentioned above, the 'Brits' lost the Americas in 1776.

This so offended them, that once Australia was secured, through the 1788 First Fleet and-on, they were more determined than ever that they were not going to loose this new untapped continent.

This is still the case today, and is why our laws here are so draconian, and basically completely corrupt, thus, unjust. It is also why our Aborigines are still marginalised and kept in third-world, even 'fourth-world' conditions.

Britain's fierce determination to keep Australia their own, is the only reason Australia has not become a Republic and is another reason they keep our laws as corrupt as they are, and why no-one can get close to calling them into question, and, through non-violent means, correct our legal foundations.

So, while the NSW ALP self-destructs from bad policies over some 203 years, and while the Lib/Nat Opposition expects to romp it in, in March 2011, the voters of NSW will effect no corrections to the governance, conditions, culture or laws of NSW, and thus to any future prospects for the People, if they blithely trundle-down to the polling booth in March and vote out the ALP to replace them with the other side of the crooked coin, the Lib/Nats.

From a wider perspective, not only Australian politics is in the sewer.

Egypt's Revolution is just one example of how the rot has set-in across the world, albeit that Egypt is not a 'first world nation'.

It may be said that 'politics everywhere' only receives the regard of the voters because of the 'nod' of the mighty global media juggernaut, which completely controls what the people see, hear and think about politics. The mighty media juggernaut owned by the super-elites within the upper-most, inner-most circles of the IMF.

Were the facts all 'out there', such as all the details hidden across government/corporation deals behind their phoney 'commercial-in-confidence' scams, or the long-term secret plans developed and implemented by ssssuperssspiiiesss-international, there would be massive eruptions across third world nations/regions, and across the first world, bringing down most all of the demented, greedy, psychotically dangerous upper, commercial, oligarchic political classes.

If Egypt, or Tunisia, have started something, which they seem to have, then as shown to date across the Arab nations, the most threatened of that region are the Arabian 'monarchies'.

This has set-off very loud alarm bells globally in every royal house, palace, and in the halls of the heavily right-wing, large-nation senior public servants who support the kings and princes, and have a very nice life for it thaaangYOOOU! From Buckingham Palace across the world to small monarchies like on some Pacific Islands, the ruling monarchs are fretting about what may be the outcome from the Tunisian and Egyptian People's Uprising.

Near-impossible to see any 'People's Uprising' anti-monarchy Democratic refolution happening in England, or Holland, or Spain, but the future looks bleak for most of their subjects in the years and decades to come, and already times are tight in most Brit-Eurapean lower-middle classes, so ya' nevaa nnoww!?!

Just this morning come reports of the biggest demonstrations Athens, Greece has seen, staged by striking workers demanding the 'socialist' government reduce the cuts they have implemented to cope with the nation's public-sector overspending in recent years, which contributed to the global financial crisis from 2008-on.

As the weather across Eurape is chilling at the moment, the elites are hoping it will thwart the Euro-Masses urges to get out and PROTEST. So we may not see an eruption of sympathy for the Arab Peoples within Eurape yet.

But as well, the brutality of centuries of ruthless misgovernment spreading out from Britain and Eurape has broken most people there and globally, to accept the bead-and-trinkets each government offers, along with the ridiculously bad laws of the land, and of how we might make our way through life.

This is in fact what lies behind the materialism of the age, because tyranny offers people bribes to keep them quiet, and bribes are exactly what retail products AND employment income are.

30-pieces-of-silver, in fact.

A Biblical metaphor, '30-pieces-of-silver', about those who were paid to betray the Prophet Jesus.

But I apply it to the mainstream's wanton betrayal of our Mother Earth!

Because, in pretty-much every job of work found in the modern industrialised, technocratic, free market, CRAPitalist world, the key is not 'production' nor 'construction', but 'destruction' of almost everything 'Natural'.

Everything this Magnificent Planet provides us and our fellow Earthlings.

All in the name of 'Progress'?

So changing any of this between now and March 2011 is a bit tall an order.

One cannot help but retain their disdain of the people of NSW and of Australia generally, after the maltreatment I personally have received from them over the last 20 or 30 years.

But..., 'hope' does keep deceiving us that there is a chance yet.

Having come to not trust anything from our mainstream media and their consorts in polling companies etc., nevertheless it's impossible to disregard the recent opinion poll info about the unpopularity of the NSW ALP, and of the expected victory by the Lib/Nats.

