
On any Nuclear Sunday?


On any Nuclear Sunday?

For what it's worth, my thoughts go to the Japanese People, after the terrible events this week, and the devastation, yet only partially realised.

One of the critical concerns from the earthquake and tsunami, is the now unstable state of the Japanese nuclear power plant caught-up in the event.

Surely this and the breakdown within the plant, should set Eartha's anti-nuclear lobbyists and campaigners alight, sending them out onto the streets out-front of their parliaments demanding a total re-appraisal of all the world's government's 'nuclear policies'?

Without making unsubstantiatable assertions that we are indeed in 'interesting times', and that this includes an increase in earthquakes, the quake off Japan's east coast has to be regarded as worthy of concern, and thus, of adjustment to how Humanity approaches nuclear power.

Nuclear power has been promoted by the major corporate powers of the world, who are seriously addicted to profit-at-any-cost, thus disregard all of the longer-term or Local dangers.

Like the dysfunctional morons within such as the global corporate advertising and marketing industry, ever-eager to take 30-pieces-of-silver to promote anything - ANYTHING - for their own egocentric prestige and wealth, like that evil industry which has ignorantly promoted and protected the tobacco industry, and has promoted and protected the multinational petroil devil of an energy industry, lobbyists and marketers for nuclear power are, it would seem, programmed to ignore the hard facts about the level of danger nuclear power has inherent in it's existence. And DON'T mention the nuclear warheads!

There has to have been a very serious and huge failing in logical thinking for a nation so prone to earthquakes as Japan is, to have embraced nuclear power generation as it has.

Perhaps for their sceptics and opposer's, this event is proof that Japan made an huge mistake when it went nuclear, and that they have no choice but to shut the plants down forever?

But, like all first world nations, Japan is basically owned and run by 'the corporation', a 'mindless juggernaut of a machine' which does not compute Wisdom, nor Intelligence, only data specifically orientated around power, for the top echelon, and profit.

At whatever cost.

I guess now I've put it out to the ether, I'll hear something in coming weeks about the statistical evidence around the prevalence of earthquakes, and, whether or not there is a noticeable increase in their occurrence.

No doubt, somewhere on the internet there'll be conspiracy theorists writing that earthquakes are being caused by mankind's errant behaviour.

So, I'll do my thing, and start a few...!

After the earthquake that devastated the Caribbean Island nation of Haiti, I received an email from a 'contact de mysterious', purporting that in fact the Haiti earthquake was triggered by devilish scientists or the like in the USA. I forget how they are supposed to have caused it, but with the level of power to be found in the hidden arts and sciences, as have been explored and abused for decades in the USA, Eurape, Britain etc., I do not discount the possibility that my mystery emailer was privy to this secret info, information about actual-not-fictional manipulation of the earth's crust and of the more subtle 'cosmos' within and around our world.

So...? Whose side are the crust-shakers on? Humanity's? Grey aliens from Orion? Endangered Japanese and Caribbean monkeys? Catholic women? Perhaps they are just psycho white supremacists who deem 'end of days' are upon us, and that there are too many non-whites on THEIR planet, so it is their 'god-given duty' to reduce Humanity's population, by whatever means?

If such allegations have credence, that some megalomaniacs have access to superior yet subtle power, enough to shake-the-Shinto out of the earth's tectonic plates, then we can be pretty certain that the Illuminaughties have a hand in it.

After the so-called 'Boxing Day Tsunami' which wrought destruction and a huge death toll around the fringes of the Bay of Bengal in (?) 2004, 5, 6 (?), for reasons I can't now recall, I was convinced that that undersea earthquake off the western-most Indonesian province of Aceh was , as I said to mother, 'not a natural event'.

Knowing something less than I do now about the hidden powers of life, I was still able to cobble together a sense that subterfuge was at play in that region, and that there was some crooked connection between the 'Boxing Day Tsunami', and forces antagonistic to Islam, seeing as large numbers of the people who lived around the Bay of Bengal were/are Islamic.

But, if there's any credence to this theory, it's more than likely that whichever nasty power caused that destruction in coastal central Asia, they were extreme racists, and while as likely, they sent that shock wave around the Bay to shoot down the confidence of Islam, they were as well out to reduce the numbers of non-whites.

Again, this from here, is most all theoretical hypothesis.

If it has merit, then we are in serious shit, it would seem?

On the 'up side' if we minuscule post-modern monkeys really do have any claim to being in fact 'Man the Wise', then we really have to get off our comfortable and relaxed fatcells and shout-down the pro-nuclear agencies out front of our parliaments.

But, as I've advocated over recent months, particularly during the news reporting of WikiLeaks and the legal (aHUM! the ILlegal...) travails of Julian Assange, who published documents from the US military files on Iraq and Afghanistan, when I wrote about the misstep of targeting the US Military, the emphasis of any reinvigorated anti-nuclear PROTESTS, post the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, should be directed at all and any corporate industries which support and/or advocate, and which lobby governments, promoting nuclear power, and of course nuclear weapons.

