
Libya - Two Wars! Just Two?

Yesserday I read the above titled article on the Green Left Weekly website, then wrote my thoughts on the current 'Libya crisis', which was posted during the night I guess.

And here 'tiz..., but I recommend you click on the top GLW title and read Art Young's article first....,


two wars, just two?

Submitted by Anonymous (that's mememe!) on Fri, 29/04/2011 - 8:07pm.

Fair article, Art.

From day one this type of scenario was obvious to myself, and then begged the question of whether in fact, Colonel Gaddafi remains the more Righteous "Revolutionary" in Libya, as I believed he was/is. 

However, I do not assume that he remains a stable personality. "Power corrupts... etc." (Forgive me, Colonel!)

Intervention by NATO et al, is clearly 'imperialism' as you say.

I say, but a renewed whiteface re-colonization of Africa - Libya for the oil, and further sou-west, Ivory Coast for the chocy. Etcetera!

(One report - http://www.leap2020.eu/GEAB-N-54-is-available-Global-systemic-crisis-Aut... - suggests that the US economy will implode in the northern autumn 2011. How then, can Eurape not befall the same fate? Caused, obvious to some, by our white, western, excessive over-consumption on delusionary scales of grandeur, which cannot but infect, effect and collapse all 'modern' socio-economies?)

The Libyan 'Rebels', undoubtedly want more western lifestyles and accoutrements. But they cannot be condemned for doing what they are doing.

I have no idea of how 'life' is anywhere in Africa, but I am sure that any suffering is caused by the 'imperialist north', aka Eurape and Britain.

The lost Hebrew tribes of Dan and branch-office Christians and Freemasons stole the African Bliss, exactly as they did in Astrayliar (Australia), in the Americas, in Asia, etc etc! (and WHAT ABOUT THE FISH-BLISS, when they/we over-fished the oceans?)

So it is a confused situation in Libya, and perhaps, in their hearts, many of the so-called 'Rebels' have conflicting thoughts on the affair, and on which side they should be on?

Without doubt, should they allow the NATO et al forces to give them 'victory', years-on, they may regret the side they 'chose', especially if it grows to being a foreign-troops-on-the-ground situation. Iraq 2003-on, to today, revisited!

Then, too late, they will realise that the NATO forces and their corporate CEOs, a la Sarkozi, Berlesconi, Cameron, Merckel, the Pope, et al, ie., 'Babylon' etc., are not their allies, but ruthless (corporate) dictators who specialise in buying-off 3rd world, resource-rich national dissidents to being supporters, by the old, old '30 pieces of silver' method.

The method by which everyone who acquiesces to the system of CRAPitalism when they take a paid job in the 'free-market' workforce, betrays the larger, underlying now-global environment, unto Her doom.

But, that's the way it has become, thanks to Zionism, Rome and pyshoes-incorporated from the whiteface world of memememe.
Should therefore (were they to see this anomaly in their stance), the 'Rebels' change course and side with Gaddafi?

Of course! But can Gaddafi, and his bastion forgive the 'Rebels' and take them under his Military wings? And is/are he, or his sons, fit to re-engage in an Holy war against the white INFIDELS!, with enough 'cred' amongst the 'Rebels' and amongst the rest of Africa and Arabia and Islam to 'shout-them-down', to avoid Armageddon?

If something as outrageous as this should occur, is north Africa and the rest of the 'Black Continent" going to join the anti-imperialist Fight?

Surely opening a Pandora's Box, of two continent's and more, at war?

As the Eurapeans and Brit's are essentially nasty, brutal and mindless Zionists (on ALL sides of the pseudo-political divide), ("Forgive them Lord, for they know not that they are HYPNOTIZED IDIOTS!") Israel, and her trad enemies, aka Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, ISLAM, Et Al, Et Al, would be obliged to jump in, boots, Katooshkas, nukes and all.


Not a pretty pictorial!

Great vid-footage for Zion's CNN and Poxtel News, however!