Almost everyone in NSW will celebrate the demise of the Rum Club, and thus highly likely, the destruction of the NSW ALP.

And it's as likely that many of them will not care who is elected, 'as long as it IS NOT the Sydney branch of the ALP!'

But replacing that bunch of dogs with another pack of wolves is a lose-lose for the vast majority of 'Welshers.

Both the ALP and the Liberal party have done everything possible to destroy any, more legitimate opposition over time.

The Australian Democrats, was slowly strangled by both major parties since it began in when? The 1970s?

Pauline Hanson was trawled by beasts from the darkest caverns of Australian and British corrupt legal experts' minds when she was seen to be more popular to Queenslanders than the offshore landowners and resource-thieves could dare allow.

The Greens have been battling to get around the intense barriers both sides of politics have thrown in their way, with the most recent collusion between the ALP and the Lib/Nats against the Greens in Victoria preventing the Greens from re-enacting their huge lift in popularity in the federal August 2010 election.

Ethics has nothing to do with either side of the offshore political spin.

Indeed, I recall then British PM, Tony Blair, stating, about a decade ago, that '….Ethics can no longer be considered, in British foreign policy....' (paraphrased)

Here, Egalitarianism, where everyone gets 'a fair go', is but a huge joke to the Lib/Nats.

And 'Justice'!

HA! (There is a distinctly Australian reason why, worldwide, a corrupt court is called a 'Kangaroo Court'. It's just a pity the name of a beautiful animal, the Kangaroo, has been applied to the lowest, indeed ugliest of Human failings. A corrupt judiciary!)

But of course, you'll never actually hear them say so, and we'll all go deaf listening to our right wing politicians make-out they are virtuous and upright, with only Australia's interests in mind.

Following these type of issues, I hear regular denigrations of the new force in Australian and possibly world politics - the Greens.

Being totally exiled, I cannot get to the hidden core of people's objection to the rise of the Greens, but am inclined to suspect that most Aussies do not like the imbalance of influence within the Greens, by the so-called 'Gay lobby'.

I agree. Such a force should not gain more power than is proportional to their representation in the citizenry, society and culture.

Also, I cannot agree with many of their 'beliefs', one being the testy issue around 'same-sex-marriage'.

But I do not agree with the western mainstream and religious approach to marriage nowadays either, nor that gays should not be allowed to exist, or not allowed to confirm their dedication to an intimate partnership through a formal, written agreement.

Indeed, my inquiries about the soundness of our culture in general, exposes huge failings, flaws and dangers to the whole group, today, to the planet, in this very same issue, of personal partnerships.

There is no doubt that the institute of husband/wife, heterosexual marriage has extremely poisonous seeds within it, which are mainly that, this model, spread across nations, acts more as a Communally-divisive instrument, than for the True, Pure, long-term Bliss of the married couples, or for the betterment of the Community-at-large.

It is extremely inefficient, when it comes to both personal economy and to the ability of the wider community, society and government to operate economically.

Indeed, it acts in the exact opposite of any group efficiency and thus security. The stereotypical western marriage is the smallest unit that can still be called 'a family', but worst-of-all, this minimalising the concept of family, also forces all 'families' into slavery to afford the stereotypical accoutrements to the over-marketed, average nuclear family suburban culture.

One fridge per house, one washing machine per house, one TV or 5 per house, super-sound entertainment system per house, one woman's kitchen per house, one car per adult per house, one or more garage per house to accommodate them.

The list goes on, and on, when huge savings can be made when a number of so-called 'nuclear families' combine their resources and housing needs, and share the possessions, thus the bills and general outgoings.

This unit size, spread across the world, is how the retail product manufacturers cream their profits from our employment efforts.

Added to these, are the horrendous effects upon the individuals' psychology when they are separated from the larger family and are raised in small 4-or-5-or-so-member households.

Indeed, I assert that the vast majority of psychological disorders and diseases in western nations have their beginnings in the deeply unwise layout of society, into partitioned little units called 'nuclear families'.

Indeed, indeed?! It may be right to suggest that the explosion of homosexuality out from the so-called 'liberated' western world, is but a direct result of extremely bad, pernicious and totally unwise land distribution laws which set the scene for global construction corporations and every greedy land speculator to relish flogging the smallest possible parcels of land, that the smallest possible group, which still attracts the label of 'a family', can attain and pretend to 'settle' upon! Until the 60% chance of an early divorce!