(However, I don't say that WikiLeaks was wrong, at the time, to focus on and expose the US Military's activities in Iraq and Afghanistan. More, that further leaking should be from within the devilish corporations and industries which set-the-scenes, promote and finance such military operations, etc.)

And, as these things might rightly be regarded as reaching 'CRITICAL' classification, in terms of future threats to environment and to life on Earth, whomever gets off their 'nuclear-family-home' fatcells, and joins the anti-nuclear lobby, has also to take the issue to everyone who is employed in that industry, from of course, corporate CEOs, all the way down the mine to the miners, truckers, railmen, office workers and even their families.

Of course, I don't mean any violent targeting, being the peaceful-and-sweet puppet I am.

But surely Local Committees can be formed wherever nuclear fuel mining or processing occurs, advised by the already established and more-fully informed anti-nuclear lobby groups. Groups which exist in most nations.

A teensy-weeny bit of irony exists here, in that a few decades ago, I worked, for a very brief period, at one of Australia's uranium mines, 'Roxby Downs', or 'Olympic Dam' in outback South Australia.

A great job, as an 'offsider' on an exploratory drilling rig with WL Sides and Son. I failed to meet the 'Standards of Grunt' necessary for the hard lifestyle, and was rejected. Hohum...!

But it was an experience worth having....

I mention this other failing (...of the innumerable...) in my pathetic life because there were blokes, and sheilas out there, who were, well, firstly, rough-as-guts, or 'bloody tough'.  But underneath most of that, they were 'Salt-of-the-Earth' People, who were physically and mentally strong enough to handle the work and the harsh desert conditions, and, like members of any Credible 'Club' would stand by their mates if 'push-came-to-shove'.

Needless to say, while I wasn't there to witness any, fights were the pastime when away drinking in Andamooka, the nearest opal mining town.

'Live, interactive entertainment!'

Where's this going?

These people have usually been hammered verbally by anti-nuclear, and anti-mining groups, for taking the money for doing so much damage to our precious planet. And in passed years, I've tended to feel the same antipathy toward this type, even after working with them here and there.

But, when it's all boiled down, they are really only trying to make a buck.

So it's all very well for the upper class 'Greenies' to denigrate the working classes who have few choices for earning an honest dollar than hard manual labour, when there's a clear 'disconnect' between the two groups, and thus a failing to see the larger picture in which we are all 'framed'.

So, if any resurgent anti-nuclear lobby explodes back onto the scene, the global scene, post March 11, 2011 Japan, (aHAH! Another set of numbers around which to deepen theories of 'the conspiracy!' Indeed! Beware, the ides of March!?!?!) let it be more considerate of those who for whatever reason work in the nasty nuclear and allied industries?

Surely, it would be incumbent upon the anti-nuclear lobby to do whatever they can to assist such employees to find work in other, less damaging and less dangerous industries?

Offering them some form of education, or, retraining, so they can move from mining, or from trucking of the ore, or heavy machinery work, would seem to be a sensible move.

But, if any anti-nuclear lobby group is serious and hopes to effectively win support, especially from say, whichever Unions cover the workers rights etc., every effort should be focused on helping the nuclear industry workers and their families, to re-focus their lives away from the heartless juggernaut, and into say, the increasingly accepted 'Green energy' industries?

Further still to such suggestions, I reckon that these types of attempts have to consider the 'whole of life scenarios' of the workers, their families, and their class(es), by doing whatever is necessary to ensure that the working class people involved, caught in environmentally-untenable fields of work, can find and afford secure housing, education, health and leisure, etc., for the whole family, which really has also to extend to their larger Community, as tend to form around or from one or a few similar industries.

A BIG Call, yeah!

But what's it worth?

A safer, Greener, longer-lasting world, for all classes?

A Challenge, to the Green Knobs in the world's parliaments, to-be-sure!

Indeed, not to be underestimated, a Challenge to all of Humanity, from here forward.

As might appear on back of my ute..... ....therefore.... PROTEST!”

Once more, my heart goes out to those effected in Japan, of these last few days!

Not that it is any consolation, but most all of Humanity are also effected by your tragedy, and probably most of us, who have heard about the quake and tsunami, share your pain, as they say.

This event might be a 'wake-up call' to all of us, that we are not safe and sound on this planet, and that rather than allowing ourselves to become sheltered softcocks, surrounded by superficial, unsatisfying material junk, brought upon us by the demons of CRAPitalism, we do live in a harsh, unpredictable and dangerous world, so we all have to toughen-up, and let go of those unsubstantiable delusions of finding happiness in excess materialism and over-consumption. Or in nice beachside suburbs with exquisite ocean views?

Going by the science suggesting that the whole planet may have to deal with sea-level rises off upto seven metres in the coming decades, governments and local councils globally, have a responsibility to configure future scenarios which cover such possibilities, if not probabilities.

As with the carnage in New Zealand's south island city of Christchurch, whole communities have surely to reassess where they are located, and, after such shattering events, it is surely Wise to weigh-up whether the likes of Christchurch should be rebuilt where it is, and, whether there has to be a fundamental re-evaluation of establishing communities in - flood effected regions - earthquake-prone regions - coastal areas susceptible to tsunamis, sea level rise, etc etc etc.

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!