What does a Revolutionary DO?

"Group-UP!" GLOBAL! Based, singularly, on Land Reform, aka 

"Land Rent for Government Revenue".


What thinketh yee, Vladimir Putin? Kim Il Sun? Nippon?
Bang-Bang? G. Adams? Chavez? Kahzi? Singh? Et Al? Et Al? and an Et Al? Et Al?

Our Choice! A Just planet! Or.., the Apocalypse!

Simple! No?

And what of that young couple now treading the isle in Westminster Abbey?


That's what I posted on the GLW website. 

This morning, after NOT watching the royal wedding, and finding it impossible to not be hit with someone's comments about the grand affair on radio or mobile TV, I am well-and-truly over any antipathy to the British royals, because I now know that my stance has been generated by an absolutely insane and incapable bunch of occultist Catholics, still doing the worst things on earth to get back the English-thus-ergo-British throne they lost, by default, after Henry the eighth and Elizabeth the first, etc, some 300 years ago.

I guess I have to say what I thought this morn', that QE2 is a sincere Woman, as Prince Charles and the other family members are, and that after 300 years, it's a bit of a psychotic-stretch to lay claim, by all and any filthy means, to that throne, by the descendants of the Tudor Kings.

(AND..!?  What condition was Britain in while the Catholic Tudors held the reigns???  Of a certainty, the Catholics did their damnedest to kill-off all-and-any LOCAL Balance and Wisdom over the 1,000-plus years they 'ruled' in Britain! All the more reason to cry foul and shout "SHAME ON YOU ROME!")

And forgive me, Republicans and Democrats, which I still am, but Prince Willie does look 'spiffing' all regaliared-up in his wedding dress, doesn't he?

However, there is not one Sound Reason on Earth why he/they should continue to lay claim to Australia as part of their Kingdom.

Were things, from here into the future, showing any sign of being salvageable, cases may well be put for some change to the British political/regal structures.

And all Reason suggests clearly that the current monarchic models are totally unsustainable, as we lurch forward one step, then are pushed two steps back by corporate tyranny, as-often influenced by such elites, to/from a Greener Planet and future.

And were the two newly-weds more than superficially cognizant of this/these impending crises, and were genuine in their concern about doing something to lessen the impact of our white, western HEAVY FOOTPRINT, they would work toward, at least, reducing their lifestyle opulence.

Because, it is beyond question, while most mainstream idiots are so dumbed-down as to be ignorant of this FACT, that the over-consuming, over-aspirational mainstream idiots, from all classes, in all nations on Earth, aspire to and behave so opulently because they are trying to emulate the lives of the excessively wealthy - kings and queens of the world.

I think QE2, her siblings, kids and even her grandkids would be aware of these kind of facts, but, as much impotent, and under the worst, yet most powerful 'peer-pressure', cannot effect the corrections the planet so desperately needs, where we all live within our means. Sure, a few dignitaries aside.

So, let the royals of Britain slosh about in their BRITISH Kingdom, and may they earn and enjoy their spoils LOCALLY, and let the rest of the world, go about what most of us well recognise as FUNDAMENTAL if we are to leave the future any Honorable, Wise and Intelligent Legacy.

The same applies to the psychotic forces of Britain and NATO, and of course to the Zionist USA pentagonal powerbanks, in regard to making the soils fertile, in this post - Libya and those uprising nations - for the Libyans and Arabs, Islamists and Africans Et Al, to solve the OFFSHORE-fabricated chaos.

Obvious to all by now, I more than infer, through GLOBAL LAND REFORM.

As an e-ssay of last month on this bloghole titled “Scenario - global disaster pending” addressed, it is a one-world scenario nowdays 21C, and all cultures, classes and skin-shades have the stuff we need to bring back the Balance - globally.

Big motors GLOBAL Incorporated”, are pressured by Zionism to sit back and await the Zion-fabricated messiah.