Divide and conquer, is what is beneath the current insanity we call the nuclear family home.

So, trying to understand the psychology of all the players in today's political debates, taking these deep, fundamentally economic issues into mind, while at the same time totally unaware of any 'queer revolution' which plans to wipe out heterosexuality altogether, as well as the idea that gays were promoted by the church schools, because the current dominant cultural 'one dad, one mum and 2.2 kids' paradigm of the male being the head of the house, was also known as extremely dangerous, mainly to women, and kids, thus to the future adult, and to the society the kids would eventually partake of.

Of course, in all social groups, there are extremists. Gays no less.

But this does not mean they are all incapable of Wise, Impartial, that-is, selfless thinking, in terms of what and how Proper Government should operate. (You know, some women can do it too!)

For a while I have felt that the general 'body' of 'gays', are very aware of the failings and dangers of the commercially-promoted mainstream social, hetero 'nuclear family' culture, and that perhaps better than most all other political parties, they have organised themselves to become a powerful and even Righteous force precisely so someone can take-on those deep and evil corruptions, such as our demonic, totally unDemocratic land distribution laws.

But, as said, I do not know if the general public's antipathy toward the Greens lies in their personal aversion to 'getting one up the political bum', as-it-were, by a rising gay lobby?

The 'Citizen's Electoral Council', the CEC, a private political organisation based in the USA, and led by the rather 'Outlaw-ish' but, to myself, very Credible Lyndon la Rouche, is vehemently against any Green rise to power, and states, possibly rightly, that the Greens are in fact a global conspiracy, built by the Brit-Eurapean aristocracy, with the most devious intentions of taking back all the land of the planet, so that the world's super-elites can stay where they are, at the top of the pile, and to effect their version of a global society and culture.

While I can't confirm the link, I think the 'New World Order', according to CEC and other conspiracy theorists, is at the heart of such a tyrannical global plan, which involves the megalomaniacally psychotic groups such as the 'Illuminati' and others who already brutally control many national military forces, media and economic policy-making decisions.

However, if this is so, then the Greens are in fact on the same whorey side as the two mainstream parties, in Australia, the ALP and the Liberal/National parties?

Therefore..., we're ALL fucked!

Therefore, if we're all for it, to me, what-with my regal indoctrination, the only choice a bloke has, is to take the most Honorable roll, and DEFY!

Err..., I meant to say, the only choice a bloke has, is to take the most Honorable roll of fighting to preserve as much as possible of the Natural world, seeing as the idiots with too much money, power and idle time are intent on destroying the very basis upon which all our, and other Earth-life forms live and prosper - that of the planet's environment.

Therefore, VOTE GREEN in New South Wales, March 2011!

In the last Victorian elections, the Lib/Nat Opposition, led by a descendant of the countries most unethical and perhaps most wealthy, land-grabbing family, the Bailleau dynasty of Toorak, gave their preferences to Labor, thus scuttling the expected landslide by the Greens This 'trick' I find highly questionable in it's rectitude?

But as those two main parties have the legal professions well in their pay and clubs, the chances of a proper inquiry and rectification of any loopholes which enabled the two majors to openly collude against a third democratic organisation, is slim.

Besides, as usual, any threat of the Greens challenging in court, Victoria's two-party questionable collusion last year, would be turned into a nice-little-earner for the obstructionist legal professionals, and made to outlast the Greens financially.

So there's little doubt that the ALP and their bedpals, the Lib/Nats in the NSW parliament, will deploy the same ignoble and to my mind totally unjust trick to keep such as a 'Land Reform' Party like the Greens out of power. But I am not saying the Greens are 'Land Reformers'.

I'm inclined to think that that blatant, overt rorting of the 2010 Victorian election is a fundamental constitutional issue, which means that our fancy, but meaningless national constitution needs an urgent update and perhaps a complete re-writing.

One thing Australians can be certain of, is that neither of the two mainstream political parties will go there in the near future, (same-same as with the 'Australian Republic' issue!) mainly because they are both welded to doing the bidding of the offshore British and Eurapean aristocracy and... and..., the northern landgrabbing religious cults of Judaism, Catholicism and Protestantism.

Again, my isolation stops me from getting the guff, but somewhere in Protestantism lives the dark world and minds of the Freemasons, who currently control all the world's land distribution networks and parliaments.

So, to my way of thinking, going Green is the only option, and, if the dogs in the two big parties manage to thwart the Greens in NSW, then the People have to get off their fat cells and PROTEST....! 'Til ALL of the pricks are run out of town!

Sadly, while there are a feisty few mobs of New South Welshers who have always been unafraid to burn down a pub, or a cop car, or start a riot over spilt beer etc, I fail to 'feel' any momentum growing in Australia, other than in my own little lunchbox, for a Popular Uprising.

And sadly, it seems that too few of them have done their thinking and maths and found that the whole 'leadership' game, ex-Christianity, is a major crock-of-shit, and is participant with the evil 'nuclear family' model in destroying Good Souls, Culture, Lands, Customs and Traditions everywhere.

But..., at the end of the day, while the utter utter utter bastards in Philip Street and MacQuarrie Streets Sydney, and their masters over in London, Oxford, and Eurape ignore my protestations and raw truths, and my demands for both a public apology and compensation for years of political and religious persecution, I look forward, no matter if it translates into another state-sponsored bashing of my aging body and psyche, to the utter destruction of the Sydney, New South Wales Labor party, albeit that I've been an avid supporter and lobbyist for the ALP for decades.


But 203 years of perverse land laws will get you that!

If Australia is to rise above our current debauched level of immorality, then we have no choice but to oust also, all our offshore covens and cults of foreign witch-priests, as represented by the Jewish and Christian religions.

Clearly they have failed the majority of Australians, who, due to the warped political antics of these cults, live in a more dangerous world than ever.

They indoctrinate all our politicians, all their offspring, all our lawyers, all their offspring, all the self-interested business elites and industry and media moguls, their offspring and all levels of corporate management, and their offspring.

While the cults have also brought out the gay in us, and many other things which on the surface appear magnanimous and for the Greater Good, the weight of evidence is unquestionably against their existence and their assumed right to indoctrinate people into working first for that cult, so really for themselves, against the overall Common Interest.

This an age of far more Scientific and Intelligent Inquiry and Management.

Like monarchs, of their myopic mythological 'old kings' models' for nations, the western religions are anachronistic and have long existed passed any useful purpose.

Indeed, it is painfully clear to the many millions who live with horrendous memories of maltreatment under the roofs of the church institutes et al, that today's western religions do far far more harm than good!

So, as said, a Popular Uprising in Australia seems destined to go with me to my grave as a dream, because I have no faith nor hope in our People.

And everyone can thank on our own soil, the NSW 'Rum Club' for my miserable state of affairs.

Thanks scum!

But thanks must also be sent to the Vatican, and their idiots in Eurape, Britain and here, for trying to fabricate the most dangerous ideology ever known - a Christian hero!

Somehow, I don't think that line is going to win me any whiteface friends?

Shit Happens, aye Tiny Habit?

On a different note, my diary tells me that in Indonesia and Malaysia, Muslims are celebrating today as the Prophet Muhammad's birthday.


'All Praise The Great Prophet Muhammed'!

All Praise Allah!

Blessed be Their Names!

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

Lastly, after a '5-bar' signal strength on my Telstra wireless broadband this morning, and on my mobile phone sitting right next to the laptop, the computer's internet signal has dropped to no service, while the mobile strength has not changed.

Surprise surprise!

But hey! I am living in Astrayliar!

I telephoned Telstra, but as usual, spent 21:47 minutes on the phone talking to a woman in the Philippines, and the line finally dropped out, but not until after their auto-voice asked 'satisfaction' questions about my complaint.

Tyranny, and not local!

Things are looking really grim for NSW's ALP this March....

Clearly, the insistence given by US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, just this morning, about the US administration supporting the internet and other means of communications, is but a hollow promise, and more than likely actually means the exact opposite.

No doubt, they, and every other tyranny on Earth is reeling in fear at the latest Popular Uprising in Egypt, and which shows signs of spreading fast enough for all and any powers-that-be to be impotent at stopping Global Democracy.

But, as they do, they'll wait, even centuries, for the People to become too comfortable, and then they will re-enact their despotism. But then, we can be certain, the powers-that-be will act more ruthlessly than ever.

It is not paranoia to expect that one day we will wake up to news that a major city, eastern or western, has been wiped-off the face of the Earth by a nuclear bomb.