The ideation of those (Zionic) psychos, is for a global king, to lord-it over even the British monarchy, and bring us all back to our senses.

Anyone who spends their life, through subtle covert pressure or through a sincere search for Wisdom Etc., finding the actual, Correct, Truthful Answers to our generic, genetic, and general global woe, would know that, yes we should allow for such phenomena as Kings and Queens, both as role models, and as - er..., “media” between this three-dimensional world on Earth, and with the Higher Realms, but that we ALL, are here to attain to our Highest Common Calling, of awakening our own Intellects, thus attaining the Wisdom, to Know how we are to live on Earth, in such a way that we are all released from oppression and from insatiable, unexplainable desire, and can find, easily and naturally - two synonymous words really - our own, Spiritual Bliss.

Not such that we are aloof to others and to the rest of life on Earth and above, but that we know Intuitively, Intelligently, how to be Happy in The Bliss, without deliberately ignoring any anomalies such as living in a way which does harm to others, as everyone else goes about their own journey.

Clearly, huge numbers would laugh at such suggestions, and cynically carry-on as before, which is why we need armies, and role models to remind us of how we have to live, and to live TOGETHER.

And, this is why we need things like covert, civilian armies of Warriors, as referred-to in “Scenario - global disaster pending” -who fearlessly, and Honorably fire-up their 'Big Motors', when the need arises, and know that heads-or-beliefs, must-be-bashed here-and-there.

And clearly, today, while the regal newly-weds are thus occupied, and their hierarchies cannot get down to the SERIOUS business of making things Right, Big Motors will roar, until the aloof and over-confident get-off-the-grass, and get down to earth.

So - getting back to Libya Et Al, the 'Libyan Royals' of Gaddafi and family, also have their work to do, of enabling a peaceful re-arrangement of their nation's Priorities. I say, by making peace, or at least a Truce with the Libyan Rebels, and Honorably discuss the path forward, such that the northern imperialists are not given a means to get the Libyan oil, at least without paying what they should to the Libyan People.

But clearly, the Libyan People, meaning The Rebels, like the rest of the world's People, have to come-up-to-speed on the bottomline issues of western-generated over-consumption, and of how they and the rest of us can establish and secure much, much Greener economies, cultures and ways of making things work.

Fighting amongst each other, as Rebels or Loyalists, is not how to do that, and is exactly how the resource-addicted imperialist north wants you to fight.





As long as any of us persist with these stupid ways, tactics and beliefs, the further away we all wander from any REALProsperity and Happiness.

The same applies to the psychoes underneath Israel's power-mongering, and Britain's, Eurape's, America's, the Vatican's and anywhere we choose to look today, it seems to me.

That it is this way everywhere, where these delusions about global kings, global government, global power are fabricated and ooze from, is exactly why any Wise Man would have nothing to do with any of them, and, indeed, he, or she, imbued with Wisdom and Rectitude, would as well be imbued with great power, enough to destroy huge swathes of this world, would be forced to consider employing such massive power, albeit that they also see the dangers in doing so.

I've asked myself over the years, about how the hyper-wealthy lords of 18th century Britain would've thought, as they pondered their expansionist ploys.

Obviously the riches and advances they achieved, have never come for free, and thus, always one in such a position must be awake enough to ask “at what cost?”

From the current estimates and reports, about how badly the planet is expected to react to our plunder and over-consumption of everything, the cost will be excessive.

Therefore, has it all been worth it?

Because of the level of idiocy and fast-spreading ignorance, fostered by corporate and kingly psychos anonymous incorporated, no, it has not been either necessary, nor worth it.

Therefore, it may well be the best thing to accelerate the Apocalypse........

Heavy is the head, that wears the Crown!”

Can the expected next monarch of the world's most powerful, and as well most greedy, most psychotic nation, carry the responsibility, and thus, call-off-the-dogs who are now bombing the crap out of Libya, (Palestine) and other parts?

If he does not.........?

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!