Mrs Clinton, I do not think anyone can stop what is happening now in terms of growing 'technologically-powered Popular Revolutions'.

As I wrote in one of my last couple of blogposts, Wise leaders and Military go with the People rather than with the despots.

But I'm kept blind to the 'unknown unknowns'......

Thus far, the USA Administration has said it sides with the Egyptian, Tunisian, Bahrainian, Iranian, and now the Libyan People, as these revolts gather pace.

How far the USA is prepared to 'go with the People', depends totally upon the US relationship with first world despotic regimes? Regimes we know as 'monarchies'.

And the largest most powerful monarchies, of Britain and Eurape, exist inside nations which regard themselves as 'Democracies'? Yet another example of how twisted and unreal the world is. Because the two, 'monarchy' and 'democracy' are opposites. Therefore any nation supporting a monarch, like Britain, Holland, Spain, and many more, cannot be a Proper Democracy.

The exceptions are those where the monarchs are not upemselves ponses, disjointed from the People, and who are not owners of massive tracts of the nation's land, which they keep out of reach of their 'subjects', for their own personal profit.

That's not to say, however, that the two, monarchy and democracy, cannot co-exist.

But international pressure, from the fanatical land-grabbing royals of the 'north' usually, and from their corporate finance managers, forces the more Honorable Monarchs, of say, the Pacific Islands, Et Al, to become less than Noble, which always ends with the People paying for it.

One can only hope that one day soon, the world will wake-up to the fact that monarchs are but the last remnants of the ancient Enlightened 'Witch Kings'.

IN the very old days, the kings were regarded as gods, gifted with the power to cure any ailment. 'The King's touch'. This was a 'phase' where the People had lost their connections with the occult realms, and thus lost their ability to self-govern, and, to self-heal.

A sad state of affairs, brought down on the heads of the masses by the colonist campaigns ex-Rome over some 1500 years, which went hard at destroying the People's links with the Land, and with the Spirits and movements of the occult Realms, and was marketed - indeed capitalised upon - by the fraudulent 'Christian' religions, setting the scene for their false messiah to return, to be the 'king of kings', etc etc.

Now, in the 21st century, things are quite a bit different. The largest majority of People ever, know about the occult, and are no longer deceived by the elite's propaganda machinery to believe that monarchs are gods.

But whether the USA will remain '...on the side of the People' in these interesting times, depends totally upon the Mass of Humanity, and their getting off their fat-cells and PROTESTING on the streets of every nation on Earth.

So far, Military Commanders right across the Arab region, are expressing their support for the Revolutions, where clearly despotic rulers hold power. As the US Military has been involved with the Arab and other Middle-Eastern forces for decades, the test of tests will be whether the major military forces, like Britain's, America's, Germany's, China's, India's, Indonesia's Et Al Et Al, actually stand with the People, even against their own benefactors who currently hold the reins of power?

Then, there's Astrayliar? Who side are OUR Military on...?

What say you, Major-General Houston?

Is it time for a Global Democratic Republic?

Without it, we're all doomed!

Of course, there is a serious concern that this will all get out of order and out of the control, of anyone!? I reckon NO-ONE is game now, to stand forth and Assume any control or power. This leaves it up to the Military Commands to manage affairs. But of course, within them, there are their commanders. The Military forces of the planet are not 'democratic', and most all of their Commanders-in-chief are appointed according to the preferences of each nation's elites, and according to each Commander's ability to - lead?

So it would have to be an enormous shift in thinking, from the top all the way down, for any Military Force to re-structure itself so-as to not rely on an 'upper sanctum' of egalitarian, democratic commanders. Also, due to the inherent situations and conditions every military force has to constantly deal with and be 'on top of', 'Democratic leadership' by the People, or by the Troops, may simply not be a tenable option?

Indeed, my ruminations about an egalitarian planet cannot be verified as possible, and indeed Humanity may need a 'class' at least, of rulers?

I would prefer to believe otherwise, and that Humanity has grown beyond those generally oppressive institutions, by it's own self-awareness, attained to our own ability to manage our own lives, villages, regions and nations.

There is no evidence to seal our fate as 'subjects'. But there is more than enough evidence that the rulers have for centuries dumbed the Masses down, by removing from us all, the Proper Education we all Deserve, we all need, and have a Right to.

Were today's upheavals to spread beyond the Middle East and Africa, and become a Popular Global Uprising, someone will have to take the initiative, somewhere, to try to re-establish stability on national and local scales.

To avoid repeats of ruling despots, warlords and corporate tyrants, the whole of the species will have to HURRY and ORGANISE ourselves, such that we are all connected to local central commands, who are connected to the necessary regional commands, who, once more, are connected to a larger, higher 'Central Committee', or such.

But, as opposed to how things have been managed to now, where everyone is asked, or forced to become subservient to an upper elite, with the advents of all our techno-fabulousities, and of the spread of text and media over the last 500 (western) years, it IS within our ability and power to ORGANISE Locally, the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS WE NEED TO KNOW.

And, after all the advertising and marketing spin, this comes down to how we are allocated and manage the land.

Because for the larger part of 'recent history', the expanding western world, and it's monarchies, have relied upon FALSE data about how best to manage their dominions.

Today, we loosely call this 'economics', with attached labels like 'laissez faire', 'trickle-down economics', 'free market ideology', 'economic rationalism' etc etc etc.

But once all the mouthy campaigners for these unscientific ideologies have lost their teeth, the facts remain that 'economics' is not a loose collection of theories and opinions, but, in fact is an Evidence-based, Precise and FACTUAL Science.

A Science which can be explained, and easily disseminated to everyone, given that everyone is given what is their Right - an Honest Education.

Therefore, As I've been saying of late, it is not a 'Leader' we, or Humanity needs, but merely, the FACTS about how we interrelate, with other Human Beings, and with THE LAND.

This is found in the Highest Laws of Economics.

Therefore, rather than fret that no-one is standing up and assuming power, we are far more secure and assured of a less tumultuous future, if all of the 'New' Powers of our time, thus far in the world's Military Forces, but also there will rise some orders of civilian authority from the Masses, prepare for the immediate future by gathering and harnessing the ECONOMIC Lessons, which do not force us to believe that economics depends on such things as 'confidence' and consumption and demand, but on Intelligently Refer to the Science underpinning our relationship with - the Land.

If events go well in the latest political 'hot-spots', and spread further, to say, Italy, Greece, and other unsettled nations outside of the Africa-Mid-East-Eurape regions, where People don't just go sick, riot and destroy things like infrastructure, and essential items supply systems, then the Opportunity of all time awaits the whole of Humanity, if we can 'brain-up' on what's bottomline important, and calmly, with the assistance of the Military, institute the basic rules of Human/Land relationships.

How the ruling 'Princelings' of China, or the regimes of the likes of Indonesia react, I care not to guess.

However, I do think that they, these two particularly, are very Mature, and while they enjoy fabulous wealth above the vast majority of their Peoples, I think their Intelligent minds, and Wise Hearts, will Recognise that things do not, and cannot stay the same forever, and, that, with Wise Management, the Whole of the planet IS capable of lifting Humanity over the gloomy hurdles and predictions of calamity in the years/decades/centuries to come.

As to how the elites from Britain and Eurape react from here into the future, is anyone's guess?

Most of them stay well out of public sight now-days, aware that their time is short.

And most of them are totally sold on the way things are, if only because they've become drunk with too much power, and thus spoiled, simply cannot 'let go'.

And, behind their thrones, are legions of 'civil servants', addicted to the prestige, wealth and power they have climbed to expect minute to minute, who are employed to keep things for the elites, secure and 'steady-as-she-goes' off the edge of the world.

Uptil now, they have held a lot of power over the People, due mainly to their covert collusions with the industrial power-players, power-layers who maintain their prestige through a continual blackmailing of governments, and of any other parties or forces who climb to ladder of ambition, into such bastions.

But everywhere, what with the turmoil erupting climacticly, economically, socially, even geologically, and in rejection of standard laws, all these accepted halls of influence and power are being eroded, simply because the People are not anymore afraid of speaking up on the underlying issues which effect us all.

Righteous media, and technology, have made it impossible for governments, and more and more even for the most demonic corporations to hide their dangerous liaisons against the Common People.

So, where we will all be in terms of Good Government, in say six months, let alone ten years, will only be guided by how well the bulk of Humanity 'gets their shit together', and organise their local Councils of Wise Elders to manage the economy according to those Scientific Economic Laws.

Laws of Land Rent.

Unfortunately, I can't see anything near to this happening in oh-so-comfortable Astrayliar.

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &

Democratic ULURUBA Republic

apologies for any strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!